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Ghosts in the Mirror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ghosts in the Mirror pretty much lands on my list of most unique ghost (okay, related to ghosts) reads of all time.

The particular uniqueness of the story? The main character, Jeremy, goes into a coma every time a ghost possesses him due to unfinished business. The only way to "see" the ghost is to use a mirror. To see how a ghost feels depends on the color of Jeremy's vomit. I know, it's really gross, but it's pretty cool.

Except... Jeremy keeps going in and out of sleep. Interesting? Um... no. Not after awhile. Apparently when you're asleep way too much, you don't really accomplish much. Add that to Jeremy as a character, and how this ghost possession thingamajig works. The ghost possession is all very confusing – I don't get this "spirit hand" or "phantom hand." Does Jeremy have a third hand? Is it still his right hand but the ghost possessing him can only "access" his right hand and that's why he calls it a phantom/spirit hand? Is it basically as though he and the ghost are like one spirit? I have some ideas on what it may all mean, but I'm not 100% sure. It all feels very much as though Mangola knows what she's talking about and explains it as much as she can, but has a bit of a hard time getting her point across and clarifying how it all works.
<img src=""; border="0">
Jeremy as a character. He has quite a few moments in the book where I'm wondering if he's 6 years old or 16 years old. I don't really mind it as much since when you're in a coma a lot and suddenly realize you're growing up, you're going to want to retain your kid years as much as possible before having to officially grow up. And time goes by really fast – OMG, I'm almost 17. NOOO.

But he eats soooooo much junk food – candy and lollipops and donuts, oh my! – I pretty much started wondering what would get to him first: the Strigoi, or a heart attack? If it were the latter, I would have been extremely furious because then I would assume the book's point is to tell us not to eat so much junk food or we would all get a heart attack one day (or we'll be in a Wall-E world). I do hate one too many sugar, thank you very much (moi can't handle too much vanilla frosting).

Which pretty much makes me bring up a point about him getting car sick so easily. Cannoli and Lattes? They have dairy products. Cannoli have cream and cheese, lattes have cream – it's the perfect one way trip to Vomit Wonderland (at least one of the ways). Getting a car ride after eating what looks like a gallon of milk and dairy products? Of course the guy's going to throw up all over the place. And if anyone's going to make a point about Jeremy's condition in defense, I get car sick just as easily and I'm technically normal.

Of course, after Jeremy's millions of trips to Vomit Wonderland throughout the book, I'm pretty grossed out. The book doesn't sound as cool as it did in the beginning, but I believe Mangola has not just the bones of a really good book, but the tissues. Or muscles. *sigh* I may have prolonged my trip to the Medical world, but I probably won't get the anatomy of myself – or anyone really – right anytime soon. Certainly no future doctors are going to be impressed by my pitiful attempts.
Review copy provided by the author for review
original review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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The Forgetting
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here's a terrible way to approach a review: have almost nothing to say but few words (and here I thought I finally got over that little reviewing brain freeze I got early last year. This is going to become a bad habit, yes?). Nothing really negative, as I enjoyed reading The Forgetting, but saying, "I enjoyed the book" and leaving it at that just doesn't qualify. Someone would then most likely ask, "But why did you enjoy the book?"

I am, by no means, a fan of books that involve sex trafficking. It's a terrible thing and I really don't want to bother reading about the subject (if book club chooses a certain book from the Gateway Readers Award Nominees that's related to trafficking, I'm tucking my tail between my legs and running away).

Then again, I figured Nicole Maggi's The Forgetting would be something pretty different from other thrillers, seeing as a girl goes through a heart transplant and then suddenly starts losing some of her memories while gaining some memories of the heart's original owner. In order for Georgie to actually return back to her normal life from what she calls the "Catch" though, Georgie has to unravel how her new heart's owner really died before she loses all of her memories.
<blockquote>How could I have memories that didn’t belong to me? But they were there, as crystal clear as other memories I knew were mine.</blockquote>
The Forgetting faintly reminds me of a mystery show I once watched every Sunday on CBS (to which I forgot the name of, but it was always before the 10pm news), only this is just a one time thing and everything is back to normal completely (plus, I don't think that detective actually went through a transplant. More like a gut feeling. Either that, or he's a genius). It also reminded me a little of If I Stay and Where She Went, as Georgie spends a good part of the book panicking about not making into Julliard because its been her dream to go Julliard since she was a kid.
<blockquote>Would I graduate on time? Ace my Juilliard audition and start there in the fall?</blockquote>
But while Georgie seems to emphasize stressing and eventually questioning her decision to play the oboe for a lifetime after going (IF) to Julliard, it's very evenly balanced out and doesn't overshadow the overall plot of the book. (Though suddenly doing all the good stuff and whatnot is really odd unless Georgie does this on a daily basis... before the transplant.)

It is, however, pretty obvious that "Jane Doe" has unfinished business from early on in the book with the way the story plays out and how it was written (not that I mind). Some of the characters' actions do seem a little questionable – how does one not go after a person that's taking a file... and not leaving a print out? Or at least go on the hunt for the file? I mean, it's a government building! Seems a little odd they would actually let a file out and don't even try to get it back, unless it's in the future and therefore not part of the book (because what happens to Georgie after doesn't matter too much after she solves the mystery of Jane Doe's death).

Though The Forgetting is a little on the paranormal side (I haven't actually heard anything similar to Georgie's situation in real life), Maggi does convey the realities and horrors of trafficking through her latest book.
Advanced copy provided by the publisher for review
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review originally posted at <a href=""></a>;
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R. L. Green | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed Ted’s personality quite a bit. He is questioning and careful of new people and situations until he understands what is going on. (0 more)
I was unhappy with the ending of this book. It was a cliffhanger (which I have no problem with) but it just left way too much hanging. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Motives and trust are put to question in the short book Incinerate by R. L. Green. However, it is not just the trust of others that is questioned but trust in oneself when emotions are involved.

 Ted was raised by his Uncle Will who is, unfortunately, laying in the ICU on life support. While he is not bad off, Ted is very money conscious and is fairly sure he is his Uncle’s heir but has yet to see a copy of the will. He fears that this situation is going to bring distant relatives, especially those on his dad’s side who ran off when he was a baby, out of the woodwork looking for money. He is not completely wrong. His half-sister, Tamsyn, decides to take this opportunity to connect with family. Much to Ted’s surprise and suspicion Tam shows up in a wheelchair with a traveling companion tagging along by the name of Jazz.

 Although Jazz comes off as harsh and cold towards Ted to begin with it appears this is only because she is trying to look out for Tam. After a little bit, Ted and Jazz begin to build a relationship or so Ted thinks, while Tam and Ben, Ted’s best friend seem to hit it off as well. Unfortunately, there is more to Jazz than meets the eye as Ted soon finds out. Ted and Ben make it their goal to help Tam get out of Tazz’s manipulative clutches, but it proves difficult. Ted must keep his feelings for Jazz from interfering with the plan yet keep Jazz from knowing he is aware of the truth. Jazz, however, doesn't want to give up her grip on Tam that easily and is willing to go to extreme lengths to keep ahold of her.

 I enjoyed Ted’s personality quite a bit. He is questioning and careful of new people and situations until he understands what is going on. Once he understands, Ted seems to have very little trouble deciding to take sides, even if it means he has to fight himself in the process. I was unhappy with the ending of this book. It was a cliffhanger (which I have no problem with) but it just left way too much hanging. The situation with Uncle Will is never resolved, though it's not hard to guess what happened to him, but the will in another unanswered factor. Mor importantly even though there are plans to go ahead and start the business nothing is said about how it works out. I am also extremely interested to know if Jazz ever comes back and if the accident she had was an accident. Then there is also the fact that Ted said “hey” way too much and at times when it felt wrong.

 This book deals with tough subjects best suited for adult and high school students. Subjects include rape, manipulation, sex, and death. Other than that the writing style itself is not that difficult. I would also classify this book as a drama from those that are interested. I rate this book 2 out of 4. It is a quick read for those that do not have a lot of free time. While the book itself lacks depth the characters seem to have quite a bit to them. For everything that I find fault for in this book, it is balanced with a positive aspect as well. This might not be a book that I would highly recommend, yet I would not discourage anyone from giving it a shot.
The Bromley Boys (2018)
The Bromley Boys (2018)
2018 |
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The Bromley Boys starts in 1969 three years after England won the World Cup, David Roberts (O’Connor) had wanted to support the popular teams of either West Ham or Tottenham, but his father Donald (Davies) has banned football in the house, leading to his mother Gertrude (McCutcheon) sneaking him a scarf of his local team Bromley.

This season is going to be David’s biggest as he learns about the corruption from the chairman Charlie McQueen (Foreman) and the potential sale of the club’s best player. David also meets Ruby (Baker) the daughter of the chairman that is the only girl that talks to him as he experiences love for the first time.

Thoughts on The Bromley Boys

Characters – David Roberts is a teenage boy that got dreams of being a footballer after seeing England win the World Cup in 1966, he is forced to support his local team, a small team with a tiny fanbase, he becomes a loyal fan and during the 1969 season he must figure out prove the chairman is out to ruin the club as they constantly struggle on the pitch. Ruby McQueen is the daughter of the chairman that starts dating David, she wants a normal relationship but often has to play second fiddle to his love of football. Charlie McQueen is the greedy chairman of Bromley, the fans and manager believe he is trying to put them out of business, which reflects on how David tries to expose his truth. Gertrude and Donald are David’s parents that are trying to give him the best future even if they don’t like him enjoy football.

Performances – Brenock O’Connor is delightful in the leading role showing us just how obsessed teenager can become when it comes to sports. Savannah Baker is great as the love interest who is looking for a future. Jamie Foreman looks all the part of a corrupt chairman through the film, with Alan Davies and Martine McCutcheon showing they have the star power from the English side.

Story – The story here follows a teenage football fan of his local team that starts to see things putting his beloved club in trouble after overhearing a conversation, he tries to fix things during the season just to make sure his team will be their next season. As a football fan this is one of the easiest films to relate to, seeing the ups, well downs more than often in this film, we can see how footballs can see their lives taken over by the season, it is even worse in modern day too, we do also have the important message about trying to support your local team instead of one of the more established teams that friends support. This is based on a trouble story which apart from the romantic angle does feel like it could have been real, but also the tales told from the tiny crowds to get buzz around their club. This is a story that is going to be one that the English market will enjoy the most.

Comedy – You will get plenty of laughs in this film, a lot comes from the love of football and seeing just how much it can change a life.

Settings – The film is set in and around the small town of Bromley, we spend plenty of time at the club, which helps us understand what this meant to David.

Scene of the Movie – The last game of the season.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The teachers seem very harsh.

Final Thoughts – This is an enjoyable British comedy, one that the English will enjoy most and one we can understand the passion behind supporting the team.

Overall: Truly fun and feel good film.
The Wedding Ringer (2015)
The Wedding Ringer (2015)
2015 | Comedy
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When I first heard the title of this movie, I probably thought what 99% of the population thought… that sounds like The Wedding Singer. Without even knowing anything about the film I had this preconceived notion that it was about a jeweler for weddings who is the best jeweler in town! Sarcasm is so hard to convey, but picture the end of that last sentence dripping with it.

It seems like Kevin Hart is in everything these days. He is the big name to know, and on everyone’s short list (rim shot). But it’s for good reason. They guy is funny. So I had a little hope The Wedding Ringer. Especially when you partner him with Josh Gad, a person more commonly known for being the supporting actor. Who is still a supporting actor in this film, but you wouldn’t know it.

For those that don’t know, TWR is about Doug Harris (Gad), a bridegroom who finds himself in a little bit of a pickle. It’s 10 days before his wedding, and he still has yet to figure out how to tell Gretchen (Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting), his bride-to-be, that his Best Man, and entire wedding party, are entirely fictitious. Never fear, for Harris is lead to Jimmy Callahan (Hart), proprietor of The Best Man, Inc. Only Jimmy doesn’t know exactly what he’s getting into as he makes an attempt at the fabled “Golden Tuxedo”, a myth in the business of being able to provide a 7-man grooms party in 10 days. Hilarity and hijinks ensue.

This movie was far better than I imagined it would be. With edgy humor, and great cameo appearances, the film delivers. Not afraid to make inside jokes about the actors’ previous roles, and not focusing on racial humor that some may anticipate, the film did not disappoint. The chemistry between Hart and Gad was good. It wasn’t great, but you can tell there was some. Hearing Cuoco-Sweeting curse after watching her for years on network television was a bit of a shock at first, but it certainly seemed natural. It was just so hard to accept the fact that she played her character so well, being the opposite end of the spectrum from some of the things she is most known for.

As I mentioned earlier, there were some great cameos throughout the film. Without giving away the big surprises, be on the lookout for Josh Peck, Cloris Leachman, Mimi Rogers, Whitney Cummings and Jeffrey Ross (just to name a few). Surprisingly enough, the edgiest jokes did not even come from the main cast, but more the supporting actors. They did an excellent job of spreading the humor. And while soundtrack is not a huge focus for comedies, I thought it a nice touch that many of the selections were more than fitting for the scenes.

Was the movie formulaic? You betcha? I called the ending of the movie a mere 20 minutes in. Are all of the jokes original? No. There were some great ones that I have never heard before, and the ones that you’ve seen a lot were delivered in fresh, creative way. Is it a movie that’s going to win awards? Likely not, but it’s definitely worth checking out for date night.

Bottom line, the movie surpassed my expectations by a mile. It was nice to see a movie that doesn’t rely on the obvious jokes and humor you would expect given the cast and setting. This is definitely one that will be making its way into my collection when released for home viewing, and I may head out and take a gander at it again this weekend.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)
2011 | Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi
The pop culture phenomenon that is Twilight is wrapping up as the film adaptation of the final book in the series, Twilight: Breaking Dawn, has arrived in theaters. With the previous three films doing brisk business at the box office, it came as no surprise when it was announced that the final book in the series was being split into two films so that the studio could maximize the box office of the series.

The film opens with awkward, melancholy teen Bella (Kristen Stewart), preparing for her wedding to Edward (Robert Pattinson), as their human and vampire friends assemble for the ceremony. Of course Edward’s rival Jacob (Tayler Lautner), is highly against the union as he still carries a flame for Bella. Nonetheless, the ceremony goes off as planned and Edward whisks Bella away to a remote Brazilian island to consummate their union, which apparently is a tricky endeavor, being that she is still a mortal and he is a century old vampire.

What at first is an ideal honeymoon is soon complicated when Bella and Edward discover an unexpected challenge that threatens Bella’s well-being and poses a threat to the pact between the vampires and werewolves. I will not spoil the film, even though fans of the series and books will not be any strangers to the drama and politics of the situation, but suffice it to say there is a lot on the line for all of the characters involved.

The film was rife with issues, the main one being the atrocious acting. One would think that after three previous films with the same cast, these actors would have developed some timing and chemistry with one another, especially Stewart and Pattinson who are a couple offscreen. Nothing could be further from the truth as they stiffly deliver their lines with pained and remote expressions. I am honestly at a loss as to why Bella is so captivating to both Edward and Jacob
as she is basically a dour girl who looks incredibly uncomfortable in her own skin, and yet the two are utterly captivated by her. I found the supporting cast far more interesting than the heroine and her besotted heroes. Another issue I had was that Pattinson, who got to show his acting ability in “Water for Elephants” is given little to do aside from staring at Bella and doing profile shots.

The first half of the film is basically an MTV-style wedding and honeymoon music video but the second half of the film did manage to grab and hold my attention with the ongoing plot points. It is obvious that the story is being stretched to cover two films as there are numerous unnecessary scenes such as people walking up stairs, throwing things in a garbage can, looking in mirrors, which serve little purpose other than increasing the run time of the film. Of course all of this matters little to fans of the series. The studio knows who the core audience is and the movie panders to them every chance they can, as proven by Lautner doffing his shirt not 60 seconds into the film to the squeals of delight from the teens, tweens and grown women in the audience.

Still, because it pits the Cullens against the werewolves who were their allies in the previous film, Breaking Dawn is better than the previous films. While it raises the angst and tension, it does not provide much growth for the actors as they dutifully go through the motions as best they can with the material. While it attempts to be a darker and more mature film, it still comes across as eye candy and fantasy for young women when the story and cast deserved so
much more. That being said, the film stays true to it’s core audience and gives them exactly what they have come to expect and does not stray from what has been a successful formula.
Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters (2019)
2019 | Drama
Films are important.

Films are important to us all for many different reasons, they show what we are, what we can be, what we aspire to be, of who we are. Sometimes that comes in the form of escapism, of dreaming that we can be better, Mark Ruffalo is no stranger to the genre I'm referring to, sometimes shows us our darkest fears and that we can overcome them, and sometimes, it shows us just how low, we as people can get, and never offer any kind of redemption. Dark Waters manages to be all of these things. A small intro before the film began had me franticly signing up to numerous petitions the second the film ended, joining a cause I didn't even know existed before I sat down to watch. This is why film is important, and why you should watch Dark Waters as soon as you can. So why the 3 out of 5 rating? Surely a film that EVERYONE should watch should get top marks, right? Unfortunately not.

The film begins with Rob Bilott (Mark Ruffalo), a corporate defence attorney, whose office is visited by a farmer from his home town, trying to raise a legal case against DuPont, a multi-billion dollar business, the towns biggest employer, and a chemical company at the heart of potentially poisoning the towns water supply. As Billot investigates the scale of the issue, and its inevitable cover up, it all becomes alarmingly clear. Thousands of people are being poisoned, they're health will likely deteriorate and life threatening illnesses are now a high probability. To take a line from the recent movie Bombshell “somebody has to stand up, somebody has to get mad.”

That anger that should be felt, but for all the terrifying facts about the poisoning these people received on a daily basis, it never comes, the rage should be palpable. Instead it opts for giving us all the information, teaching about regulation and government intervention, or lack thereof, and the only temper in the film shows comes as a heated exchange in a board room that blows over as soon as it comes, and protesters outside courtrooms for fleeting moments throughout the movie. It should be seething instead of showing, giving us the knowledge we need through gritted teeth, not clinical, scientific and impersonal.

Dark Waters is off the mark with its tone, Mark Ruffalo's high-priced lawyer is too uncertain, a little too every-man, never really portrayed a hot-shot or an underdog, and the supporting cast fall into “Good Guy” or “Bad Guy” far too easily with no exploration into any depth of character. One scene has a DuPont representative, shown in great detail, every undisputable, despicable thing that his company has done to these people, and listens attentively, never upset or defiant but instead seeming slightly bored, before getting up and leaving. Every scene feels like it should be emotionally hard-hitting but never raises above a tap on the shoulder.

As the lesson goes on, the complete lack of morals DuPont has, becomes shockingly clear as they drag the case on for as long as they can, making sure Billot's firm spend more money and time than they are willing to pay. Bilot's home life becomes strained, which distracts from the main thread more than adds to it plot, he becomes distant from his wife, a woefully underused Anne Hathaway, and his health deteriorates under the weight of fighting, and in the end, the conclusion is murkier than the water supply. But he still fights, and in real life, Rob Billot is still fighting to this day to help the West Virginia community, and to change the way the corporations are regulated worldwide.

This film is important, and everyone should see it because it's message, just don't see it for its entertainment value, because that's few and far between.
No Place To Hide
No Place To Hide
Opa Hysea Wise | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing journey of personal growth and self-acceptance of the main character (0 more)
The self-help parts did not blend in well with the rest of the book. (0 more)
Interesting Mulit-genre book
No Place to Hide by Opa Hysea Wise is a unique combination of a self-help book with a mystery or crime drama. It doesn't read as a typical self-help book dose but instead lets readers follow the main character on her journey of growth and read her discoveries as far as herself goes.

 Smythe Daniels lives alone and is desperately trying to find some meaning in her life. She has even made the decision to quit her job in an effort to start her own business. On top of that she is taking a year long class in an attempt to find her happiness. Yet even with these large changes it would appear that Smythe is destined for even more hardship and change.

 One night while she is unable to sleep Smythe makes the simple decision to sit in her car in a parking lot to smoke a cigarette. Nothing life changing about that, right? Well as it happens Smythe is witness to a murder tied to a crime syndicate and her life is now in danger. Not wanting to give up everything she is working towards Smythe refuses the FBI’s offer (that is actually more of a request) to go into witness protection. Thankfully some anonymous person pays for a privet security detail for Smythe or else she might not make it to the trial date. As it is even with the security she might not make it.

 I enjoyed Smythe’s journey of personal growth and self-acceptance. Sometimes it dose take a major upheaval in our lives to be the pushing factor that we need for change. Hopefully most won’t have to go through such a traumatic time as Smythe. Unfortunately the attempt to hide a self-help book within the pages of a thriller missed its mark for me. At times the more ‘in depth’ conversations become repetitive, dry, and boring. The self-help parts did not seem to blend in with the story very well and actually interrupted the flow of the thriller for me, yet it wasn’t that bad.

 Crime drama lovers will be extremely interested in this book along with those who enjoy mild romance. Readers should also be comfortable (whether they believe or not) with discussions of a God or Source of some sort. Those who enjoy self-help will like this book and those that have at least a mild interest in self-help might want to give this one a try as well. I do recommend only adults read this as although there really isn’t anything inappropriate in this book younger readers might not understand some of the concepts. In fact it will probably take most adults multiple times reading this book to get the full benefit and enjoyment of it.

 I rate this book 3 out of 4. The story is engaging and draws readers in. It is easy to feel Smythe’s frustration at the restrictions and turns her life has taken as well as the disrepair it causes. Readers can even feel Artie’s emotions as well in her desire to protect Smythe and her growing feelings towards her. The self-help sections are entertaining at times as well (better blending would have helped) and offer some good insights.


    • Book Title: No Place to Hide
    • Author: Opa Hysea Wise
    • Release Date: November 3, 2020
    • Publisher: Made for Success Publishing
    • ISBN 10: 1641464771
    • ISBN 13: 978-1641464772
    • Price: $14.99
    • Paperback: 300 Pages
    • Genres: Mystery, Fiction, Suspense Thriller, Crime, Self-Help, LGBTQ Fiction, African American Women’s Fiction


 "No Place to Hide" is available for pre-order on Amazon, Indiebound, Bookshop, Walmart, and Barnes & Noble.

Review by Melissa Espenschied of Night Reader Reviews
Stumbling Stoned (The Patchwork Prince #1)
Stumbling Stoned (The Patchwork Prince #1)
A. Van Wyck | 2018 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark humor (1 more)
Fast paced
A few bad writing techniques (0 more)
When I realized that Wyck's Stumbling Stoned was like Memento meets a season of Fargo, I was all in. A book about a mental patient with amnesia that has supernatural powers? Yes, please!

I was completely blown away by the twists and turns in this story, and even more so by how well it all fit together. But if you find dark humor distasteful, you won't like this book very much. I found myself giggling at things I probably shouldn't have, but these things made it all the better.

Our main character is an amnesiac mental patient known as John Doe, and the entire story is told from his point-of-view. He escapes from the hospital soon after the start of the story with one of the psychiatrists in-tow. We find that Doe has tied up the former in a bathtub while an older man is tied up to a toilet. The man is unknown to the two, and apparently has jet black eyes that make him seem inhuman. And Doe seems to have eaten a fellow patient's finger and upchucked it in the sink- - - something that surprisingly disgusts him - - - and leads him to a drawing on the mirror above, something Doe drew before blacking out.

Doe, after realizing he kidnapped the psychiatrist, quickly lets her go, and goes off on his own with no idea who he is or where he's going. Just when the reader suspects that Doe might find out who he is, he is suddenly swept up into a human trafficking business and mafia dealings he had no idea existed. And because of this, after being drugged by a mafioso, Doe realizes that he has supernatural powers whenever he is hopped-up on drugs.

When Doe makes an escape from the dirty warehouse where young girls are held as sex slaves, he helps these girls by breaking their chains with his bare hands. Not only does he co-lead their escape, but he also ends up saving the daughter of a well-known Mafia boss. However, this leads to Doe being stuck in the middle of a family feud, and he is almost killed by this very same family for knowing just a little too much. And this isn't even half of the story!

Later on, Doe ends up in the hands of a witch, but he realizes quite quickly that she's not the one to fear, but rather who she is working for - - - a man named Zabat- - - who she is delivering our character to. Somehow, Zabat knows exactly who Doe is and why he has supernatural powers, but he refuses to tell him unless Doe helps him first. Doe refuses and, instead, throws himself out of a high rise window. From here, Doe begins to piece some of his life together, but Zabat causes a couple of problems that ends up revealing to the reader that Doe is not human and that the supernatural powers are not a figment of his imagination.

Now, the story is so fast-paced and borders on ridiculous at some points, yet it all fits together quite well; I personally can't think of another way this story could have been told, but that didn't make the book flawless. Stumbling Stoned had some bad writing techniques in it, but not enough that I think readers would put it down.

I can only recommend this book to people who like dark humor, but as far as horror - - - this isn't that type of book. Stumbling Stoned takes readers on a thrill ride through the seedier side of life. I personally believe this is a good book to read to get away from the daily stressors of life. I truly hope that Wyck decides to write a sequel!
Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Samara Weaving (0 more)
Ready or Not opens with a gleefully intense and shocking scene. It serves to give us a taste of the kind of twisted games that usually play out within the confines of huge gothic mansion owned by the eccentric Le Domas family, who made their fortune in the board game business. If you've seen the trailer, then you'll know that Ready or Not is basically just Hide and Seek, but with deathly consequences. However, this short, sharp introduction leaves you in no doubt as to just how far the Le Domas family will go in order to win the game.

Cut to a more happier time as Grace (Samara Weaving, niece of Hugo Weaving) is preparing to marry into the Le Domas dynasty. Her husband to be is Alex (Mark O'Brien), estranged son who has now returned to the family home where the ceremony will be taking place. As a foster child, Grace yearns to become part of a more permanent family and is concerned that she won't be accepted by the Le Domas clan, not helped by the cold scowl she gets from a seriously creepy looking Aunt Helene.

We rejoin Grace and Alex later that evening, now married. But Grace discovers that rather than retire to bed with her new husband, they must join the family downstairs and partake in a wedding night tradition which will see her officially becoming a Le Domas - she has to play a game. Wanting nothing more than to fit in with her new in-laws, Grace goes along with it all as patriarch Tony (Henry Czerny) explains how the tradition will play out. The game they must play is selected at random from a box that has been passed down through the generations after it was originally given to the family by mysterious benefactor, Mr. Le Bail. The wife of eldest son Daniel got Chess, the husband of daughter Emilie got Old Maid, so it really is anyone's guess what the mystery game will be! All of the siblings and their spouse's are in attendance for the game and watch on as Grace draws... Hide and Seek, the one game which results in death!

Not realising the seriousness of her choice, Tony explains to Grace that in order to win the game she must remain hidden until dawn, and she laughs it off. An old vinyl hide and seek record begins playing, giving Grace the time to go find a suitable hiding place, and she winds up climbing into a dumb waiter to hide. But, she soon gets bored and decides to go wandering around the huge house. It's not long though until she discovers that the family members have equipped themselves with shotguns, axes and crossbows... and they're not afraid to use them! Turns out, the family believe that if they don’t kill Grace by dawn, a terrible fate will befall them all.

What follows is an intense game of cat and mouse, with a good dose of gore and dark humour thrown in. One minute we're holding our breath as Grace tries to quietly avoid a member of the family, the next we're cutting to the other family members, who are mostly completely incompetent - bickering between themselves or watching a YouTube crash course on how to use a crossbow! Ready or Not manages to juggle the different tones effortlessly, and brilliantly, as Grace goes from terrified scream queen in a pristine white wedding dress, to blood-soaked badass wearing a pair of old converse and brandishing a shotgun. She's the latest in a long line of great female survivors, played to perfection by Samara Weaving. If you liked 2011 movie 'You're Next', then Ready or Not reminded me of that in many ways.

The gothic setting and the suitably wonderful score by Brian Tyler (usually found providing music for MCU movies) all adds to what is a wonderfully short (95 minute), but perfectly paced, completely bonkers thrill ride.