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Transplanted Evil
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
61 of 220
Book siren’s review
Transplanted Evil
By Len Handleand

Meet Elizabeth Bennington. A shy young girl raised in privilege with a distant and uncaring father and a doting and overly protective mother outside of Boston in the neighboring town of Charlestown. Yet, despite coming from wealth, Elizabeth was born with a congenital heart condition, leading to bullying at school, hopelessness, and a failed suicide attempt rescued by her parents. She is sent to Bourneville psychiatric hospital, where she undergoes transformative therapy sessions, dramatically improving her outlook on life. She is released after a year. But Elizabeth has a secret: she can see into the future and is haunted by recurring nightmares foreshadowing unspeakable acts of murder involving a mysterious young man with hair the color of a raven splattered with blood. Marty Bowles attends school with Elizabeth and is madly in love with her, almost obsessed with her. Marty’s propensity for violence at school, his depraved lust for killing stray animals, and his involvement with the black arts, including demonic worship, conjuring a demon named Kashgar, and possession, directly threaten her. Could Marty be the mysterious young man in her nightmares who will stop at nothing to gain her love and unite them with his sinister plan?

Oh this is a difficult one for me. I love the premise of the book it was really interesting and hard in some places I wanted to love it but found that Elizabeth’s side of things felt stilted and kinda forced where as Marty’s read better I got a little frustrated half way through wondering where it was going there was a lot things that didn’t need to be there.
BUT like I said the premise was really interesting and different.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Black Mirror  - Season 3
Black Mirror - Season 3
2014 | Sci-Fi
The third series of Black Mirror (the first made for Netflix) sees another 6 standalone episodes offering a frightening glimpse at the future use of technology.
Nosedive looks at people's obsession with likes and ratings and that each interaction becomes either tooth-achingly sweet to secure that rating, or a desperate attempt to get that good rating from someone higher than you. While I liked the premise, I thought this episode was a little too long.
Playtest sees Pokémon Go type AR go wild, as a young American backpacker desperate for money agrees to test a new brain implant that allows people to experience horror games as if they were real. A well executed thriller of an episode.
Shut Up & Dance looks at blackmailing/revenge porn and shows the lengths people will go to to avoid their secrets being revealed, as a young boy afraid that footage of his one-handed solo adventures being shown to his friends and family ends up on something of a treasure hunt with Jerome off of Robson & Jerome (who has lost that loving feeling and started seeing an escort). The story is very gripping and well shot.
San Junipero was a surprisingly uplifting, heartwarming episode. I won't spoil the reveal too much but it is the rare occasion where Black Mirror shows the good side of technology taken to extremes. Absolutely beautiful.
Men Against Fire was a clever episode looking at the uses of brain augmentations in the armed forces and how they can be used and abused in warfare. An apparent zombie apocalypse scenario is turned on its head and shows the Black Mirror take on such technology.
The final episode, Hated in the Nation is a look at online trolling and bullying and how this can be taken to extremes. it shows that even when people know there are real consequences for the victims, because it is largely anonymous they will carry on doing it. Quite a long episode but gripping and keeps the viewer guessing throughout.
Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
Liane Moriarty | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
So much more than I expected
This was my first read by Liane Moriarty and I'm fairly blown away by this book. BIG LITTLE LIES takes the ridiculousness of a bunch of mainly elitist mums surrounding their kids' kindergarten class. Oh and there's husbands too. It was a witty painting of cliques, bitchiness, friendships strong and true and tragedy.

"Jane, nice to meet you! I'm Amabella's mum, and I have Jackson in Year 2. That's Amabella by the way, not Annabella. It's French. We didn't make it up."

"We're a bit too white bread here in the peninsula. We like to think we're terribly diverse but it's only our bank accounts that vary."

There are three friends in this book, each carrying secrets but these three really did care for one another. I liked each flawed woman in this threesome, Madeline, Celeste and Jane. There were characters to love, like, hate and those that redeemed themselves.

Bullying and more is a thread in this book and I felt sick, heart-sick, at times in terms of the nature of these issues. There is also some gut wrenching heart ache and I felt each emotion in full technicolor.

"She'd always known that her reaction to this night had been too big, or perhaps too small. She hadn't ever cried. She hadn't told anyone. She'd swallowed it while and pretended it meant nothing, and therefore it had come to mean everything."

At the heart of BIG LITTLE LIES is a tale of suspense. The seeds are placed right at the beginning and I spent the whole book guessing, re-guessing and second-guessing all my suspicions. Liane Moriarty is a truly talented writer, I enjoyed the light, the witty quips and dialogue, alongside the dark and sad. I'm definitely eager to read more by her.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher through netgalley in return for a honest review.
Awaken Online: Precipice
Awaken Online: Precipice
Travis Bagwell | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic follow-up LitRPG
Jason continues his playing of Awaken Online, the massive multiplayer online RPG. Now the ruler of a city of zombies, he has more concerns than simply levelling up his skills and getting new loot.
I was worried this change in fortunes might lead to a more boring, admin-focused book (much like what happened with Phil Tucker's Euphoria Online). Thankfully this is not the case, as Jason hits on a way to keep his undead population count up, but also have some fun, by venturing into some unexplored dungeons.
He does this with his real-world friends Frank and Riley, which adds a different element to the action, as he can use and rely on other people and their skills added into the mix make for a much more interesting sequence of conflicts.
We are treated to a number of large-scale battles on the way to the dungeon, and within it. The way Jason's strategy is worked out and implemented make it a truly immersive, thrilling read.
As with the first book, the start of each chapter contains an excerpt of someone else's view, either the game developers, or other players. This adds context to Jason's story and allows you to see consequences and foresee some issues.
As well as this, we see Jason in the real world, though less than in the first book. There are moments where decisions made in-game have real world consequences, either impacting friendships or leading to nastiness and bullying.
The fact that Jason decides to become "the villain" is a little hard to take, as apart from the very early stages, all of his decisions have been made out of him trying to do the right thing for himself/others and this is even more the case in this book.
Aside from a few grammer crimes, continuity errors and head-scratching game mechanics, this was a very enjoyable exciting read.
IA: The Origin Novels (Books 1-3)
IA: The Origin Novels (Books 1-3)
John Darryl Winston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The IA novels are one of the strongest 'young adult' science fiction series I've read, and this edition combines the trilogy so far plus a novella. Since the reader will want to keep reading from the first page though all 3.5 books this seems like an opportunity that's hard to pass up.

The origin story involves Naz, a teenage boy who lives with his sister and aunt in the Exclave, a ghetto suburb of a large city. Naz is unusual in two ways - he can't remember anything before two years ago and he sometimes hears voices in his head. He doesn't like to draw attention though so keeps his head down and looks after his sister.

After an incident on the way to school, things start to change. He grows as a person and also begins to discover his past, and his potential for the future. Just perhaps one person can make a difference. As he continues on his journey it becomes clear that he may not be entirely on his own.

The stories are set in a near future, with the Exclave being a rather grim backdrop for a tale that concentrates on character. There are light touches of what could be termed science fiction throughout, both with Naz's backstory and in the world around him. The hero shows very real weaknesses and flaws as well as strengths as he battles through bullying, fitting in to new environments, love and loss.

Winston is an extremely talented author and these stories demonstrate why novels termed 'young adult' are frequently worthy of being read by an older audience. The character development shows a strong arc for all the main players - and even the bit parts are memorable.

If you are looking for a strong series of books that will keep you thinking and entertained long after you have finished the last page, this fits the bill to a tee.
Good Girls Don't Die (D.I. Grace Fisher #1)
Good Girls Don't Die (D.I. Grace Fisher #1)
Isabelle Grey | 2014 | Crime
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another of the books that has been on my "to be read" pile for far too long ... January 2015 to be precise ... how bad is that but at least I finally got round to reading it and continuing on my quest to get my "to be read" pile down this year - only another few hundred to go 😬

Anyway, this book is the first in the series featuring D.I. Grace Fisher; a complex and wounded character recently moved to Essex following a difficult set of traumatic events that are gradually revealed in and amongst the investigation into a missing person of one young lady and murder of another ... are they connected? What follows is an intricate plot with a number of suspects but told in a way that was logical and, I think, realistic. However, there is more to this book than the crimes, it skims the surface of office politics, bullying in the work place, obsession and domestic violence as well as freedom/intrusion of the press ... all of these threads work really well together and fit seamlessly into this story.

The characters are an interesting and eclectic bunch. I particularly liked Grace and fellow team member, Lance; I found them engaging and plausible and I got a sense of a really strong relationship building between them and am looking forward to getting to know them better in subsequent books in the series.

The writing is easy to read and flows well and although this book is not full of action or suspense, there is definitely an underlying darkness and threat that is ever present and that makes this book engaging and enjoyable and one I would definitely recommend if you are looking for a new series to read in this genre.

Belated thank you Quercus Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review and for introducing me to yet another great author.