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Kyera (8 KP) rated Red Rising in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Red Rising
Red Rising
Pierce Brown | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not immediately fall in love with Red Rising. Rather the storyline slowly built over the first third of the book and then I found myself wanting to know what happens next. Darrow’s life as a Red is important to experience so you know what made him the man he is today, but didn’t captivate my attention.

The world that he knows is a lie. He is not the sacrificing pioneer his society led him to believe, but rather little more than a slave. His entire outlook and being is altered so that he may fight his way to the top, and maybe change the Society.

Darrow is filled with love for his people and his family, but does not understand the world at large. He must learn, and quickly, to fit into this new world without losing himself in the process. Each character in the book is unique and contributes differently to the story. Some force Darrow to question his resolve to the cause, others show him a different side of humanity, while a rare few make him wonder if all Golds are bad.

Mustang and Sevro are probably my two favourite supporting characters. Mustang is smart, strategic and caring even though she was not raised to be that way. Her father is the leader on Mars, so she led a sheltered but harsh childhood. Sevro is a strange human, but he grows on you over the novel and his dark humour is infectious.

The most fascinating parts of the book were when he was attending the Institute and proving that he had what it took to become a Peerless Scarred. It was almost a study on the absolute lowest that humanity can sink to, the darkness they can embrace when there are no consequences to their actions and the leaders that can rise despite it. It was disgusting and horrifying at times, but you can’t put it down.

Relationships form and are torn asunder, lies build and fester, and humanity sinks lower. The book was well written and I kept picking it up, needing to know what happened next, despite the darkness. I would recommend it to older young adult/teen readers, or adults, who enjoy science fiction novels.
The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.1 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome Plot Twists (0 more)
I must admit that I was skeptical about this book after 50 pages in. It was really slow paced at first. I wondered if I had made a mistake by reading it. I decided to read more of the book just in case it got better, and I am glad I did. By part two of the book (about a third of the way in), the pacing quickened, and I found myself immersed in the world of The Wife Between Us.

The whole setup of the plot was done very well. At times, it seemed a little extreme and intense, but it was believable. There are a few plot twists, more than I've ever read in a book. I did predict one early on, but the others, I never saw coming. The plot twists will definitely surprise you. I'd go into more detail, but I really don't want to give anything away. This is one book where you'll just have to read it to learn everything. This book does give you plenty of closure. No stone is left unturned. I'm happy there wasn't any cliff hangars or any unanswered questions.

I enjoyed the characters. Each one was believable, and each one definitely brought a story of their own to the book. I loved the character of Vanessa the most. She seemed really caring. I don't want to say any more about why I liked her because I'm afraid that would give away spoilers.

There is some swearing in the book although I didn't feel like it was a lot. There are sexual references, mental health references, alcohol/alcoholism references, a few drug (marijuana) references as well as violence although nothing too graphic. All of this was written tastefully. Nothing was over the top or seemed to be written in just for the sake of mentioning it.

I would recommend The Wife Between Us to those 18+ especially those who love a good thriller with a lot of plot twists. Although this book does start out really slow, it soon picks up. The writing is excellent, the story line is great, and the characters are amazing! Definitely read this book if you get a chance!
Fanya in the Underworld
Fanya in the Underworld
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Author Jordan Elizabeth has written many stories for young adults of all sorts of genres. With Fanya in the Underworld, Jordan tackles steampunk fiction with elements of fantasy and the paranormal. Set in Alaska during the 19th century when the state was still owned by Tsarist Russia, humans rely on steamtech and spirit magic to fuel their industrious cities.

The story begins shortly after the death of Fanya's father, leaving her as heir to his estate. Unfortunately, her step-mother has overruled her right to her inheritance. By making a fuss to the council, Fanya inadvertently puts both her life and the life of her younger sister in danger. Desperate to protect her sister from the clutches of a mysterious Englishman, Fanya finds herself in the wilderness where the indigenous, magical folk live. Despite having lived in a city her entire life, Fanya soon discovers she has far more in common with the people in the untamed wild.

Whilst a work of imaginative fiction, Fanya in the Underworld works with the historical truth about settlers moving to Alaska, Canada and the United States. Those from Europe who travelled to North America drove out the indigenous folk, destroyed their land and culture and deemed them to be lesser beings. The same has occurred in this novel in which the natives are banned from the cities, treated like animals and even murdered just for being who they are.

By caring so much about her sister, Fanya discovers the truth about the way the cities developed and is shocked by the revelation. Although her sister is at the forefront of her mind, her actions cause huge changes in Alaska resulting in a favourable, although unpredictable, conclusion.

Jordan Elizabeth draws the reader into the steampunk world of Tsarist Alaska. With the aid of illustrations by Aaron Siddal, Fanya in the Underworld is an exciting story unlike any written before. Unique characters, unique scenarios, and a fantastic ending, what more could anyone want?
American Horror Story  - Season 5
American Horror Story - Season 5
2015 | Horror
AHS season 5 - subtitled 'Hotel' - is a real mixture of genres. It's part vampire dram, part crime-mystery thriller, part haunted house... It's ambitious to say the least.

A lot of people took issue with Hotel before it even aired, mainly due the absence of series favourite Jessica Lange, but in all honesty, as much as I like her, I didn't find myself missing her all that much, and the same goes for subsequent entries!
The season this time around is headed by Lady Gaga, who plays a pretty decent psuedo-villain - The Countess is unnerving, relatable, creepy, and tragic all at the same time, and is the beating heart of Hotel.
Not far behind is Evan Peters Mr March. I personally found this character a bit too cartoony at times, but he's still an important character, especially pulling strings behind everyone else back.
I also loved Kathy Bates and Denis O'Hare in this season, and their characters, and especially their devotion to The Countess, make the Hotel Cortez and oddly alluring place to be.
Wes Bentley gets a starring turn this time around after a bit part in Freak Show, and I actually enjoyed his character arc after not particularly caring to begin with.
Once again, I liked most if the cast, I just found it a shame that Sarah Paulson didn't get much to do here!

The plot itself is pretty thick in Hotel, lots of twists and turns, lots of different time periods being visited, and it's quite disorientating to begin with. It's a less accessible season than before but once you get into it, it's a great supernatural mystery horror ride with some inspiration from The Shining and Twin Peaks thrown in for good measure.

Just to top it off, we even get an appearance from Queenie, creating a direct connection to Coven and the wider AHS universe, an aspect of this show that I truly enjoy.

It's not my favourite season of AHS, (that Devil's Night episode was annoyingly cringey) but all in all, Hotel is pretty engaging television.
His Frozen Heart
His Frozen Heart
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>His Frozen Heart pulled me into an idyllic winter paradise and made me want to cuddle up with a warm blanket and a hot chocolate in my bed.</i></b>

This is the most romantic novel by Georgia Le Carre I have read so far. Don’t you worry, the steamy scenes are there too, but for the first time, they are not the main focus of the book.

Cade lives alone on the mountain side. He is there to escape both his reality and his troubled past. When a woman crashes her car and a blizzard is coming up, she needs to spend a few days in his cottage.

Sometimes, you only need a few days with a person to know whether they are right for you. What begins as a lust turns into a deep relationship, full of love and caring.

But with an unexpected twist, I started doubting everything I had read and all the characters involved. With an even more unexpected ending, I felt so disappointed…

When you find out a dark secret that makes you double-check your feelings, you need to talk to the other person. You need to get face to face and bloody talk. No matter your decision, whether you’re going to stay or go. No matter if you have already made your mind, you need to say something. If nothing is said, how can it be a happy ending?

Despite the ending though, and my emotional reaction, this is so far the most thrilling book I read by this author. Unpredictable and satisfying, she did manage to keep me on my toes, and actually managed to get me to care about the characters.

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