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English Pastoral
English Pastoral
James Rebanks | 2021 | Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A love letter to Old English farming
English Pastoral is a beautiful love letter to traditional English farming.

Rebanks takes us through the journey of three generations on the farm in three parts. The first part talks about his childhood on the farm and his grandfather teaching him the ways of the land. The second part is Rebanks in his twenties, he’s experienced modern farming overseas and has ideas on how to move the farm forward, this includes using chemicals to protect the crops and enhance the livestock. Part three is Rebank’s time on the farm and their realisation that all they’ve been doing to keep up with modern farming has actually been having a counterproductive event.

It is a story of hope, a farming family brought to the brink of collapse that realise, in time, the real way forward can sometimes be backwards.

There is just too much goodness in this book to cover it all here. It’s beautifully written, it’s heartfelt and evocative. It pulls you into the pages, and I could have quite happily stayed living on that hardworking little farm on the fells.

There are some charming little anecdotes in this book, and the reverence with which Rebanks tells them is palpable. Rebanks is acutely aware of the contrast in farming techniques and frequently draws comparisons. From his grandfather gently moving a nest from one part of a field he’s cutting back (then moving in back again), to modern-day combines just hacking their way through a field regardless of the wildlife within.
This also re-affirms his grandfathers earlier statement that modern-day farmers sitting up in the cabs of their tractors have lost touch with the land.

This modern-way of farming doesn’t quite sit right with Rebanks and his father, they know that something is not quite right with the way they do things, but what else can they do to keep up with modern demands. The pivotal moment comes when Harry passes away. Harry is a local farmer of the same generation as Redbank’s grandfather, he’s stayed connected to the land and hasn’t gone in for all these modern ways. Another farmer who plans to buy the land gets the soil tested (in anticipation of what nutrients he may have to put into it) the soil inspector explains that the soil is healthy. In fact, it’s some of the best soil he’s ever seen.

This is when Rebanks begins to realise that the farmers themselves are the problem with the land. The ultimate irony that the very people who are supposed to be caring for the land are also the ones slowly destroying it.

Not only is this an exquisite little memoir, it is also a lesson on looking after the land. Rebanks lays it out as it is; in cold hard detail, this is what happened this is what he did about it. There is no preaching, but if we’re lucky we’ll learn something from it
Where the Crawdads Sing
Where the Crawdads Sing
Delia Owens | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.9 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
The beautiful prose (2 more)
The interesting plot
The well written characters
A Beautifully Written Novel
I have to admit that when I first heard about Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, it didn't sound like a book I'd want to read. However, as I kept seeing rave reviews for it, I decided to take a chance on it, and I am so glad I did because this book was amazing!

The plot for Where the Crawdads Sing was an interesting one. I found myself immersed in it throughout, even the parts about nature and poetry which I'm not into. Delia Owens wrote this book beautifully where ever piece fit together perfectly. Where the Crawdads Sing felt so realistic and like I was there every step on the way. The prose was amazing, and I can honestly say that I have not read a more beautifully written book. There are a few plot twists, and I didn't see them coming! I didn't even get the death of Chase right! There are no cliff hangers in this book, and all of my questions where answered.

I thought each and every character in Where the Crawdads Sing were written superbly. I loved the main character of Kya. It was so interesting watching her grow up without a family and turn into a beautiful, intelligent, and kind young lady. Her innocence was reassuring even if did get her in trouble. The character of Kya was such a breath of fresh air. It was amazing how she was able to look after herself when she had no one else even at a young age. Jumpin' was another one of my favorite characters. He was such a larger than life character, and he always seemed so optimistic was was fantastic! I loved how caring Tate was and how patient he was with Kya. I was always hoping those two would end up together. I didn't trust Chase from the get go, but even he was written really well. I loved how the author, Delia Owens, even included what happened to most of the characters years in the future. The only minor thing that bothered me was that when the characters spoke, they spoke in their own dialect which could be annoying at times, but it did not ruin this book for me at all.

The pacing in Where the Crawdads Sing was done so well. I was hooked from the very first page. Never once did the pacing slow down where I found myself bored. I was constantly enthralled by every page in this book. I could not get enough! The words flowed beautifully.

Trigger warnings for Where the Crawdads Sing include profanity, child neglect and abandonment, child abuse, attempted rape, violence, possible murder, sexual situations, alcoholism, racial slurs, and overly judgmental people.

All in all, Where the Crawdads Sing is a beautifully written book through and through. The writing was brilliant, and the characters were written beautifully. The plot is just as fantastic and very interesting. I would definitely recommend Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens to everyone aged 16+. This is one of those books that needs to be read!
Girls' Weekend
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte, Dani, and Meg have been friends for ages-- bonding over motherhood and the issues that accompany it. However, each woman has their own problems and are reluctant to bring them up with their friends. Charlotte, a busy and successful interior designer, has a dentist husband and a loving son, but she feels like her husband, Brett, doesn't even see her anymore. Dani's life appears great -- a caring husband and two kids, but she can't quite shake the empty feelings she has. And Meg is still reeling from losing her young son two years ago; her grief remains, but everyone around her seems to have moved on. When the three women get a chance to go away for a girls' weekend, they jump at the chance, even if involves a little rearranging of schedules. But once there, they make a fateful decision: they aren't coming back home.

When reading it, the premise seems a little farfetched, but the characters in this novel immediately seem very real and the book gives a lot of little details about motherhood that lend it realism (for instance, humming annoying intro music to a children's show at inappropriate times). Each woman is different, but you can relate to a piece of each of them. I found myself liking parts of each and being frustrated with other parts - just like your actual friends.

It's probably true that parts of the book are stereotypical toward men (and fathers) -- painting them as bumbling and clueless toward their wives and children, but sadly, there is some realism to it, too. Plus, as the storyline progresses, you fixate less on this fact and realize there's more to this story than black and white. Honestly, it speaks universally to many women, especially mothers: those seeking answers in life, those feeling guilty for not being happy when life seems perfect on paper, those wondering when life simply became a series of errands. I felt like Achterberg did an excellent job of dealing with and capturing some of the quintessential problems facing the modern mom.

The book is painful to read at times, but only because it's so well-written. Your heart breaks for Meg and all she has been through. The book lags a little in the middle, but really, the women do too, as they try to figure out exactly what they should do. It is fascinating because they are doing what you can't quite imagine pulling off. My mind was racing as I read: I mean, who would really watch your kids for that long? What spouse would be OK with this? Who could leave their kids for that long? And yet, you sort of dream for the time away, envy the women as you read the novel. It's easy to empathize with them, even as you may question some of their motives.

Overall, the book was easy to read and Charlotte, Meg, and Dani were interesting and relatable characters. The book made me think (and highlight many passages). It's a fun read, but also goes deeper, too. Really enjoyed it.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/3.
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
2018 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
Need to iron out this Wrinkle
The target audience for Ava DuVernay's adaptation of the 1962 classic novel A WRINKLE IN TIME are youth ages 10-14.

I am not a youth ages 10-14.

A WRINKLE IN TIME follows the story of Meg, a young girl who's father has gone missing. With the help of mysterious figures Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who, Meg goes in searching for her father - through space and time - and ends up helping to save the universe in the process.

As Directed by DuVernay (SELMA), this WRINKLE is fantastical in all ways, starting with the visuals I don't know how much was spent on this film, but all of it is on the screen as the images - and imagery - are fascinating to look at, the costumes are unique (to say the least) and the story is simple enough for even a young person to follow.

And that might be enough to hold the attention of a 10-14 youth - it wasn't enough for me.

If you start to really follow the plot (what there was of it) and the intentions in the scenes, items start to not add up at all. While I understood Meg's motivations - to find her Dad - well enough, NONE of the other character's motivations - and intentions - were clear, or made sense. At one point, a character turns from good to bad (or was it vica-versa) and it just didn't make any sense.

I think a lot of this issue was the 3 big stars that were cast as the benevolent overseers for Meg's journey. Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kahling and, yes, Oprah Winfrey as Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which (respectively). Their role in this adventure (I guess) is to guide and help Meg on her adventure, so they were supposed to be loving, caring and gentle with just a hint of secretness (so, I guess that Meg can figure things out for herself - kind of like Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz). But, instead, they come off as smug, annoying know-it-alls who are purposely keeping key information from this young girl - if I was around, I would have called the police on them. Also...they all seemed to be acting in their own movies, so their styles just didn't mesh, as well as the acting styles of other "stars" like Michael Pena and (especially) Zach Galifinakas - I don't know what they heck he was doing, but Director DuVernay did a poor job of reigning him in or helping him to create any kind of semblance of character.

A fantastical feature with eye-popping visuals and, I'm afraid, poorly written, acted and directed. This might be enough for an enjoyable afternoon in the theater for the target audience.

It wasn't for me - and, I think, my front runner for WORST FILM OF 2018.

Letter Grade C (for the visuals and the always appealing performance of Chris Pine, who - I have to admit - I have a man crush on).

4 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (OfMarquis)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

(I hate writing reviews that are under 3 stars, but I told the author I'd write a review, so here goes).

Okay, so I wanted to really like this book, I really did. It was about Greek gods and goddesses which is a subject I like. However hard I tried to get into it, I just couldn't. It actually felt like a chore, and I hated having to read it. I took a little break from it, but when I came back to it, I still couldn't get into it.

Please keep in mind this review is only going to be about the first 9 chapters as I stopped reading when I got to chapter 10.

The title is a fantastic choice for this book. When I stopped reading, it had gotten obvious why the author chose this title.

I'm not really sold on the cover. It's just too boring for my liking. Again, this book has taken the easy way out by just putting a photo on the cover. Whatever happened to imagination!?!

The world building didn't really seem that thought out. I found myself being nagged by so many questions about Elyse's aging process that I couldn't answer. The whole aging thing just did not make much sense. Based on the bit I read of this book, I just didn't see the world building getting any better.

The pacing in this book was so slow!! I found myself becoming easily bored and not caring about anything that happened. As I said previously, I even took a book thinking maybe it was just me, but when I came back to it, I found the pacing to be even slower if that's possible.

The dialogue between the characters was well thought out. It never seemed forced and seemed to flow with the story. Based on what I read of this book, there was no swearing.

The character of Elyse didn't seem very well-developed. She does not act 89 at all but acts like a teenager. Surely she'd act her age regardless of what age she looked like physically!?! That is what mainly put me off the whole book. I liked William based on the little bit I read about him. He seems like a fun character. I would've liked to find out a bit more about Kara but I just really couldn't force myself to read this book anymore.

Like I said, I really wanted to enjoy this book. Even the synopsis sounded promising. I think the idea of the book is a good one, but it wasn't executed very well. I think if the author had maybe worked on the book a bit longer, it could've been really good.

Overall, I wouldn't really recommend this book unless you aren't very fussy with details or unless you're really bored. If you want to take a chance with it (and you may like it), I'd say it's a book for those aged 13+ from what I've read.
45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
2015 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 45 Years starts as we meet the Mercer’s, Kate (Rampling) Geoff (Courtenay) a married couple preparing for their 45th wedding anniversary, Kate does most of the planning and does extra caring for Geoff because of his memory starting to go. They are respected through the whole town with most of the people looking forward to the party.

When Geoff starts remembering the story of a woman he met before Kate, it puts Kate’s feelings in a frenzy and she wants to learn where she really stands in his life after all these years.


Thoughts on 45 Years


Characters – Kate is the former teacher (I think) who has been married for 45 years in what she believed was a perfect marriage, until she learns about a woman before they met, she goes through the questions of just where she stands in his life, even after all these years. Geoff is her husband, his memory isn’t what it used to be and it is his memory of his former love that puts the story on the rocks. Everyone else we meet are people from the town, friends who have known them for years.

Performances – Charlotte Rampling got an Oscar nomination for this role, you can see why she is fantastic as we see how she must try to hold in her emotions through the struggle. Tom Courtenay is also fantastic as the elderly man that can’t keep everything together like he once did. The rest of the cast doesn’t get too much screen time which is fine because it is our couple story.

Story – The story follows a couple of soon to be 45 years preparing for their anniversary, only for a moment to throw the years or marriage out the window through the eyes of one of the couple. We only follow the week leading up to the event which is great because we know how happy their marriage was before the events. It shows how one moment could change how everything seems which is reality many people would have in life and it also shows how important love can be for a couple even if at times things could be questioned.

Romance – The romance in this film shows just what the two would have been through with the years of marriage, how they must learn to stay loyal to each other no matter what.

Settings – The film keeps us in the singular town setting, it gives the film an authentic feeling of just where the couple have been for years and never look out of place here.

Scene of the Movie – The party.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is never fully explained is Geoff is just getting old or ill with his memory issues.

Final Thoughts – This is one of those dramas you can see why it got the Oscars attention, but it won’t be something for the casual film fans to be going to watch and it does show how a real long-term relationship goes.
Gridiron Gang (2006)
Gridiron Gang (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Often the true mark of cinema, this is the category where you will often find the majority of the award winners. The challenge of combining realistic yet sympathetic characters with gripping stories and emotional themes can be a true challenge, but when it works, this is where Hollywood truly shines.

In his latest film Gridiron Gang Dwayne Johnson, better known as the Rock has an appealing mix of sports action, drama, and comedy on his hands that will not only touch you, but will have you cheering.

The Rock stars as Sean Porter, a former college football star who works in a L.A. Area detention center for juvenile offenders. Saddened by the wasted lives of the young men, Sean looks for them to find an alternative to the life of crime, violence, and early death that so many of his inmates face.

With 75% of offenders likely to become repeat offenders, Sean decides to start a football team with the hope of teaching the young inmates the value of hard work, sacrifice, playing as a team, and duty.

Despite some initial obstacles from the system as well as school leagues hesitant to play against convicted offenders, the team son finds themselves with a full schedule and less than three weeks to go before their first game.

The hard practice and coaching style of Sean wears on the players, but they soon find themselves in their first game against a hardened and proven team which underscores just how much work they have to do.

As pressure mounts from all sides, Sean must find a way to meld his team into a winner and prove that this is a project worth doing and that the young men in his care are not lost causes, but are deserving of a new start.

While much of the film may play out as you would expect with the team coming together to play the big game, what is refreshing about the film is the solid performance of The Rock who shows that he is more than just an action star and is very capable of acting. He mixes his portrayal of Sean with equal amounts toughness and caring, to create what is easily his most mature and well defined character to date.

The supporting cast is good, especially Xzibit as Malcolm Moore, who provides a solid supporting presence to The Rock.

While the film is heavy on football action, it also does not shy away from giving the audience a glimpse of the life that the team comes from and how old rivalries and

hostilities can follow them even when they try to leave them behind with the best of intentions.

The action on the field is first-rate as the game choreography never lets up, and is easily the most accurate portrayal of the sport ever committed to film. You can tell that the cast is playing with heart and passion and not simply going through the motions.

Despite a few predictable moments, Gridiron Gang is a very pleasant surprise that is one of the years most enjoyable and satisfying films.
Mom&#039;s Perfect Boyfriend
Mom's Perfect Boyfriend
Crystal Hemmingway | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<img src=""/>;

<b><i>Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend is a funny and beautiful story that focuses on the loving mother-daughter relationship and presents issues in a comedic, but loving way.</i></b>

Crystal planned an amazing holiday with her boyfriend, but her mother decides to join them last minute. Crystal is having great difficulties to say no to her mother and this causes her to become single, homeless and unemployed. And now, living with her mother is the only option she has left.

When bearing her mum seems, well, unbearable, Crystal decides to sign up for a robot research and fills a form asking for the robot to have all the qualities that Crystal’s mum likes in a person. Crystal does this with the intention to find company for her mother, a best friend, in the hope that then she would be left alone, and doesn’t tell her mum about this robot-companion. This all happens, of course, without the mother knowing.

But what no one expected to happen was for the robot to be so human that it’s unrecognizable. He looks exactly like a human, and a very handsome one as well. He also has no flaws and is perfect in everything he does. Crystal’s mum hasn’t been happier in years and she really enjoys all the attention and caring she is getting – but when she starts to develop feelings for the robot, Crystal has to make a decision: does she hide everything and make the robot disappear, or should she tell her mum the truth?

I loved the style this book was written in: emails, diary entries and letters. A unique style with a fast-paced tempo that made me read it in a day and I enjoyed every moment of it.
The mother-daughter relationship was accurate and at times very comparable, however, I did not agree with Crystal in some of her choices. She was mean to her mum sometimes and didn’t know how to express her feelings. Who has ever forbid their mum’s from calling them? Have you ever said to your mum – look mum, from now on, you will only call me for one hour in a week? Sorry, but ridiculous…

Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend is not a book I would usually pick up and it is way out of my comfort zone, but I did enjoy it. It was everything I expected it to be; cute, dynamic, funny and meaningful. I need more books like this one in my life.

Thank you to the team from LoveReading UK, for proving me with a paperback copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Stranger Game
The Stranger Game
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<img src=""/>;

When Rebecca's boyfriend Ezra goes missing, she knows something is not quite right. But when she reports it to the police, they don't seem to really care. They suspect he's been playing ''The Stranger Game'', a game that went viral, where people take social media behaviour on the streets and start following each other in real life.

<b><i>The rules of the game are simple:</i></b>
<i>* You must choose a random person.
* You cannot make contact with other people (or tell them you're playing the game)
* You mustn't follow the same person twice.</i>

But as the game spreads, the rules start to change, and people start disappearing without a trace.

In hope that she she can find her man, Rebecca starts playing the game herself. But the more she gets involved, the bigger the risk is.

<b>When I read the synopsis about ''The Stranger Game'' by Peter Gadol, I knew I had to read the book. It is a plot that intrigues me and I am always up for reading more psychological thrillers.

But this book's delivery was weak. I found the story very slow and unintriguing, with no exceptional plot twists and with a disappointing and rather predictable ending. </b>

Rebecca was a difficult character to begin with. The writing in the chapters felt different, even though it was the same character's point of view. I was left very confused. I just wanted to get a better glance at ''The Stranger Game''. And I did, but the game scenario was so much different compared to the synopsis - which was only slightly annoying. But to top up the annoyance, there was a huge lack of mystery and suspense throughout the book. I just stopped caring whether Rebecca was going to find Ezra or not. I did not care whether her life was in danger. I was that unbothered. 

<b><i>On a positive note,</i></b>

I did enjoy the psychological theme and people's behaviour. I always want to know more about how and why people behave in a certain way and this book definitely opened some interesting discussion points.

<b><i>Do I recommend it? Yes.

If you like human psychology and behaviour, this is a good book to have on your stack. But will this be the next mystery and suspense hit? Probably not...</i></b>

Thank you to team at HQ (Harper Collins Publishers), for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

<i>''The Stranger Game'' comes out on 5th September 2019.</i>

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What If...
What If...
Corrina Joy | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was all the different dimensions that Joy visited while trying to find what was missing from her life. (0 more)
It never explains what happens to Joy's family (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
What If… by Corrina Joy is one woman’s story as she explores her ‘what if..’. A word of warning though, this book is full of both happiness and heartbreak. Depending on the reader’s current emotional state and lifestyle this book could be very depressing or uplifting.

Joy Chambers feels like there is something missing in her life. Her husband is a hardworking man but puts money and sports above caring about her. He doesn't pay attention to her or her needs and lets her take care of the house and children alone. The crushing loneliness of her marriage mixed with her longing to feel true love and joy again propels her to take a half-hour break at the beach. This is so that she can emotionally let go before returning to her daily chores. A random wave knocks her into the water where she hits her head and comes across her “magical little relic”.

Upon twisting this relic Joy gets transported to a different dimension where her life is significantly different. There is one common theme in each dimension that she visits, Jerry. Unconditionally but was unable to be with him in her original dimension. For some reason on another each one of Joy’s visits is cut short and so is her time with Jerry. How Joy’s story ends is completely up to the reader thanks to two very clever options for endings by the author. Both of the endings are extremely different but as the book says “Her destiny is in your hands...”

What I liked best was all the different dimensions that Joy visited while trying to find what was missing from her life. I did notice one thing that may or may not have been true. It seemed to me that each ‘dimension’ was really just a different time period in the same dimension or the world. As if Joy only changed dimension once and visited important points in that dimension. What I did not like was in the first chapter Joy explains her life to the reader. She talks of just existing, not living, and an unnamed husband who does not seem to care for her or emotionally support her, and their children. After she finds her magical little relic they are not mentioned again. I can not help but wonder about Joy’s feelings about leaving them behind, especially her kids. What becomes of them?

This book is directed more towards adults. Specifically, those who find themselves wondering what their lives might be like if they had done things differently. At the same time, this book is just as enjoyable for everyone else. I rate this book 4 out of 4. This book was beautiful. Over its 188 pages, Joy finds what element in her life she needs in order to feel whole. The final twelve pages or so consist of two alternate endings (an amazing and unusual concept) so the reader can decide exactly how Joy’s life turns out.