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Where Dead Men Meet
Mark Mills | 2016
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originality is key. In this regard, Where Dead Men Meet by Mark Mills is so predictable that you already know the outcome from the first page. Kidnapped at a young age and taken to another country, Luke Hamilton grows up believing that his family is dead. After Sister Agnes, a key character in Luke’s life, turns up dead, Luke quickly finds himself caught up in a situation that spins out of control. His very existence is unfinished business to the Karaman brothers, a pair of crime lords whose reach is impossibly long. Brushing close with death, Luke Hamilton soon flees across several countries. Along the way, he meets Pippi. Can he trust her?

Well, the answer there is clear as day, but I’ll leave it at that. There’s nothing original about the plot in this book. Absolutely nothing, which makes it a rather dull read for me. Luke Hamilton is a misfit. An orphan of a wealthy family, too. What should be a major plot twist in Where Dead Men Meet becomes obvious before its actual reveal, too. This is a serious no-go for me. If I’ve read it once, I don’t want to read it again. If I’ve watched it once, I don’t typically want to read it again either.

The characters are alright. Luke Hamilton seems a bit soft, Pippi is roguish, and the others, which are largely minor in comparison, are fairly standard in their actions. I never felt any connection to any of them. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, then you know that my emotional connection to a character is a must.

Despite these major flaws, Mark Mills can write. Though I don’t care much for Where Dead Men Meet‘s plot, Mills’s style of writing is nice. I haven’t had the opportunity to read more of his work, but, provided it is more original in its concept, I’d definitely give it a try. This book is probably better suited to readers that prefer more cinematic thrillers.

I would like to thank the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy via NetGalley for unbiased review.
In this Gold Country Cowboys novel, Jack Thorn gets a surprise call from the woman he married in secret years ago. Shannon Livingston needs his protection for herself and the baby she’s hiding from a biker gang targeting the mother. Now Jack must help Shannon, even if shielding her means pretending to be a true husband to the only woman he’s ever loved.

My Thoughts: It's difficult enough being an ER doctor, but when your patient happens to be part of the most notorious biker gangs, you have to have nerves of steel. That's what Shannon Livingston was made of. That's how her past shaped her... to be the best no matter what or at what cost.

This novel will take you on a roller coaster ride, it's full of suspense, mystery and with cowboys, lots of shooting! The plot of this story is fantastic. Who would have thought cowboys and biker gangs? It works so well and keeps the reader guessing with all the turns and twists in the plot.

The reader will fall in love with the Thorn family, not to mention the Thorn brothers, but then who can resist a cowboy?

As I was reading, I was getting annoyed with Shannon, when she was putting her career ahead of her marriage and denying her feelings for her husband. Who doesn't want to be loved by someone like Jake Thorn? Why does she keep holding back? Why couldn't she compromise?

The author is an excellent writer and she brings you into the story; the reader truly feels like they are a part of the Thorn family. The reader can feel the suspense and action that is happening.

What I took away from this novel is the theme of God's love; His love for us, and how we should love others. It's about putting our full faith in Him and letting Him direct our paths. Not taking each hurt we have, holding on to it, but giving everything to God and letting go. That means letting the past be in the past and moving on to the future. It means forgiving.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and I look forward to reading more from Dana Mentink.
The Book Thief
The Book Thief
Markus Zusak | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (129 Ratings)
Book Rating
Liesel Meminger is 9 years old and it is 1939. Her mother is taking her and her brother to live with another family where they will be safe. Unfortunately, the brother doesn't make it. Liesel takes only two things with her to her new home; the memory of her brother and her first stolen book, The Gravediggers Handbook.

When Liesel arrives on Himmel street in Molching, Germany, she is greeted by Rosa and Hans Hubermann. They welcome her into their home and she immediately is to call them Mama and Papa. Even though Liesel is illiterate, Hans works with her every night when she is awakened with nightmares of her brothers death. They retreat to the basement to do their reading.

For 5 years, Liesel lives on Himmel street during one of the most treacherous times in Germany. She makes friends and enemies along the way and steals 5 more books.

First I would like to thank Victoria Doughertyfor recommending this book to me. I have always been a fan of historical fiction and this book did not disappoint in any way, shape or form. I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I could see myself on Himmel Street with Liesel. I could see what she could see and I could feel the torment she went through. I thank God every time I finish a book like this because I live in a place and a time where these things aren't a constant worry for me. I don't have to have my possessions packed and ready to go when I raid sirens going off. I don't even hear raid sirens. This is a book everyone needs to read if they haven't.

Another thing I found very interesting in this book was that it was narrated by death. If that's not enough to make you want to read this...One of my favorite passages in the book is this "Here is a small fact...You are going to die." Simple but true. One day we all will die. I hope and pray it is not in the way that the multitudes of people died in this book, but I know that one day it will happen.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Avengers: Endgame (2019) in Movies

May 14, 2019 (Updated May 14, 2019)  
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
A truly incredible end to the MCU Infinity Saga

Avengers: Endgame is finally here after the shocking events of Infinity War.

First and foremost, a huge amount of respect is owed to the Russo brothers for managing to juggle so many characters across these two films (and Civil War) to a hugely satisfying degree.

But with a smaller cast to manage this time around, this is a film that is able to focus more on the original six Avengers from 2012.

The majority of the film is quite dialogue heavy, as the film focuses on a fun time travel plot, that takes us through a nostalgia filled trip through some of the past MCU films, filled with cameos galore.
The usual mix of thrilling set pieces, emotional beats (that scene set in 1970?), and comedy land just as well as they always have done, with Paul Rudd and Chris Hemsworth delivering most of the humour.

Robert Downey Jr and Scarlett Johansson shine as Tony Stark and Black Widow, as they always do, and I also enjoyed the amount of time they spent with characters like Hawkeye and Nebula, characters who would usually be considered secondary.

A concern I had going in was that they might use the recently added Captain Marvel, but thankfully isn't the case. She is used sparingly, and therefore effectively.

The only real gripe I have with Endgame, is that Thanos is forced more into a backseat role, after his incredible character arc throughout Infinity War, but is understandable, as mentioned above, this film is all about the original 6, and that's where the main focus lies. Saying that though, I did feel pretty unsatisfied with how they concluded the story arc for Black Widow...

As the movie approaches the inevitable big showdown, the ensuing battle is nothing short of thrilling, a pure scene of unobstructed comic book joy, that will have any Marvel fan trying not to shout at the screen.

All in all, it's a phenomenal ending to this chapter of the MCU, and I can't wait for what comes next (especially now that Marvel Studios have the Fox properties back)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
2003 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
The car chase scene saved it
I remember when the Matrix Reloaded was released in 2003. The hype train could not have been going any faster and full throttle. The fact that both parts 2 and 3 were filmed back to back and released the same year meant Warner Brothers was betting the farm that the movies would be huge successes and may continue to build a historic franchise for them.

The story continues kind of where the first truly exceptional groundbreaking first film leaves off; however, the tone is much different. I didn't think very much interesting exposition even occurs. The heroes and villains are pretty much the same as the first film. There is some strange Zion dance sequence where you get to see too many nipples and the story is kind of confusing and hard to follow.

When they started talking about the keymaster and gatekeeper, I started thinking of Ghostbusters and kind of laughed about it. They meet some French guy, his girlfriend some some weird twins with white dreadlocks who turn to ghosts whenever they are threatened.

And then comes the highway chase scene...

One of the great film car chases, the sequence goes on forever it seems (like over 30 minutes) and took months to film I had read. Having not seen the film in a while, I was drawn to the edge of my seat as some of the nuances were fresh to me as some of the details faded over time.

I had always thought one of the most the interesting parts of the original film, other than the groundbreaking special effects, was more cerebral meaning we are all sitting in these globules hooked up to the master machine looking like some sort of Borg creature powering the enemy Matrix while drowning in our dreams.

This movie takes a different direction and becomes more of an interesting sci fi drama with one killer car chase scene. The Smith battle at the end I felt was too forced and processed to be epic or interesting.

To be continued... in the Matrix Revolutions

Dean (6925 KP) Jun 3, 2019

You seem to rated this twice?

Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
2004 | Action, Comedy, Drama
That moment when all the ingredients that should have made Cordon Bleu curdle and, instead, turn to liquid shit...
Contains spoilers, click to show
The follow up to the remake of 'Oceans Eleven' this is one of the best examples of Hollywood producers not knowing when to leave well enough alone, and trying to cash in on the success of an earlier film with trite rubbish.

It has all the technical quirks of the first that gave that film it's 'feel' but this is the proof that making a good film is like making a good quiche - you can have all the right ingredients but if you don't do it properly you just end up with a plate full of sludge.

It also helps to have a plot. What passes for the plot in this film is so absurd that it can't sustain a film even as lightweight as this.

Don Cheadle is still speaking his rather quaint Dick-Van-Dykelish, and the two brothers are still squabbling, but the other characters all seem to have undergone a peculiar metamorphosis. They appear to have been written by someone lacking descriptive skill, who has drawn clumsily on second-hand clichés. Damon has become the weak-kneed, over-eager social conscience of the group; Gould has become bland; the Chinese acrobat still can't speak English but everyone else can understand him. Worst of all, Andy Garcia who was so wonderfully, and chillingly menacing in the first has become a joke of a bad-guy: a cane-carrying renaissance man who can tinkle the ivories, speak fluent Chinese and illogically doesn't kill the Eleven when finds them - because a total stranger asked him not to. They are no longer characters but caricatures.

Then there's Catherine Zeta-Jones. She plays the beautiful (naturally) daughter-of-a-thief cop who specialises in 'master thieves', and has previously been involved with Pitt's character [yawwwwwn]....

You would have thought it would be impossible for a cast like this to make something so dire. Apparently it isn't.

Tediously predictable ending.

What a waste of time, money, effort and people.
Separate Lives
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It all begins when Susie sees the text on Alex's phone: "Start living a different kind of life ...P :-) xxx." Convinced he's having an affair, Susie sets off on her own trajectory that threatens their partnership of ten years and their life with their two children. And Alex? Is he completely innocent in all of this? And what about the mysterious P?

This novel is told from the alternating point of view of Susie, Alex, and Pippa. Susie's pieces come via standard narrative, Alex's mainly through email exchanges with his brothers and sister, and Pippa via emails to her sister. While this starts off as sort of enjoyable and different, it can grow old quickly (though the email format moved quickly at least). For instance, Pippa and Susie have a way of veering off into tangents about their past, which drove me absolutely insane. These summaries seemed not at all relevant to the book (what they wore and read at seventeen!) and dragged the narrative down and the story on forever.

Meanwhile, the novel sounds interesting in its premise: a group of characters brought together by a potential technological misunderstanding. It's certainly why I selected it as an ARC. The problem is that none of the characters are remotely redeemable or likeable. While a book that revolves around infidelity may not always have the most personable of characters, you can usually find some humanity them. This group: I just could not find any reason to root for them. I would find an occasional glimpse in Susie or Pippa, but overall, they all annoyed me with their whining and life choices, and I felt sorry for their children! Add to that a plot filled with a variety of twists and turns that would be better off in a soap opera or Lifetime movie (surprise pregnancies! love affairs with a spouse's siblings!), and my frustration level reached its peak. Again, there were moments I liked, but overall I just didn't find a lot of humor or enjoyment in this novel. 2.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 12/06/2016
Touched by Death
Touched by Death
T.L. Martin | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Touched by Death is a simply amazing book that you have to read. There you go, review finished. I've said all that needs to be said. What? You want more details? *sigh* okay, here we go:

The story starts with Lou leaving all she knows behind - her home, her ex-boyfriend, everything. Why? Her grams has just died and she feels lost. She doesn't know what to do, so makes a decision to head to a place from her grams past where she may find a future. However a storm has a different idea, and Lou ends up going over a bridge into a lake. She doesn't die, is saved, but strange things begin to happen from that moment on.

And that is as much of the story as I am prepared to give away. You have the synopsis already anyway. What I can tell you is that Lou's 'journey' (and yes, I'm loathe to use that word) is astounding. The things she learns, the dreams she has, her general attitude, it all sticks with you. You are drawn into Lou's world, hoping against hope that she will get her HEA. The description of the broken heart about did me in, and that's the truth. Read it, find the quote, and tell me that you disagree. I dare you! I double dog-dare you!

It all ties in so perfectly, I can't honestly think of any way in which this story could be improved. The brothers, grams, Lou, Mr Blackwood, it's all here - and it's brilliant. There were no errors of any description, editing or grammatical, that disrupted my reading flow. However, in the case of being 100% accurate, I couldn't honestly say I would have noticed even if there were any. I was so completely engrossed in the story. Absolutely magnificent. Fantastic job by the author. Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Midge (525 KP) rated SEAL's Homecoming in Books

Jan 31, 2019 (Updated Jan 31, 2019)  
SEAL's Homecoming
SEAL's Homecoming
Leslie North | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hot romance (2 more)
Great lead characters
Action and suspense
A Delightful, Sexy Must Read!
I absolutely adored this wonderful, hot, little romance from the very beginning.

Chance McCallister is a Navy SEAL with dark brown eyes a perfectly honed body and likes sprucing up classic cars. He and his brothers have returned to their home town of Springwell, Georgia for their father’s funeral. Chance buys the car parts from the garage that his ex-girlfriend owns, who he is trying to avoid and hasn’t seen for twelve years. No problem, unless things start to get complicated....

Enter Mandy Loomis, a stunning, petite, curvy, russet-haired beauty, to whom he lost his virginity and who he thought he’d marry until she ripped out his heart just before he left for the Navy. Mandy’s gambler father died two years ago, leaving her the garage family business and a whole load of related debt, owed to a loan shark.
To Mandy, Chance was her childhood sweetheart who abandoned her 12 years ago. Then he was 18 years old, now she is drowning in lust for him and he is bigger, stronger and even sexier, with an aura of danger and a reputation of fighter and predator. Just as the two are beginning to realize they could have a future together, the loan shark starts to make some serious trouble for them, putting both their love and their lives in danger.

Although Chance has a bad-boy image, I loved the sexy chemistry between him and Mandy whenever they were together and they were both very likeable characters. Mandy is bright, ambitious, fiercely independent and very much knows her own mind. Chance is gorgeous and his actions are always carried out with good intentions.

"SEAL’s Homecoming" is a short fast-paced read with lots of action, some suspense and plenty of lust and love. Leslie North has written another brilliant story that was sweet and captivating to the end and loads of fun to read.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone.

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author, Leslie North, for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Happy Family in Books

Oct 29, 2019  
Happy Family
James Ellis | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One to look out for next year!
Happy Family is set in the near future, where people game via glasses and one augmented reality game in particular is very popular: Happy Family. This game was invented by Tom Hannah, also an artist, who has hidden himself away with his suicidal thoughts in Spain in the middle of nowhere, after the death of his mother. Germaine Kiecke, an art academic, is a huge fan of Tom’s and wants to interview him for her new book. But Tom is guarded by a strange girl and three huge dogs who are named after the Marx brothers. Germaine has had a traumatic upbringing as an orphan in Belgium in a notorious orphanage called ‘Motherhood’. Thus she finds it impossible to express her feelings except through Tom’s game Happy Family. So when she finds out that something threatens this game for her and millions of others, she’s forced to take a look at how she lives her life.

Germaine was a difficult character to get an understanding of, but I think in view of her childhood that was reasonable. The other characters who also relied on Tom Hannah in some way were actually very amusing - whether they were supposed to be or not, I don’t know, but towards the end of the novel, their antics descended (or ascended!) into slapstick. For various reasons that I won’t go into (I don’t want to spoil it!), this was both sad and funny - there was a healthy dose of black humour throughout really.

I read this on The Pigeonhole, and the other readers had a real mix of opinions: it seems to have been a real ‘marmite’ book. Personally, I loved it. It ticked a lot of boxes for me, first and foremost being it’s quirkiness. There was some gaming talk, but it was relevant to the story and the characters, and I don’t actually think there was that much considering that it was set against the backdrop of the game (and lets face it, I have two teenage sons who are obsessed with the Xbox 🙄).

I really enjoyed this book, and thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising it.