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Awix (3310 KP) rated Blinded by the Light (2019) in Movies

Aug 13, 2019 (Updated Aug 13, 2019)  
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Clumsy, trite, and overlong musical coming-of-age drama. The story of an Asian teenager living in Luton in a dress-up version of the late 1980s is brought to life through the music of Bruce Springsteen (well-known as one of the great interpreters of the British Pakistani experience).

As you can probably tell, there is something slightly odd and out-of-whack about the whole premise of the movie, but it's the realisation that is really shocking. Badly-performed characters swap platitudes and re-enact virtually every movie about growing up with strict Pakistani or Muslim parents you have ever seen before, with occasional musical interludes where characters sing along, not well, with Springsteen tracks. To say the dance routines look under-rehearsed is charitable. Apparently aims to be a feel-good movie but I'm sure I felt it trying to suck the soul out of my body. 'Blinded by the Trite', more like - certainly more dross than Boss (I can keep this up all day).
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Based on a true story, Blinded by the Light follows the life of Javed, a down-on-his-luck Pakistani teenager living in Great Britain in the 1980s, who is in a social stranglehold by his strict father. He just wants to live a life like any other kid his age, and hang out with his friends, and go to parties, and maybe even meet a girl, but his overbearing dad has other expectations and plans for him. Being that they’re minorities in a foreign country in a time of racism, Javed’s father wants him to keep his head down and put his family first and foremost. That means living the life his father chooses for him, and not being able to live the life he desires. Feeling trapped by his circumstances, Javed’s bleak outlook becomes changed completely after he makes a new friend at school who introduces him to the music of the All-American legend, Bruce Springsteen.

One stormy night, fueled by his frustrations with his family, Javed turns to the cassette tapes he borrowed from his friend, and listens to “The Boss” for the very first time. It’s an instantly cathartic and unforgettably life-changing experience. The words speak to him in a way that no song ever has before. The lyrics speak of his ambitions and know his struggles and pain. It’s as if suddenly through the songs of Springsteen, Javed has found his voice and a guiding light. He’s instantly transformed by it, and is given a purpose and a passion to pursue it. For him, the music is the spark to light the fire to his ambitions; to leave his small town, to escape poverty, to resist his father’s oppression, to live on his own accord, to become a writer, and to feed his hungry heart.

As a writer and a lover of Springsteen myself, I connected with Blinded by the Light on a profoundly personal level. Springsteen’s music has spoken to me in a similar fashion as it does to Javed in the film. While I’m not the super fan that he is, I like to think we all have comparable experiences with certain musical artists who resonate with us deep in our souls. Bruce’s music in particular speaks to the common man, and it rallies against the injustices of the world in the pursuit of the American dream. I can’t think of a single musician that I personally find to be more motivational than him. It is my hope that people will watch this movie, particularly those who are unfamiliar with the music of Bruce Springsteen, and they’ll have a reaction to it much like Javed in this movie.

It goes without saying that the soundtrack in Blinded by the Light is fantastic. It has a nice mix of classic hits as well as some lesser known Springsteen songs, including some live versions, and they’re all put to good use here. Out of all of the recent movies inspired by real-life musicians, including Bohemian Rhapsody, Rocketman, and Yesterday, Blinded by the Light is by far my personal favorite. There are no poor cover songs nor bad lip synching to be found here. What you get is 100% The Boss. In a few parts, the movie even breaks out into full-on dancing musical numbers. While they’re a little cheesy and even feel a bit out of place, I found that they remained true to the music and were simply too much fun not to enjoy.

Director Gurinder Chadha does a fine job crafting Javed’s story and all of its complexities while also paying homage to The Boss. The movie explores our innate desire for freedom and finding ourselves, while also exposing the sacrifices we often must make in life for those we love. The film additionally explores social issues of the era, including political turmoil, fascist movements, and racism, which Javed faces first-hand as a Pakistani in England, and which unfortunately still feel uncomfortably relevant today. Javed is played by Viveik Kalra in his motion-picture debut, and he is immensely likable and relatable in his performance. The cast as a whole is pretty good, with the standouts being Hayley Atwell as Javed’s teacher, Ms. Clay, who encourages him to continue with his writing, as well as Kulvinder Ghir, who plays Javed’s controlling father. I also liked Aaron Phagura as Roops, Javed’s loyal Bruce-Springsteen-cassette-tape-sharing friend. We all could use more friends like him!
Overall, Blinded by the Light is a loving tribute to the music of Bruce Springsteen, but more than anything, it’s an emotional, identifiable, and uplifting tale about reaching for your dreams. The struggles that Javed faces resonate brilliantly with the messages of the music, and his story is an inspiring one worth hearing. Springsteen fans in particular definitely won’t want to miss this movie, but I think regardless of your interest or familiarity with Springsteen and his music, you’re likely to find something to enjoy here. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll even walk out of the theater as a fan.
Blinded by the Light (2019)
Blinded by the Light (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Clumsy and unoriginal
Watching this film would never be my choice, as despite my love of musicals I've never been particularly interested in the music of Bruce Springsteen. And I'm afraid to say this film hasn't changed my opinion on this either.

This film is so cheesy and cliched that I spent most of the time watching it cringing in horror. It seems to copy virtually every other type of film that has come before it that looks at coming of age in a Muslim and Pakistani background - it's like a poor version of East is East, with barely any laughs & a bit of Springsteen thrown in. The production values in this too are rather poor. You can tell it's low budget, from the dodgy dance scenes to the cinematography as a whole.

There is a decent cast thrown into this like Hayley Atwell, Rob Brydon and Dean Charles Chapman but I felt like they were sadly underused and letdown by the poor and ridiculously cheesy script. There are some likeable parts in this that makes it a little bit feel good but overall I could've quite happily turned this off and not felt like I was missing out.

Alexis Taylor recommended Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen in Music (curated)

Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen
Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen
1982 | Folk, Singer-Songwriter
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Nebraska is different from all the other Bruce Springsteen albums because it's not very bombastic! It's just acoustic guitar on a four-track machine. It's got to be the most lo-fi record you could get from Bruce Springsteen. I believe that's because he made demos for the E Street Band, and just didn't like how they sounded when they were played with the band. His producers, and I think one of his bandmates said to him, "The demos sound better". When I first heard it, I think that I only knew Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie in terms of that type of sound - someone working with a harmonica and an acoustic guitar. He's writing about the working classes of America, or people who are failing in their lives or trying to make it but failing. It's darker than other records too though. I think he's taking inspiration from stories he's read in the newspaper about criminals who are serving life sentences or those who are going to the electric chair. At the same time, it's about families, brothers and someone's father who is no long alive. It's got a lot of humanity in it as a record, with this resonating and wonderful sound - daunting vocals and very haunting harmonica parts. There are also loads of reverbs and a glockenspiel is on there too. It's a murky-sounding record at first, but the more you listen to it, you find all of these other details. I was at school when I first heard it. I couldn't think of an obvious way that Bruce has influenced me, until I wrote a song called 'Elvis Has Left The Building' which is on my new album. I just thought that the kind of song it was, and the mood, reminded me of 'Streets Of Philadelphia' or 'Nebraska' - not in an obvious way, and I didn't think of him in order to write it, but it reminded me of that in an odd way."


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Attempted: Live at Max's Kansas City 1980 by Suicide
Attempted: Live at Max's Kansas City 1980 by Suicide
2004 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Ghost Rider by Suicide

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"I think this song is an early example of me hearing something and realising that a song doesn't just have to be guitar and bass and drums - a song can just be whatever you want to make it. I actually first discovered Suicide through Bruce Springsteen; he spoke about how much they had been a big influence on his record Nebraska. The song ‘State Trooper ’is very similar to it and he said in an interview that he was trying to do what Suicide does. This was a reference because of its sonic palette. In the back half of my song ‘Savannah’ there's this spoken word moment that happens in this underlying low bass tone that I'm talking over and it was definitely influenced by this song. It has a tremolo on it and the song’s shaking in this way that ‘Ghost Rider’ does."

Fortunate Son
John Fogerty | 2016 | Music & Dance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Narrative (2 more)
History of CCR
Personal and Revealing Memoir of CCR's Front Man
John Fogerty welcomes us into his world and talks to us like a close friend. He doesn't shy away from the difficult topics. For those who had only a positive connotation for Creedence Clearwater Revival, this book will smash that perspective. Fogerty spends the majority of the book discussing the difficult relationships between the band members and the many ways that the recording company screwed the band, and particularly John Fogerty, over. There is much to get out of this book. While he spends a lot of time talking about the difficulties, he also talks about his childhood, his personal relationship with music, his wife, his friendships with people like Bruce Springsteen, and the fulfilling life he has built for himself today. I totally recommend this book for anyone interested in Fogerty, CCR, and/or classic rock and roll!