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    Games and Entertainment

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    The top-ranked Spades card game with: Live online multiplayer • Achievements • Statistics •...

    Paw Patrol by ShuffleCards

    Paw Patrol by ShuffleCards

    Entertainment and Reference

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    Join the PAW Patrol team and be the first to complete two rescue missions. You'll need all your...

Eminent Domain: Microcosm
Eminent Domain: Microcosm
2014 | Card Game, Civilization, Print & Play, Science Fiction, Space
Quick (2 more)
Surprisingly complex
Some planet iconography is a bit hard to tell at a glance (0 more)
A quick little game where you take a card from either the supply or the deck, then you either play a card or take your discard pile into your hand. Surprisingly complex with the scoring as each card has its own scoring conditions, so it pays to focus and understand what you need. Plays quick and tactics do matter. Hard for an overall strategy due to its speed and small package. Overall a good game for quick jaunts, but not one to play over and over again
Making Bad Situations Worse
Making Bad Situations Worse
2018 | Adult, Card Game, Humor
different scenarios, humor, adult content, entertainment (0 more)
Before New Years, I had never heard of this game. While at a friend's house, they brought it out and absolute hilarity ensued. The content is original and definitely adult oriented. The judge draws a card, rolls the dice and selects the scenario on the card that goes with the coinciding number. You choose from the cards in your hand to make the situation worse and the person who drew the card picks the winner. The judge changes each turn. I would definitely play this game again with a group of friends.

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Jan 2, 2019

Sounds like a cards against humanity clone... Glad to hear you enjoyed it.


TacoDave (3727 KP) created a question about The Secret of Monkey Island in Video Games

Apr 1, 2020  
Did you know that famed science fiction author Orson Scott Card ("Ender's Game") wrote dialogue for this and other Lucasarts adventure games? He specifically wrote the insults for the insult swordfights...