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Point Salad
Point Salad
2019 | Card Game
What does “elegant design” mean to you? For me, it is a game that has been well-fleshed out and the rules, components, and mechanics are not over-fluffed. I hear and see so many games being described as having elegant design, and I sit and ponder sometimes because I have played the game in question and it certainly doesn’t follow my personal interpretation of the term. Point Salad, however, is the perfect example of elegant design – to me. Follow along to learn how such a simple game can cause such great experiences.

Simply put, Point Salad is a tableau-building game where players are drafting cards with specific scoring rules and sets of the six different suits to maximize the scoring of their drafted score cards. Each card in the game is double-sided, with one side showing a vegetable and the other side showing a unique scoring system. The player who earns the most points at the end of the game will be the winner and be forced to eat a salad reflecting their drafted veggies from the game. All right, that isn’t true, but they CAN gloat as much as they please.
To setup, construct the deck as outlined in the rules per the number of players. Shuffle the deck and roughly divide into three stacks, point side up. From these stacks place out two cards, veggie side up, below them. Choose the first player and the harvesting may begin!

On a turn, the active player may choose to draft one point card or two veggie cards from those visible in the market. They now place the cards in their personal tableau in front of themselves and the turn moves to the next player. The game continues in this fashion of drafting one or two cards every turn until all cards have been drafted.

Once all cards are drafted from the market, players analyze their scoring cards and determine points using the veggie cards they drafted. As each point card depicts a unique scoring set, each player may end with wildly different score totals. The player with the most points is the winner!
Components. This one is easy. It’s a deck of 108 double-sided cards and a tiny set of rules. The cards are all great quality and feature the most clear and appropriate art by Dylan Mangini. I have grown to really love his artwork on different games – I really dig his style. Components in this one are wonderful and I am considering sleeving the game because I just want to keep it pristine through the years.

It is certainly no surprise that I adore this game. Honestly, I only even gave it a shot because my friend Bethany, of Ryan and Bethany Board Game Reviews, placed it in one of her Top 10 lists and I had oftentimes simply passed it up at the FLGS. I am super glad she turned me on to this one, as it is easily one of my new favorites to bring to the table. I do have one tiny issue with the game. The box reads for ages 8+ but my 5-year-old son has zero problems understanding and playing the game. I mean, I have to read (and sometimes explain) the point cards to him, but I love seeing him think about and work through some tactics while playing.

I think that for me and my family, Point Salad fills a nice little niche in my collection. It is an excellent introduction to both drafting and tableau-building that other games can build upon for us. I very much enjoy the possibility of never playing the same game twice as 108 double-sided cards offers such variability and replayability that I hope will keep the game from becoming boring over multiple plays. Right now, though, it is humming along for us, and we are so grateful to Miss Bethany for introducing us to this little gem! Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a delicious 5 / 6. If you are looking for that low-stress, but very tactical, card game for easygoing nights, pick yourself up a copy of Point Salad.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post

Apr 13, 2019  
Can anyone recommend some good two-player tabletop games, be it board, and, or dice games? I'm going to have surgery and will have a lot of downtime and don't want to spend it as a couch potato.

I like to play city building games online, like Banished, Civilization, and Sierra Impression Games (Pharaoh, Caesar, and Emporer) and have looked at a few board game versions but they look complicated and come with so many pieces. Are they manageable or will a cat coming into the room destroy the game with a swipe of its tail? My roommate doesn't play games yet so it would have to be a game that isn't overly complex or complicated to a newbie or a highly-medicated me.

We also like Scrabble, word puzzles, and trivia games but are looking for similar games. We've played Uno (which is now forever known as F-U/No, F-U, haha) and Yahtzee. So traditional board, card, and dice would be nice. We like mystery, paranormal, and educational games, not big on fantasy, sci-fi, sports, or anything chaotic.

I'm also hoping to find games my boyfriend and I can play kind of mindlessly to do in the background while we chat about life and tell stories. I'm really needing some good intimate (not sexual) discussion.

All advice appreciated.
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Awix (3310 KP) Apr 14, 2019

Seven Wonders Duel is a pretty good, medium-complex card game. Splendor and Carcassonne also both work well with two and they're a little simpler and possibly more cat-proof too.


The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Apr 15, 2019

Jaipur is one of my favorites and has an App you can get as well.

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