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David McK (3233 KP) rated Knight and Day (2010) in Movies

Aug 23, 2020 (Updated Feb 5, 2023)  
Knight and Day (2010)
Knight and Day (2010)
2010 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Light hearted action rom com spy caper (*phew* that's a mouthful!) starring Tom Cruise and a pre-retirement Cameron Diaz, with the former as a spy on the run having been framed for stealing the McGuffin, and with the latter as the woman he initially uses as a mule, in a manufactured 'meet cute' at an airport.

This is light and frothy (enjoyable) stuff and, yes, Tom Cruise does spend part of the film sprinting on his own: is that in his contract? "Must get at least one running scene"??

AJaneClark (3962 KP) Aug 24, 2020

This film made me laugh, even if it is very unrealistic

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
1999 | Comedy
This modern take on the Shakespeare play ‘The Taming Of The Shrew’.

This follows a group of teenagers through school. When new boy Cameron (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) starts up at the school he sees Bianca (Larisa Oleynik) he falls in love. There is a problem with anyone who wants to date Bianca and that is her sister Kat (Julia Stiles) a very angry young lady and their father put a rule on when Kat dates Bianca cane date.

Cameron and Michael (David Krumholtz) come up with a play to trick popular boy Joey (Andrew Keegan) to pay Patrick (Heath Ledger) to date Kat, opening the door for Bianca to date.

Can Patrick tame the shrew?

This is a very good teen comedy filled with young too be star actors in Ledger, Levitt, and Stiles. The story is nicely put together and creates characters that are the good ones are liked and the bad ones are disliked. It also has a very nice soundtrack which keeps the montage scenes going very well. There are some very memorable scenes including the moment where Patrick sings from a crowd to Kat, very funny and heart felt performance.v
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Revisited this for the first time in ages and there’s still no other way of describing it than simply a masterpiece. Watching the theatrical version and the slow build up of tension in the first half building up to the action packed final battle between Ripley and the alien queen is such brilliant story telling and just so well paced. James Cameron follows the Jaws approach and doesn’t show you the slightest hint of an alien till nearly an hour into the film and is far stronger for it. The whole cast are great but the films ace is of course Sigourney Weaver ,she is a total bad ass here and one of cinemas all time great heroines. You are also reminded at what a talent James Cameron was before declaring himself ‘king of the world’. I would love to see him doing something like this or T2 again rather than wasting years on the 172 sequels to Avatar that nobody really wants.

(The special edition of the film is nearly 20 minutes longer and has some interesting moments but in my opinion slows things down a bit too much and you can see why these scenes were removed for the theatrical version)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Great SFX (2 more)
Nice set up for next film
Great action sequences
Disappointing if no follow up (2 more)
Some dodgy characters
Weak love story line
Overall I really enjoyed this film. You can tell straight away that James Cameron had a massive effect on this film, even Alitas eyes look like something straight from Avatar.

The overall story was great and intriguing and most questions I had were answers, although not all but expect a second film would answer those.

If you can I highly recommend going to see this on the big screen as the visuals are beautiful.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama, Musical
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is about an East German singer who has a botched sex-change operation and is left with an “angry inch” of flesh between her legs. Moving to the US, she gets involved with another singer, who steals her songs and becomes famous, while Hedwig, played by the director John Cameron Mitchell, ends up playing in a chain of seafood restaurants called Bilgewater’s. It’s a beautiful film that touches on Greek mythology and the origins of love, as well as gender identity. It’s a lot of fun too – a comedy with a serious message. And the songs are great."

Truth or Dare (2013)
Truth or Dare (2013)
2013 | Horror
Plot (3 more)
Awesome Special Effects
A great indie horror film
Ryan Kiser rocks!!!
Gory, disturbing and a helluva good time
I waited five years to see this movie, and it was totally worth it.
Jessica Cameron co-wrote and directed a worth wile addition to the horror genre.
It's hard to believe this was her first stab at directing. Pardon the pun folks, but stab is exactly what happens in this movie.
I had never heard of Ryan Kiser before this film, but he portrays an obsessed fan with psychotic gusto only equivalent to that of veteran horror actors.
Cameron, Dorff and the rest of the cast envelop them selves in their characters so much, and the camera work is so simple that it makes the disgusting game of Truth or Dare seem realistic and unstaged.
After reading the reviews for this splatterfest I can see how some people who are not horror hounds would be repulsed by this movie.
Myself, I brought an open mind and honestly didn't expect what I saw. But as a horror fanatic and self proclaimed horror movie GOD, I am in love with the concept of this film.
It brought obsession to a new height. It makes the viewer see that people can become so enthralled in other people's lives, that they can become obsessed with what they view.
Jessica Cameron deserves the spoils she received for her debut movie.
In this writers opinion this movie is the beginning of an amazing career for her as both a writer and director.
Big Studios take notice. This indie Queen is coming at you all with her nails out. I hope this is the first of many movie from her disturbed mind.
Buy this film people... Support the horror underground. You won't be disappointed.
Here's a link to the Amazon page where you can purchase this movie. Support indie film people...
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cameron was that typical jock who only cared about his sexy girlfriend and how soon she'd let him sleep with her. He got drunk and insulted his pretty waitress—which was a bad idea because she turned out to be a witch of sorts. She laid a curse on him out of spite: Every day, he grew to be one year older.

As he aged rapidly he was faced with a reality check: His life would end in a few short weeks. He would never see his graduation. His girlfriend breaks up with him and goes back to her ex. He's not sure if his parents love him or hate him. And they're not sure either.

Then he meets Leisel. And Leisel had her own secret.

The first third of the book frustrated me because Cameron was stupid, rude, immature, irresponsible, and disrespectful. But further in, I started to feel for him a little more. Near the last third of the book I was really enjoying it, I liked all the characters more (or less, in his girlfriend's case) and I was hooked on the story. It was fast-paced and interesting. I think the part I liked most was watching Cameron change from an obnoxious jerk into someone who had some depth and good qualities. It was what I wanted to see, and it made me happy to see him change.

The writing was a little frustrating only because there were ALL CAPS sprinkled in through the book. Now I understand why Rowe used all caps (If I woke up and looked like a thirty year old, I'd say everything in all caps too) but it still makes the editor in me cringe. Aside from that, I liked the writing and the style, I liked the pacing, I liked the humor, and I liked the dialogue. I don't often find a self-published book with good writing, so I'm wary to accept them. I'm glad I made an exception!

Content/Recommendation: Some language, some sexual references, no sex. Ages 16+
The Great Zoo of China
The Great Zoo of China
Matthew Reilly | 2014 | Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Chinese government have been working for years to create the ultimate tourist attraction, a very special zoo stocking with only one kind of animal - dragons. Long considered a myth the Chinese have found that they do exist and now they are ready to astound the world by showing of these amazing creatures and the fantastic zoo they have created to house them.

CJ Cameron is one of those invited to attend a special press preview tour, on behalf of National Geographic. A renowned expert on all types of reptiles she takes her brother Hamish with her as a photographer as part of a small and select group so that they can be the first to reveal the zoo to the world.

But on this special day, the dragons have their own plan and soon the Chinese are fighting for control of the dragons and the zoo they have created, with Cameron and the other group of journalists caught in the middle as the fearsome beasts rampage through the complex. Cameron must rely on her wits and experience with crocodiles and alligators to survive.

The obvious four word description of this book is 'Jurassic Park with dragons' but also superficially that does describe it's also missing the point of both books. Indeed Reilly acknowledges the Jurassic Park angle, both in an off the cuff remark by Hamish at the start of the book and also in the interview at the back. Jurassic Park has Michael Crichton in full science-as-thriller mode, pondering the latest advances (at the time) of both DNA and fossil discoveries and then giving a glimpse of how these beasts must have been when they ruled the world. The thrill comes from the dinosaurs themselves, they are the stars of the book.

In The Great Zoo of China the dragons are very much a McGuffin. Any suitably fearsome creature would have done, real, historical, mythical or completely imagined. They are simply a powerful threat to humans and agents capable of wreaking huge amounts of death and destruction, as would be expected of Reilly. The star of the show is Cameron, and to a lesser extent her brother (and a few others).

Cameron is Reilly's first lead female character in an action role (The Tournament being a completely different kind of book) and this works really well in the novel, both in terms of setup and plot and she makes a convincing heroine using her knowledge and intelligence to combat each threat.

Of course there are moments where the reader has to suspend their belief. Reilly doesn't aim for gritty realism, he goes for the big and impressive set pieces, almost certain death and narrow escapes that clearly would be impossible in the real world. His novels are very much blockbuster movies transferred to the written word, with the added bonus that the special effects come free courtesy of the reader's imagination.

As usual the plot drives at a breathtaking pace although the real story doesn't start until Reilly has taken us on a tour of his ultimate zoo and shown off his dragons before letting them off the leash.

Yes some of it is pure hokum and there are a couple of plot holes, but at the end of the day this was not written to win any literary prizes. This was written to entertain and thrill and it does that with ease.

Rated: Strong language and graphic violence (i.e. lots of people eaten by dragons)

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Aliens (1986) in Movies

Aug 5, 2017  
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Lives up to the original and more
Aliens is the perfect example of how to do a sequel properly. Not only does it match the excellence of the first Alien film, it almost surpasses it. There are some elements of claustrophobia and suspense, but this has now been paired with lots of action, and it works really well. The casting is great and the new characters are a welcome addition, and bring a lot of humour. The Xenomorph itself is still as terrifying as before, but with a whole new 'team' dynamic thrown in. James Cameron has done a fantastic job with this one.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Titanic (1997) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
Titanic (1997)
Titanic (1997)
1997 | Drama, Romance
Titanic was an absolute breakthrough for director James Cameron, swooping 11 Oscars at the 1998 awards. To this day, it remains the third highest grossing film of all time, recently pushed down from second by Avengers: Endgame. Starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, a lot has been said about the film’s over reliance on the central love triangle.

Watching it again over 20 years later still showcases Titanic’s incredible special effects, emotional plot and stunning cinematography and sound design. This disaster film is the biggest of all time and it’s easy to see why, despite the, at times, flabby story.