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Dine With Me
Dine With Me
Layla Reyne | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DINE WITH ME is a change of direction from the Romantic Suspense novels I have read by Layla Reyne. And I don't mean in a bad way, as I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

Miller is a chef, who has just closed down a restaurant, is getting a divorce from his best-friend/wife, oh, and by the way, has throat cancer too. There are many trials and tribulations he goes through, most of which are completely understandable, and you will certainly empathise with him as a character.

As for Clancy, he is a foodie and also a doctor. He has just agreed to work at his dad's plastic surgery clinic, although he has major doubts about that. His calling is for oncology, but he doesn't know how to let his dad down.

You travel with these two as they go from one special place to another, with Miller sharing his love of food. The attraction between these two simmers all the way through, overflowing at points.

With a fantastic supporting cast of characters, I thoroughly enjoyed the story as it panned out. I loved Miller's thought processes, and how Clancy worked.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading, and I found the pacing to be perfect for the story.

Although we had an epilogue, I would still love to hear more from this couple! Absolutely recommended by me.
The Farewell (2019)
The Farewell (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
In the West, families celebrate each other in death. If someone is dying, the news is shared and every one comes together to tragically revere their family member. In the West, they celebrate their family member in life. They do not let someone know that they are dying instead bringing a sense of joy by coming together. This culture clash between the New World ideas and Old World ideas populate Lulu Wang's new film "The Farewell." The family matriach has stage 4 cancer, but rather than tell her that she is dying, the two brothers and their families stage a wedding. One son emigrated to America and raised a liberal arts educated daughter who struggles to make ends meet. One son went to Japan and raised his son. Left behind, the sister and a niece took care of their mother. It is revealed how much the sister has sacrificed for this matriach, but she is happy to give her sister the joy to live. Is it wrong to tell a lie if it makes a person's life better? Which idea of death do you follow? Awkwafina gives a surprising performance as Billi, the Asian-American artist who loves her grandmother and struggles to understand how this lie is good. Shuzhen Zhao plays Nai Nai, the family matriach, with spirit and style, the kind of performance Oscar would notice if they gave notice to Asian performances.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated That Reminds Me in Books

Jul 30, 2020  
That Reminds Me
That Reminds Me
Derek Owusu | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
That Reminds Me was a book that immediately made me sit up and take notice. The language is poetic and raw, and that reflects the experience of the main protagonist, K. It’s presented as a series of memories, so some memories are clearer and easier to understand than others - and this is mostly down to the K’s Bipolar disorder, I think, but also down to how we remember our own past. The clearest descriptions seem to be when he is self-harming, drinking and his descriptions of his alcoholism.

K has a very disjointed childhood: he’s taken into care as a small child, in a largely white community, but his foster parents, and in particular his foster mother, seem to take notice of him and spend time with him. This comes to an end when his foster mother dies of lung cancer. K then goes to live in Tottenham with an aunt. Here he is able to explore his Ghanaian roots, whilst living in poverty in a community where knife crime is commonplace, Grime is the music of choice and God rules all.

There is so much in this short book that I could talk about, but then I’m sure that I’d ruin the readers own experience. I think it’s a book that’s well worth reading and experiencing, but be warned: this is not a book that is wholly comfortable or enjoyable. But is it good? Oh yes, it most certainly is.
The Liars Daughter
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
‼️ Trigger warning abuse ‼️

203 of 230
The Liars Daughter
By claire Allan

Every family has it’s secrets…

Joe McKee – pillar of the Derry community – is dead. As arrangements are made for the traditional Irish wake, friends and family are left reeling at how cancer could have taken this much-loved man so soon.

But grief is the last thing that Joe’s daughter Ciara and step-daughter Heidi feel. For they knew the real Joe – the man who was supposed to protect them and did anything but.

As the mourners gather, the police do too, with doubt being cast over whether Joe’s death was due to natural causes. Because the lies that Joe told won’t be taken to the grave after all – and the truth gives his daughters the best possible motive for killing him…

A gripping suspense novel about deadly secrets and lies. The perfect read for fans of Clare Mackintosh.

I don’t know where to begin I couldn’t put it down. It deals with a very hard sensitive issue and in my opinion was so well done. It hit so many triggers and buttons but not once did I find it too much to handle or insensitive. It gives in a way 3 different accounts of abuse and survival of women who have gone through and still are suffering. So heartbreaking to read and gives a little hope!
In Search of Sam
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dani Lancaster has just found out that the father she hardly knew, Sam Swan, had passed away and left her with a few things in his will. When she goes to collect these things from his attorney, she finds a few personal belongings that send her on a quest to find her family. With Sam being in the foster system his whole life, finding the truth about his past may not be so easy.

This is a very touching story about finding the truth. Most of Dani's life she didn't even know her father existed. When they were finally united, it was for only a few weeks at which time Dani found out that Sam had cancer and not too long to live. In her journey to find out more about her father and herself, she travels through Canada finding people who knew Sam. When she finally discovers the truth it is a shock to her and to me as well.

This book made me cry. It touches a place in your heart. Even though we may know who our family is, we all have a desire to find out about our past and our ancestors. This is the first book I have read by Kristin Butcher. I look forward to reading more of her books starting with the prequel to this book, [bc:Truths I Learned from Sam|17335590|Truths I Learned from Sam|Kristin Butcher||24067750].

**I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**
Searching (2018)
Searching (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Catfish 2.0
After dealing with the death of his wife from cancer, a father tries to deal with raising his high school daughter only to find out everything with her and her life is not what it seems when she goes missing. He frantically starts combing through her social media accounts and contacting her friends to find out any lead as to her whereabouts.

A local police detective also comes to his aid to follow up on leads and keep the investigation going.

The story didn't follow the "Catfish" formula, only the way the story is told. The movie entirely exists through webcams, social media posts and TV footage and that is it's biggest triumph. Any unique way f telling a story, especially a compelling and inventive one, deserves attention in my book since most movies' formulas sort of run together these days.

As a parent, the film really does make you think about how much do we really know our teenage children? Could they be having relationships without our knowledge or conducting themselves in a way they were not raised?

My wife and I actually talked about this a bit while viewing the film. The entire world of social media can be very scary if you think about it and how much of our lives we have exposed out in cyberspace for others to see and potentially exploit.

I got rid of my Facebook around a year ago and haven't regretted it once.

Show all 5 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Apr 6, 2019

Yeah I really liked it.


Erika (17788 KP) Apr 6, 2019

I loved this movie too, I think it was one of the best last year, next to Widows.


Rachel King (13 KP) rated Redemption in Books

Feb 11, 2019  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not read the first book in the series, Protector, but that did not seem to matter all that much in reading this book. I caught up relatively easily to what the author felt I needed to know about Jane Perry's story so that I could dive into the action-packed, suspense-filled plot of this book.
One of the first things I noticed about the main character of Jane Perry is both her seemingly-abrasive personality, complete with a foul mouth, and her battle with alcoholism. Throughout the book, her strong personality is both her greatest strength and her biggest weakness. Her daily battle to remain sober - pushing six months - is also a prominent theme, complete with AA meetings, sobriety chips, and the 12-step program. I found these details interesting from the educational standpoint, since I have known a few alcoholics, both recovering and not, but nothing about the process of recovery from this horrible addiction.
The woman that hires Jane Perry, Katherine Clark (better known as Kit), is in many ways the very opposite of Jane. A woman in her 60's, she describes her personality as that of an "earth mother". Dealing with stage 4 cancer, she is a strict adherent of New Age philosophies and herbal medicine to treat both her cancer and her particular brand of spirituality. In addition, several of the plot's "bad guys" were followers of a particular sect of Fundamentalist Christianity that Kit spends an overt amount of time condemning, despite her many lectures of tolerance, love, and forgiveness. This in turn incites Jane to regularly mock Fundamentalist Christianity by proxy.
While I realize that radicals of any religion are easy fodder for mainstream literature, the personal beliefs of the author completely overpower the actual plot of the book. It is patently obvious that Dewey is a major supporter of all things New Age, with a penchant for Buddhism, and is completely against a literal translation of the Bible. As I have said in previous reviews, a good author is invisible to the reader, but in this book, the author often felt more present in the plot than the actual characters the book was intended to be about - some sort of amalgamation of Jane and Kit. Despite the good intentions that I am sure Dewey harbors in writing in this fashion, I became rather depressed by the end of the book by the over-saturation of Dewey's agenda of New Ageism versus Christianity, as the book became less and less about the heroics of Jane Perry and more about the beliefs of Laurel Dewey.
While I acknowledge that I do not agree with everything within the particular doctrines of the character of Dr. John Bartosh, I do consider myself a Fundamentalist Christian, a person who believes in both the literal and figurative translation of the Bible. For the author to expect me, the reader, to not even be slightly offended by the condemnation and open mockery of what I consider to be the foundation of my morality and how I live my life on a daily basis is both presumptuous and insensitive.
Despite this, the book was well-written from a literary approach, with unique characters, an unpredictable plot, and no loose ends.
Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club (1999)
1999 | Thriller
Amazing cast performances in a dark epic
When I first watched Fight Club I had no idea what to expect I just couldn't resist a film starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter and Meat Loaf (!?!) I was very lucky to go into this dark as it really has a powerful plot twist so if you haven’t somehow seen or been told the deal with this film just go watch it now.

Edward Norton stars as a depressed working man who doesn't like his work and gets no sense of satisfaction from it. He starts visiting support groups for patients with terminal diseases so that he'll have people to talk to but he’s not the only weirdo doing this when he spots Marla (Helena Bonham Carter) at several of his support groups and subsequently becomes obsessed with her presence. He also meets another odd individual while on a flight, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), a charming soap salesman. Following a fight between them they become friends and roommates finding the release from fighting to be euphoric they fight more and other men join in, the "fight club." When Tyler and Marla hook up things get complicated with Tyler becoming more and more secretive about his real plans.

This film has a load of great performances but Meat Loaf as Bob a testicular cancer sufferer is pretty special to see. There’s a lot of violence and it’s a pretty dark if humorous in many ways. Norton and Pitt play so well off each other, it's great to watch. The cinematography and soundtrack are amazing, you’ll want to rewatch at least once.

Kaz (232 KP) Jun 16, 2019

Great review! This film definitely needs to be watched a couple of times to really appreciate it.


Mary Ellen Mark recommended Ikiru (1952) in Movies (curated)

Ikiru (1952)
Ikiru (1952)
1952 | Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is a film about a man’s rebirth. It was made in 1952 and is set in Japan’s postwar rebuilding period. Kanji Watanabe is a man trapped in the dreary bureaucracy of his job and life. When his doctor tells him that he has terminal cancer and a short time to live, he decides to change his life. He first tries going out on the town drinking in nightclubs and spending time with a young woman. This is a beautifully seen relationship that soon ends in disappointment. It is not until several poor women come into his office to complain about the terrible conditions in their slum neighborhood that he realizes how he can give his life meaning. In his quiet way, he uses the bureaucratic system he knows so well against itself. In the end he is able to establish a playground for the children of the slum. His selfless action in the last days of his life makes him a hero. At his funeral, his workmates try to claim the creation of the playground as theirs, but when the community show up to pay their respects, there is no doubt who acted for the greater good. For me, one of the most powerful and moving images in the film is the flashback during his wake. In this flashback, we see Kanji from behind, sitting on a swing in the snow in the middle of the playground. This film is about how fleeting life is and how important it is to be personally creative and to live every moment like it is your last."


Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
I feel a bit let down. Don't take that the wrong is NOT AT ALL because this book was bad, but because it was so good, very, VERY good!!! And I've read it already. And it's over. It's become my favorite read of 2013 & it's only January!! This doesn't bode well for the books I'll read the rest of the year!
This book went from 0 to 10 in the matter of a few pages & just went faster from there. I literally could not put it down. There were so many unexpected twists & turns that it was quite frankly, a roller coaster. I'd love to see it as a movie, but at the same time I dread those words when applied to a book I adored because the movie version never quite lives up to the book itself.
Gone Girl tells the story of Nick & Amy Dunne a seemingly perfect, blissfully happily married. Successful writers, trust fund, living a glamorous life in Manhattan, cool couple. Until they are very suddenly thrust into the "real" world...kind of. Suddenly, they are both laid off, Nick's mom gets cancer, they move to Missouri & then things go terribly wrong. Not just wrong, but horribly, unbelievably, scarily, WRONG! The door to their McMansion is left hanging open, the living room is a wreck & Amy is gone. Of course the investigation, in both the legal & public opinion arenas, is focused squarely on Nick. The cheating, abusive, cheater of a husband...of course. Or is he?
I want to say so much more, but really I can't. I don't want to ruin it for you should you be wise (or lucky) enough to pick up this book & crack open it's spine. You deserve to go into unaware, to experience the ride for yourself. You deserve a great book & this, my friends, is IT!!!!