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The Vessel
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
179 of 230
The Vessel
By Adam L G Nevill

Struggling with money, raising a child alone and fleeing a volatile ex, Jess McMachen accepts a job caring for an elderly patient. Flo Gardner – a disturbed shut-in and invalid. But if Jess can hold this job down, she and her daughter, Izzy, can begin a new life.

Flo's vast home, Nerthus House, may resemble a stately vicarage in an idyllic village, but the labyrinthine interior is a dark, cluttered warren filled with pagan artefacts.

And Nerthus House lives in the shadow of a malevolent secret. A sinister enigma determined to reveal itself to Jess and to drive her to the end of her tether. Not only is she stricken by the malign manipulation of the Vicarage's bleak past, but mercurial Flo is soon casting a baleful influence over young Izzy. What appeared to be a routine job soon becomes a battle for Jess's sanity and the control of her child.

It's as if an ancient ritual was triggered when Jess crossed the threshold of the vicarage. A rite leading her and Izzy to a terrifying critical mass, where all will be lost or saved.

I tried my hard not to completely devour this book in one go. It was just absolutely outstanding. I can’t recommend it enough. Got to be the best book I’ve read this year by far.
Abandoned Things
Abandoned Things
Chani Lynn Feener | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ABANDONED THINGS is a standalone book that I loved from beginning to end.

Frankie is an author, trying to finish college and his series. He goes incognito to book signings. Everything changes when Rook, a character from his book turns up. That can't happen, right? Wrong!

There is nothing about this book I didn't like. Frankie - prepared to stand by those he cares for and stand up for what is right. Rook - a grumpy a$$ who is able to see when he's made a mistake and change (a little bit). Together, they are just perfect. I loved how Rook was so grumpy with everyone else and, yes, even Frankie at times, but how caring and gentle he was too.

The other characters were just as good, doing what they do best and providing support to Frankie and Rook and letting the story move along. I can't say the twist was a surprise but I loved how it came about and the excitement it brought.

This was a fantastic story and I would love to see more from these characters. I have to say, I love this author's imagination and her stories never disappoint!

Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *


Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Little Christmas: Terrence
A Little Christmas: Terrence
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: TERRENCE is part of the A Little Christmas series and this one is by J.P. Sayle - a firm favourite author of mine. It seems that no matter the genre or trope, she manages to bring a story to life, making the reader care or dislike the characters as per her wishes. Terrence is no different.

From the very beginning, I was hooked by this book. From the gift fairy bringing a squishy, to the trauma of being discovered. My nerves were on tenterhooks, heart pounding, for poor Terrence. Although I was sorry for what happened to the rest of the staff, the maid who found Terrence didn't get a second thought. That was private and shouldn't have been shared by her with anyone, let alone slimy Jerry.

Warner was everything I wanted him to be. More importantly, he was everything Terrence needed him to be! Caring and nurturing, he supported Terrence and guided him, although Warner himself sometimes needed some guidance from Austin.

This was a gorgeous read, set over Christmastime but that didn't overpower the story between them. I really hope Austin has his own story. This sad Daddy needs a boy of his own. HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Little Christmas: Danny
A Little Christmas: Danny
Sue Brown | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A LITTLE CHRISTMAS: DANNY takes a leaf out of Cinderella's story. Danny was the pampered prince until his parents died and, according to the Will, left him nothing. However, Danny doesn't believe that and will stay, to the detriment of his health, to try and find the proper Will. Danny's uncle Josiah and his boy, Billy, do everything they can to make him leave but Danny is stubborn.

I loved this story! Danny is a sweetheart with a spine of steel. I know he thinks he has nowhere else to go, but to stay there and suffer the abuse as he did... wow. Romeo is caring and concerned about Danny. He can't believe that the other members of this so-called exclusive club could turn their back on him. He does have a wobble but, ultimately, he comes through.

I adored Romeo and his friends. I loved the whole story but after reading about Griff, Jem, etc., I need to find out which books they are in by this author. Josiah and Billy got what they deserved as far as I am concerned!

A brilliant addition to the series, and HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Ostin Heir (Isle of Ostin #1)
The Ostin Heir (Isle of Ostin #1)
Michelle Dare | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE OSTIN HEIR is the first book in the Isle of Ostin series, and it took me to a world where vampires are known about, and humanity seems to even more divided between those who have and those who don't.

Pax falls into the second camp and is alone in the world. So when he is told to get in a boat by a man who disappears in front of him, he figures he has nothing to lose. Theo is understandably shocked when someone other than Leven returns to the castle. And, yes, he's a dick about it, although he does see the error of his ways and tries to make up for the ignominious beginning.

Both of these characters are broken, with trauma and stress they are still dealing with. Their steps together to a brighter future are great to see. I loved how Pax refused to let Theo browbeat him, but instead, faced him with caring and compassion.

This was a great start to a new series and I can't wait to read more. There is still so much for me to figure out about this world. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 3, 2023
Best Buddies: What's in a Name?
Best Buddies: What's in a Name?
Mother Melania | 2022 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a cute picture book for your child or children? I may have found one on a homeless person and a little dog. It is called Best Buddies: What's in a Name? It is a short introduction about a homeless person and finding a stray dog. What will they become as they start to bond? Bob decides on a name to call the dog he encounters.

This dog has found a Bob. What is the name for naming a dog? Will he be called Rover or Scruffy or something completely different? You will need to read the book to find out what the name of the dog will be called. Bob seems to struggle one naming his new cute homeless dog.

Children will learn about homelessness and caring for a dog in this sweet, adorable introduction to this book. The pictures are done quite well and are colorful. It is more of an introduction to the series of the main two characters than anything. We are introduced to Bob briefly and to Luke, but this book deals with figuring out what to name the cute little homeless dog Bob found.

What adventures will it hold for them as the stories go on? Children will find this book easy to read and understand as well. Parents will enjoy seeing their children learn about homelessness and other teachable moments. Children may even learn about kindness as well.
The Answers Are In The Forest (The Answers Series Book One)
The Answers Are In The Forest (The Answers Series Book One)
Katie Kaleski | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Interesting Mystery Horror
I'm a big fan of ghost stories and haunted houses, so when I heard about The Answers Are In The Forest by Katie Kaleski, I knew it was a book I had to read. Luckily, it was a good read.

I went into The Answers Are In The Forest thinking this would be more of a haunted house/ghost story, and while there are ghosts, it's not a spooky ghost story. This is more of a horror mystery than a ghost story. Local children ranging in age from 8 through 15 have been murdered. They use dead rabbits as vessels for their spirits to talk to Gabby, the main character. Gabby feels compelled to solve the mystery of who the killer is. However, this puts Gabby in grave danger. I will say that the plot has been done before in other books, but The Answers Are In The Forest still makes for an interesting read. I didn't predict who the actual killer was at all. Even those I thought were guilty turned out to be innocent. Sometimes the plot felt a bit confusing, but I was able to figure it out easily enough after reading a bit more. There is a bit of a cliff hangar at the end of the book, but this is to be expected as it's part of a new series. For those that aren't big into series, I think this book could do alright as a standalone.

All the characters felt like real life people. There were times when Gabby felt a bit spoiled, but she is a teen, and we've all had moments like that. I did admire her tenacity to find out what happened to the murdered children no matter the danger to herself. I found Gabby's mom to be annoying. This wasn't because she was written poorly, but I just didn't like how uninterested she was in what was going on with Gabby especially when Gabby ended up in the hospital. Gabby's mom started out being somewhat caring, but she seemed to just become uninterested as the book progressed. My favorite character was Rusck. I just loved how caring and loyal Rusck seemed to be. I also admired his determination.

The pacing for The Answers Are In The Forest was done well for the most part. There were a few times that it did go too quickly, and I found myself wondering what had just happened. However, it would slow down to a good pace quickly enough, and I was able to enjoy reading it again.

Trigger warnings include profanity, violence (sometimes fairly graphic), and murder (both children, adult, and animal).

Overall, The Answers Are In The Forest is an interesting read although the plot has been done before. The characters are interesting enough and the plot flows well for the most part. I would recommend The Answers Are In The Forest by Katie Kaleski to those aged 15+. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series!
(A special thank you to YA Bound Book Tours for providing me with an eBook of The Answers Are In The Forest by Katie Kaleski in exchance for an honest and unbiased review.)
Stephen King | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (72 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on my blog -
I am probably one of the last people on Earth that hasn’t read a Stephen King book. Carrie is the first book I decided to read. People have been suggesting it to me for a while, and it seemed like a nice short bit of introduction to Stephen’s horror world.

Also, a special thank you to my friend Dave, for constantly recommending Stephen King books to me, until I finally decided to listen to him. He seemed to be right!

Now - Carrie.

A book about a girl that lives with her crazy religious mother in a creepy house. A girl who is being bullied at school all the time. A story about a girl that has the ability to move objects as she wishes. And a prom night, where everything escalates.

Carrie is a sixteen year old girl. And she has been raised by her mother, who is a religious person in a - not healthy way. When Carrie misbehaves, she is sent to a closet to pray for the whole day. Even though Carrie doesn’t share her mother’s beliefs, she can’t really stand up and fight for herself.

The plot gets a grip when Carrie has her first period at the age of sixteen. She thinks she will bleed to death. And all her classmates are laughing at her, because she is stupid. And throw tampons her way. And as I am reading this, I keep thinking - what kind of mother won’t tell her child about menstruation, and puberty, and all the normal teenage phases a kid has to go through while growing up?

This moment, in the school bathroom, is the moment Carrie finds out about her powers.
And a few weeks later, a terrible thing happens.

This is a horror story, but the horror doesn’t lie in what Carrie did, but what led her to do that. Who it is to blame, and why things escalated the way they did.

Stephen King described bullying in its most painful and real way, and the consequences it can lead to. And it does happen, in every school, to a lot of children all over the world each day. A sometimes, most of the times, they are bullied only because they are different, not because they are bad.

This is a story that silently stands up to bullying, and by doing that raises such a strong voice in every corner of the world.

And remember - if you are the bully - think twice before you say things. Words can hurt, and they can result in bad things happening. Think twice about why you say what you say. The classmate of yours might have a talent you don’t know of.

And if you are the bullied child - also remember - you are kind and beautiful, no matter what everyone says. You shouldn’t let people bring you down. And we have all been bullied while growing up. Once you reach a certain age, people stop caring, and you stop caring what people think, and then, finally, you can be comfortable and happy with who you are!