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Well, now, that was ... unusual.

Unusual in that I don't think I've ever come across history told in such a manner before.

And, I have to say: I think it worked.

This tells the life story of Manfred von Richtohofen, otherwise (and perhaps more famously) known as The Red Baron - a German ace during the infancy of flight, and of warfare in the air (during The Great War, or World War One as it would later become known).

While it does, perhaps, gloss over the more horrific aspects of the war in the air (no parachutes,with the planes being death-traps, and with Richtohofens policy of aiming for the pilot rather than the plane) I have to say that I did learn more from this than I was already aware of - and no, unlike some of my American counterparts, my knowledge of him did NOT come from the Peanuts (right? isn't that the one with Snoopy?) cartoon!
Belinda Goes to Bath is the second in the Travelling Matchmaker series. I really enjoyed the first, Emily Goes to Exeter, but I think I actually have to give the preference overall to this second volume. Emily was quite difficult to like to start with but Belinda is much nicer, although the second hero isn't perhaps quite so dashing...

The cartoon-style covers of these new editions really suit the tone of the books I think. They are fun and lighthearted and some of the characters a bit too 'larger than life' to be real - the unpleasant Penelope in this book really is rather horrid!

This book has a bit of everything; romance adventure, out-and-out villany and of course a mad aunt who really does have bats in her belfry; great stuff!

Now I'm off to Portsmouth with Penelope (not the one from this volume, fortunately!) and Miss Hannah Pym!
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family
Isabela Moner - outstandingly perky as Dora (0 more)
Irritating monkey. Even more irritating (and bizarre) fox. (0 more)
A fun family movie.
Here’s a film that is not trying to be anything other than a fun and much needed summer outing for families. Disney used to do this sort of live-action family film thing so well in the 70’s and 80’s, before they got obsessed with pointless recreations of their cartoon classics.

The director is James Bobin, who’s formerly directed a number of the Muppet movies, and this movie breathes with the same sense of anarchic fun without being too up itself.

The film occasionally makes you cringe, with some dreadfully (and deliberately) naff songs, but I enjoyed it and for the right audience (kids 8 to 12) I think they’ll have a blast.

For the full review please check out One Mann's Movies here -