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New Mutants/X-Force: Demon Bear
New Mutants/X-Force: Demon Bear
Chris Claremont | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a great read! No, seriously, this was how you tell a story: a beginning, a middle (oh, good Lord, what a marvelous middle), and an ending! Heroes doing heroic things, the "big bad" doing, well, bad things, and all of this held together by some of Chris Claremont's most solid of writings and some of the trippiest, yet tightly solid art by Bill Sienkiewicz!

The only smear in the book, and I shouldn't call it a smear so much as a disappointment, was the inclusion of X-FORCE (1991): #99. I respect why they did it, as the book was to encompass all the appearances of the Demon Bear through the team's books. However, I, for one, could have done with out it.

The writing by John Francis Moore was okay. It may have been really good, but what killed it for me was the art by Jim Cheung. I am something of an admirer of his style, but here it was just rubbish. The team looked too cartoon-y, while the Demon Bear was not scary in the least!

But, as much of the disappointment as that inclusion, X-Force (2008) #s 7-10, as excerpts, was what helped keep the book together. From Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost's tense, edgy characterization to just the overall flavor. C'mon, it's X-FORCE, written by Laura Kinney's (X-23) "papas"! Sure, it was gonna be good!

If you are looking for some exciting X-store, without all the mess that is currently in the X-Universe, this one would be your best best! But don't take my word for it (thanks, LeVar Burton!), read for yourself and experience what I did..
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Exhibit no. 853928706 on why DC has been *crushing* Marvel these past four years. I do have my grievances: they pretty much skip all the actual Birds of Prey stuff (you know, what the movie is titled lmao) until the last twenty minutes, it takes a bit too much time at points, and not to mention this is a completely different character than what was presented in 𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘚𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘥 (for better and for worse) which I confess I would have liked to have seen more psychotic. Otherwise though this is pretty much exactly what movies were made for - a candy-coated live action cartoon sprinkled heavily with orgasmically choreographed savage violence, plentiful vulgarity, and the cheerfully dark edge that the aforementioned 𝘚𝘲𝘶𝘢𝘥 (which I still defend for at least being a good time) desperately craved. Robbie, Messina, and McGregor knock it out of the park and it's just great seeing Rosie Perez punch people in the face with brass knuckles. Furthermore this is one of the precious few recent studio 'girl power' movies where I actually bought that it gave a shit about the girls beyond superficial, insincere, and reductive woke points. At its core lies a legitimately poignant story about these women being chastised, abused, undermined, and taken advantage of for having the same traits (in a world that would already jump at the opportunity to eat them alive even if they didn't have them) that men get a pass and/or are even encouraged for having - so they respond by beating the ever-loving, merciless fuck out of them and it's deeply satisfying. No wonder usual superhero audiences who are used to female characters with zero personality or dynamism let this flop. Though I'm probably the only person on the planet who though that Leto's cracked-out Joker would have made a perfect addition to this.

Fred (860 KP) rated Star Wars: Resistance in TV

Oct 31, 2018  
Star Wars: Resistance
Star Wars: Resistance
2018 | Animation, Sci-Fi
7.7 (13 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Animation is terrible (2 more)
Characters are not memorable
Tries too much to be funny
The force is not with this one
I love Star Wars. I love the original movies, the prequels & the Disney era films as well. I loved the Clone Wars cartoon as well as Rebels. So, along comes Resistance. A show I had not even heard of until the day it was going to air. I was excited for a new show. That was, until I saw the trailer.

See, this show is done in CGI drawn animation. Usually this kind of animation is limited to maybe vehicles or robots & the rest is done with traditional hand-drawn animation. This can be jarring to view as the CGI animation usually moves choppy & slow. I could see where this kind of animation seems like it should work. A "3-D" object can be moved & turned easily, the animation should be smooth. but it's not. Can't stand this animation. I find I can't watch more than a few minutes before it gets too annoying. Anyway, I was gong to go on about other shows that use this animation, but this is about Resistance. So, this entire show uses this kind of animation. Fortunately, the animation is at least smooth moving, but the characters all suffer from an unnatural movement. Character design is also horrible & that doesn't help.

That's problem one. So, now to the next. The show is not memorable in the least. The characters, stories, situations, nothing. After 4 episodes, there is nothing that stuck out to me, where as I can still pick out dozens of scenes from both Clone Wars & Rebels. Star Wars memorable scenes. maybe that's it. Resistance doesn't feel like Star Wars. Even with the cameos by Poe Dameron, Leia, Captain Phasma & C-3PO were so brief & completely forgettable. In fact, I forgot C-3PO even appeared until I looked up the cast on IMDB.

Next problem. A lot of people thought The Last Jedi had too much humor in it. They thought that this was fine for a Disney film, but not a Star Wars film. I could see that, however, I didn't think it was too much & enjoyed the film very much. There are times when I do think it's too much, like in the horrendous new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Every 2 seconds, a joke bombarding us. It's just too much. There's a guy who does the voice of Donatello on that show that also does a voice on Resistance. I bring that up because his character on Resistance may be the worst character in the Star Wars universe. His name is Neeku. He's a Rodian character who is so dumb, he makes Jar Jar Binks look like Steven Hawking. Yes, he's worse than Binks. He's annoying & supposedly the comic relief. Which brings me to my next point. Every character is comic relief in this show. Yes, just like the new TMNT, the show is joke after joke. As bad as that is thought, Neeku takes the cake as the "please, kill him" character.

So, you ask me why am I watching this show if it's so bad? Well, because it's canon & I'm a Star Wars fanatic. However, it doesn't seem to have any consequence on the Star Wars universe at all. There's no weaving of the stories in the greater, larger world at all. I watch in hope that it does. I do re-watch Clone Wars & Rebels, but this show will probably be the first in my Star Wars filled life, that I just watch once & forget it ever happened.
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Family
The trailer for Dora looked like fun but I went in cautious, luckily I came out having really enjoyed myself. Dora is the step before the new Jumanji films, it's packed with fun daft stuff and it's difficult to hold anything against it.

Dora and her parents live in the jungle where they can explore and learn about everything around them. When her best friend Diego leaves for the city she's left with only Boots, a cheeky monkey, to go on a daily adventure with.

Years later after a breakthrough with their research Dora's parents send her to stay with Diego and his family in the city as they go off looking for their lost Inca civilisation. High school is a bit like a jungle, but not like the one Dora is used to, she muddles through the best she can trying to stay positive.

When the school goes on a field trip to the museum Dora and her friends get cornered by a strange group of people and trapped in a packing crate headed back to the jungle. Dora isn't the only one wanting to know where her parents are, this group of mercenaries are after them too, and the treasure.

Something great about Dora And The Lost City Of Gold is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. The TV series was after my time but it's one of those things you still know about. I was pre-worried about the terrible animation on Boots, it didn't exactly look ground-breaking in the trailer, but once the cute little thing got going I didn't really care. Obviously there are lots of things that happen in the cartoon that don't really lend themselves to the big screen. Possibly the most amusing one is Dora breaking the fourth wall to ask if we can say "delicioso", the reaction from everyone in the scene is hilarious and I'm impressed they decided to do it that way.

Isabela Moner made an excellent impression earlier this year in Instant Family and seeing her name on this was brilliant. The age difference to the show makes sense and I love the way they handled it. There's infectious enthusiasm that it was difficult not to succumb to. Having to act with things that aren't there is incredibly difficult to do realistically but you wouldn't know it to watch her in this.

Dora's parents are played by Michael Peña and Eva Longoria, it seems like an odd pairing but they were really fun together. You know I love Michael Peña, and he's so goofy and fun in this that it made me very happy. His extended rave music piece was thankfully better than the short clip in the trailer. Eva Longoria was much more down to earth and sensible and the dynamic between them worked really well.

The film managed to incorporate the cartoon in quite a fun way. I'm not sure how they expect parents to explain what happened but that's not my problem so I'm purely entertained by it all. I briefly mentioned the animation of Boots, it's not good but the character is amusing, Swiper the fox has a similar animation issue. He's more annoying to watch and see other characters interact with him, but a fox that talks and walks on his hind legs isn't going to be great in this style of film whatever way you try.

Dora And The Lost City Of Gold really feels like it brings together all the values that the show tries to put across, friendship, learning and good behaviour. It has captured it all in a bright and engaging format while keeping the content amusing and suitable for everyone. I'm very pleased I got to see this it's one of the more amusing releases this year.

Originally posted on:
The Lion King (2019)
The Lion King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Family
Lacking in heart
The Lion King is one of my all time favourite Disney films, so I approached this 'live action' remake with a lot of trepidation, and I'm afraid to say I was right to be worried.

Visually it looks stunning, which shouldn't really be a surprise as it has been brought to us by the same guys that did The Jungle Book. However I'm afraid the visuals are pretty much all this film has going for it. This film is virtually a carbon copy of the original animation but with all of the heart, soul and humour taken out of it. The problem with these Disney live action remakes is they're unnecessary and stuck in a difficult position - differ too much from the original and people hate it, but sticking too close to the original and it begs the question as to why not just watch the original? It's more difficult for The Lion King as it's gone from being cartoon animation to CGI animation and apart from looking more natural, that's the only real difference.

They've lost virtually all of the magic that made the original great in the first place. The humour either falls flat due to the poor execution, or has been removed and replaced with something much less witty and funny. I mean, where was dress in drag & do the hula?! I dont think the voice cast helps. Other than Chiwetel Ejiofor and of course James Earl Jones, the rest of the voice cast just seemed ridiculously out of place and ill fitting with the film. I cringed every time I heard Zazu as Jon Oliver is definitely no Rowan Atkinson! And dont even get me started on Beyonce. We really didnt need her horrific versions of songs thrown in too. Although the rest of the songs did at least make the rest of the film more bearable.

Altogether despite the stunning CGI, this is a very poor copy of the original and definitely one I wont be watching again - just stick to the original.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Outer Worlds in Video Games

Jul 9, 2020  
The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds
2019 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing, Shooter
The Outer Worlds had me excited from the moment it was announced - a space fairing RPG from the makers of Fallout: New Vegas was enough to do that.

Obsidian have successfully created a charming and colourful universe I'm which is stupidly easy to get lost in. It has a cartoon-ish look to it, but the graphics are top level. The environments available to explore are frequently breath taking, and the game boasts some great creature designs to battle as you explore alien habitats.
It plays not too dissimilar to a Fallout title. Being an RPG, there are menus a-plenty to rifle through, but they have an appealing asthethic, and are relatively simple once understood, so they never feel like a chore.
The combat is fairly similar as well, but I would argue that it's smoother than Fallout ever has been.
The plot is engaging and has many different paths to take - I've only had one playthrough so far, but I can't wait to start a second (where I'll be acting like a dick for the most part), and all the characters you meet along the way are memorable. The writing is fantastic - the dialogue is frequently funny, and is a big factor in why this game is so easy to love.
Like many RPGs these days, you can have companions with you. Recruiting a crew to join your adventure is something I absolutely LOVE about the Mass Effect series, so it was nothing but a pleasure to experience something similar here - each potential recruit comes with a set of loyalty missions and everything!
To top the whole thing off, it has an amazing musical score to accompany your journey.

I really don't have anything negative to say about The Outer Worlds. I've heard talk about some DLC in the future which is exciting, but I really hope Obsidian carry it on into a franchise. I'll be there on day one!

Erika (17788 KP) rated Cruella (2021) in Movies

Jun 1, 2021 (Updated Jun 1, 2021)  
Cruella (2021)
Cruella (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Crime
8.0 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cruella is the newest live-action adaptation of a cartoon character that Disney decided to give us. I only went to see the movie because there was nothing else out in the theater this weekend.
At an overly-long, bloated run time of 2 hours and 12 minutes, we get the entire life story of Cruella, prior to 101 Dalmatians, whose real name is Estella. Of course, it starts with the stereotypical birth scene, continuing through childhood to adulthood. She becomes orphaned, and meets her two future henchmen, played by Paul Walter Hauser and Joel Fry. They were pretty bumbling, and I found myself both amused and annoyed by them.
Estella dreams of a career in fashion, and by a series of events, ends up at the fashion house of the Baroness. There’s a connection from the Baroness to the events that caused Estella to be orphaned, and when that connection is made by Estella, she goes full on Cruella. I think Disney was attempting to show that Estella/Cruella has some sort of hereditary personality disorder, and I don’t know how I felt about that being used as a plot device. Cruella’s vendetta and revenge are sort of fun to watch, but there’s just too much. Every time you thought the movie was ending, something else happened.
Emma Stone does make Cruella interesting, which is a positive. Emma Thompson as the Baroness was so over the top, but at least Thompson seemed to enjoy playing someone that deranged.
For me, the only positives of this film were the costumes and music. The 60s/70s soundtrack was sick (in a good way), and the fashion was over the top and outrageous. The run time was so long, and Disney should have just slapped it on Disney+, for free, as a miniseries. The movie was not worth the price of a ticket, and definitely not worth that crazy premium pricing on VOD. If you’re interested, wait a couple of months and watch it for free when it joins the Disney+ library.
Grease (1978)
Grease (1978)
1978 | Comedy, Musical, Romance
Good girl Sandy and greaser Danny fell in love over the summer. When they unexpectedly discover they're now in the same high school, will they be able to rekindle their romance?

If anyone asks me then I would always say that I've seen Grease... and I have. I can sing you all the songs, name you all the characters and relive some of the iconic clothing and scenery. But, as it turns out... I actually haven't. Not all the way through at least.

I sat there as the film started rolling and realised that, specifically, I've not seen the first half. I've seen the scenes with the songs in, probably on YouTube or the like, and I've definitely seen the end. I would imagine because I was flicking channels and seen it was on so I've watched it. I've never seen the cartoon opening, Danny and Sandy on the beach, or Sandy's appearance at Rydale High. Not from the original at least. I saw Grease Live, which while not quite the same was still enjoyable.

It would be almost impossible to sit through this one and not sing along, tap your toes, or have a smile creep onto your face. The screen was packed out, mainly with women, but it was nice to see quite a few guys along for the ride, some of their own accord and not dragged along by anyone. I could hear lots of low level singing, and out of the corner of my eye, some Grease Lightning arm dancing. Everyone truly enjoyed themselves.

One gentleman, who I know from Unlimited showings, told me how his mum brought him to see it when he was six and he's loved it ever since. It was such a lovely story. And I'm sure that many other people there had their own tales about seeing it when they were growing up.

I'm just always overjoyed by the dancing. But then you know me and a musical!

RəX Regent (349 KP) rated Batman: The Movie (1966) in Movies

Feb 18, 2019 (Updated Feb 18, 2019)  
Batman: The Movie (1966)
Batman: The Movie (1966)
1966 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Some days, you just can’t get rid of a bomb!
Before the Frank Miller’s Dark Knight, there was the Caped Crusader; The founding member of the Dynamic Duo, Batman and his ward, the Boy Wonder, Robin. In order to promote the series, after Batman’s first season, a theatrical version was green-lit. Bigger and longer than any of the soon to be syndicated TV show, which would ultimately run for three seasons, Batman was on the big screen with “all his wonderful toys” and a whole host of new ones.

Welcome, the Bat Ladder, Bat-boat, Bat-copter and of course the Bat Shark Repellent! The wry humour can easily be dismissed as hammy and cheap, but in fact, this incarnation of Batman struck a cord and ran with it with confidence. And in this era of The Dark Knight, Batman Light is a welcome respite from all the dower self flagellation of the character.

The late Adam West and Burt Ward are as dry as ever as they over act and dramatically fight crime against a collection of cartoon villains, with this movie delivering the most popular, The Joker (Caesar Romero), Catwoman (Lee Meriwether), The Riddler (Frank Gorshin, all of whom have been brought together by Burgess Meredith’s, Penguin.

Fun from start to finish, with Batman gags, satirical humour and out and out farce! (The bomb gag is classic!) An outrageous plot involving dehydrating the UN Security Council is delivered at a breakneck pace, with one set piece being delivered after another. It is hard to imagine that so much happens in such a lean running time. This is a smart comedy with does not out stay its welcome.

And that is the thing with Batman (1966); It is a smart comedy posing a piece of nonsense. A point proven by its popularity 50 years on. If anything, the recent Lego Batman Movie plays the same hand, only it gets away with it because its a kids Lego digi-mation. But the humour is very similar, irreverently honouring their source.

If you have not seen this in years and god forbid, not at all then get yourself…

…”to the Batmobile!”

Kaz (232 KP) rated Oh Dear Silvia in Books

May 15, 2019  
Oh Dear Silvia
Oh Dear Silvia
Dawn French | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's funny and beautifully written (0 more)
The ending was resolved too quickly (0 more)
What the 'blurb' says:

'Silvia Shute lies in a hospital bed. Family and friends are at her side, each thinking they know the real Silvia. But do they? For Silvia hides a secret. And as her visitors gather, so the truth about Silvia is slowly revealed...'

My Thoughts:

I had never read anything by Dawn French (for anyone who doesn't know who she is, she is a famous British comedian, best known as one half of comedy duo French and Saunders) before reading 'Oh Dear Silvia' and to be honest, I had low expectations of it.

 It's not that I didn't like Dawn French, I think she is a very funny woman. However with there being a current trend of celebrities writing cheesy, badly written chick-lit and selling copies because of their names alone, I thought this was going to be the same. Thankfully, I was wrong.

The writing is this book is very good. The descriptions are, at times, beautiful and each of the characters are believable and diverse. Even though the main character doesn't utter a single word throughout the book, I still felt that I knew her because of the other characters and their complex relationships with each other. One of the characters, Silvia's sister Jo, for me felt like a bit of cartoon character at the beginning. There is a scene involving her in the book, which I felt didn't fit in with the tone of the story, but I still laughed at it though. As the book progressed though, I did warm to her.

The pace of the book was slow, but I felt that this was effective, because it allowed the story to unfold at a natural pace. Towards the end, however, one of the more sinister elements of the plot, was concluded slightly quicker and in more lighthearted way, than it should have been. In my opinion, this could have been dealt with better and with more impact.

Overall, I'm glad that I read this book because on the whole, it's written with sensitivity and subtle wit. I look forward to reading more of Dawn French's novels in the future.

My Rating ****