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Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Starts off great but soon veers off into not so great territory.
This year hasn't been good for the comedy movie genre. Will Ferrell in particular managed to star in one of the worst 'comedy' movies I've seen in a long time with 'The House' and even the anticipated sequel to one of the better comedies in recent years, Bad Moms, turned out to be a complete dud. So when a similar, Christmas themed sequel to what was essentially one of the more average movies in recent years came along, my hopes weren't exactly high. The original Daddys Home coasted along on the likeable pairing of Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg but did feature a handful of funny elements, obviously enough to greenlight a sequel.

As mentioned previously, Daddys Home 2 is set at Christmas time. Brad and Dusty (Ferrell and Wahlberg) have worked out their differences from the first movie and are getting along just fine as 'co-dads' to the kids. When their own dads (Mel Gibson and John Lithgow) pay a visit, they decide to have a 'together' family Christmas, and Kurt (Gibson) even manages to book a luxury cabin in the snow for them to enjoy it all in. It's a bit of a whirlwind setup, but for a while it all works surprisingly well. I found myself really laughing at some scenes, it was like watching a classic Christmas family disaster along the lines of National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

But sadly, the momentum soon drops. Scene after scene fails to hit home, and some scenes even leave you wondering what the hell they were thinking by including them in the movie in the first place. Mel Gibsons character becomes increasingly annoying and it's all just a bit of a shame really. Things manage to get back on track towards the end of the movie but it's disappointing that it doesn't retain the high level of laughs and entertainment that kicked off the first third or so.

Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated 55 in Books

May 22, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*** There were 54 victims before this. Who is number 55? ***

Wilbrook in Western Australia is a sleepy, remote town that sits on the edge of miles and miles of unexplored wilderness. It is home to Police Sergeant Chandler Jenkins, who is proud to run the town’s small police station, a place used to dealing with domestic disputes and noise complaints.
All that changes on a scorching day when an injured man stumbles into Chandler’s station. He’s covered in dried blood. His name is Gabriel. He tells Chandler what he remembers.
He was drugged and driven to a cabin in the mountains and tied up in iron chains. The man who took him was called Heath. Heath told Gabriel he was going to be number 55. His 55th victim.
Heath is a serial killer.
As a manhunt is launched, a man who says he is Heath walks into the same station. He tells Chandler he was taken by a man named Gabriel. Gabriel told Heath he was going to be victim 55.
Gabriel is the serial killer.
Two suspects. Two identical stories. Which one is the truth?

This is a character-driven, tightly plotted thriller that certainly kept me guessing. The descriptions of the outback including a sense of the harshness of the environment year round were extremely vivid.
I really enjoyed the way the past and present were interwoven, bringing a sharpness to the story.
I could not put this book down. From start to finish I needed to keep turning each page to see what was going to happen next. The story really draws you in especially jumping between past and present and both perspectives. This one will keep you thinking and to be honest I think would make a great film.
The ending was just WOW...I did not see that one coming at all.
Looking forward to being able to read more of the same author.
Highly recommended!

I would like to thank Netgalley and Simon and Schuster UK Fiction for an advance copy of 55.
The Stillwater Girls
The Stillwater Girls
Minka Kent | 2019
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two sisters raised in fear are about to find out why in a chilling novel of psychological suspense from the author of The Thinnest Air.
Ignorant of civilization and cautioned against its evils, nineteen-year-old Wren and her two sisters, Sage and Evie, were raised in off-the-grid isolation in a primitive cabin in up-state New York. When the youngest grows gravely ill, their mother leaves with the child to get help from a nearby town. And they never return.
As months pass, hope vanishes. Supplies are low. Livestock are dying. A brutal winter is bearing down. Then comes the stranger. He claims to be looking for the girls’ mother, and he’s not leaving without them.
To escape, Wren and her sister must break the rule they've grown up with: never go beyond the forest.
Past the thicket of dread, they come upon a house on the other side of the pines. This is where Wren and Sage must confront something more chilling than the unknowable. They’ll discover what’s been hidden from them, what they’re running from, and the secrets that have left them in the dark their entire lives.

This was my first novel by Minka Kent and it was quite a suspenseful story.
The chapters switched between two characters which was good as well.
Wren, Sage and Evie are three sisters and their mother has been raising them in the forest away from all of civilization.
This is a great story that will have you on the edge of your seat from the first chapter. Very well written.
Loved the plot and the pace. Characters were very believable.
The ending is such an unexpected twist.
Will definitely be reading more from this author.
Highly recommend.

Thank you Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for a copy of The Stillwater Girls. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain
Giles Milton | 2018 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew.

If only all events in history could be taught this way! This is his hands down one of the most entertaining history books you’ll ever read! The book is composed of 50 chapters depicting from lesser known points in history. The stories are dramatic, compelling, and often shocking. There are tales of heroism, injustice, conspiracy and cannibalism.

Each chapter is it's own little, well written, real-life story. And each is rounded off with a profound sentence or two to summarise. I gained an appreciation of the role of pigeons and dogs in the war, I learned why the Dodo bird became extinct, and I discovered that it’s possible to survive 2 nuclear bombs.

Normally with non-fiction book with so many isolated sections, I'd be tempted to skip sections, but that was not the case this time - I enjoyed every single one! I’ve noticed there are more books in the series, and I intend to read them all!

The best way to convey how well written the stories are, is to leave you with an excerpt:
“There was a sickening crunch and a violent jerk. The right wing of the plane was ripped off by the mountain peak and flung backwards into the rear of the fuselage. The plane, wildly out of control, smashed into a second peak, which tore off the left wing.

Inside the cabin, the terrified passengers expected the shattered plane to plunge them to their deaths. But the plane’s crash-landing miraculously spared some of those on board. The fuselage hit a snow-covered mountain slope and slid downwards before coming to a halt in a deep drift.
As a wall of silence descended over the wreckage, the injured and groaning survivors came to their senses. They were lost in the wilds of the High Andes. But they were alive!”

For more of my reviews, check out
Everything Under The Sun
Everything Under The Sun
Jessica Redmerski | 2018 | Dystopia, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything Under The Sun by Jessica Redmerski
Everything Under The Sun is a post-apocalyptic story that focuses on two characters - Atticus and Thais. We start off at home with Thais, her father, and sister. Unfortunately, this idyll doesn't last for long, and then we are thrown into what the world can really be like for survivors. Thais and Sosie are taken to Lexington, where they meet Atticus for the first time as he is acting Overseer.

First of all, this is a LONG book. Everything in the book is used to describe a situation, feelings, etc., which can be excused being as the author has to describe not only a new world, but has to show how the world has changed from how it used to be. I did feel a bit lost with the timeline though, as it felt like they were at the cabin for a lot longer than was supposed to be. They say they've only left Lexington a month or so ago, and yet it felt like they'd spent at least 3 months there. Oh well, my bad.

I will also say, a lot of characters die in this story, so please don't become too attached to them! Some of it is obviously built up, so you know something bad is going to happen.

This was an intriguing story, with a solid male character who is flawed, and an idealistic, mostly naive, female, who thankfully did become stronger as the story progressed. It has one helluva cliffhanger ending, and I can't wait to see where it will go next.

If you really want a story to sink your teeth into, then I can highly recommend this one!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Grown Ups (2010)
Grown Ups (2010)
2010 | Comedy
7.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After the death of the coach that inspired them in their youth a rag-tag group of grown up friends take a trip up to a cabin to reconnect with each other and their families. Adam Sandler (Lenny Feder), Chris Rock (Kurt McKenzie), Kevin James (Eric Lamonsoff), David Spade (Marcus Higgins), and Rob Schneider (Rob Hilliard) star together in this almost family friendly comedy. Furthering the densely star studded cast is Selma Hyack Pinault as Lenny’s famous clothing designer wife and Saturday Night Live alum Maya Roudolf as the wife of Kurt.

The film is surely a little vulgar for young audiences blending Adam Sandler’s adult themed comedic styling’s with a touching story about the long term bonds of families and friends. From the very start one wonders who is the intended audience of this film?

Further challenging the success of “Grown Ups” is that the film is not classic Adam Sandler, but an attempt at creating something more mature among the frequent cameos of numerous comedians. The film does, however, manage a few classically Sandler-esque comedic moments. While adults may find the blend of maturity along side slapstick antics odd, children seem to find the sophomoric physical comedy and slightly too mature moments in this film hilarious.

Yet what is most impressive about “Grown Ups” is that the characters, while overly dramatized, are believable, making this less than excellent film at least honest. This honesty combined with the strongly pushed moral theme of family togetherness results in a film that displays growth from the film star veteran and co-author, Sandler.

Further making the film bearable is the somewhat sappy yet honest plotline that keeps the audience’s attention in the frequent lulls between decent jokes. So in the end “Grown Ups” is a film about friendship and the challenges faced by those trying to connect with their families in the modern world and while it isn’t a great, it is mildly interesting.
The Hateful Eight (2015)
The Hateful Eight (2015)
2015 | Action, Western
Tarantino has accomplished something I have always thought impossible, created a bad Samuel L. Jackson film. It’s unfortunate, but despite all of the hype and build up for the release of Tarantino’s latest film, I was unable to enjoy the experience no matter how hard I tried.

Film is supposed to transport the audience to another place and time. The fact that the plot of “The Hateful Eight” mostly unfolds during a blizzard in a small cabin makes it a film which relies heavily on the development of its characters and the relationships between them. If this is done well, the audience can become entranced by the story.

But it is a very disappointing lack of character depth that makes the story fall flat. Many people will sit back completely prepared to let Tarantino take them on yet another adventure filled with gore, creativity, and depth. Yet, for many, that moment will never come.

The film starts out with an artistic introduction and some beautiful scenery, but then continues along at a slugs pace. The underdeveloped characters’ recite choppy and unconvincing lines. Samuel L. Jackson delivers his classic sharp tongued speech in the fashion which usually builds up to one of his great freak out moments. But this time, the buildup leads to nothing.
The plot, while attempting to catch the audience by surprise, waits too long and fails at this task as well. Sure, there is some gore of course. However, nothing like the infamous cringe-worthy scenes of Tarantino’s past work.

Personally, I was never fully consumed, and was left trying to enjoy the film out of a feeling of necessity. But no matter how much of a cinematic master Tarantino has proven to be over the years, it is undeniable that this just isn’t his best work.

I give “The Hateful Eight” 2.75 stars. But I really, really did, want to give it five.
Beastly (2011)
Beastly (2011)
2011 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Romance
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The beauty and the beast story has officially entered the world of modern fashion in the new film Beastly. In this adaptation we meet Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) a rich kid who believes that a handsome exterior is all that counts in this world. That is until he slights emo student witch Kendra (Mary-Kate Olsen). Kyle soon finds himself with a beastly appearance, cursed until he can overcome his new fractured form and make someone fall in love with him. Adding to the cast is Kyle’s love interest and all around nice girl, Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens). Also notable is Kyle’s mentor/tutor Will played by Neil Patrick Harris.

Sticking closely to the predictable and extremely overdone plot, Beastly offers audiences very little they have not seen before. Kyle is overdramatic. Lindy is suspiciously like the character Vanessa Hudgens played in “High School Musical”. And we learn that Neil Patrick Harris, while always funny, does not play a convincing blind man.

The film does have good scenery and a soundtrack that is high school appropriate. Moreover, the wardrobe is strikingly impressive. But trite dialogue and poorly paced emotional cues give the film a juvenile comedic result. Beastly is amusing and a little funny, however it completely misses the emotional connection expected from a teen adaptation of a famous romantic tale.

Further distracting from the film’s romantic plot are the numerous hollow side stories and plethora of unnecessary character details. From the sudden trip to Kyle’s family cabin to the violent fight between Lindy’s father and a drug dealer, the movie includes numerous scenes that should have been cut.

But still, even with all the downsides, I had no interest in leaving the theater, because Beastly was a high budget train wreck. Not unlike a B-movie in quality and dialogue yet with an impressive budget, an Olsen sister, and some serious face tattoos, “Beastly” is simply cheesy.
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