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Mrs. Pollifax is sent to Bulgaria with fake passports hidden in her new hat. But a chance encounter along the way makes things even more complicated then they already were. I actually enjoyed this book more than the first time I read it. Yes, it's improbably, but it is so much fun.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Beautiful Bad
Beautiful Bad
Annie Ward | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maddie is a wife and a mother who would do anything to protect her family and those she loves. After college Maddie decides she is going to to go Bulgaria to write and tutor. She isn't quite alone as her friend Joanna, is not too far away in Macedonia. When she visits Joanna it's always a good time, even though they are in a war-torn country. When Maddie meets Ian, there is an instant connection, but time and opportunity are never on their side, so they see each other when they can, and are friends for a very long time. Eventually, they are able to get together and build a life and start a family. But everything isn't as it seems. Ian is suffering from PTSD from his many years serving as protection in Iraq, Bosnia, and other countries. And Maddie has anxiety about it all. Will their relationship last, or will the events of their pasts be too much for their future to handle.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin-Park Row for the opportunity to read and review this book.

The story starts with a call to 911 and you can hear a woman and child in distress. The book takes you back and forth from Maddie's time in Bulgaria, to the days and weeks leading up to this 911 call. I will admit the very beginning drew me in, but then all the in between felt very unnecessary. Until you get to the end and you see everything unfold. I definitely did not see the end coming and I was pleasantly surprised.

Beautiful Bad drew me in from the beginning with the 911 call. I was disappointed a few chapters in when it seems as though the whole incident was forgotten. Then when it popped back up, I didn't even remember the characters from that time. So that is why I gave the book the lower rating. I would like to see the finished book to see if there were any differences. I read an interview with the author that said that this book started off as a memoir, but her editor convinced her to change it into fiction. I think the middle parts where the memoir that got thrown out.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I stayed up way past my bedtime once I reached the 60% mark to finish it. The ending was really good and it made up for the slow middle. I look forward to reading more by Annie Ward.

Here is an interview that Shelf Awareness did with Annie Ward. It gives you insight on the book that I believe is valuable.
And I Darken (The Conqueror&#039;s Saga #1)
And I Darken (The Conqueror's Saga #1)
Kiersten White | 2016 | History & Politics
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vlad the Impaler is a fascinating figure. Known as a villain to most of the world, he has also been considered a hero to myriad citizens in Romania and Bulgaria. He had a rocky life and was used as a bargaining chip as a child, along with his younger brother, Radu the Handsome. I once watched a very interesting documentary on him that was even-handed and it left a lasting impression. I felt sorry for what he went through as a child and how it shaped him into cruel measures. <b>And I Darken</b> poses an interesting question: what if Vlad Tepes was born a girl? This first in the series explores the first eighteen or so years of his, now her, life.

Admittedly, while I was intrigued at the subject, the beginning of this book was a slog to get through. I wasn't especially fond of the simpering Radu early on, since he was ridiculously sensitive and close to caricature. He features just as much, and perhaps more, than his sister, Lada (the feminine of Vlad). I thought Lada was a well-drawn character and I could totally see Vlad in her. As they age, Radu improves and is the heart of the book. This follows history as well as can be with the major change, so the story continues their progress to being hostages, as it were, to the Ottoman Empire.

The majority of the book takes place with Lada and Radu out of their homeland and as prisoner, befriending the Sultan's son, Mehmet, who eventually succeeds his father. So begins Radu's maturation and overwhelming love for Mehmet, which then turns into a love triangle with Lada. This could have been a total disaster and while it mucks up the history I know, it was done as well as can be. I appreciated how Radu's loyalty and convictions were handled in context with the times and circumstances. While I would have liked a more well-rounded Lada, I am hopeful that the next book will go into more depth. It's not a perfect book, Lada comes up with some big solutions to (mostly) actual events at a young age, which felt too convenient, but I still enjoyed the overall result.
Nightworld (2017)
Nightworld (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Brett Anderson is a grief stricken for police officer, he retired from the force after his wife’s death, he takes a job as a security guard in an apartment in Bulgaria which leads him to get caught up in a mystery about the apartment which brings him past back to haunt him. Jacob is a former guard that lost his eye sight, he knows the mystery about the apartment and helps guide Brett through the strange events. Martin is the apartment manager and needs to find a new guard to watch over any problems in the apartment when he is away. Zara is the waitress at the local café that offer a romantic angle for Brett, while filling in the blanks about the history of the apartment.

Performances – Jason London is solid enough in the leading role, most of what he does is ask questions which is how the audience must learn what is going on. Robert Englund as the elderly figure that is trying to help works well because he is the biggest draw for the film. Gianna Capaldi and Lorina Kamburova are both fine they never get out of first gear for their performances though.

Story – The story here follows a man that needs to rebuild his life, get given a job as a security guard for an apartment building that has secrets he can’t even imagine. The pace of the story is slow, because we have a lot of building up with little to no hints to what the big conclusion will be, the final third of the film lets everything go, making the early parts of the story more interesting, the time loss angle does feel tagged in for no reason and by the end you still won’t completely understand what just happened. The reveals in the film are big, though they could be considered overkill for what could have be a much more subtle story.

Horror – The horror comes from the nightmares Brett suffers before the big reveal in the final act which shows us just what has been going on.

Settings – The whole film is set in one building, it shows how the layers can hold secrets and the mystery about the building is key t the story being told.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are used well when needed, we don’t go over the top with them and the best one are used for the final act.

Scene of the Movie – Behind the door.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Starts too slow for the ending.

Final Thoughts – This is a slow burning horror thriller, it does reward us with a manic ending which is worth the wait for, only it does take too long to get there with little hints to help us understand the ending.


Overall: Slow though rewarding.