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The Old Man and the Gun (2018)
The Old Man and the Gun (2018)
2018 | Biography, Comedy, Crime
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Redford is one of a kind!
The whole time I was watching this film, it felt like a cross between classic Redford like Butch Cassidy, Brubaker, or Jeremiah Johnson. The plot and story are also similar to the recent Clint Eastwood crime drama, The Mule.

Hard to argue with watching Redford be Redford with his charm and grace portray a real sort of true true about an aging bank robber who can never seem to get enough wanting more and more, just addicted to the thrill of the caper.

Casey Affleck, Sissy Spacek and Danny Glover are also along for the ride and turn in memorable performances.

I liked th beginning and ending more than the middle. At just over 90 minutes, it seemed as if there were some extra scenes included just t increase the running time to a 90 minute minimum rather than to further the story, but this is a minor complaint.

Here's to hoping I can write reviews for more Redford greats for the next 20+ years!


Jenni Olson recommended God's Country (2012) in Movies (curated)

God's Country (2012)
God's Country (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Family
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I first saw two of my favorite personal documentaries in 1985 and 1986. Both greatly influenced me as a filmmaker. Ross McElwee’s Sherman’s March offered up a neurotic self-portrait of the filmmaker’s pursuit of Southern women, while in God’s Country, Louis Malle visits with struggling farmers in Glencoe, Minnesota, a town an hour away from the Twin Cities, where I was born and raised. Sherman’s March has enjoyed far greater acclaim and exposure, but God’s Country is ultimately the more sophisticated film. These are both portraits of human pathos. But where McElwee depicts seemingly wacky Southern women with a palpable sense of disrespect for his subjects, Malle interacts with equally extreme characters in the North and manages to express a profound sense of respect and admiration, enabling us to feel sympathy for them and, ultimately, for ourselves. No disrespect to McElwee though: one of my favorite reviews of my film The Royal Road (by Bérénice Reynaud in Senses of Cinema) calls it “a sort of butch reply” to Sherman’s March."

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
1969 | Action, Classics, Western

"Godfather and Blazing Saddles got me into falling in love with film, but this is a pivotal movie that was probably — I think it was 1969 — prior to that I had been to the movies a few times and seen some hideous movies like Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and that sort of thing, and The Jungle Book. I went with my cousin to see Butch Cassidy. It was an amazing mixture of what I thought was sort of a poignant character study and a comedy. What’s amazing about the movie — and the reason I watch it time and time again — I had never seen such chemistry between two actors. Newman and Redford were just incredible together, and those sequences in the movie were some of the funniest sequences I’ve ever seen. So they taught me how to stage comedy a little bit, yet at the same time, it had serious undertones. It was beautifully directed and shot, and you watch it today, and it feels like it was made last week."

Secrets of the Apple Tree Tavern
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Francis is a scared little boy who just lost his entire family. Luckily, he has a guardian angel in the form of a policeman who smuggles him to a friend who will raise little Francy as her own. Over the years, Francy grows into Frank, a wonderful young man who travels to Dublin and back during the height of World War II and shares many exciting adventures and mysteries with friends and family along the way.

This is a well-researched story that really makes you feel as though you are in 1930s/40s/50s Brooklyn, as well as Dublin during the war. The characters are easy to identify with, and the story itself keeps a very good pace while still providing detailed background on the locations, time period, and characters themselves. You can almost picture yourself as a patron at the bar, sitting right alongside Frank, Butch, Johnny, etc., listening to all the stories from over the years. The cliffhanger is one that I’m interested to see resolved, and I will certainly be awaiting the next installment to see how everything falls in line.

4 ½ stars