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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Loved the humor and comedy they brought with this cast. The Rock speaks for himself. Adding the comedic nature of Kevin Hart and Jack Black just made this movie well rounded and a fitting sequel to the original. (0 more)
There were a few moments that the characters I believe were overplayed but not enough to deter from the movie. (0 more)
Entertaining continuation of the original.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I feel that there will never be a replacement for the original with Robin Williams, but this was a fitting continuation and I loved that they added in the tie in from "Alan's Cabin". I had many laugh out loud moments and have even went twice to see this movie. I don't do that often.
Cabin Fever (2002)
Cabin Fever (2002)
2002 | Horror
Sick Water
Cabin Fever- introduces Eli Roth in his directorial debut and 80% of this movie is sickening, disturbing and gross.

The Plot: Bert (James DeBello), a college student vacationing with friends in the mountains, mistakenly shoots a local man (Arie Verveen) with a skin infection while hunting in the woods. Panicking, he abandons the scene and leaves the man for dead. When the man stumbles into a reservoir, he infects the water supply, and soon one of Bert's friends becomes infected. The friends struggle to stop the contagious, flesh-eating disease while on the run from a group of ornery backwoods locals out for revenge.

Its a okay underrated horror movie from the early 2000's.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Surfacing in Books

Nov 28, 2017  
Daniel Stephens | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Surfacing by Daniel Stephens
Surfacing is the engrossing story of a young man, hurt beyond belief and grieving, lost to his world but desperately trying to reconnect. Everywhere he turns, he drowns in memories of the life and loves that have been taken from him. So he returns to his roots, to the cabin where he spent the summers with his grandparents, hoping to find some solace. What he finds is a family - a group of people where many of them remember him from his youth. Where he can find out just who he is, and learn to deal with the grief, and maybe even move forwards and find love again.

The descriptions in this book are second to none - whether it is the characters, the wolf, or even the cabin. They will pull you in and keep you reading. It is a story of pain, of loss, of heartbreak. And yet there is also the glimmer of hope, of the future, if only you feed the right wolf! There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and the pacing was smooth throughout. Whilst this book is also about love, the only thing that is 'shown' is kissing - the rest is fade to black.

This is a poignant story that I thoroughly enjoyed, and would highly recommend to all.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Exit: The Game – The Pharaoh's Tomb
Exit: The Game – The Pharaoh's Tomb
2016 | Deduction, Real-time
Puzzles (2 more)
Team work
Only good once as you must destroy components. (0 more)
An almost perfect adaptation of an escape room
My friends and I love these mini escape rooms. They have a ton of different puzzles that really do require thinking outside of the box. Be prepared to destroy the components so it cannot be reused. I will often recycle my favorite puzzles in my D&D campaigns spread out over different sessions (exploring a Egyptian tomb, spooky cabin in the woods, tropical beach or a science lab are perfect campaign themes). Some puzzles are much harder than others but there are hints for each clue. Some people might balk at using hints but that's their own issue. Pharaohs Tomb has been my favorite so far.
Misery (1990)
Misery (1990)
1990 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Punishment and Toture
Misery- is one of my favorite Stephen King Novel's turned into a movie. James Caan and Kathy Bates are perfect in this movie. Its twisted, horrorfying, suspenseful, mysterious and more.

After a serious car crash, novelist Paul Sheldon (James Caan) is rescued by former nurse Annie Wilkes (Kathy Bates), who claims to be his biggest fan. Annie brings him to her remote cabin to recover, where her obsession takes a dark turn when she discovers Sheldon is killing off her favorite character from his novels. As Sheldon devises plans for escape, Annie grows increasingly controlling, even violent, as she forces the author to shape his writing to suit her twisted fantasies.

I would highly reccordmend watching this movie. It is a excellent movie.
Belief: The Possession of Janet Moses (2015)
Belief: The Possession of Janet Moses (2015)
2015 | Crime, Documentary, Drama
How mass hysteria and inverted cultural beliefs become fatal
Once more, Netflix has showcased another harrowing documentary, this time set in New Zealand.

In the heart of Maori culture, lies the belief of Makatu, a curse or demon, that can allegedly be 'exorcised'. A poor young mother, Janet Moses, who either had mental health issues or was seemingly depressed, was confronted by her large family attempting to help her. Unfortunately their misguided deeply held beliefs included holding her down and plying water into her for days on end in a bid to rid her of a demon. And while they believed they they were assisting her, she eventually died after five days.

And of course a court case ensued about culpability. A truly terrible instance of dogmatic beliefs, cabin fever, and hysteria.

Tate (25 KP) rated Uncles Tom's Cabin in Books

Jul 14, 2018  
Uncles Tom's Cabin
Uncles Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The social commentary (2 more)
Adventure and action scenes
Sweet moments
Southern dialect can be difficult to understand (0 more)
A gripping classic
Classics can be a bit boring, but not this classic! Uncle Tom's Cabin is filled with complex plots and characters that you can't help but root for.

You follow the story of uncle Tom, a slave living in Kentucky. His story is one of hardship, pain, and loneliness with beautiful examples of love and faith woven through.

Eliza is also an important character. She's a woman fighting to keep her family together and free. Her adventurous escape is daring and dangerous. Thrilling to say the least!

This book is impossible to put down! It fosters deep thoughts and perspectives about slavery and racism. Not an easy read but definitely worth it!

AJaneClark (3962 KP) rated Dead Lake in Books

Dec 29, 2019  
Dead Lake
Dead Lake
Darcey Coates | 2005 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sam is suffering from a creative block, after the death of her mother. Her uncle offers her a week in his cabin so she can get back to painting and prepare for her upcoming gallery display. Little did Sam know she was not alone...

Coates builds suspense beautifully and it certainly begins to get the pulse racing at some point. The book is descriptive and detailed, and pulls you in making you feel as though you are there.

The different characters that make an appearance help to weave the tale together, adding further details and helping to add towards the final scenes.

As with most short stories the ending is slightly rushed to tie up all the loose ends, but it doesn’t have a massive impact on the overall story line.
Rain has made her way home to the Wisconsin Northwoods
Rain has made her way home to the Wisconsin Northwoods. Pine Lake: the family cabin originally built by her great grandfather, but added onto over the decades. Her grandfather was a published author and her mother has turned the original log-built cabin into a local library, which she shares with the entire laker community.

Rain is dealing with the death of her husband and an estrangement from her parents. She is just hoping to spend a quiet summer recharging, but best laid plans and all. First Rain is blindsided by the opening of the library, luckily she has friends Julia and Marge, to help out. Just as they get the project going, they stumble upon the dead body of a man who is reputed to be a close friend of her mother’s. Next to his body is a copy of Rain’s grandfather’s book, which should not be outside of the library under any circumstances. The mystery unfolds encompassing details from Rain’s family. Julia and Rain pick up their friendship where it left off all those summers ago growing up on the lake. Together they are impulsive and irrepressible and actually kind of fun. Other great characters flesh out Rain’s inner circle including a charismatic police officer that is prime material for romance at some point down the road when Rain has gotten things more together.

It is a terrific beginning to a new series I a looking forward to keeping up with

Rating: 4 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Dear Child in Books

Oct 29, 2020  
Dear Child
Dear Child
Romy Hausmann | 2020 | Crime, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lena Beck disappeared fourteen years ago--a carefree student who simply vanished without a trace. Since then, her father, Matthias, and her mother have waited for any news about their daughter's whereabouts. Then, they receive a call: a woman has been found after an accident. She's in the hospital and a young girl, Hannah, presumably her daughter, is with her. From Hannah, we learn that Lena and Hannah were living in a cabin, basically unknown and cutoff from the outside world.

"He creates day and night. Like God."

This book was quite the ride! I couldn't put this one down. It was eerily reminiscent of Wendy Walker's Don't Look For Me, which I just read, and of course, Room, as everyone has mentioned. It's utterly captivating; I read it over the course of about 24 hours. The story is told from the perspective of Hannah, who has her own unique voice (that's putting it mildly); the woman known as Lena; and Matthias. Together, they tell us a creepy and often heartbreaking tale, going back in time to the cabin, as well as present day in the hospital.

I won't go too in-depth, because it's best to go in to this one blind. I will say that it's easy to get caught up in the characters, particularly Lena, and Hannah, in a sort of spellbinding way. I was mesmerized by their stories and totally enjoyed that I didn't guess the outcome. I thought this was going to be a 4.5-star read, but the ending wound up being a little crazy. It came on suddenly and just seemed a bit jarring.

Still, if you're looking for an eerie and compelling read--told by some original and haunting voices--you'll enjoy DEAR CHILD. 4 stars.