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Cami Richardson is good at chasing away the men in her life: first Gavin Kinkaid, a former classmate she’d helped to bully, and later, her husband who left her widowed and a single mom. Now all she wants is to bring a smile back to her eight-year-old son. What she doesn’t expect is for Gavin to become her new neighbor.

Gavin wants to settle down after serving in the Air Force and mend the separation between him and his dad. What he didn’t count on is his changing feelings when he sees Cami as a kind woman instead of his former adversary.

When Cami’s son blindsides them both during the Christmas season, is their reunion at risk or will it grow stronger?

My Thoughts: A wonderful book just in time for the holidays! This book was an enjoyable read that is full of many lessons. This novel is not only about family, forgiveness and letting go, but also about bullying and what it can create. Bullying, name calling is something I believe we have all faced at one time in our lives. Beautifully written with a flowing storyline that keeps the reader interested.

The characters are interesting, down to earth and easy to relate to. This is an enjoyable romance novel with lessons to learn that the reader can read during the holiday season or any time of the year! I look forward to reading more from Elaine Stock.
The Ricky Gervais Podcast
The Ricky Gervais Podcast
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Karl Pilkington (0 more)
Ricky Gervais (0 more)
I think I was a bigger fan of Gervais before I listened to this podcast (and subsequently watched the various Karl Pilkington TV shows). I loved The Office, and some of his films. Some of his stand-up was funny. But here (as with the Pilkington shows) he just shows a nasty bitterness and bullying towards people that is not really entertaining. The best of the podcast is how Karl Pilkington reacts to it, but even then we know he is funny without that happening. This has really put me off Gervais quite a lot and I now see him as a "silly little fat man" who is just a spiteful bully.
Caught in a Cycle
Caught in a Cycle
Amy B. Crowe | 2017 | Children
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
engaging story (0 more)
not always a clear message (0 more)
What do I want to be?
This children's book has its issues deciding what message it is really trying to give. The main theme is bullying is wrong, but it also gets mixed up with telling lies just makes things worse and while set in a zoo doing less that likely jobs make the whole thing difficult for it to give its message clearly and uncluttered by the extras.
A shame really, my daughter enjoyed it but didn't pick up the full message without some reinforcements.
Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher. and the author for allowing me to read and review a digital copy of this book.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2097 KP) rated Bruce Wayne: Not Super in Books

Oct 18, 2023 (Updated Oct 18, 2023)  
Bruce Wayne: Not Super
Bruce Wayne: Not Super
Stuart Gibbs, Berat Pekmezci | 2023 | Comics & Graphic Novels
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun Middle School Origin Story
Bruce Wayne stands out at his middle school, Gotham Preparatory School for the Really, Really Gifted. No, not because of the wealth he’s inherited from him parents but because he’s the only one without any powers. But when he sees a student bullying another kid, he decides he has to do something. Will he come up with a plan?

This is a fun alternative take on Batman’s origins including cameos from other DC super heroes. The story was entertaining, and I laughed multiple times as I was reading. Be sure to look at the illustrations since some of the jokes are in there. This graphic novel is a very fun read.
Lila and the Crow
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<a href="">Full Review</a>
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lila and the Crow by Gabrielle Grimard is a beautiful story dealing with and sad and very
real issue. Lila arrives at her neScreen Shot 2016-06-21 at 9.04.55 PMw school with the hopes of making new friends; however, instead of being welcomed with open arms she is welcomed with a mean comment. It only takes that one comment to destroy her confidence.

The first day with the first comment was the start of ruining her confidence. The comment came from one student but there are other students who either stand by and allow the comments to come or join in laughing. Eventually, Lila decides not to let the differences defy her but to embrace the differences. This book will show children that there will be situations where other children will hurt of mock them but that they should stand up and not allow the situation to ruin their day, month or year.

This book will open the floor to have a discussion about bullying and how it should not happen and if it is, that you should help the person instead of joining in the bullying or being a bystander. Everyone is different and this book can teach children to embrace and accept the differences.

The illustrations are wonderful, they show such great emotion in the characters as well as creating a mood that fits the story. Lila and the Crow will be a great asset to any home, classroom or library.

Sarah (126 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 12, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Great for keeping in touch (2 more)
Nice way to share news, photos
Groups are a great way of sharing hobbies, finding like-minded people with similar interests
Updates are hit and miss - often a lot of problems with the app (2 more)
Bullying is poorly controlled
Standards are applied in a very hit and miss way
Has Its Good & Bad Points
Facebook has its uses - it's a good way to keep in touch with people you wouldn't ordinarily hear from very often, it's handy to send photos to people around the world and it can be a lovely way to brighten up your day with funny memes, jokes, and nice messages from people.

The App itself can be quite hit and miss - updates seem to be rolled out before they're properly ready, so you have issues where timelines don't update, comments don't load, etc. Whenever there's an update, while it may resolve one problem, it typically brings a whole host of others.

There are also the problems with Facebook itself, not least the prevalence of cyber-bullying that goes unchecked, the fact that Facebook seems to apply its rules in an incredibly haphazard way - allowing violent images to remain while removing those which, while perhaps "provocative" in the sense of being thought-provoking, are not indecent, obscene, violent or really in any way outrageous, and the rather concerning issues around the security/privacy of user data and increasing number of adverts on the site/app.

While not having yet run its course, Facebook is going to have to come up with newer and newer ideas to remain relevant, and have to improve its security and "policing" structures to keep users happy.
Peter Rabbit (2018)
Peter Rabbit (2018)
2018 | Animation
An adaptation of Beatrix Potter's classic tale of a rebellious rabbit trying to sneak into a farmer's vegetable garden.

This was a pleasant way of starting my Saturday. There's nothing wrong with it, but I don't think I'd feel the urge to see it again.

Kids films always have those adult undertones to keep parents and films nerds entertained. But the ones in Peter Rabbit were frustrating in their fourth wall breaking. It felt like they were all saying, "you got that right?"

There were some laugh out loud moments, but writing this seven hours later I'm having trouble remembering any of them.

Before this one was released there was a lot of uproar about a food allergy scene. Those fluffy tailed little terrors deliberately set off Mr McGregor's food allergy and he ends up having to inject himself with his epi-pen. There were talks of a boycott because of this "food bullying" scene... okay, fine I can see your point... but do you take your family to see a Marvel/DC movie and tell them not to go around punching people and trying to wear pec-enhancing body armour? No you don't, because you bring them up to know right from wrong and how to make valid fashion choices. From a very young age you teach young children to be nice to other people, this isn't the first time they'll see a type of bullying in a film, it won't be the last. Use it as a teaching tool. I find it really difficult to be offended by content that should be counter balanced by common sense.
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)
Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1)
J.L. Bryan | 2010 | Paranormal
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
[Jenny Pox]by [J.L. Bryan] is a different twist on teen paranormal. No stupid sparkly vampires here! Instead teens with special powers all in the same small town.

Jenny can kill with a touch but does her best to protect everyone even though it brings her ridicule and bullying.

Seth can heal people with his touch.

Ashley can control people with hers and she does for her own benefit.

No one knows about these powers except the person with them until an accidental encounter between Jenny and Seth. All the pieces begin to fit.

This was a really enjoyable story and the fact that the teenagers had normal teenage personalities and issues made it all the better. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Born to Fly in Books

Feb 15, 2018  
Born to Fly
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my Condense Review:
I enjoyed seeing that a girl wanted to fly a plane. That her dad was teaching her. Her dad let her have her chance of landing a plane on her birthday. This book does have some action and Adventure. Those their a mystery unfolds once her father was drafted to sent off to fight in the war.

There information about WWII in this book and about the attack on Pearl Harbor. It does give some information on our history. It goes into issues about bullying, prejudiced, Learning to make friends, I see what kids and others did to other kids back then.

To see my Full Review go here to read it: <a href="">My Full Review</a>
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J.K. Rowling | 1998 | Children
9.0 (208 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another great book in the series. As Harry, Ron and Hermione embark on their second year at Hogwarts there are more adventures to be had and mysteries to uncover. The character development continues, particularly for Ron who shows that he is definitely brave enough to be in Gryffindor by facing his biggest fear to help his friends. We are introduced to new characters, like Ginny the youngest Weasley, whilst still getting to know the other background characters who help make the story so special. JK Rowling artfully continues to tackle prejudice as witches and wizards with muggle parents are targeted by the mysterious Chamber of Secrets whilst also enduring name calling and bullying. Despite this the book is still lighthearted and utterly hilarious in places. 100% recommend it!!