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Attempted: Live at Max's Kansas City 1980 by Suicide
Attempted: Live at Max's Kansas City 1980 by Suicide
2004 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Ghost Rider by Suicide

(0 Ratings)


"I think this song is an early example of me hearing something and realising that a song doesn't just have to be guitar and bass and drums - a song can just be whatever you want to make it. I actually first discovered Suicide through Bruce Springsteen; he spoke about how much they had been a big influence on his record Nebraska. The song ‘State Trooper ’is very similar to it and he said in an interview that he was trying to do what Suicide does. This was a reference because of its sonic palette. In the back half of my song ‘Savannah’ there's this spoken word moment that happens in this underlying low bass tone that I'm talking over and it was definitely influenced by this song. It has a tremolo on it and the song’s shaking in this way that ‘Ghost Rider’ does."

Fortunate Son
John Fogerty | 2016 | Music & Dance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Narrative (2 more)
History of CCR
Personal and Revealing Memoir of CCR's Front Man
John Fogerty welcomes us into his world and talks to us like a close friend. He doesn't shy away from the difficult topics. For those who had only a positive connotation for Creedence Clearwater Revival, this book will smash that perspective. Fogerty spends the majority of the book discussing the difficult relationships between the band members and the many ways that the recording company screwed the band, and particularly John Fogerty, over. There is much to get out of this book. While he spends a lot of time talking about the difficulties, he also talks about his childhood, his personal relationship with music, his wife, his friendships with people like Bruce Springsteen, and the fulfilling life he has built for himself today. I totally recommend this book for anyone interested in Fogerty, CCR, and/or classic rock and roll!
Twenty Feet from Stardom (2014)
Twenty Feet from Stardom (2014)
2014 | Documentary, Music
Story: 20 Feet from Stardom starts as we meet different backup singers that have worked with the biggest names in music, Mick Jagger, Sting and Bruce Springsteen to mention a few, we follow these backup singers that have always wanted to sing, but not perform not giving them the fame the lead singer would get, despite the effect their singer put towards the songs.


Thoughts on 20 Feet from Stardom


Final Thoughts – This is a nice documentary about the people that add something to the songs you know and love with their backup vocals, there stories of how they learned from the more famous performers while also aspiring to become the big names on their own stage. This is a documentary that shows that talent comes from each position on the stage.


Overall: Good documentary about the lesser known talents.
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
It's a Sin
1987 Luton, UK: New wave rules the radio, Margaret Thatcher controls the country which is leading to closed factories and people losing their jobs, and Pakistanis are moving into neighbors which the "white" majority resents (when people are losing their jobs, it is easier to blame the "others" moving in instead of the government whose policies have led to these losses). But I digress. Ravi is trapped between two cultures, his Pakistani family and the culture he grows up in in Luton. One day at his school, he meets a Sikh student who gives him two cassettes by Bruce Springsteen and he meets a writing teacher who encourages him to write what he knows. Like the culture clash in his soul, his heart is consumed by these Springsteen songs and expressing his feelings through writing. As is wont in these films, his parents and town learn to accept him and his obvious talent.

Two things struck me about the film. The first is the costume for the father. With the exception of the wedding party which I will discuss in my second, the father is dressed in a dress shirt, tie, and slacks, sometimes a sportcoat. This is the traditional outfit of a 1st generation immigrant. Even though he works in a factory manufacturing cars, he still goes to work or out in public dressed like a successful businessman/financial advisor. There is a belief that in order to achieve success, you must dress as though you have already attained that success. The second is the connection to Bend It Like Beckham, Chadha's previous film, which had a lot more success in the US. There is the best friend's parent who accepts the protagonist quicker than their own. But I am talking about the wedding party scene. In both films, the family is having a wedding party and the protagonist has to leave because there is something urgent that they need to do (play in a soccer game, buy tickets to a Springsteen concert). Family members assist the protagonist to get away without the parents noticing and in each case conflict ensues that brings a feeling of abandonment from the immediate family.

Frank Black recommended Franks Wild Years by Tom Waits in Music (curated)

Franks Wild Years by Tom Waits
Franks Wild Years by Tom Waits
1987 | Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Tom Waits really brings a lot of showbiz into his records. It’s in there in the actual songwriting. He knows how to strip things down and get to some skeletal place that’s really strong. He’s trying to be true to his Jazz and his Blues. That is to be admired. There’s a lot of the textures you don’t hear so much. All that vocabulary is really seductive. I think that he’s a good songwriter whatever record you talk about of his. It’s not because there’s some fucking guy playing a saw. It’s like the Bruce Springsteen thing. It’s stripped down, universal, folky bluesy stuff. He’s trying to say: “You guys think you can change things overnight. Forget the new thing. What about Django Reinhart? Son House?” It’s like the Grand Duchy thing. People get obsessed with our production like, “What’s the new story?” It’s admirable when people say: “What about 1949, man?!” At first, I heard a cool White Stripes record and thought: “Who do you think you are, Robert Johnson?” And I get jealous. Fucking A! man. It’s like primal Led Zeppelin or something. But at the end of the day, I always end up respecting Jack White. [Black does an impression of the 'Seven Nation Army' riff.] Jack White has some believability."

Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
One of the joys of having a cinema card are the previews, because you chose to pay monthly or yearly for unlimited films you get to see some films early, this can be anything from a day to a month. Then there are the secret films, a preview that can be a few months early but you only find out what you are seeing when the certificate card comes up. This is how I came to see Blinded by the Light. As the title came up I dug through my memory to see if I'd seen any trailers, I thought I had but couldn't remember anything about it. Five people left cinema so there must have been some trailers but people leaving doesn't really tell you much, there's always some one who leaves and it's better than the people who stay and mumble about how rubbish it is. After the title came the words ‘Inspired by real events.’ Which still doesn't give to much away, it could be an over the top farce like ‘I Tonya', a black comedy like ‘Three Billboards’ or a dull trudge like ‘The Post'.
It turns out that 'Blinded by the Light' is not really any of these, it's more of a 'slice of life' it the slice is a couple of years. The film centres on Javed, a Pakistani teen living in Luton, England in the late 1980s. Javed has written diaries and poems for most of his life but, due to his family life he has always kept them to himself. Not long after starting his A levels Javed is introduced to the music of Bruce Springsteen and finds that the lyrics speak to him in a way he's never felt before.
Blinded by the Light is a film about family, friends and finding your place. Javed starts off as a quiet, bookish character who, thanks to the people around him and his growing love of Bruce Springsteen records manages to find himself. However, this change leaded to problems as he clash’s with family and friends.
Being set in 80s and being about a Pakistani family the film also touches on the problem of racism and, from the clips I remembered from the trailer I found myself wondering if it was going to erupt into violence in the style of films like 'Made in England'. However, 'blinded by the Light' takes a more family friendly view, it does show some racism but less ‘violent’ and more personal making ‘Blinded by the Light’ a more family friendly film.
Although music plays a large part of the film it is not the music itself that’s important but the effect that it has on Javed, showing how the right music can change someone’s life.
The Promise by Bruce Springsteen
The Promise by Bruce Springsteen
2010 | Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Around this time I started heading out on tour and The Gaslight Anthem really started moving. It was just after The ’59 Sound came out. That was when I started learning about the music industry and how it all works, and how insincere it all is. People pick you up and spit you out. I was taking a drive one day and I heard The Promise by Bruce Springsteen come on the radio. But it wasn’t the album version; it was just him and a piano as it appears on an album called 18 Tracks.” This song opens with the lyrics: ‘Johnny works in a factory / Billy works downtown / Terry works in a rock and roll band / Looking for that million dollar sound.’ Then towards the end of the song he says: ‘The promise was broken, I was far away from home / Sleeping in the back seat of a borrowed car.’ I remember being on tour and sleeping in the back of a car that wasn’t mine, and I heard that line and I was like, ‘I don’t know about this whole thing. I don’t know if this is right. What do I do?’ As Springsteen sings: ‘The promise is broken, you go on living / It steals something from down in your soul.’ That’s when I realised that music wasn’t about the rock star dream. It’s about connecting with people, but that’s not enough for the industry. They see you as a product and they want you to make money, and I understand that, but it’s never enough for them. They’re never satiated and they’re never satisfied. It’s a beast with a belly that will never be filled. “I’d feel a sense of dissatisfaction after every tour and I’d come home and get in my van and just drive. I’d drive around habitually for one hour playing The Promise on repeat, just to clear my head. The song made me feel like I wasn’t alone, like someone understood me. It was a huge, huge song for my development, and it always put me back in a perspective that I wasn’t alone. And even though it’s a depressing song and there’s not a lot of advice in it, it makes sense to me. I still feel good when I listen to that song."

No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
2007 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

To the East by Electrelane

(0 Ratings)


"I'm just realising as we're going through them - so many of these songs are about loss aren't they? ‘To the East’ isn’t just straight-up melancholy, it’s a song of hope as well; it might be completely redundant, impotent hope, but there is still hope in there. “She's singing to somebody to come back and that the East could be home, but the whole time you're listening to it you suspect the truth of the situation is that those words will never actually be said. Or maybe that's just the way I'm feeling it, I don't know. Again though, it's a very easy song to empathise with; I really believe the voice that's singing it to me. I don't know whether it's about a personal experience or if they're just imagined characters and to be honest, I don't care. I'm right there with them - I'm feeling it too. “I think either our first or second ever show outside of Britain - I can't remember which - was with Electrelane, in Barcelona at that club, Razzmatazz. It was quite the thrill, to be leaving the country to open up for this band we loved. I was really sad when they split up - again, another loss. I wish they were still performing. I think the last time I saw them was at Field Day in 2011 and they were still so great. They did a cover of 'I'm on Fire' by Bruce Springsteen and it was really something else. “They're one of those bands where you only need to hear a few seconds of any given song to know it's them, which means they've also got that trick of being able to make a cover sound like they wrote it themselves.”"

Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Not the feel good hit I was expecting
Blinded by the Light is based on a memoir by Guardian journalist Sarfaz Manzoor (who is also one of the screenwriters on the movie) and is directed by Gurinder Chadha (also one of the screenwriters), who had a hit back in 2002 with Bend it like Beckham. I remember seeing the trailer for this before watching Rocketman recently and it certainly looked like a pretty enjoyable 80s based British movie, set to a soundtrack of Bruce Springsteen songs. Unfortunately though, this turned out to be just a fairly average and generic drama, enjoyable at times, but kind of just meandering along and not really working for me.

The movie takes place in Luton during 1987, focusing on Pakistani teenager Javed (Viveik Kalra) as he struggles to find balance and purpose in his life against the backdrop of a Britain that's ruled by Margaret Thatcher and dominated by unemployment, uncertainty and racial tension. His father has very old fashioned views and his expectations for Javed begin to conflict with his own. Tensions within the family increase when his father is made redundant from the Vauxhall factory he has worked at for many years and Javed's dreams of becoming a writer don't really sit well with his father in terms of being a worthwhile career route. Javed begins sixth form college where his eyes are soon opened to a much bigger world, full of potential. And full of girls!

Everything comes to a head for Javed on the night of the famous UK storm of 1987. We see the infamous Michael Fish weather forecast on TV and a frustrated Javed, having dumped all of his poems outside in the bin, returning to his room and plugging into his Walkman the Bruce Springsteen cassette borrowed from his friend Roops. The song lyrics immediately click and resonate with Javed and we see them flashing up on the screen as he listens, swirling around his head or flashing up on walls. At the same time we see him remembering earlier scenes from the movie, elements of his life with which connect him with the message within the music, in a kind of low-key 80s music video style. It gives the impression of a major turning point in the movie, and the kind of uplifting musical direction in which the movie is heading. In a way, it kind of is, particularly with regard to Javed's 'awakening'. However, in terms of the musical sequences beyond this one, they're more along the lines of random singing and dancing at school or out on the town. It's more awkward and confusing than uplifting and enjoyable.

Blinded by the Light felt like the combination of a number movies I've seen before, with nothing really elevating it beyond those in terms of originality. So many generic characters - from the father stuck in his ways, dictating how his son should live his life, to the supportive and encouraging teacher (Hayley Atwell, on fine form here). And so many clichéd moments too - the best example being when an emotional Javed is arguing with his angry father and repeatedly waving in front of him the concert tickets he just bought without his knowledge. Three guesses as to what happens next...!

Overall, I didn't completely dislike this movie. I liked the 80s school setting, as that was the period that I was in secondary school, so could relate to that. But it also feels like the kind of movie drama that they used to make in the 80s too, and I expect more from my cinema experience these days. It also seems to be getting the usual "one of the best movies this year" phrase thrown at it though, something which I think is bandied around a little too freely at the moment. I put it squarely in the same camp as another movie from this year - Wild Rose, another movie that didn't really do it for me - so if you were one of the many people who enjoyed that movie, then Blinded by the Light will be well worth your time.