Journalism and the Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Newly commissioned essays by leading scholars offer a comprehensive and authoritative overview of...
Macroeconomic Performance in a Globalising Economy
Robert Anderton and Geoff Kenny
The process of globalisation has been ongoing for centuries, but few would doubt that it has...
Mathematical Foundations of Infinite-Dimensional Statistical Models
Evarist Gine and Richard Nickl
In nonparametric and high-dimensional statistical models, the classical Gauss-Fisher-Le Cam theory...
Money as God?: The Monetization of the Market and its Impact on Religion, Politics, Law, and Ethics
Jurgen von Hagen and Michael Welker
The nature of money and its impact on society has long interested scholars of economics, history,...
Open Standards and the Digital Age: History, Ideology, and Networks
How did openness become a foundational value for the networks of the twenty-first century? Open...
Organising Music: Theory, Practice, Performance
Nic Beech and Charlotte Gilmore
Organisational theorists have become increasingly interested in the creative industries, where...
Developing Countries and Preferential Services Trade
WTO law sets the global minimum standards for trade regulation, while allowing some regulatory...
Economics, Sexuality, and Male Sex Work
Male sex work generates sales in excess of one billion dollars annually in the United States. Recent...
Export Empire: German Soft Power in Southeastern Europe, 1890-1945
German imperialism in Europe evokes images of military aggression and ethnic cleansing. Yet, even...
From Conflict to Coalition: Profit-Sharing Institutions and the Political Economy of Trade
International trade often inspires intense conflict between workers and their employers. In this...