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Something’s Knot Kosher
Something’s Knot Kosher
Mary Marks | 2016 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bank Robbery or Murder?
Martha Rose is shocked when she learns that her good friend Birdie Watson’s husband, Russell, was killed in a robbery at the bank he managed. Even more surprising are the questions the FBI and local police are asking Birdie. They are making it sound like Russell was a target. Martha and her friend Lucy are concerned that, if Russell was a target, someone might go after Birdie next, so when Birdie announces that she intends to take Russell’s body to his home in Oregon to be buried, they are happy to think she will be out of town. Being the supportive friends they are, they plan to go along. Martha can’t help but start nosing around, and what she learns about Birdie and Russell surprises her. But are the authorities right? Was Russell a target and not an innocent bystander?

Since Birdie is one of the main characters in the series, we’ve met Russell before, but he’s never spent much time on the page. Here, he’s dead on page one. Still, over the course of the book, we learn quite a bit about him, and he becomes much more fleshed out than he has been before. The main characters are also strong. Some of the supporting players are stereotypes, but some of those characters also provided some comic relief, so it’s hard to complain too much. The mystery itself is solid. The pacing lags a bit when the characters are on the road, but I still appreciated how the author was able to pull off a mystery with two different main settings without the book feeling too disjointed. There’s just enough talk of quilting to whet my appetite, and we get some tips for caring for a quilt at the end of the book. I continue to be glad I gave this series a chance, and I look forward to my next visit with the characters.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Mother May I in Books

Aug 2, 2021  
Mother May I
Mother May I
Joshilyn Jackson | 2021 | Contemporary, Thriller
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mother May I was an unputdownable book for me - a high octane thriller, where a mother must follow, to the letter, the instructions of the woman who has kidnapped her infant son.

Bree Cabbat has a storybook life. She wants for nothing, has beautiful children, and a caring, handsome husband. She has come from a life of poverty, and she knows just how lucky she is. Bree doesn’t want anyone to take this life away from her.

When a witch-like character kidnaps her son and tells her that she has to do a job for her - and that she has to follow the instructions to the letter, Bree agrees. She has no other choice. The thought of a child being kidnapped, no matter their age, is horrifying.

As the story progressed, I found myself a little unnerved to find myself empathising with the baby’s kidnapper: she has a pretty compelling reason for her actions. And Bree feels the same way. She has a similar background to the woman, and knows how hard it is to claw your way out of poverty - and how easy it is to fall even lower. The fact that the kidnapper has her baby is ever present in Bree’s mind. She doesn’t forgive her because of her life experiences. Bree just wants to do what the witch has told her to do, and to get her son back.

Bree learns that her husband has kept a pretty big secret, and it has been the cause of not just their own plight. Will their marriage survive this?

To be fair, I wasn’t much concerned with the state of Bree’s marriage for much of this book. I was more interested in the relationship between Bree and her son’s kidnapper.

This book is gripping. I’m warning you now: don’t pick this book up if you know you’re going to have to put it down soon after. You won’t want to!

Another great thriller from Joshilyn Jackson - highly recommended!
Billy and Me
Billy and Me
Giovanna Fletcher | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a very, very different genre than I usually read. It was romantic and contemporary and kind of cliche and gross. But I will admit that it was written well.

Despite the gooey topics, this book was easy to sit and read through. The writing was good, though some of the speech didn't feel particularly authentic. My main problem was how cliche this was. A young woman who loves classic literature andworks in a tea shop meets a movie star without realising who he is and falls in love... Yeah, it's kind of a stereotypical romance. I hate this sort of thing. It's tacky and just ugh. But there was more to it than just the romance, which was very good. Sophie had her own issues to deal with, stemming from childhood grief and caring for her mother. It even had a really tragic moment toward the end, that didn't involve the actor - Billy - much at all.

As I mentioned above, the language wasn't always particularly fluid. It sometimes felt like Fletcher was trying too hard to make it more romantic and emotional. Billy was pretty much 'perfect' and extremely romantic, probably extremely unrealistically so. He was likeable, still, just not very realistic.

Sophie herself was a bit... not annoying, but she's not my favourite protagonist ever. She was trying too hard to be unique and strong and independent and it just irritated me. I get what Fletcher was going for (I think) but I just didn't love Sophie that much at all.

Like most other contemporary novels (not that I've actually read many of them), Sophie's life comes together perfectly at the end. Well, not quite perfectly, but the ending was sickly sweet. But I'm a bit of a cynic. You might like this more than me.

Despite the genre and gross cutesy lovey stuff, I think this deserves 3.5 stars. The writing was good and I did actually enjoy reading it.