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A Brat for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
A Brat for Kinkmas (Naughty or Nice Season Three)
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A BRAT FOR KINKMAS is J.P. Sayle's addition to the Naughty or Nice Season #3 and you really need to take notice of the title! I've come to the conclusion that I definitely like the caring/nurturing daddies and sweet boys more than I like domineering daddies and bratty boys. It was a bit of a surprise for me as I like some books that are heavier on the BDSM side than this was. I think it's the daddy side of things that does it for me.

Anyway, moving on from my crisis, Beau and Ziv are hot on the page! Beau is a lover of pain, and Ziv has no issue providing it! Beau is friends with Jessie and Patrick, both of whom I have previously met. He says he wants a relationship just like theirs. I personally don't think that is what he wanted, but he was definitely happy with how the relationship with Ziv worked. It works for him and that's the main thing. Ziv isn't all cuddly as Smithy. He is more protective than Akker - maybe because of his life. He is definitely more dubious in morals than the others, but he does love Beau in his own way.

I did enjoy this story. I found Ziv's backstory to be heartbreaking and how it (obviously) had an impact on his views as he grew up. Beau is a pain but loveable. Beau and Ziv are good together and the epilogue was just perfect. It didn't work as well for me as with other stories in the Cuff'd range, but it was still a great story that I'm sure others will love.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Apr 13, 2023)  
Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7)
Makar and Baruch (Fueled By Lust #7)
Celeste Prater | 2015 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this is the seventh book in the series and if you've seen my reviews for the other six books, you will know that by now I am a MAJOR fan of Celeste's and love this series.

I don't even know where to start with this review. Makar and Baruch is funny (hilarious in places), heart-warming, heart-breaking, sassy, raw, and poignant. You will need some tissues because, for me at least, there was crying involved and not the nice, pretty kind either!

I won't go into too much detail, partly because if you haven't read any of these books, it won't make sense anyway. The other reason is that I absolutely refuse to give away any spoilers. Suffice it to say, Keeley has her own issues to deal with and they're not what you think. My heart was breaking for her and the epilogue ending... WOW!!! Let's just say, I had a vicious little smile on my face and a feeling of satisfaction in my heart.

Makar and Baruch are the perfect pair for Keeley - they are exactly the same as the rest of the Insedi, warm, caring, attentive, protective, in fact, everything that you could want in a mate. They have their own story to tell which is heartbreaking in its own right.

We have a reunion with some 'old' favourites and Cato works his magic as usual. Cassie is also around to give Keeley some helpful advice on seeing patterns and changing them. This was sheer perfection for me as it not only made 100% sense but also helped Keeley in a way that no one else could see that she needed help with (if that makes sense!)

Another candle on top of the Fueled By Lust cake!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 17, 2015

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Scorn of Secrets in Books

Jun 23, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
Scorn of Secrets
Scorn of Secrets
B. Truly | 2021 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SCORN OF SECRETS will tear your heart out and stomp on it - this I can promise you! It hooked me in from the start as Madison tries to cope with the death of her father, plus have a relationship with her oh-so-loving mother and older sister. Her whole world is upended when they move to a new state, but it's not all that bad... is it?

Told from Madison's perspective, you are with her as she meets the rich man her mother has latched onto, the new home, the new school, the new future step-siblings. She is the quiet one of the two, more introspective than the loud Tanya, and more likely to be on Goodreads than Instagram!

This book was so emotional, I swear I wanted to kill Tanya and Charlotte. Unfortunately, family can be too similar to the way the characters are described, so my heart broke for Madison and how they treated her. The confusion and trauma she goes through were made completely understandable and showed you how little choice she thought she had. Justin is a caring and mature young man who is swept away by Madison. He wants to be there for her in every way. He struggles to understand but, once the secret is out, he fully understands.

This is the first book and does have an open ending. I can't wait to read Book 2, Thorn of Secrets, and I really REALLY hope for a happy ending for Madison and Justin. These two, gah!!! Please let them be happy, they deserve it!

In case you hadn't figured it out, I highly recommend this book! Absolutely brilliant.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 23, 2021
Covered (Gold Hockey Season 2, #7)
Covered (Gold Hockey Season 2, #7)
Elise Faber | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Best one so far...
COVERED is the seventh book in the Gold Hockey Season Two series but you can read it as a standalone. Jess and Josh from book six do feature here as supporting characters, but you don't need to have read their story.

Jordyn's world exploded when she caught her husband and best friend together. She packed up her sons and their lives and moved to be near her brother. Ben can see she is hurting, but also sees the strength inside, the strength she doesn't feel. With his confidence in her, Jordyn is able to find her feet. The connection works both ways, and she is able to help him when his family issues get too big for him to contain.

This was a brilliant read! Ben and Jordyn know what they want and go for it. No messing around, no unnecessary angst, just feelings and the ability to show them in small ways. That's what got me about this book. There are no big flashy 'look at how good I am' moments. Just kind, caring, simple, and oh-so-effective times that burrow under your skin and make you yearn!

I read this book in one sitting as I simply couldn't put it down. I loved Ben and Jordyn's story, not forgetting Sammy and Marcus. The pacing is perfect, the story flowing without any hitches or jerks. Well, maybe Daniel is a jerk, but he's supposed to be!

This was a great addition to the series, the best one so far in my opinion. Now, I just need to wait for Will and Lily. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Bearly Gold: A Goldilocks and the Three Bears Reimagining (Fairy Tale Fatale #2)
Bearly Gold: A Goldilocks and the Three Bears Reimagining (Fairy Tale Fatale #2)
N.D. Jones | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEARLY GOLD is the second in the Fairy Tale Fatale series and is a very imaginative retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

'Goldilocks' is a young, incredibly brave girl who has seen and suffered more than any should do. Our main character, Fayola, is a lightning bird of legend, an impundulu. She is on her fortieth mission, after which she will be free to do what she wants with her life. But that fortieth mission brings untold action and the saving of children from a war-torn area. Initially, she doesn't want to. She wants to finish her mission and go home. But how can she leave them?

Featuring bear and elephant shifters, plus impundulu, as well as humans, this is an intricate and twisting story, telling the dark tale of child trafficking. It is lightened in places by Fay's musings, her friends and family, plus romantic elements with Jelani - her long-term partner. It is also violent in places but, I can honestly say, I really didn't care because it couldn't happen to nicer people!!!

This series is simply amazing, covering dark topics. I can't wait to read the next in this series, whichever story it is. HIGHLY recommended by me.

As an aside, there is a simply amazing line spoken in the book which rings true. I'm using the words as written by the author in her notes at the end:

"Heroes are needed in this fight. Not vampiric lightning birds of lore but informed and caring human beings. Child trafficking is not inconsequential but bringing the crime to its overdue end requires people to, like Fayola, engage in the fine art of giving a shit."

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 19, 2022

BethZ (6 KP) rated Oxygen in Books

Dec 30, 2017  
Carol Cassella | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
well written, keeps you guessing, characters are likeable (0 more)
too much unnecessary details into medical procedures, no climatic dialogue between Marie and dad that aired out their differences. (0 more)
Fast Read!
I really enjoyed reading this book. I haven’t read anything in 2 days time in a very long time!

Dr. Marie Heaton is a successful anesthesiologist at First Lutheran Hospital in Seattle. In the seven years she’s been working there she has never made one mistake nor lost a patient. She prided herself on her meticulous organization skills, her neat charting, and her clean record. Until the day 8 year old Jolene stepped foot into her OR and passed away in the middle of a routine procedure she should have survived! Now Marie finds herself in the middle of a malpractice suit and on top of that, having to take care of her elderly father with whom her relationship with has been rocky.

This is a gripping story that tells us what doctors go through when fatal mistakes are made. I couldn’t put it down.

What I did not like about it:

1. too much medical detail. Some of it was necessary for us to understand what is going on in the story but most of it just felt like filler to me.

2. I expected the part where taking care of dad to come in a lot earlier than it did. And it wasn’t much caring for in the end. I was expecting her dad to be more belligerent to her about losing his independence and having to be taken care of. And since there has been unspoken animosity between them since Marie was a teenager, I expected there would be a climatic dialogue between them that airs out their problems and they get to move on from it. Never happened.

Other than those two things, there was so much to like about this book. The twist at the end had me on me on my seat! I did not expect it and I love when a story can surprise me! This was a great read!
Wonder Park (2019)
Wonder Park (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Kind of inoffensive? (1 more)
Animation is fine
The plot (2 more)
The concept
The execution
Horrible Park
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have five kids. So I've seen a ton of kids' movies. Some are good, some are bad, and some are meh. "Wonder Park" falls completely and stubbornly into the bottom range of Meh. It's not so bad that you hate yourself for watching it, but it isn't even interesting enough to hold your attention for the 80-minute runtime.

"Wonder Park" is about an imaginary amusement park called Wonderland (they never explain the discrepancy in name versus the name of the movie) invented by a young girl. She talks about the park, she draws pictures of it, she makes models of it, and she creates new rides with the help of her mom.

Unfortunately, in a real downer of a plotline, her mom gets sick with an unnamed illness and has to go away to see specialists somewhere. This makes the girl depressed, which makes her stop using her imagination, which makes her stop caring about Wonderland.

Then, in a situation that makes no sense, she hops off of a bus on the way to Math Camp, takes off on her own through the woods, and stumbles onto a real-life version of Wonderland run by real talking animals. Except there's a problem: Wonderland is being destroyed by a big black cloud and a sea of stuffed monkeys.

The girl eventually realizes (duh!) that the black cloud is basically her sadness, and to save the park she has to learn to use her imagination again. So she does. Then she leaves the park, goes back home, and her mom is magically better from the illness and everyone presumably lives happily ever after.

It's a neat concept (kid creates amusement park!) with bad execution, a terrible story, and too much depression for a kids' movie. Plus it wraps up too neatly. And it isn't funny. And I literally almost fell asleep watching it.

If you have to see a family movie, you can do a lot better than this one. I wouldn't even recommend renting it from Redbox. It is that bland and inoffensive.
The Shadow Between Us
The Shadow Between Us
Carol Mason | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Moving & Poignant Novel
Carol Mason, the best-selling author of ’After You Left’ has written an incredibly moving and poignant novel in this slow-burn, very beautiful work of fiction.

Olivia moves to the pretty coastal town of Port Townsend, with her marriage on-the-rocks, and her life in pieces. She doesn’t know if things with her husband Mark are truly over, or quite why the phone call she longs for on her daughter’s birthday will never come.

After joining a letter-writing club held at her local cafe she meets Ned, an ex-soldier badly wounded in Afghanistan. This chance friendship revives unexpected emotions and memories she’d rather forget.

Can Olivia find the courage to confront what she’s hiding from and finally begin to heal the wounds that have torn her life apart?

Liv, as she is known to her husband, is an extremely intriguing character. Regularly displaying a cocktail of emotions, I could still really empathise with her. She could be caring and thoughtful one minute, but then be frank, blunt and very much to-the-point, the next moment. At times she was positively distant and unkind. She was not alone in her attitude and behaviour as some of the other characters in the story shared similar traits such as cafe owner Beth. For me, this added to and complemented this wonderful character-driven story.

THE SHADOW BETWEEN US was a very insightful and thought-provoking read about reflecting on the mistakes we sometimes make and finding hope in second chances. I
very much liked the emphasis on letter-writing, reading and quotes from favourite books, running throughout the story.

The dialogue between Olivia and Ned was lovely and liked how they had an almost immediate connection. I was very keen to see how their relationship might develop. I found THE SHADOW BETWEEN US a very enjoyable read, helped by Carol Mason’s beautiful writing which has depth and substance. The ending was very fulfilling although with an unexpected twist. I will definitely be reading more of her books in the future.

[Thanks to #NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and Carol Mason for my ARC of #TheShadowBetweenUs in exchange for an honest review.]

Awix (3310 KP) rated Logan (2017) in Movies

Feb 10, 2018 (Updated Feb 10, 2018)  
Logan (2017)
Logan (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Cover Granny's eyes and ears
The question we must ask ourselves here is: does adding graphic gory violence and F-bombs by the cartload really transform a reasonably formulaic X-men franchise movie into something qualitatively different? Because it seems to me that if you were to make a PG-rated edit of Logan it would not feel that much different from many of the other films in the series. Well, perhaps I exaggerate just a bit, because the film does have a downbeat mood quite unusual for this genre, and the focus on the fragility of its characters does give the actors a lot to work with (though Hugh Jackman is, quite predictably, acted off the screen by Patrick Stewart).

Plot as follows: the year is 2030, or thereabouts, and all is not well for mutantkind, inasmuch as they seem to have died out. A knocking-on-a-bit Wolverine is working as a limo driver and trying to keep a low profile while caring for a frail Charles Xavier, but the appearance of a young mutant girl forces the duo to reassess their priorities.

Maybe the problem is that the first trailer for this film - the one with the Johnny Cash soundtrack - promised something genuinely powerful and melancholic. The song isn't in the movie and neither, really, is the power and melancholy. The movie seems to be trying to tell the story of a conflicted man steeped in violence who tries to find redemption at the end of his life, but Jackman's Wolverine has always been so much of a teddy bear - his 'darkness' and 'edginess' have always felt like corporate branding - that this doesn't really work.

Still, the film is well-assembled and its vision of a dystopian near-future America is both engaging and consisting. The film's willingness to simply not worry about franchise continuity is also kind of refreshing. With the future of the X-franchise apparently somewhat up in the air, this is at the very least a superior entry to mark the departure of at least one of its mainstays.