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Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails
Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails
2016 | Transportation, Travel
Great Lakes (1 more)
A more tense game
Adding another type of card to collect. Ships
It’s hard to get everything you need drawing from one deck. Then you add another and make players choose. We enjoyed this one on the first play quite a bit in a 2 player game. We worried about how it might play for four. But we will see. We loved the Great Lakes map. The game also has a world map we didn’t try yet.


    7.0 (3 Ratings) Rate It

    Tabletop Game

    The woods are old-growth, dappled with sunlight. Delicious mushrooms beckon from every grove and...

Ready or Not (2019)
Ready or Not (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Me and my husband originally wanted to see this in our cinema, but our local wasn't showing it. We finally got to rent it from amazon prime last night.
The movie is about a young bride who has to take part in a family tradition of game night. What that game is depends on the card which is drawn from a box, unbeknown to the bride one card is a deadly game of hide and seek. Which is the card she draws, meaning she has to hide and the rest of the family have to find her and kill her before sunrise, because they believe if she lives they all die. The movie was very good, not too much gore but enough for any horror fan to enjoy, with some humour thrown in for good measure. They do try a few jump scares but they didn't phase me at all (and I'm a very jumpy person), that aside I would highly recommend it.


    7.6 (5 Ratings) Rate It

    Tabletop Game

    Viceroy is a board game of bidding and resource management set in the fantasy universe of the famous...

    World's Biggest Solitaire

    World's Biggest Solitaire

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Play a new solitaire game that's fast, fun and full of surprises! The epic new Solitaire game from...

Lords of Scotland
Lords of Scotland
2010 | Card Game, Fighting, Medieval
Solid Decisions to be made (1 more)
Card have multiple uses and Values = Followers / Supporters / Actions
Pasted on Theme, is barely there and doesn't do anything to help it, it's mostly abstract. (0 more)
Enjoyable Card Game about Battling for the Throne... without a Throne.
I played this at game night a few nights ago and actually enjoyed it much more than I expected to. It's a small box and there's not much to the cards. But there's more to how you think about your actions, you only have 5 per round. Each round has valuable supporters you are trying to collect and you vie for the top selections among them. the art on the cards is good and doesn't interfere with the graphic design and the cards information which is key. I saw the older design which was a bit cleaner, but less pretty. Anyway, back to the game play, you start off with 5 cards and those are what you have to work with. Each turn you can draw a card, or play a card.... simple, but when you run out of cards you run out of options so there is a balancing act to it. But this makes turns relatively quick, which I love in larger player counts. There is some interesting intrigue with card being played up or down, up for the action, down for secrecy. Also the ability to swap out supporters by one clan or double up on pulling them with another makes for some interesting jostling, and a bit more take that..... It would be perfect at a Game of Thrones themed game with just a bit more depth.
2019 | Abstract Strategy, Card Game
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for – the next installment in the Button Shy wallet series is here! *Crowd roar* After my discovery of Button Shy through their Kickstarter for Sprawlopolis, I have actively been on the lookout for their games. When I saw the call for reviewers for their newest card game, I knew I wanted to be involved! So how does Hierarchy hold up compared to their other wildly successful wallet games? Keep reading to find out!

Hierarchy is an abstract strategy game of perfect information for 2 players. Comprised of a mere 14 playing cards (excluding title and reference cards) it is quite the compact game – as is to be expected from the Button Shy crew. In a game of Hierarchy, players take turns playing cards from their open hand (no hidden information here!) on top of the last card played by their opponent, per the placement restrictions. To win, you must be able to play a card on top of which your opponent is unable to play a card – effectively ‘checkmating’ them and claiming victory for yourself!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. As this is a preview copy of the game, I do not know if the final rules or components will be similar or different to what we were provided. -T

Here’s how it works in detail. Each player first receives a Quick Reference Card, and is then dealt half of the deck (7 cards). The cards are double-sided to represent the two player colors – purple and gold – so each player flips their 7 cards to show their chosen color. Since this is a game of perfect information, all cards are laid out on the table, so each player always knows what cards their opponent has available to them. The player who was dealt the ‘Imposter’ card goes first. Each card has a specific number, ranging from 1 to 13, as well as a specific ability. To play a card, its number must be higher than that of the card below it, unless the card’s specific ability says it can be played otherwise. For example, if I play the Queen (#12), Travis could play the King (#13, numerically higher) or the Assassin (#1) since its power allows it to be played atop any card except for the Tower and Leper. Don’t be worried about having to memorize all the card abilities – they are all detailed on the Quick Reference Cards (see photo below). Play continues back and forth until one player is unable to play a card, either because they have no cards left at all or because they have no valid cards left to play. That player loses the game, and the remaining player is the top of the Hierarchy! (Roll credits)

Let’s talk components first. They’re excellent, which is no surprise coming from ButtonShy. Of course, we just have a preview copy of the game, so I can only imagine that the card quality might be up for improvement during the Kickstarter. That being said, the cards we received are nice and sturdy, as is the tell-tale wallet of a ButtonShy game. The text on the cards is a good size, and the font is easy to read. The artwork is fine, but quite honestly not something I looked at in depth until Travis mentioned the style. I think that’s because the cards are all monochrome, the art just didn’t really draw my eye. Not a knock on the game, just something I noticed! Speaking of color, I personally love the player color choices of Purple and Gold – the school colors of my Alma Mater ((the University of Northern Iowa, go Panthers!)(also of the Alma Mater of the rest of us – Western Illinois University – GO NECKS! -T)). Maybe I’m biased, but I think those two colors are a great combination 🙂

And how about the gameplay? I think it’s excellent. For such a compact and ‘light’ game, the strategy required for success keeps the game extremely engaging. You always know the cards your opponent has, and you’ve got to be thinking at least several turns in advance to try to back them into a corner while not letting yourself fall victim to an unnoticed strategic play. Another neat thing about Hierarchy is how quickly it plays – typically in 20 minutes or less. You might have to devote a decent amount of brainpower to outwitting your opponent, but you definitely don’t need to devote hours of time during your game night for this game, and I love that. Gamers who enjoy games like Citadels or Love Letter might enjoy the familiarity of Hierarchy’s gameplay coupled with the intimacy of a strictly 2-player game. The final verdict from me is that Button Shy has another hit on their hands with Hierarchy. I am very much looking forward to following the campaign, and definitely plan to pull this game out many times in my future!