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JT (287 KP) rated Argo (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Argo (2012)
Argo (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
Does making a film based on a true story make it any more endearing to the Oscar big wigs? Possibly, but one thing is for sure, Ben Affleck’s third film Argo is an outstanding piece of film making with exceptional attention to detail and sense of realism.

In 1979 Iran was overrun by Iranian revolutionaries, these revolutionaries stormed the American embassy taking several Americans hostage. Six of those managed to escape to the official residence of the Canadian Ambassador where the CIA was eventually ordered to get them out of the country by whatever means necessary.

Led by Tony Mendez (Affleck) a CIA expert in exfiltration he puts together an elaborate plan to go in as a film producer and rescue the six who’ll pose as a film crew on a location hunt for new sci-fi flick, Argo. Even if this was fiction it would be a pretty daring plan in an environment that was so hostile for its time they’re hanging people by cranes in the street, and women carry machine guns!

In order to make the film seem as real as possible Mendez enlists the help of John Chambers (John Goodman) a Hollywood make-up artist whose helped the CIA out before and film producer Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin). Between them they put the film into fake production, concoct false identities for the six and set about taking them out directly though the Iranian airport in a daring escape.

Affleck gets the cinematography spot on, creating a grainy perspective for that era and using some real footage as well. It all helps convey the narrative and plot that this was one of the most dangerous missions of its time and one what would live long in CIA and American history.

Goodman and Arkin add a humorous element to the proceedings “if it’s going to be a fake film I want it to be a fake hit” Lester claims when he’s approached about the project. The other side feels like a 70s version of 24 with the political suits in boardrooms arguing about the best way to execute the plan.

The tension is built slowly with everything climaxing to a pulsating last act which will have your heart pounding and seat gripped. Personally I didn’t endear to any of the six escapees, their stories are not built up enough other than they’re all unsure if they can trust Mendez to get them back on home soil safely.

Argo got the best picture Oscar over a lot of other seemingly worthy nominees, but you couldn’t deny Affleck his moment in the spotlight and cementing him as one of the best actor to director transitions. While the film might not be entirely accurate, Affleck just wants to get to the heart of this espionage thriller and does so while finding a perfect balance between comedy and drama.
Wolvenguard (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #7)
Wolvenguard (Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria #7)
Sarah Westill | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOLVENGUARD is the seventh book in the Gen-Heirs: The Guardians of Sziveria series. It does follow on from the previous books, so I would recommend you read those first, otherwise, you will be lost in the story arc.

Cia is a woman older in experience than her nineteen years. She has faced - and lost - too much, more than older people have. She is also focused on vengeance? Revenge? Something else? Take your pick. Whichever word you choose will be the right one. She is impetuous and quick-witted and will do whatever it takes to get her man, and you can decide for yourself which man I'm on about!

Deklan is the Wolvenguard, bonded to three wolves of very distinct personalities. He is restrained and methodical, well aware of how others see him, and has his own past baggage to contend with. When he is sent after an escaped prisoner and Cia, he will stop at nothing to bring them both back.

Oh, boy. Where to start? Can I just simply say I loved it all and leave it at that? No? Okay, then.

First of all, the relationship between Cia and Deklan. It takes time as Deklan has his issues to work through. Luckily for them both, his dad is on hand with helpful advice. I loved how it was all there from the start, but not an easy ride. Their relationship takes time to build, to really become all it could be. And, trust me, there's still room even after the book is finished. I'd love to see more of these two in future books, just as the others have made cameos here.

Secondly, the wolves. How gorgeous are they? And how well described? I will admit to being a little surprised when it came to the bond though. Because of how one of them reacted when he first met Cia, I thought it would be him. But I was wrong and it was perfect! Especially Markus' comment at the end.

Which leads me to the third - MARKUS AND BELLA ARE HERE!!!! If you follow my reviews, you know I am LOVING the series Bella and her Beast Master. Well, guess what? This series takes place after that one, so I got a sneaky peek into their future. I can't tell you how much I loved it when everything slotted into place.

Anyway, Voklane is next. The mysterious man who is always on hand with a plan. As will all books in this series, I honestly can't wait!

Simply outstanding, but please read from the beginning of the series. You won't regret it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 1, 2023
True Fiction
True Fiction
Lee Goldberg | 2018 | Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Truly Enjoyed This Book, and that’s Not Fiction
When terrorists take control of a plane leaving Hawaii and crash it into the island, the entire country is horrified. But none more so than thriller writer Ian Ludlow. You see, he had suggested just the twist on 9/11 that happened here to the CIA a few years back during a brainstorming session to help them come up with worst case scenarios. Within a few hours, Ian is certain that the CIA is out to kill him to silence him. Using every trick in the book – tricks he knows thanks to the books he’s written, Ian flees from his book tour in Seattle with his author escort, Margo French. Will the two be able to survive?

This book doesn’t waste a minute throwing us into this thrill ride and never lets up until we reach the climax. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out what was going to happen next, and the book manages to wink at a few clinches of the genre along the way. Ian and Margo were good characters, and another we meet along the way walks the fine line of being a caricature without being unbelievable. Since this is a thriller, there is a bit more language, violence, and sex than in the books I normally read. There is plenty of humor here to help ease the tension. I already can’t wait for the sequel.
American Made (2017)
American Made (2017)
2017 | Mystery
Barry Seal is officially a pilot for TWA. Unofficially he also smuggles a few cigars around. Until the CIA catch him in the act. Now he's unofficially smuggling more than cigars, and not just for the CIA.

The adverts for this made it look like quite a good film, and I honestly couldn't believe that this actually happened. Well, I sort of can, but still.

I'm not a massive fan of Tom Cruise, I think possibly because all of his films I've seen don't give him much variation from who he is, but this one was different. It kind of made me feel he was the Del Boy of America. Always looking for a quick buck and a little bit bumbling. Even if it was on a much bigger scale. I don't quite think that Del Boy would have done well with cartels.

As is the way in Hollywood the story has been tweaked to suit the cinematic needs. Since writing the paragraph above I have read a bit more about Barry Seal and it seems the films as made him a bit more shiny for the purposes of marketing. And by that I mean that it sounds as if he wasn't quite as innocent at the beginning as the film makes it appear. But, that just from reading a few articles, I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

An enjoyable films though, that kind of made you root for the "bad guy".

Niten. NR (75 KP) rated Ronin (1998) in Movies

Jul 28, 2017  
Ronin (1998)
Ronin (1998)
1998 | Action, Mystery
Robert De Niro (2 more)
Jean Reno
Awesome script.
Serious underworld thriller
Ronin is a mysterious and serious crime type thriller which takes the viewers into the arena of the crime underworld. An seemingly ex CIA agent named Sam (De Niro) throws his lot in with a group brought together by an Irish Terrorist played by Natascha McElhone. Their task is to steal a suitcase from a dangerous Russian gang. Unfortunately not all goes to plan. There are two great stand out performances by De Niro and Jean Reno but, I thought McElhone and Sean Bean were very good also. There is great action and an especially fast car scene that has Sean Bean spill his lunch. An excellent film.
Zero Dark Thirty (2013)
Zero Dark Thirty (2013)
2013 | Drama
Persistence (2 more)
Compelling story
Jessica Chastain
If you lived in the USA after 9/11, the fact that Osama bin Laden was alive was like an open wound. Many Americans felt like there would never be closure to the events at the World Trade Center until he was brought to justice.

The sheer persistence of the CIA and the Justice Department in never giving up even after years of trying to hunt him down and tragedy within their own ranks is a testament to American will, drive and ambition.

Whatever your personal feelings on torture, this film walks the line of being objective and lets the viewer draw their own conclusions.

Very compelling film.

Mrs. Pollifax and her husband Cyrus are hours away from a vacation to Thailand when Bishop shows up asking if they could possibly make one small detour for the CIA. Of course, things go wildly wrong when Cyrus is kidnapped and Mrs. Pollifax has to hunt for him with a man she doesn't trust. The plot to this one is a little different. The scenes with Bishop and Carstairs drive it more than Mrs. Pollifax's action does. As a result, it's not as good as the classic books in the series, but it's still fun.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Taken 3 (2015)
Taken 3 (2015)
2015 | Action
6.3 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Last One
Taken 3 or Ta3en is a good film, but should of never been 2 sequels but their was. This is the final one hopefully.

The plot: Ex-covert operative Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) and his ex-wife, Lenore (Famke Janssen), are enjoying a reconciliation when Lenore is brutally murdered. Bryan is framed for the crime and flees, with the CIA, FBI and police all in hot pursuit. For the last time, he channels his rage and particular set of skills into hunting down Lenore's real killers, taking his revenge and protecting the one important thing left in his life: his daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace).

I just recordmend watching the first one.

Nickg24 (492 KP) rated Anna (2019) in Movies

Sep 15, 2019  
Anna (2019)
Anna (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Sasha Luss (1 more)
Restaurant Fight Scene
Predictable in parts (0 more)
So so action movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
A very basic premise,anna is down on her luck but gets recruited into the KGB as an assassin.She completes various missions but the CIA are on to her and eventually catch her out.They make her work for them and so on and so on until she is eventually given her freedom.

This is the first decent Luc Besson film in years (he will never ever beat Leon).Sasha Luss impresses as anna,helen mirren is also good.I wasnt to impressed with the way the story switches backwards and forwards in time.

The restaurant fight scene was pretty impressive and very bloody.
Safe House (2012)
Safe House (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
5.9 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
No Church In The Wild
Safe House- is a decent action thriller with a great supporting cast. Denzel charcter's always have cool names.

The plot: For the past year, rookie CIA agent Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) has been eager to prove himself while cooling his heels at an inactive South African post. He gets the chance when Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), a turncoat operative, is brought to Weston's safe house for debriefing. But soon after Frost's arrival, mercenaries attack, and Weston and Frost barely escape with their lives. The two men must join forces and try to stay alive long enough to figure out who wants them dead.

Like i said before its a decent to good action thriller with a great supporting cast.