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Out Of This World by John Coltrane
Out Of This World by John Coltrane
1962 | Compilation
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There's so much of his stuff I could have chosen. The reason I chose this one is, this was the first time I heard this band. I remember sitting in the car with my friend and saying "my mate's given me this tape, let's check it out". And I put it on and we both just looked at each other and went, "Oh my God!". I'll never forget it. It was a day like today, really sunny, and this giant doorway that you didn't know was there opened up, introducing you to this whole new world. It still feels like that now. He's another one where the colours never fade. The thing about the two as well, Coltrane and Miles Davis, is that they both represent two parts of myself. I always think of Coltrane as being outdoors music. Organic, countryside music. Elvin Jones [drummer in John Coltrane quartet], just sounds like waves crashing against the shore, the wind blowing in the trees. The music feels like this stormy day and then Miles Davis feels really urban, like city lights. When I was discovering this whole Coltrane thing, there were quite a few years where that was my religion. When I was learning the saxophone, I was studying a lot, practising 12 hours a day, and listening to Coltrane all the time and I was doing a lot of meditation as well. I was really involved with Tibetan Buddhism, doing retreats and doing a lot of study. I was very into it for quite a number of years. I've come out of that feeling like these pentatonics, these Nubian rhythms, these ancient rhythms, they make a lot of sense of the universe."

Become the Force: 9 Lessons on How to Live as a Jediist Master (For Everyone Who Loves Star Wars) is written by Daniel M. Jones, Theresa Cheung.

Yes, I know what you are thinking! On the surface this does seem a bit of a giggle, but underneath it’s full of light goodness and that is simply a mix of being a good person over a bad person, and seeing the light side as opposed to the dark.

Disclosure: I am a Star Wars fan and I admit to taking a stand and putting my religion down as a Jedi Knight back in the last census of 2001. (Yep, I was one of those naughty people). Partly because of the protest but also partly because I’d always fancied myself as a Jedi Knight and it seemed a bit of a laugh at the time to say my religion was Jediism.

But that’s just it, whether you can truly classify it as a religion or not, this is more about a philosophy of being kind to yourself and each other. Many such teachings have been clearly taken from a mixture of Zen like “religions” as a way to understand your ‘self’ and to help make positive changes in our fast-moving, often stressful world.

In many ways I’d love to follow this path, yet I do see how some may never actually take this seriously, purely on account that some of these philosophies are based on the films, although not as heavily as some groups are. Yes there are other sects that differ and are more about the films than the mindfulness.

And that’s just what it is, mindfulness, living in the present and CBT techniques.

Believing in an energy force which surrounds us and is in all living things may sound like something out of a science fiction book, but it’s not. We are all living, breathing energy.

The author discusses spiritualist principles and ideas from great thinkers throughout history – from Plato to modern day Alan Watts (who proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion), and of course it goes without saying, our great philosopher Yoda, too!

I’m impressed at how this book has been put together, and that it is not as crazy as I first thought it might be! lol
Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind: Spatial Strategy to Success and Happiness
Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind: Spatial Strategy to Success and Happiness
Alex Neumann | 2020 | Mind, Body & Spiritual, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Spatial Strategy to Success and Happiness." This is the subtitle of Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind by Alex Neumann, but do not be misled into thinking it is a self-help book. Since childhood, Neumann has been interested in studying how some people thrive during challenging times and how, with this determination, society can make the world a better place. This book contains the author's ideas based on these observations; ideas that he has applied to his thought process to develop an "Invincible Mind".

Neumann applies moral stories and real-life scenarios to illustrate the power of a determined mind. He urges readers to never give up, even in the face of adversity, but to use these hardships in alternative ways. Neumann uses examples from Buddhism and Christianity as well as history to show the potential of every individual.

Many self-help books give step-by-step guides to success and dismiss mental and neurological difficulties. Whilst these authors may encourage readers to reach their goals, Neumann acknowledges that it is not always possible. Yet, this does not result in failure. Neumann's insight into the workings of the world reveals there is far more to happiness than an end goal. There is more to life than being the best, being famous and being successful, but more often than not, these lessons are hard-fought. With this book, Neumann attempts to stop readers in their tracks, to stop their destructive power, to realise their true potential and look at the world afresh.

Neumann writes as though he is speaking in front of an audience. Whilst this adds honesty and passion, it disrupts the flow of the text. The book lacks grammar and is oftentimes repetitive. As a proofreader, it is difficult not to pick up on these errors, but it indeed makes the author sound human. Neumann does not use the complicated language of psychologists, does not pretend to have qualifications in counselling or such like but has his readers' best interests at heart.

Easy and quick to read, Harness the Power of the Invincible Mind is a book that stays with you long after completing. It contains so many analogies and examples that readers will want to highlight, share and, hopefully, apply in their day-to-day lives.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Redemption in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not read the first book in the series, Protector, but that did not seem to matter all that much in reading this book. I caught up relatively easily to what the author felt I needed to know about Jane Perry's story so that I could dive into the action-packed, suspense-filled plot of this book.
One of the first things I noticed about the main character of Jane Perry is both her seemingly-abrasive personality, complete with a foul mouth, and her battle with alcoholism. Throughout the book, her strong personality is both her greatest strength and her biggest weakness. Her daily battle to remain sober - pushing six months - is also a prominent theme, complete with AA meetings, sobriety chips, and the 12-step program. I found these details interesting from the educational standpoint, since I have known a few alcoholics, both recovering and not, but nothing about the process of recovery from this horrible addiction.
The woman that hires Jane Perry, Katherine Clark (better known as Kit), is in many ways the very opposite of Jane. A woman in her 60's, she describes her personality as that of an "earth mother". Dealing with stage 4 cancer, she is a strict adherent of New Age philosophies and herbal medicine to treat both her cancer and her particular brand of spirituality. In addition, several of the plot's "bad guys" were followers of a particular sect of Fundamentalist Christianity that Kit spends an overt amount of time condemning, despite her many lectures of tolerance, love, and forgiveness. This in turn incites Jane to regularly mock Fundamentalist Christianity by proxy.
While I realize that radicals of any religion are easy fodder for mainstream literature, the personal beliefs of the author completely overpower the actual plot of the book. It is patently obvious that Dewey is a major supporter of all things New Age, with a penchant for Buddhism, and is completely against a literal translation of the Bible. As I have said in previous reviews, a good author is invisible to the reader, but in this book, the author often felt more present in the plot than the actual characters the book was intended to be about - some sort of amalgamation of Jane and Kit. Despite the good intentions that I am sure Dewey harbors in writing in this fashion, I became rather depressed by the end of the book by the over-saturation of Dewey's agenda of New Ageism versus Christianity, as the book became less and less about the heroics of Jane Perry and more about the beliefs of Laurel Dewey.
While I acknowledge that I do not agree with everything within the particular doctrines of the character of Dr. John Bartosh, I do consider myself a Fundamentalist Christian, a person who believes in both the literal and figurative translation of the Bible. For the author to expect me, the reader, to not even be slightly offended by the condemnation and open mockery of what I consider to be the foundation of my morality and how I live my life on a daily basis is both presumptuous and insensitive.
Despite this, the book was well-written from a literary approach, with unique characters, an unpredictable plot, and no loose ends.
The Swords of Silence
The Swords of Silence
Shaun Curry | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">The Swords of Silence</a> - ★★★

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I was born and raised in a country where religion is sacred. I was surrounded with Christianity all my life. However, while I have learned lessons of love, respect and hope, I am not a believer. I do believe that we need to be kind to each other, respect each other and hope for a better tomorrow, but I don't believe there is a God out there who decides our faith. My review is based on how I felt while reading and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should be respected for that.

The Swords of Silence features father Joaquim, who moves to Japan in the 1620's, to share the religion of Christ. However, the brutal regime in Japan forbids any other religion than Buddhism. The Shogun is determined there is no more Christianity in his country. Throughout the book, we follow Joaquim's journey, where he manages to get captured and escapes several times, with the help of God.

<b><i>This book perfectly captures the regime in Japan during this time.</i></b>

The true terror and the brutal punishments if you ever dare make a mistake. The world of no mercy. But this book is also a product of divine inspiration and has great elements some of us consider fantasy.

<b>Many of the scenes in The Swords of Silence that featured escaping were unrealistic and resembled the Bible stories.</b> We had walking on water, moving of mountains and a big storm in the sea that only affects the enemy ship, even though they are only metres away from father Joaquim's ship.

There is one scene though, that I was absolutely in awe with, and that was the scene with the duels. As a person who trained karate all my life and is very familiar with the rules of a duel, honour, respect and combat in martial arts - this scene was perfectly set and accurate. It brought all the emotions and it was brutally realistic. And it is because of this scene that I will give this book three stars.

The Swords of Silence is a great book, and I love the fact that the author captured moments in history that were true and brutal, and not many people in the world know about. A story that will make people aware of what was happening in the past. Even though I am not a believer in God, I stand by that people shouldn't be mistreated, bullied, or in this case - brutally murdered for what they believe in. Everyone has the right to believe in anything they believe in.

If this book was more realistic with the events and scenes, I would have given it five stars for the message it shares with the world.

<b><i>True fact: Around 1% of the population in Japan claims Christian belief or affiliation. Most large Christian denominations are repressed in Japan today.</i></b>

Thank you to LoveReading UK, the publisher Harper Collins UK and the author, Shaun Curry, for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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