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    Dr. Panda Bath Time

    Dr. Panda Bath Time

    Education and Games

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    MAKE BATH TIME PLAYFUL AND EDUCATIONAL! In Dr. Panda Bath Time, help Dr. Panda's friends get...

The Diplomatic Heir (Etherya's Earth #7)
The Diplomatic Heir (Etherya's Earth #7)
Rebecca Hefner | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every page was a delight!
THE DIPLOMATIC HEIR is the seventh book in the Etherya's Earth series and continues with the next generation. This time, it's Tor's turn and he has found his mate in Esme, the disinherited Elven hybrid princess who has spent the majority of her life running from her dastardly father!

Tor is wonderful - handsome, caring, protective - everything you would expect from a son of Miranda and Sathan. He is also a virgin but that isn't the main characteristic. Esme is strong but oh so broken. She constantly makes decisions that hurt her but help those she is trying to protect, whether they want it or not!

Not only do we get their amazing action-packed story, but we also get updates on Miranda and Sathan. Latimus, Evie, and Darkrip have cameos, plus other family members. And not only that, but you meet new characters that I now want their stories too. I'm looking at you, Jaxon! There is so much to this book, every page was a delight.

This was a wonderful addition to the series and, honestly, makes me want to re-read all of them again. I can't wait for book 8 but I guess I must. 😂 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me but, please, start from the beginning so you don't miss anything.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
You're Not You (2014)
You're Not You (2014)
2014 | Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: You’re Not You starts on Kate’s (Swank) 35th birthday, a classic pianist that notice something isn’t right with her body, 18 months later Kate is in need of care, even with her husband Evan (Duhamel) needing to work, while finding a new carer to help with ALS care.

That new carer is college student Bec (Rossum) who parties every night and doesn’t come with an off switch. Bec is the only person Kate want to care for her as she is the only one that treats her like a person not a patient and after Kate learns Evan has been having an affair, it leaves Kate and Bec together to handle the caring and living the remaining time with the disease.


Thoughts on You’re Not You


Characters – Kate was a successful pianist, happily married and wonderful party host, she soon starts to get the first symptoms of ALS which comes on strong, she now needs constant caring, but is tired of the nurses that treat her like a patient, she chooses Bec who offers her friendship, while also offering Bec life advice in a time where she could be going with no direction. Bec is a directionless brash college student who gets given a chance to care of Kate, she becomes the biggest challenge of her life, teaching her responsibility and helping guide her in the right direction. Evan is the husband of Kate, he has tried to care for her the best he can, but can’t give up his job which has put a distance between the two, causing him to have had an affair.

Performances – Hilary Swank has two Oscars to her name, this performance here shows the talent she has once again, she is fantastic as the victim of the ALS disease. Emmy Rossum has made a name for herself on television, but here you feel she should have broken out because her performance is great to. Josh Duhamel is good as the character we want to hate through the film.

Story – The story throws the spotlight on ALS, we follow one person suffering from the disease who knows the sacrifices people will have to make to care for her, we see how people who are sick do want to be treated like people rather than just patients and giving them, this treatment will make their remaining time worthwhile. We do have a story about how the older (but not old) woman helps give the lost student a direction for her life. This is a story about the battle against a disease which is taking people everyday, how the people around them need there for them to make the remain time in their lives positive.

Settings – The settings in this film show the different lives both Kate and Bec have come from, how they are joined together in the same battle to support each other. I feel the settings help us understand the disease making made by the characters in the film.

Scene of the Movie – Enjoying a drink or two together.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The only thing I feel we would have liked more of would be the medical side of what could have been done to try and help as we have plenty of talks about experimental treatments.

Final Thoughts – This is a very good drama, we get to see how one person’s suffering could impact many people and how helpless they will feel while fighting it.

Overall: Powerful, heart-breaking and inspiring.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
2007 | Action, Sci-Fi
Great Action (2 more)
Beautiful Visuals
Great Humour
Doesn't quite entertain as much as the others (1 more)
Too many characters to really care for anyone other than the original cast
Probably my least favourite installment
At World's End is not a bad film, but it's not great either. It's a necessary installment to the franchise to finish of the story of Davey Jones, and to lead the franchise to the latest installment, 'Salazar's Revenge'.

I was excited to see the finale to the Davey Jones chapter of this fantasy film franchise, but was somewhat disappointed to find this film lacking something special, and not quite living up to the previous installments.

The action is thrilling, and the visuals are ever improving with each film, which still makes this film a good addition to the franchise, and I will always watch them as a franchise and leave none unwatched in a marathon of the films. However it would not be a first choice when recommending a pirate film to anyone.

The brilliant cast of the previous two films return, joined by many new faces from the pirates of Singapore to the Pirate Lords of Shipwreck Cove. Some of which are memorable but not all. This is where the film drifts from being as good as it could have been. With so many characters it is hard to care for anyone we haven't already spent two films caring for.

Overall this film will be the one you watch, only if you are having a marathon. It won't be the most memorable of the franchise, but it shouldn't be forgotten.
The Woman in Cabin 10
The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (51 Ratings)
Book Rating
The premise is intriguing and there was enough happening to keep it suspenseful throughout most of the book (until about the last 3/4 of the book). (0 more)
Predictable plot development, the character development was off, and, by the end, I found myself not really caring. The ending was also slightly maudlin. (0 more)
I get that mystery and thriller is hard to do now because there have been SO MANY mystery/thriller novels released. I will also say, while I love the genre, it is hard for me to find one I like, so that might just be me being picky. That being said, the biggest disappointment for me was the character development. She tried so hard to set up the mood of suspense and the backstory of why the main character is consistently fearful and anxious, but it seems like she skipped over adding any depth to the character, which makes no sense since most the book is the character being in her own head. Her thoughts are so one-note, though, I couldn’t connect with or even like her and, by the end, I found myself hoping she would die (which is not usually what I root for to happen). She throws in a few tidbits of backstory later on into the book, almost as though they are part of a great reveal, but it fell flat for me and it was a “too little too late” sort of situation. It was a good, easy read for vacation (which is when I read it), but I was slightly disappointed given the amount of publicity this book has been getting.