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Sealed with a Curse
Sealed with a Curse
Morgan Sheppard | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
beautifully written retell
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I love the books that are steamier and smexier and sometimes more violent. This book is neither, and I loved that fact that it wasn't!

I can't write a blurby bit, so not gonna bother, but I might rave a bit!

Selene is an old soul, I think, that she can, even when faced with the escalation of the bullying from the princes, NOT want them punished in the way they are. She wanted them to LEARN from it, yes, but not to the extent it was.

I loved that the Gods these people prayed to heard them, and stepped in. Loved that they had a voice too, even it was briefly! The bickering between the Sisters was wonderful to read.

Like it said, it's not steamy, there is the bullying in the beginning though, of Selene by the eldest brothers. It does get physical. Be mindful of that if you have triggers.

There is, though, MUCH love here. Selene loves her swans (as did I!) and the people around the castle. And in time, she does come to love Conway. Who, I thought, was a bit hedgey about why he came to the castle, and i thought there was more to him that there was, but it turns out I was reading between none-existent lines there!

It's full of description, in depth descriptions of people, places, flowers, even ribbons! I loved reading those. I could picture them, you know?

I loved all the supporting characters around the castle. I want to know what's got up a certain someone's behind, though, that was never made clear!

What I loved most though, was the interpretation of this tale. I never heard of this tale before, and at the end of this book, there is a bit about various versions and how they differ. I read that, and I loved that little bit of extra info.

There is also a bit that says we might hear from the brothers again, and I really want that! It would be nice to get into their heads, especially the eldest two, NOW rather than before. To see where they are at, and what they thought of their former selves.

All in all, a wonderful read, that kept me up way past my bedtime. I loved it, I really did. Bar Disjointed Lives, this is my favourite read by this author.

5 full and shiny, moon-touched stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Catherine (40 KP) rated 13 Reasons Why in TV

Aug 29, 2017  
13 Reasons Why
13 Reasons Why
2017 | Drama
They tried? (0 more)
It doesn't fit with my personal experiences with self-harm and suicide (0 more)
Poor Portrayal
To be honest, I didn't finish this series. It was THAT bad. I personally struggle with clinical depression and have some friends who have considered and/or attempted suicide. To me, it was a poor representation of what I have experiences. Suicide is a personal decision, chosen by people who don't feel as though their life is worth living anymore. Oftentimes, this decision IS reached after a person has been a victim of bullying and/or abuse. However, these events lead to a person devaluing his/her life and suffering so much they just want to end it. In the series, the girl seems confident in her analysis of each event and tells them how they should have acted differently in certain situations. It has been a while since I watched it, so I don't remember specific details that bothered me, but I don't remember her holding herself accountable for anything. There was no self deprecation or even much introspection. Perhaps others' experiences are different, but this series was so different from what I have experienced; it really didn't strike a chord with me as it seems to have other viewers.
Force of Nature (Aaron Falk #2)
Force of Nature (Aaron Falk #2)
Jane Harper | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A worthwhile follow-up to The Dry
I loved Harper's debut novel 'The Dry', so I was delighted to receive a proof copy of 'Force of Nature' from LittleBrown. I have been even more delighted to find that it more than lives up to the expectations raised by 'The Dry'.

A group of colleagues take part in a teambuilding weekend in the mountain forests north of Melbourne. Five women start out on the hike together, but when they finally struggle back to the base camp three days later, one of them is missing.

Is her diappearance linked to the serial killer who had made the area his hunting ground twenty years earlier, or is it the result of bullying and anger that permeate the group? Or is it less than a coincidence that the woman who is missing is an informant for Federal Police Agent Aaron Falk?

Fantastically delivered story line. Well paced, atmospheric and with wonderfully realised characters. The story is told through the voices of five different characters, which is no mean feat, particularly as they are all well defined and individual. Using parallel story lines Harper builds her tale gradually to a tense, fast paced climax.

Cannot wait for her third book, now!
Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)
Three Divisions (Crescentwood #1)
R.A. Smyth | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy fluff balls, what an amazing start to this series!

Although based around seventeen year old Sophie this is anything but a typical teen book. This is most definitely an adult read with some hard hitting topics like abuse, suicide and bullying to name a few.
    Nothing phases Sophie for long, she's an awesome character, with a strong survival instinct, a smart mouth and feisty kick ass personality. She has a kind of sex appeal that calls like a siren song to not one but four men (a girl can dream!!)

The four men all have an outward persona that isn't endearing but beneath the surface lies a hot mess......They go from mean and moody to a girl's wet dream and back again. Like Sophie they all have a hard past driving them, things that bleed into their current lives, each fighting their own demons.

There isn't anything that I don't like as the bits that make me uncomfortable are crucial foundations for the story. They add depth to the characters and create a more three dimensional look at all the key players.

A good strong start to what promises to be an amazing, gripping series....... **Taps fingers impatiently waiting for the next book**

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated 47 Ronin (2013) in Movies

Jan 12, 2021 (Updated Jul 4, 2021)  
47 Ronin (2013)
47 Ronin (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
As expected this is a lot of eye-popping visual work in service of a story void of even a single drop of weight. Too much gorgeous design fetish on display to truly dislike in spite of it being executed as plainly as can be otherwise - for every mechanical, generic expository beat there's a splashpad of stunning locales, vibrant costumes, luscious CGI, sweeping sets, excellent props, and fully realized art backing it up. It's super atmospheric and the money is *definitely* on the screen but everything underneath the hood is not only lackluster but genuinely problematic. The idea to take one of the most legendary events in Japanese history and not only turn it into another passive whitewashed popcorn flick is gross all on its own, but to frame the entire thing around a bunch of wronged Japanese men + women having to constantly praise and apologize to a white man for bullying him or whatever is - quite frankly - beyond insulting. As much as I won't soon be forgetting the pop aesthetic experience this delivered upon, I'm also glad it bombed. A screenplay this goofy has no right being so tame. And see the skull guy on the poster? He's only in the movie for like 30 seconds so fuck you.
Holding Up the Universe
Holding Up the Universe
Jennifer Niven | 2016 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Libby Strout has the distinction of being "America's Fattest Teen" -- the girl who was once lifted out of her house with a crane. But no one has ever really taken the time to know Libby, a complicated and kind person who is still struggling with her mom's death and the aftermath of the crane incident. But Libby is stronger than people realize and she's now ready to try high school for the first time. She wants to experience life at a real school: with friends, clubs, love, and more. At school, Libby meets Jack Masselin. Jack is a popular kid struggling with a secret: he doesn't recognize faces. This issue makes high school popularity (and life) surprisingly complicated. Jack's life becomes even more complicated when he gets caught up in an awful high school bullying game that involves Libby. As a result, the two of them wind up in counseling together. Suddenly, they are spending a lot of time together and becoming surprising friends.

This was just a lovely book. I sped through this novel in about a day, because it was just so amazing, but I sort of wish I had savored it more, because it was so good. Libby is an excellent character. There were moments were I was simply amazed by her, and it's easy to say that I fell hard for her. Jack, too, but Libby - Libby is something special. I had read reviews (before the book came out) saying that its coverage of Libby's weight was offensive, but I didn't find it offensive at all. If anything, the book is empowering, and there were passages that made me want to stand up and shout for her. You cannot help but root for Libby.

As with many YA books, it did seem like Jack and Libby were a little mature for high school, but mostly, they felt right on point; if anything, they were each a reflection of how kids have to grow up so much faster now, what with the world being so cruel and all the bullying around them. Besides, each had suffered so much in their own way, even if Jack's life was so much easier on the surface than Libby's. Because I'd read Niven's previous novel, I was constantly waiting for something awful to happen, so there was that. :) I have to say that I enjoyed this one more than [b:All the Bright Places|18460392|All the Bright Places|Jennifer Niven||26113532], even if that's hearsay for some. It was a well-written and beautiful book and just left me with a good feeling at the end... even if it also left me wishing I could meet Jack and Libby in real life.
The Craftsman (The Craftsman, #1)
The Craftsman (The Craftsman, #1)
Sharon J. Bolton | 2018 | History & Politics, Paranormal, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
My Queen of crime and thrillers is back, with another marvelous story to tell. I read all her books, and every time she surprises me with something different and original.

The story is set in a small town with a hill, where witches were meeting since the 16th century. As you can see in the description above, this story is told in two different times – 1969 and 1999. In 1969 Florence was a WPC in the local police station, which she recently joined. Moreover, she was the first woman in that station, surrounded by men, who are not very friendly. She is assigned a disappearance of three teenagers, but what she discovers is way more complex and sinister than she could imagine.

Florence is the protagonist of this novel, and this story is told from her perspective. I love strong, smart and rebellious female leads in the books, and I absolutely loved Florence. Even though she is facing cruel workplace bullying and constant demeaning behavior, she is still fighting for what she believes to be right, and she wipes noses to those stuck up men. BRAVO! 😀 I really liked the wide variety of characters, which Bolton offered in this novel. All of them were very well rounded and unique personalities, who brought more richness to the book.

The narrative of this book was very well planned out and delivered. I was sucked in from the first pages of this book, I just wanted to find out what in a world was going on there! I really enjoyed all the twists, turns and diversions which Bolton creatively incorporated in this book. Sharon Bolton always follows an intriguing topic in her novels, and I am very glad that she was discussing workplace bullying and sexism, alongside witches and witchcraft. Even though I am not a believer in witchcraft, It was amusing to read about the people who believe in it and practice it.

Sharon Bolton is a very talented storyteller, she has a very absorbing and suspense building writing style, which I thoroughly enjoy every time. I loved the setting of this book, it compliments the atmosphere of this book with all those mills, hills, cemeteries and complex houses. The pages just fly while reading those short chapters. The climax was absolutely unexpected and left me very surprised. So, to conclude, for now, this book was the best read of 2018 for me. I enjoyed it from first to the last page, I think it has very intriguing and absorbing characters and very well crafted narrative, which is fast paced and very amusing. I do strongly recommend this book, I think you are in for a treat. Enjoy! 🙂

LucyB (47 KP) rated Big Little Lies in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
Liane Moriarty | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darkly funny, great characters, didn't see the end coming (0 more)
Magnificently clever, darkly humorous, thought-provoking read.
Sigh. I do so love it when I finish a book and wish it wasn't finished! Big Little Lies is absolutely one of the best books I've read for a while, and absolutely had me hooked from start to finish.

The story focuses on three main characters: bolshy Madeleine, mousy Jane and beautiful Celeste - who share a common bond; they have children starting the same kindergarten class. However, things go swiftly wrong when Jane's child Ziggy is accused of trying to strangle another child - a situation that soon escalates with alarming consequences.

The book captures playground politics to perfection (I'm wagering the author MUST have kids of her own), but goes far beyond exploring the behaviour of over-zealous school mums. It also examines the insanity of bullying, how quickly situations can spiral out of control, and the horror of domestic abuse. In spite of handling some weighty issues, it also manages to be quite darkly amusing and highly wry.

The characters are likeable, engaging and relateable (I'd guess most mothers reading this book would instinctively 'gravitate' towards one of the three protagonists). And the ending? I won't spoil it - but put it like this, I certainly didn't see it coming.

Love love love this book. Definitely one to read, folks!
Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History
Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History
Katy Tur | 2017 | Biography, History & Politics
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genuine sympathy for Katy Tur
Katy Tur gives you an inside look at the strangest political campaign, maybe in history. Following Donald Trump during his presidential campaign, Tur had the unfortunate task of interviewing Trump or dealing with his chief aids throughout this period.

Tur tells us what it was like reporting on an exhaustive daily basis and of how she felt on a professional basis and personal level. As a female journalist, she became a target for his bullying and outright 'weird' behaviour at times. She shares with us how she felt being singled out at rallies for ridicule and hateful remarks by the then presidential candidate, and of how vulnerable she and her colleagues felt at one particular venue when the behaviour of a baying mob of loyal supporters had been supported and even encouraged by Trump.

Packed amidst the vengeful, rhetoric of Trump's speeches or condemnation of pretty much anyone distasteful to his sensibilities Tur manages to inject a fair amount of humour in the form of her inner dialogue which lightens what could have been an overbearing political tirade.

Intelligently written, fast paced, and intensely compelling, I was engrossed, fascinated and repulsed in equal measure by the book. While it doesn't shed any new light on Trump's character, it vindicates much of what is said in Michael Woolf's controversial book Fire and Fury.

Chris Hooker (419 KP) Jan 15, 2018

I would read this but I think it would just make me more angry. I just recently got out of my depression about that debacle.


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) Jan 15, 2018

I am not surprised! It may be too raw. If you think this is bad, @Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is even worse.


Ainsley Lewis (3 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jun 11, 2019  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Social interaction (1 more)
Groups when you find a good one
Can't always find what you want in settings (0 more)
Facebook fame
Facebook has been around for years and has become one of THE biggest social media platforms of the 21st century. You won't find many people that do not have an account and becomes almost the new socialisation. Yes... there are bad points to social media... lack of human interaction, online bullying has become a big problem, becoming dependant on mobile devices. But I have found with being away from family and friends, a comfort to keep in touch and up to date with what is going on. (I am one of these people that are terrible for keeping in contact) so it's comforting to be able to just click open my Facebook and see my little nieces growing up and brothers doing what they do best. Watching my friends grow and become the amazing people they have always been. The features of Facebook are getting better as it grows. Having your own ability to create groups and pages especially for small businesses, the fun little way of using a short snippet of a video for your profile picture. So yes I do prefer face to face interaction but with apps like Facebook becoming a more prominent part of day to day life, why not enjoy it!!