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Darren (1599 KP) rated Aloha (2015) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Aloha (2015)
Aloha (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy
3.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Aloha starts Brian Gilcrest (Cooper) who dreams of going into space but his dreams go sour after teaming up with billionaire Carson Welch (Murray) before getting a chance to go back to Hawaii. He is now a representative for Carson due to a war injury who has to deal with his ex-girlfriend Tracy (McAdams) but has to follow orders from captain Allison Ng (Stone), while meeting back up with former friends.

Brian working for Carson as he wants to introduce a space program to Hawaii but first Brian needs to negotiate with the locals. All this while Brian ends up in the middle of a love triangle with Allison and Tracy.

Aloha is a film that just never pulled my attention, be it the bland characters slow moving love triangle or whatever Carson was meant to be doing. I personally am not sure what was meant to be happening, everything that did happen just seemed to be very slow moving and offering nothing to really root for. You simply jut didn’t care what was happening. (2/10)

Actor Review

Bradley Cooper: Brain is an injured war veteran who has sided with billionaire Carson to look into making space travel happen, he has to return to Hawaii where he ends up having to see his ex-girlfriend and be followed around by the golden soldier of the local military. He is here to help create a deal to make space travel in Hawaii. Bradley gives a very average performance not getting a chance to show his real talent. (5/10)brian

Emma Stone: Allison is the most prized soldier of General Dixon who has to show Brian around, she admires him and doesn’t want you to forget she is a quarter Hawaii. While many people criticised the character created she was one of the better things in this film. (6/10)allison

Rachel McAdams: Tracy is the ex-girlfriend of Brian who lives on Hawaii with her new husband and family, when the two get to spend time together they get the closure they never really got. Rachel gives a plain performance that really doesn’t seem to do much. (4/10)

Bill Murray: Carson is the billionaire who is looking to make his own space program on the island of Hawaii and he give Brian one last chance to prove himself to him. Bill tries to bring his quirkiness to this role without really pulling it off. (5/10)

Support Cast: Aloha has the standard attempted comedic actors trying to pull this off but they had little to work with.

Director Review: Cameron Crowe – Cameron has given us some great films in the past but now he has managed to give us his worst. (2/10)

Comedy: Aloha doesn’t have many laughs at all can hardly be called a comedy. (2/10)

Romance: Aloha tries to give us an engaging love triangle but doesn’t really succeed to make us care enough. (3/10)

Settings: Aloha tries to give our location something special with the idea of putting it all on Hawaii for the beautiful setting and doesn’t even get that right. (3/10)

Suggestion: Aloha is one too miss this year, if anyone says to watch just say no. (Just Say No)

Best Part: The end.

Worst Part: It is over an Hour and half.

Funniest Scene: Woody and Brian’s ‘Conversation’.

Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: Please God No.

Post Credits Scene: I didn’t both to look.

Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $20 Million

Budget: $37 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 45 Minutes

Tagline: Sometimes you have to say goodbye before you can say hello.

Overall: Just watch paint dry it will be more entertaining.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in Movies

Feb 8, 2019 (Updated Feb 8, 2019)  
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The Visuals (1 more)
A lot of big names, overqualified and underutilised (1 more)
Clunky dialogue and pacing issues
All style, not much substance
James Cameron has spent more than a decade trying to bring Alita: Battle Angel to the big screen. Based on a popular cyberpunk manga series by Yukito Kishiro, published between 1990-1995, he has spent that time refining the script and developing the world that Alita inhabits. And that’s pretty much what he now spends most of his time taking care of with the Avatar movies and the world of Pandora. Hence the reason why he eventually decided to step back into producer duties for this movie, letting Robert Rodriguez pick up the directing reins in order to finally get it finished. Rodriguez uses much of the script that Cameron wrote, but brings a little bit of his trademark style to the table too.

It’s 2563, and we’re in Iron City. Dr Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) is scavenging among a huge scrapyard, looking for cyborg spare parts that he can make use of, while fresh metal and rubbish rains down from Zalem – a man-made, floating city sitting in the sky above Iron City. 300 years ago there were many of these floating cities but following a brutal war all of them except for Zalem perished. During that time though, the elevator leading up to Zalem was destroyed, and these days only the ‘pure’ inhabitants of Zalem are permitted there. Nobody from Earth is allowed to visit and if anyone comes down from Zalem, they’re not allowed back. It’s to try and avoid any contamination from entering Zalem. If you’ve seen the Matt Damon movie Elysium… well, then it’s a bit like that really.

Among the usual items, such as robotic hands and eyeballs, Dr Ido discovers Alita, or rather the core of Alita – lying lifeless and broken, with only a battered hairless head and upper torso remaining. He takes her back to his laboratory/home, where he works as a cybernetics expert, repairing and upgrading the inhabitants of Iron City who are either cyborgs or humans with cyborg body parts. Along with his assisting nurse, and using a robotic body that had been previously built for his now deceased daughter (this gets briefly explained later), they rebuild her, giving her the name Alita (also his daughters name). Alita awakens later in a nice comfortable bed, in what was presumably Dr Ido’s daughters room. She has no memory of her previous existence and sets about experiencing all the sights, sensations and tastes that human life and Iron City has to offer, exploring and striking up a friendship with local boy Hugo and his group of friends. But, as the name of the movie implies, this cyborg was built for battle, and it’s not long before Alita begins to remember who exactly she used to be and just how good at kicking ass she is.

A quick word about the visuals, as they are by far the best thing about this movie. Iron City, despite clearly being a futuristic world, is certainly not dark or bleak looking in the way we’re used to with similar movies of this genre. Many of the early scenes take place during daylight hours and the city is a vibrant, bright, bustling home to thousand of humans and cyborgs. We get to go beyond the limits of Iron City – the city walls, out to the badlands beyond, and as you’d expect from Cameron a lot of thought and detail has gone into mapping out and building this world. The cyborgs and the other robots we meet are all pretty standard for a movie of this kind, but it’s Alita that is the most impressive. Much of this is down to the incredible CGI involved in making her look as realistic as she does, but a lot of what makes her so enjoyable and believable is down to Rosa Salazar, whose motion captured performance helps bring her to life. The visuals are obviously at their most impressive during the battle scenes involving Alita – where so many movies with heavy CGI battles end up as just a messy whirlpool of characters and action, that’s certainly not the case here. Slick, inventive and exhilarating choreography allowing you to actually track and follow every single character and action in crisp detail. It’s refreshing and impressive, even more so when watched in 3D and particularly so during the fast paced Motorball scenes featured towards the end of the movie.

Outside of the visuals though, other characters and plot lines don’t seem to stick so well, which is disappointing considering the rich source material available to the film makers. Alita: Battle Angel suffers from inconsistent pacing, dialogue that is clunky and exposition-heavy and there are many times when the accompanying soundtrack just felt distracting to me, out of place with whatever is currently happening. Christoph Waltz, Mahershala Ali and Jennifer Connolly all seem overqualified and underutilised, and the romance between Alita and Hugo is unnecessary, and at times annoying. It feels like it’s trying to cram too much story into its two hour run time, resulting in plot holes and frustrations later on. And there is even a cliffhanger ending – frustrating in that it feels as though we haven’t even properly concluded this part of the story and we’re now being left to wait should a sequel ever be given the go ahead.

I found much to enjoy with Alita: Battle Angel, and would gladly go see a sequel or two, should they get made. It’s enjoyable at times, and dazzling to look at, but overall it did leave me feeling a little bit frustrated and disappointed.
Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)
Crossing the Touchline (Auckland Med. #2)
Jay Hogan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
freaking loved this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

*Edited to add the review for the AUDIO version.*

Gary Furlong narrates.

Now, I gotta say this. After listening to audio books for a good while now, I've noticed an influx of NON-American narrators. And I LOVE that, I really do. But Furlong narrates this book in the New Zealand accent, quite correctly, since that is where Reuben and Cam are from, and it just takes a little getting used to! This is the first I've listen to of his work, and I have to say, he NAILS this one!

Furlong gets over every single feeling, emotion, internal wrangling these guys have, and it's painful listening, it really is. It was difficult reading, but hearing it?? Oh Lord I wanted to wrap them both up and look after them so bad! And Reuben's dad?? He headed for another punching!

The emotions in the guy's voices, especially since this is first person, is amazing, and I had to stop what I was doing a time or two, to just LISTEN, you know? To hear the heartbreak pouring out for them, the rage, the passion, and finally, all that love.

I did have a little chuckle though. Michael (from book one, First Impressions, pops up. Michael is American, and it took me a little while to figure out why he sounded all kinds of wrong. It's because of that! His American accent, in the midst of all these New Zealand ones was odd, is all.

I loved this book when I read it, and listening to it?? Loved it more!

5 stars for the narration, my wish list just got a whole lot longer with Mr Furlong's books on it!

*Original Review*

Stealing the tagline from the official blurb, because it is just the perfect tagline I have ever come across!

What if your dream will cost you the man who's stolen your heart?
Reuben Taylor has a choice to make. Cameron Wano is that choice.

I'm struggling to say what I want to about this book, because I FREAKING loved it! So if this review runs away with the fairies, I apologise. I shall try to make a coherent sentence or two!

Reuben is so far in the closet, it's pitch black in his life. His brother is an alcoholic, trying to look after a small child, and his father is (in my humble opinion) an utter douchbag of a man. One kiss with Cameron and Reuben is scared. Scared of what could be, but also, scared of what could NEVER be.

Cam is well aware of his status with the rugby team his brother plays for. He is out and PROUD and loud about it. But becoming Reuben's friend is far more important than the possibility of losing Reuben altogether. When things spiral downwards, and passion between the two men spins out of control, Reuben has to make the one choice he never wanted to: his rugby career, or Cameron.

So, I make no bones that I am not a fan of first person books, especially if they are multi point of view. This book is written as such. But both Reuben and Cam have such distinct voices, it took me a while to actually figure out this was a first person book! So well done to Ms Hogan for that one.

I read this book in one sitting. It's not a short book, some three hundred pages. But I started it at 7pm, and did not stop til I ran out of book.

And I went through the whole gamut of human emotion and then some! I tell ya, this book has funny spots, dark spots, scary spots, sexy bits (so much with the sexy bits!) and points along the way that garnered so much rage out of me, had Reuben's father been around, that man would be flat on his back! You can't blame Reuben's brother for what he is doing to Reuben, because he really is not coping and not getting the correct help he and his son need, but I did want to punch him a time or two, too.

But it's not just Reuben who has such extreme's of emotions. Cam does too. He did all the "in the closet thing" and swore never to again. Which is why he decides Reuben needs him to be his friend. But Cam's emotions run away with him, and he can't stop the avalanche of feelings he gets every time he touches Reuben, even if it's just a brush past, or something. He didn't have the difficult upbringing Reuben did, his family love him just as he is, but he can understand why Reuben is hiding. It HURTS Cam, but he gets it.

But ultimately, it isn't something Reuben or Cam does that outs them, someone else does that. And the fall out?? Well, let's just say, I was very surprised about that! In a good way!

There is a wedding in this book, that Cam and Reuben attend (not together!): Michael and Josh work with Cam at the hospital. Cam says some things about these two guys that make me want to go back and read THEIR book, First Impressions. It's a stand alone to this one, but my interest is piqued and I will go back, at some point, and read. THAT book is Ms Hogan's first, that I can see. And THIS one, her second.

I'm a-gonna be following this one, I reckon!

5 emotional, gut wrenching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
King's Cage
King's Cage
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third installment in Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen series, King’s Cage, is probably my favorite so far. Once again, Aveyard proves she is more focused on telling a story than describing a romance – something my readers know I really like. Especially when it comes to young adult fantasy. In fact, I feel labeling this series as “romance” is a stretch – especially given how little Aveyard focuses on actual material meant to draw in readers of that genre.

King’s Cage begins where Glass Sword left off: Mare’s deal with Maven. While she spends her time in prison, we finally get to learn more about other characters in the story – namely Cameron and (later) Evangeline. Though the latter takes place more toward when the action begins to kick up. Naturally, the story is more focused on Mare even from these perspectives, but it provides a refreshing look at the rebellion.

Surprisingly, there are several turns in King’s Cage that caught me entirely off guard. This is a good thing: I hate when books and stories become predictable. I won’t divulge more than that, for fear of spoilers, but I will say this: so far, this book is my favorite in the series and though I am so angry at the ending I could burn it, part of me wants to open it back up to page one and start again. I don’t imagine the library will like it much if I burn their book.

Until the fourth book hits shelves, I guess I’ll have to satisfy my hunger for more by reading the two novellas that Aveyard wrote for her post-apocalypse universe. Oh, and as a side note? This is the first one I read physically so I finally got to see a map of the lands. As I suspected, it takes place in the ruins of what was once the United States.
The Lost Man
The Lost Man
Jane Harper | 2019 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Jane Harper and this book was certainly no exception. This is her first standalone novel (no Aaron Falk this time), and it is another beautifully written, captivating book that leaves you guessing until the very end. The characters are as scant as the landscape: the three brothers; their mother; Cameron's wife, Isle; Nathan's teenage son, Xander; a few workers from Cameron's property; and a couple of townsfolk. Yet somehow Harper weaves an excellent story that casts doubt from the beginning on what happened to Cameron. Did he purposely wander into the outback to his death? Or was something more nefarious going on?

While we're trying to figure out what happened, we're learning that something happened with Nathan in this isolated community, leaving him angry and alone. Bub seems bitter himself. Harper inserts tales of the family's past along with the present, giving us more details about our characters. And, at the same time, we start to see how no one's stories really add up. There's no real detective in this one, per se--at least no Aaron Falk, even if there is someone investigating Cameron's death--so things unravel mainly from Nathan's perspective.

And, of course, the unforgiving outback landscape is its own character: vast, stark, and dividing the brothers in more ways than one. Harper describes it so beautifully, just as she has done in her previous works. She so expertly captures the complicated family drama occurring as well as the small town dynamics happening in this often dangerous, isolated environment. The result, especially with these tense, well-drawn characters is a taunt, dramatic story that kept me reading and wondering until the very end.

I will easily read anything Jane Harper writes; her books simply do not disappoint. This one was different, in many ways, than the first two Aaron Falk novels, yet had many similarities, including her beautiful writing, nuanced plot, and wonderful characters. 4+ stars.
The Box (2009)
The Box (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.8 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Norma Lewis (Cameron Diaz) and her husband, Arthur Lewis (James Marsden), are having a bad day. She just found out her educational scholarship will be ending and he is not going to become an astronaut even when he fits the bill. It is on this particularly challenging day that a mysterious box arrives on their doorstep. The package contains a button which when pressed is worth a million dollar payout but also will kill a random person unknown to the button pusher. Should they push the button and what happens if they do?

Based on the short story Button, Button by Richard Mathason, “The Box” stays true to Mathason’s one of a kind style. It is an interesting premise, and would make an interesting television episode, but falters as a full-length film.
“The Box” gives almost nothing to viewers, running so far off the original ‘push the button, don’t push the button’ issue as to baffle audiences. The more time goes on the more ridiculous the plot becomes and as a viewer you begin to wonder if the movie will ever end.

Furthering the joylessness of “the Box” is the overabundant use of 1970s décor and objects. Not at all subtle, the film’s need to beat you over the head with the time period is distracting from the plot of this already shaky film. Far to blatant to be unnoticeable, you leave the film not entirely sure what has happened but very sure it happened in the 1970s.

This is not to say that the film doesn’t offer some satisfaction, but the work put into stretching this short story into a full-length feature film leaves many lingering questions for the viewer.

So if you really enjoy a yellowish tint to your film going experience or overly blatant references to the 1970s you should definitely go see “The Box” but if you lack these offbeat qualities I suggest quickly reading the short story.

Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Deadly Harm in Books

Nov 25, 2019  
Deadly Harm
Deadly Harm
Owen Mullen | 2019 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mackenzie is a survivor. She has survived a brutal kidnap ordeal and now runs a refuge for women who need to escape domestic violence. But when she has to turn a young woman away only for her husband to kill her, Mackenzie blames herself and resolves that she will do anything to prevent anything like that happening again. It isn't long before she must test her resolve. She has survived before. What will she do to survive now?

Once again Mullen demonstrates his credentials as one of the best crime writers out there, throwing a couple of extra murders into the mix and once again having dogged and dog-eared policeman Andrew Geddes play a large part, not only as an upholder of the law but also as Mackenzie's potential love interest. But how can a man who lives in terms of black and white cope when his girlfriend lives in the grey areas? The moral choices made by the leading characters may be questioned by the reader, but their motivations are always clear.

And what a cast of characters. The beauty of this is that everyone - Mackenzie, Geddes, the women at the refuge and killer Malkie Boyle - are all damaged from their lives and experiences. Even when Mullen's clean-cut private investigator Charlie Cameron crops up, it only serves to cast a light that reveals the shadows around the others. Everybody rings very true and the whole plot is very believable, and could be playing out at this moment.

And speaking of the plot, as usual this moves along at a breezy pace, introducing characters as it goes without slowing its momentum. This isn't a classic 'whodunnit' - it is clear exactly who did what - but isn't without twists and surprises, several plots simmering along next to each other and coming to the boil perfectly throughout the book.

Another fantastic read from simply one of the best authors there is. Very highly recommended

Judy Greer recommended Singles (1992) in Movies (curated)

Singles (1992)
Singles (1992)
1992 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"I think I’m going to go with Singles, and it’s because of a very specific time in my life. Soundtrack is really important to me, and I’m a child of ’90s grunge. That movie was Seattle, Nirvana, Pearl Jam — it’s the greatest soundtrack. My favorite band was Smashing Pumpkins and my favorite song by Smashing Pumpkins is “Drown,” and that’s on there. Plus, I loved all the different storylines being woven together. I love Cameron Crowe, and the idea of these people living in Seattle and looking for love. I was a senior in high school when it came out. I mean, I saw it in the theater like three times. I was like, “Oh my God, this is gonna be my life. I’m gonna move out of my parents’ house, and I’m gonna go and try to make it in the city somewhere, and it’s gonna be like this.” And, you know, Bridget Fonda as Janet was just the greatest character. I was like, “I’m gonna be like her. I am kind of like her. But not the pathetic parts of her, the great parts of her.” But everyone was just was trying to find themselves, find love, find a career, find a path, find their life. It was really aspirational for me at the time that it came out, so it really scratches that itch that I had then, and it will always be that meaningful to me. I recently made my husband watch it. I can’t remember if he had seen it or if he just didn’t remember it, but I just could tell, even though he loved it and appreciated it, like, it didn’t kill him the way it killed me. And you know, he was like, “Yeah, no, it’s good. I like it.” But he is obsessed with Almost Famous, and I love Almost Famous, but that was more meaningful for him. Singles is just… the movie, the music, the time, the look, the actors, the wardrobe, the backdrop of Seattle. Just all of it."
