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Odd Child Out (Jim Clemo #2)
Odd Child Out (Jim Clemo #2)
Gilly MacMillan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in [a:Gilly Macmillan|8183303|Gilly Macmillan|]'s excellent DI Jim Clemo series finds Jim back in similar circumstances from the first--working against time to save a child. Jim has returned from leave after the Ben Finch case, and he's ready to redeem himself in the eyes DCI Fraser and his peers. He's assigned what looks to be a terrible accident: best pals Noah Sadler and Abdi Mahad are out late one evening when teenage Noah falls into a local canal, rendering him unconscious. Abdi refuses to speak about what happened, leaving the families (and police) to ponder what really occurred that evening. Complicating matters is the fact that Noah is already ill from cancer; plus Noah is British, while Abdi and his family are Somalian refugees, so Jim fears how this case will be presented in the press. By most accounts, Noah and Abdi are best friends, so what truly went down night?

<i>This is another gorgeous gem of a novel by Macmillan</i>, who offers yet one more beautifully-written mystery combined with lovely, perfectly drawn characters. This book touched me in so many ways, and <i>I just cannot keep raving enough about how well this author writes, or how she so excellently embodies her characters</i>. Again, this is no straightforward mystery, or simple fiction, but a wonderful combination of the two.

For me, this book really hit from home the beginning, as Jim mentions how an anti-immigration march by a neo-Nazi group has rocked Bristol, wrecking havoc on the police force, as well as emotions in the area. It's clear that racial tensions are high. As someone who was born in Charlottesville, VA, and lived in the suburbs of the area for the last nearly ten years, I felt this in my heart all too well. The backdrop of race stretches across the fabric of Macmillan's entire novel, and it's quite well done, in my opinion.

On one end, we have the Sadler family--well-off and British: Noah attends a posh private school, Fiona manages Noah and Noah's illness, and Ed is a photographer--often of refugees. In fact, we learn that he's even photographed the very camp where Abdi's parents and sister lived. The Sadler's life, however, is clouded by the tragedy of Noah's cancer, which has basically formed each family member into who they are today.

As for the Mahads, we see how their past experiences has created them, as well. <i>One of the strengths of this book is that we get small portions of narration from all of characters: the Sadlers, the Mahads, and Jim.</i> The bits and pieces you learn of the Mahad's origins--my goodness: it will break your heart. Macmillan captures the fear of the family because they are different due to the color of their skin and the country of their origin, yet you see their strength and pride shine across as well.

The main storyline of ODD CHILD OUT revolves around figuring out exactly what happened between the boys and how Noah ended up in the water. As mentioned, you get snippets from each character, as we slowly work up to that point of no return. We also get flashbacks to various pieces of earlier parts of their lives, and we start to realize that something has spooked the Mahad family--something is not as it seems. <i>It's not your conventional mystery, per se, but it's compelling and certainly intriguing.</i>

At its core, this is a heartbreaking book whose strength lies in its characters. It's a wonderful exploration on race and immigration and how difficult it is to be deemed "different" by our society. What I loved about this book, though, is that you could also wonder: is either family truly all that different at its core? Every parent will go to any length to protect their child, after all. I highly recommend picking this one up. It can be read as a stand-alone, but if you want more insight into Jim and his mindset, you should definitely read the first book, [b:What She Knew|25817531|What She Knew (Jim Clemo #1)|Gilly Macmillan||41344566], which is also excellent (my review <a href="">here</a>;). I can't wait to see what Macmillan comes up with next! 4+ stars.

In a perfect swirl of ARC goodness, I received a copy of this novel from both Librarything and Edelweiss. A huge thanks to them and the publisher for a copy in return for an unbiased review. The book is available for purchase everywhere.

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Never Forgotten (Never Forgotten, #1)
Never Forgotten (Never Forgotten, #1)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
''All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. - Anatole France''
How can one day go so very wrong? One minute Meara Quinn is making plans for how she will spend the Summer before her senior year and the next she's finding out that her mother's cancer has returned and they are moving away from the only home she's ever known.
Now she is in a new country, taking care of her mother, living with grandparents she never met, meeting new friends at school and a guy she really likes and having weird visions of a father who was absent her entire life. There is a secret of who Meara is, and everyone seems to know this except her.
Meara is determined to find out the secrets that will change her life forever.
The beginning of this book in unbelievably good! Amazing intro and perfect character development. I loved how you could feel with Meara all the time, and go through with her while she leans about her mum's sickness and the movement to another country. It is very realistically described, and we manage to see this all through the eyes of a troubled teenager. And the descriptions of the scenes? Ahhh, just see for yourselves:
''The room was a deep purple and accented with an eclectic blend of antiques and comfortable furnishings. It was the kind of room that made a person long to grab a book and cozy into the oversized couch for a several hours.''
Thought, sometimes, there would be things that didn't make sense to me:
''The guy who delivered the pizza forgot plates and napkins. So, we just opened the box and dug in.''
Which delivery place on Earth, for God's sake, delivers plates and napkins? Is this an American thing? If I order pizza, I expect to dig into it with all my fingers, get really messy, and then lick them in the end. Just saying…
There were many twists and turns, mostly little ones in this first book, but the middle of the book gets really slow paced. For a moment, I thought this might be an unpleasant read, but it turned out to just be a calm before the storm, where the biggest twist happens right before the end, and it leaves us wanting more - therefore, the second book. Nicely done, Kelly Risser, nicely done!
Meara is an amazing girl, and we follow her story. She finds out her mum's cancer is back again, and they have to move from USA to Canada. For a teenage girl, that is a huge change. I loved the way she coped with it, even though, at the beginning she made me quite agitated - her mum is dying, and her thought are - life is unfair, why do I have to move to another country, and change schools and lose my friends? It made me incredibly angry, but as much as I don't want to admit it, those are the exact thoughts a teen would have in such moments. We don’t really tend to think about how our parents feel until we get older and wiser, do we?
I liked Meara, apart her irritating personality at times. She is a typical teenage girl, and many girls, me included, can relate to her so well! She is a good person, and she cares about the people around her.
I loved Evan - he is just the sweetest person / boyfriend a girl can have. I honestly wish I had a boyfriend like him when I was 13-years-old. He made sandwiches, and they watched a movie in the car because it was raining, and he would come to Meara's house with flowers, and offer to help out with the chores? He is the cutest person ever.
''He was about six foot tall with wavy, black hair that curled over his ears. Tanned skin, lean muscles, and strong hands that ended in long, graceful fingers.''
But then, there is Kieran… I know he is the bad boy, but I might be able to ship him and Meara together - maybe? We'll see… It's an unpopular opinion, but I actually want to see them together. Even though Evan is just the sweetest thing, and it would be horrible if Meara broke his heart.
I really enjoyed this book - maybe I enjoyed it the most from all the other Young-Adult paranormal books I've read. It was a great first beginning to a series, and I can't wait to dig in the rest of the series.
As a finale - I had to also include this quote from the book:
''Humans are spiteful creatures. They destroy more than they create. That is why I do not associate with them.''
Buckley's Story
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Buckley’s Story by Ingrid King
Genre: Memoir
Rating: 4.5/5

Summary: Ingrid adopts a kitten named Buckley while she is still working in an animal hospital. Eventually, she leaves and starts her own business, as a Reiki healer, someone who transfers healing energy to a client. As cats are able to sense energy in a room or in a person, Buckley becomes her assistant healer, as she is able to sense where more energy is always needed, and Buckley becomes a healer-cat. Buckley’s story is the tail (pun intended) of Buckley and Ingrid’s sweet, joyful life together.

I absolutely loved this book. This cat is such a character! She is lively and energetic, and does the funniest things sometimes.
There were also some very informative sections in the book. I learned the real truth about “healing animals,” cats, and the affect that animals have on people. We’ve all heard the stories about the animals that could sense cancer in people before the doctors find it—Ingrid throws in some interesting data into the book as well. However, it doesn’t feel like an out of place paragraph, and it isn’t dry like a text book.

When Ingrid described Buckley’s “time to wake up my owner” process, I laughed out loud (much to the dismay of the other people sitting in the library). Buckley reminded me a little bit of Simon’s Cat—“Meow, meow (bang on the head with a baseball bat) Meow.”

There was an interesting spiritual aspect of this book, too. The healing process of Reiki is supposed to be a spiritual and physical experience, and I found it an intriguing idea. I’ve experienced my cats and dog knowing when I’m stressed and being able to make me feel better… But I had no idea that it was a transfer of energy. Ingrid also talks about Animal Communicators, people who are able to understand animals by connecting to that energy, and able to almost communicate with them telepathically.

At the end of the story, Ingrid shares the secrets (which are no longer secrets) that Buckley taught her on how to relax and live a less stressful life.
All in all, this book was a lovely and interesting story, and one that wraps you in a blanket and makes you want to cuddle a purring cat on your lap.
Recommendation: Ages 14+ This book is perfect for anybody who loves cats, animals in general, or a good memoir.
Dreamland: A Ghost STory
Dreamland: A Ghost STory
Nick Clausen | 2019 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to give a HUGE thank you to the author for giving me the chance to read his book and review it! I like quick reads, especially ones that make it difficult to put down. Why must I have to go back to reality? Can't I have my OWN dreamland? Without the demonic sirens?

Do you often remember your dreams? Most of the time, I don't and I always saw it as more of a blessing than anything. Who knows what my head concocted in my sleep. How about dreaming of someone whom you never really got to meet? Louie is twelve and never got the chance to know his father before he died of cancer. Now, he's dreaming of a man in a blue suit, who happens to look like his father and knows stuff about him and his mother.

Louie is dreaming of his father and they can talk and be together in a place called Dreamland. Sounds like a good thing, doesn't it? Don't be fooled! Everything has a price.

It's hard explain to his mother, however. Louie knows things his father told him that he couldn't possibly know from anybody else. So...what is this Dreamland and is it too good to be true?

This novel is the first one I've read from Nick Clausen and like I said, it was difficult to put down. I enjoyed the way the story was written. It's not told in any specific point of view from the characters, so you're able to know what's going on with this situation and the other without having to switch POVs.

Sirens are no joke! If you've read any bit of Mythology, you would know just how awful these creatures are. They are fun to read about, but damn, I don't want them in my dreams, not ever.

I would definitely categorize this as horror, but not going as far as to say Stephen King or watching an episode of the Twilight Zone. I think of it more as Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark? Don't knock that show. That was my show growing up in the 90s. I'm babbling, which is part of my charm.

I enjoyed reading this story and I felt bad for Louie and his mother, but I'm happy with how it ended and feel like there would have been no other way to do it. A quick read...but not in the dark.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Better or Worse is the second of three in the Wedding Belles series and so far has been my favourite (though only 2 have been released) I loved Josh Tanner from the get go – as soon as his character popped up he was the one for me.

We meet Heather Fowler briefly in To Have and To Hold and her character in that book appears to be very blasé about love – she’s all about the wedding planning – which isn’t a bad thing until For Better or Worse.

Heather is a one track mind kinda gal and wedding planning is it. Her big dream and her reasoning behind that is due to the endless string of “The One” from her mother; I don’t – in all honesty the first few times we hear from Heather’s mother – like her, she gives me a bad vibe. But my opinion of her improves greatly the further the story progresses.

My all time favourite character in this book was Josh Tanner. He had the YOLO kind of attitude and the way he spent his life before Heather moved in next door was a “what I want when I want” mentality. He was very funny and kept me smiling throughout the book even when things were getting hard for him he still managed to retain his sense of humour.

It also felt a little like Josh was going through a mid – life crisis and wasn’t 100% sure on where he was going in life. After a battle with cancer he’d taken to the “what I want when I want” mentality quite quickly but had also begun to feel like it wasn’t enough.

His friendship with Heather was awesome – 4c and 4a were the nicknames floating around during almost every conversation – and their friendship didn’t start off all that well but it turned into a budding friendship with benefits that ultimately (despite their refusals) led to love.

The book had just the right amount of seriousness and was – in my opinion – overpowered the great humourous relationship between Heather and Josh; despite their differences and the difficult times they managed to retain the great sense of humour throughout the story.

I really enjoy Lauren Layne’s writing style and she’s definitely my favourite “chicklit ” author which considering I don’t really like it an amazing feat. Her books have always got humour and great characters with witty banter and good back stories. The plots are quite unique as well and I can’t wait until the next Wedding Belles book is out and the next Oxford one for that matter.
A Long Way Down (2014)
A Long Way Down (2014)
2014 | International, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Long Way Down starts on New Year’s Eve as disgraced TV celebrity Martin (Brosnan) is planning to kill himself only to get interrupted by the lonely Maureen (Collette), heartbroken Jess (Poots) and cancer stricken JJ (Paul) who are also using the same rooftop to plan their suicide.

All going against the suicide the four make a pact to not kill themselves until at least Valentine’s day and support each other through the six weeks once the tabloids want to make a story of why they were together. The four become good friends exposing their own secrets to why they want to escape their lives.


Thoughts on A Long Way Down


Characters/Performance – Martin is the disgraced TV talk show host, his small mistake has ruined his career, his family and even finding himself in jail. Now out of jail he wants to kill himself to get away from the headlines. Maureen is a single mother spending everyday looking after her disabled son, not getting any real free time. Jess is the daughter of politician whose sister vanished a few years before, she is a lost soul in the world turning to the drinks and drugs. JJ is an American musician who can’t find his place in the world.

Performance wise, I feel all four of the main actors give brilliant performances, Paul and Poots both show that this could be one of their best of their careers in film, while Brosnan and Collette must have theirs put on their underrated performances of their careers.

Story – The story shows the struggles everyday people can have with depression, it shows that you can get support from people you didn’t even know. I think this film tackles the issues of depression on a brilliant level, and shows just how you can find light in the strangest places.

Settings – The settings are used to show just how different the location these four have come from, it shows just how important finding help outside your comfort zone can be.

Final Thoughts – This is a film I didn’t expect too much from and I can say I truly enjoyed the film, the characters all feel real, their problems feel real and most importantly the answers to the problems didn’t cure everything they helped them realizes how important they are.


Overall: This is a very underrated film I feel people should be seeing.
After Us (Before & After, #2)
Amber Hart | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review

After Us is the second book in the Before and After series by Amber Heart. The story follows on from the events in the first book, Before You, and how the characters are coping in the aftermath. I have not read the first book however that was not a problem as After Us was written in such a way that made it easy to understand what had happened previously.

The story alternates between 18 year old Melissa and Javier's point of views. Melissa is hiding her scars from the operation to remove the cancer cells from her body and living with the fear that it may not have been successful. Since her best friend Faith has moved away she has kept this to herself, worrying that other people would be repulsed by her. Javier, on the other hand, is wearing a metaphorical mask to hide the pain he feels at the loss of his cousin and best friend Diego. Instead of laying the past to rest he is determined to avenge Diego's death.

After Us is essentially a love story about characters who hide the raw pain they feel from everyone, including those closest to each other. As well as these problems they also have to deal with racial discrimination. Javier's family originate from Cuba and only moved to the US for a better life. Javier's mother, however, has a "only-date-Latinas" rule as she believes American girls are not good enough for her sons. This is somewhat like the famous story of Romeo and Juliet where the families want nothing to do with each other.

As well as a love story, After Us deals with other themes from medical problems to drug dealing. Heart, rather than writing about the affects of taking drugs, concentrates on the people behind the dealing. Drug Gangs can be just as dangerous as the substances as they involve violence that often result on fatal injuries.

On the whole the storyline could have delved deeper into the characters individual stories and the ending could have been stronger. Although there was a surprise plot twist, the book finished rather quickly with everything suddenly being resolved and no repercussions.

As already mentioned it is not vital to read the previous book in order to understand After Us however, from what I understand, Before You is written from Faith and Diego's points of views. Overall this book was ok for a quick read but I would not label it as anything special.
<h2><em><strong>The Heartbreakers</strong></em><strong> by Ali Novak has got to be one of the cutest novels I've read in 2018.</strong></h2>
Wow. Way to expose that this review is months late, Sophia.

I adored every moment of reading and want more from Novak because she brought out nearly <em>all</em> the feels. Plus if I didn't have final projects or work at the time, I'm pretty sure I would have finished this in one sitting and be a sad bookwyrm right after.

<h3>The relationships are A+! &#x1f60d;</h3>
From the very beginning, the band members and Stella have a great friendship and Novak does a phenomenal job showing that. They got along well quickly and while they had their disputes here and there, it's obvious they all enjoyed hanging out and spending time together.

I also loved the sibling relationship between Stella and her siblings. Since her sister, Cara found out she had cancer, Stella has been making the effort to stay with her sister as much as she can and that made me cry on the inside. This is one of the struggles that Stella deals with throughout the novel: how can she be with Cara and make the most of the time they have left while creating a life for herself as well?

<h3>Lots of cheese and insta-love, but we're not complaining.</h3>
I hate cheese and insta-love, but I had no issues with the massive amounts of them throughout <em>The Heartbreakers</em>. I found myself thoroughly enjoying the novel regardless of the tropes and cliches that I find myself trying to avoid often. The characters play pranks on each other often, which sometimes aggravate me personally in other books because they go too far, but I loved reading them. Plus I personally felt the pranks fit the characters' personalities and really added to the relationship value.

<h3>It's unrealistic but I don't think I cared.</h3>
I really don't think I cared because I was enjoying other aspects of the book and it kind of balanced everything out. And well... maybe my mood. I think I was reading way too much fantasy and got tired of that so I needed a good, fluffy AF contemporary novel to get me back on my reading toes. <em>The Heartbreakers</em> certainly delivered the fluffiness I needed.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Collateral Beauty (2016)
Collateral Beauty (2016)
2016 | Drama
Loss is something that all of us must face at one time or another. It affects each person differently. While some seem unfazed, others cannot adjust to life after the death of a loved one.

In Collateral Beauty, Will Smith portrays Howard Arnett, a father and advertising executive who has shut off the world after the loss of his daughter to cancer.

He disconnects from work, friends, and family. He is a shell of himself, not knowing how to find his place in the world now that a major piece of him is missing.

In an attempt to bring normalcy back to his life and save their company, his friends and colleagues band together to devise a plan to hire actors to play the roles of abstract beings that Howard contacts in his distress, hoping that it forces him to confront his feelings about his loss.

Collateral Beauty is more than just your run of the mill Holiday films. The movie is touching, heart-wrenching, and layered. The film is not limited to the growth of Howard.

We witness how each of his friends has a challenge that they must face that they have been putting off, just as their friend has for the past two years. An ensemble cast of Dame Hellen Mirren, Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Michael Pena, Kiera Knigthley, and Naomie Harris would normally have audiences or critics worried that the film itself may be light on content, plot, or depth. This is not the case.

The film’s cast is outshined by the story that develops as audiences watch and wait for Howard to become unbroken. The film does not overshoot with respect to their expectations or even offer up conflated ideas and developments. Collateral Beauty gives audiences a chance to watch a man deal with loss and reflect on how we all deal with loss in our own ways.

The film is tough to watch in some moments due to its approach to love and death in not simplifying the significance of one’s life. It demonstrates that each person matters and their lives have a lasting impact. Collateral Beauty will leave audiences reflecting on their own circumstances and those of people they know.

At times, the feelings are too real and a deep connection is made between the characters and the audience that will leave many wishing that they had brought boxes of tissue with them as they will find themselves being touched and heavily impacted.