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Networking Thoughtfully: The 30 Minute Read That Could Change Your Life
Networking Thoughtfully: The 30 Minute Read That Could Change Your Life
M. Wheadon | 2017 | Business & Finance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you the kind of person that struggles with networking? Do you have to strain to come up with satisfactory conversation starters? Is making business deals with other people something you find challenging? Then Networking Thoughtfully is exactly what you need. This short book by Martin Wheadon is a guide for people who need to build relationships but do not know where to start. With simple points, Wheadon takes readers through a step-by-step process to help achieve positive results.

With over thirty thoughts, the reader is taken through clever ideas to boost their confidence and communication skills. The advice is written clearly, accompanied with examples to help get the most of the author's guidance. The tone of the writing is almost conversational, resulting in the sense that the author understands your anxieties and is talking from personal experience.

Although written with business gain at the forefront, Networking Thoughtfully can also be used to aid personal development. Learning how to start conversations and come up with ways to introduce yourself is beneficial when meeting new people regardless of the circumstances.

The book itself is set out neatly making it easy to follow. It is also easy to dip in and out, reading only the parts relevant to yourself, though if you wish to read it cover to cover it will only take half an hour.

Whether you are new to networking or want to improve your skills, Networking Thoughtfully is an excellent book to read. You are guaranteed to learn something new and develop techniques that benefit both your business and yourself.
Vengeance (Quirke #5)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't really care for this book. From the very beginning there were so many character presented that it was incredibly hard to keep them all straight. They were either all related, in business together, or sleeping with each other. The writing itself was good, but it just seemed like the author was trying too hard. The mystery in the book fell flat.
All in all it was okay, but not an author I would seek out again.
Air Time (Charlotte McNally, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Investigative reporter finds that knock offs of designer purses are serious business when her story about them leads to murder. Meanwhile, her relationship with her boyfriend hits a rather serious hurdle. I'm a guy, so I had a hard time getting into the plot about the purses, but eventually, I did. Overall, I did enjoy the book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Gmail - Email by Google
Gmail - Email by Google
Communication, Productivity
8.1 (149 Ratings)
App Rating
I use this all the time on my iPad, it is brilliant and having several gmail accounts for personal and business use, it shows them all so I only have to log into one place. The only bugbear is that if I have set up a signature or group emails on the laptop, it doesn’t transfer over to the iPad so have to type them in separately, but apart from that it is so useful.

Keith David recommended A Double Life (1947) in Movies (curated)

A Double Life (1947)
A Double Life (1947)
1947 | Classics, Drama, Film-Noir
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Well, it was an actor playing Othello. It was written by Garson Kanin, who later married a teacher of mine, but he was married to Ruth Gordon, who was a favorite actress of mine. And it was a movie about the theater. I love those kinds of in-house things. I love political movies or plays, but especially plays about the inner workings of the business, or that give you insight into the process of what actors go through."


Daniel Ek recommended The Minefield Girl in Books (curated)

The Minefield Girl
The Minefield Girl
Sofia Ek | 2020 | Biography
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"My wife, Sofia, recently published her first book. I'm incredibly proud of her for all her hard work and dedication in writing this and don't know how she did this whilst being a great mom to our both daughters. The book is about her experiences being a young western woman living and doing business in a dictatorship, and it's a story of love and hustle in a land where nothing is what it appears to be."


Cee-Lo Green recommended Still Standing by Goodie Mob in Music (curated)

Still Standing by Goodie Mob
Still Standing by Goodie Mob
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It was our second record and we'd gotten considerably better, and were gelling a lot more organically as a group. Soul Food was essentially meant to be a compilation album and we had stumbled upon our own strange brew, and then with Still Standing we went into business together. We totally defined Southern hip hop for what it could be; it could be impact and nationwide. It's still a record I'm proud of to this day."


John Irving recommended Fifth Business in Books (curated)

Fifth Business
Fifth Business
Robertson Davies | 2001 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"In the Robertson Davies novel Fifth Business, that first-chapter snowball gave me the idea for the baseball in A Prayer for Owen Meany, whose initials (O.M.) are modeled on the Grass hero of The Tin Drum (Oskar Matzerath). When I was married in Toronto, Davies read from the Bible at the wedding. "There is something of Byron about John Irving," Davies once wrote about me. Yes, I suppose so, and something of Dickens about Robertson Davies."

2016 | Abstract Strategy, Ancient, Mythology
Santorini rocks as a 2-player board game!
Many years ago I was lucky enough to have my wife come along with me on a business trip to Greece. It was the first time either of us had been to Greece and we looked forward to seeing many sites over a few extra days after the business event ended.
One of the things we really wanted to do was to visit one of the Greek Isles. At the top of my list was Santorini
Unfortunately, with the limited time we had, we could only make it to one island — Mykonos. Don’t get me wrong, we loved visiting Mykonos. I just wish we could have seen more. And ever since then I’ve longed for a visit to Santorini.
Well, playing the Santorini board game by Roxley Game Laboratory has only whetted my appetite to visit the popular Greek Isle even more!
I’ll tell you straight out that the game is fantastic!

Reviewer: Trent
See the full review here:
Stan has been summoned to Rhode Island to work with a group of master chefs. Sheldon Allyn is hoping to put together an impressive dinner that will convince investors who give his business money, and if he succeeds, Stan will get the money to expand her gourmet pet food business. When Stan and the others arrive at their secret location, they find out of the chefs beat them there only to be murdered. As the weekend begins to fall apart, can Stan figure things out?

Since this book takes place in Rhode Island instead of Stan’s usual local, many of the series regulars only get cameos. That was my only complaint with this great book. The new characters are lots of fun, and even the brief time we spend with the series regulars seems some growth in them. The mystery is very strong with lots of moving pieces. I didn’t have it all put together until the end myself.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.