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Wounds (2019)
Wounds (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Armie Hammer and Zazie Beetz on-screen chemistry. (0 more)
The main base for the story isn't very consistent. (0 more)
Will's life isn't that complicated, he does his shifts at the bar, comes home to his girlfriend Carrie and in between he flirts with one of the regulars, Alicia.

Life in the bar is pretty predictable, everyone drinks too much and there's the occasional fight. On this particular evening things get even stranger. When Eric and his friends arrive already drunk Will leaves them be, he's more intrigued by the group of college kids who arrive looking quite out of place. Everything is turned upside down when Eric and his friends start fighting and bring the night to a quick end.

Clearing up the debris Will finds a phone belonging to one of the kids, he takes it home intending to put it in lost property the next day but before that happens he discovers some shocking images that lead him and Carrie down a terrifying rabbit hole.

Wounds has a nice idea behind it but once I came out of the film and started thinking about it I began realising that somehow it's all just a little vague. One of the things I like about films with sci-fi and supernatural leanings is finding out about where the "things" have come from, in Wounds they give you a hint about it but nothing solid to go on. Will and Carrie are only given the vaguest of clues about what is happening and it's surprisingly frustrating. It felt very much like we'd been handed film two in a series and somewhere along the line we'd be handed the first film as a prequel and watch it end as they drop the phone in the bar.

We're also probably subjected to a little too much drama. The beginning takes a while to get to the horror aspect of things. By the time it came out I was genuinely surprised. I'd assumed the horror tag was added at a stretch as it was coming across as a thriller more than everything else. Certainly the drama portion seemed to be unnecessary to most of what was going on by the end of the film.

Armie Hammer plays Will in the main role of the movie. Will's journey goes through a lot of stages, potentially too many. It does at least work in a sensible progression rather than jumping around. Hammer is convincing in all stages even if they do seem a little far fetched but I would personally have axed some of it.

Here's what I would have done... Zazie Beetz was great and I love her in everything I've seen, in my opinion she was underused in this film. I'd have given her the role of Carrie and expanded it slightly while cutting Alicia and her boyfriend out completely. Beetz's performance was great but there wasn't really anything to get her teeth into when it came to the horror side of everything. She had great chemistry with Hammer onscreen which I didn't get from his performances with Johnson. Johnson's performance in general felt underwhelming, Carrie wasn't going to be a likeable character but she could have been so much more.

Sound plays a very big part in the film. As I mentioned at the beginning creepy crawlies play a big part in Wounds, and even when they're not there you know they're there. It's incredibly well done because more than once I found myself getting twitchy that I could hear them in the background of scenes. The other noticeable sound related issue was around the phone, at one point Will answers the mobile and we're subjected to a loud piercing tone that cuts right through you. Again, fantastic use of sound, but in this instance while it makes you feel the unease of Will as it happens it is also painfully loud for anyone who is even slightly sensitive to things like that.

The film uses effects to create the swarms of bugs... although saying that, if they didn't then it's a very impressive bunch of cockroach wranglers they have on staff. The effects themselves aren't fantastic but when they happen it's so fast that it kind of works in the moment.

It might not be the best horror film but it certainly wasn't a bad watch. It comes out on Netflix tomorrow, I won't be seeing it again right away but it's definitely going onto the Watchlist for the future.

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Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (2003)
Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (2003)
2003 | Action, Comedy
The Angels are hot, which is basically the point. (5 more)
Crispin Glover
Good villain casting
I thought the action was better than the first one
Ridiculous double-entendres
Carrie Fisher
Bernie Mac is a poor substitute for Bill Murray (1 more)
Plot is basic and predictable
More dumb fun
While not as well received as the first film (probably down to losing Bill Murray), this is still a good deal of fun. The action works a little better for me than the first time around, the girls are still hot, still kicking ass.... what more do you want from a Charlie's Angels film? The plot is a bit basic and predictable, but being up against a former Angel (not a twist, though the writer seems to think it is) gave the conflict a bit more heart than the first one. It's a dumb action movie, but still fun.

Merissa (11928 KP) rated A Curse of Forever in Books

Dec 1, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
A Curse of Forever
A Curse of Forever
Tessa McFionn | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A CURSE OF FOREVER tells you the story of a man cursed within the confines of a lighthouse until his heart returns to him. Nathaniel has paid dearly for loving the wrong woman. Will Laurel be the one to change all that?

This is a fast-paced story that gives you insight into Laurel and her delightful mother and sister. I was so pleased to find out that others in her family were not the same! She is estranged from her beloved grandfather through actions not of her own. When he dies, she is the one to organise the funeral. The paper she works for gives her the time off but asks her to write a piece about the haunted lighthouse too. When she goes there, she sees -- and can talk to -- Nathaniel.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. The only part I couldn't quite understand was Jacob and Carrie. I didn't feel that he added much to the story or his obsession with Laurel. Yes, I know he had to be there for a certain part but that was it. As for Carrie, she was one way for the whole of the book, just changing at the end. Was it because the curse had been broken? I'm honestly not sure.

This was a steamy read, with instant attraction between our main characters. Laurel and Nathaniel were supported by great characters who helped to keep the story moving along.

Anyway, on the whole, this was a great contemporary read by an author I have come to associate with science fiction. I would say she has successfully moved to other genres. Thoroughly enjoyed and definitely recommended.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books
Dec 1, 2021