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eBay: Buy, Sell & Save Money
eBay: Buy, Sell & Save Money
Lifestyle, Shopping, Utilities
7.7 (74 Ratings)
App Rating
Free money if you’ve got junk. Seems like someone wants it! (0 more)
Fees are a bit high, but I’m still coming out ahead. It’s fine for me, not sure what it’s like if you run an actual business on eBay. (0 more)
Just made a bunch of cash from dust collecting junk I was going to throw away. Who knew?
The Business
The Business
TV & Film
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Great Information (0 more)
Heavily Biased at times (0 more)
Good information
I've started listening to The Business for one of my college classes. I really enjoy listening to most of their podcasts, however, I've found that they have a tendency to be heavily biased at times which can throw you for a loop. However, I will continue listening to them.

"Warren Buffett gave me this fantastic collection of articles that Brooks wrote for The New Yorker. Although Brooks was writing in the 1960s, his insights are timeless and a reminder that the rules for running a great company don’t change. I read it more than two decades ago, and it’s still my pick for the best business book ever."

Outliers (The Outliers #1)
Outliers (The Outliers #1)
Kate L. Mary | 2018 | Dystopia, Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Favorite

""Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I actually just started reading it - I'm telling you a good book to read I haven't finished people! Jay Z actually recommended that I read it - it gives you a lot of life lessons. In any business there are certain principles that would work in every walk of life and will help you.""

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
Jim Collins | 2005 | Business & Finance, History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"In the very beginning, I used Jim Collins’ book Built to Last to figure out my core values. And then I gave those core values to everyone I worked with: Atlantic Records, CoverGirl, etc., and as I embarked on new creative projects or business partnerships, I weighed my core values and the proposed opportunity and I decided accordingly."

Ida Sinclair is headed to Cripple Creek. She must first graduate from Business school. There someone that tries and mess that up with her. Her professor see her skills and is intruding and asks Ida to meet him at his office to chat after she done with her duties.

Ida just want a job in the business world? Will she get it in New York or will she go to Cripple Creek? That her plan to go to Cripple Creek to be with her sisters Nell and Kat along. Her father want he to. Her little sister Vivian is to join them the next summer.

Tucker Raines is asked to come to Cripple Creek by his mother. He arrives a day or so before Ida Sinclair. He left his sister to come help out. He finds out his father is ill and he got to take over the family business “The Raines Ice Company”. Tucker finds that having his mother and father stay in Colorado Springs so that his father can stay at the hospital is the best option and care.

Tucker finds out what the real reason and his father is in debt. How will Tucker pull his family business out of debt but also pay for his sister Willow care as well. Tucker runs into Ida Sinclair for the first time at the depot with his mother and father.

There are surprises as you turn the pages. What will happen to Tucker and Ida? Mona get you hooked and you can't be let go. You also learn about the Cripple Creek around that time period in history.

Eve (9 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Aug 26, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Keeping in touch with family afar (0 more)
Lots! Drama, arguments, nastiness, trolling....the list goes on! (0 more)
Time waster
I have been on Facebook for some years now but recently decided to deactivate. Fb is great for networking, promotion and promoting ypur business. If used correctly it can be a great platform to boost your business.
For friendships i dont recommend, you can spend so much time on there talking to people who you wpuld probably just pass in the street, if you wouldn't then you certainly don't need fb to communicate! We have lost the ability to communicate face to face and fb doesn't help.
I see so many relationships and friendships breakdown because of fb so i advise people to happily use the app but to also have a break from time to time!
This is a great book for business owners, but I personally wasn't able to use it much. I wished I could have given it more time or attention, but I requested it not knowing what it was, and I wasn't able to do much with it. It is a devotional journal type book, meant to be a private place to pray and write.

Mystini (243 KP) rated Apple iPad in Tech

May 25, 2018  
Apple iPad
Apple iPad
Computers & Accessories > Tablets
Everything (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
My handheld bit of perfect!
This feels like a bit of an o early dramatic statement to make, but in all seriousness this iPad has changed my life. I use it daily for all of my business, social and gaming needs. It seamlessly communicates with my other Apple devices and just makes everything so easy. I can’t recommend it enough
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Romance

" I've seen it a billion times but I don't think it gets the props it deserves. What sucks is that it solidified something about the business - [adopts movie mogul voice] "See? There's no use in making new movies because people don't know them and don't want to see them." That movie is brilliant - it's funny, very interesting and it has got good values."
