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Codename: Sailor V, Volume 1
Like Sailor Moon, Minako Aino is a normal 13-year-old schoolgirl until a fateful day when a white...

Burning (2018)
Movie Watch
Jong-su bumps into a girl who used to live in the same neighborhood as him, who asks him to look...

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Vol. 12
Usagi Tsukino is a normal girl until she meets up with Luna, a talking cat, who tells her that she...

Dean (6927 KP) rated The Contract (2006) in Movies
Apr 30, 2018 (Updated Oct 30, 2022)
Old school Thriller
A good Thriller as Morgan Freeman playing an assassin escapes police custody. In the wilderness John Cusack and his son are on a camping trip and find him. Meanwhile Freeman's team are in pursuit.
A good chase thriller set in the wild with a cat and mouse plot to see who can evade who and survive. Might still be on Netflix currently.
A good chase thriller set in the wild with a cat and mouse plot to see who can evade who and survive. Might still be on Netflix currently.

Rachel King (13 KP) rated Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1) in Books
Feb 11, 2019
Well, I read this book in under twenty-four hours easily, and that is with two toddlers to keep me on my toes. With all of the positive reviews out there, I'm surprised it took me this long to get to this book, even despite the over-abundance of vampires in fiction literature.
Cat is like a Midwestern version of Buffy, with a healthy dose of vampire genetics to add to her coolness. Bones' style, looks, and British accent remind me of Spike, so he quickly became my favorite character in the book. These factors alone are enough to get me hooked on the series, but Frost's ability to write hot sex scenes without any of the cheesiness that is prevalent in the romance genre just adds to the appeal.
There were a few small things I did not like, such as the death of certain characters, but I can see how these events served to move the plot along. There were many unpredictable twists and turns in the plot that constantly had me guessing as to what would happen next - and reading to find out. The humor was very entertaining without becoming center-stage in the plot, and I especially loved the dynamics between Cat and Bones. I would have loved to read all two hours of dirty talk that Bones dished out to Cat as part of her training, his forthrightness with her regarding his feelings was intoxicating.
The ending was noble, but not what I would have preferred. Still, it sets up wonderfully for the next book, because I just know that Bones will be hunting Cat down like he promised. Plus, there is lots of untapped potential in Cat's abilities, and I have to wonder if she does not have the same abilities as other vamps with her green eyes. On to One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2)!
Cat is like a Midwestern version of Buffy, with a healthy dose of vampire genetics to add to her coolness. Bones' style, looks, and British accent remind me of Spike, so he quickly became my favorite character in the book. These factors alone are enough to get me hooked on the series, but Frost's ability to write hot sex scenes without any of the cheesiness that is prevalent in the romance genre just adds to the appeal.
There were a few small things I did not like, such as the death of certain characters, but I can see how these events served to move the plot along. There were many unpredictable twists and turns in the plot that constantly had me guessing as to what would happen next - and reading to find out. The humor was very entertaining without becoming center-stage in the plot, and I especially loved the dynamics between Cat and Bones. I would have loved to read all two hours of dirty talk that Bones dished out to Cat as part of her training, his forthrightness with her regarding his feelings was intoxicating.
The ending was noble, but not what I would have preferred. Still, it sets up wonderfully for the next book, because I just know that Bones will be hunting Cat down like he promised. Plus, there is lots of untapped potential in Cat's abilities, and I have to wonder if she does not have the same abilities as other vamps with her green eyes. On to One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2)!

Anand Wilder recommended Tea for the Tillerman by Cat Stevens in Music (curated)
I loved this! We meet Mia at a pet bereavement group - but her cat, Pigeon, is alive and well. She lives with her husband, his son and her beloved house cat. Oh, and the ex-wife comes and goes as she pleases with her own key!
Mia’s life is very regimented, and this is apparent in every aspect. Especially work. She works for a socialite jewellery maker, who seems to have no business sense and asks Daddy for money for the business all the time.
And then everything seems to start going wrong at the same time, and Mia makes a lot of questionable, yet understandable, decisions.
There’s some graphic sex scenes (not a problem for me, but fair warning, as some of my fellow readers on The Pigeonhole didn’t appreciate them), and scenes where Mia struggles with her mental health, culminating in suicidal thoughts.
On the outside, Mia is all business and appears to be emotionally detached. On the inside, it’s clearly a maelstrom of feelings which are mainly caused by a terrible childhood and a stupid husband (I couldn’t think of a more appropriate word, and he is stupid).
I’ve read a couple of Dawn’s books now, and I should stop being so surprised at how thoughtful, emotional and funny they are. I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I’m no cat lady (dogs all the way - but I do like cats too, so perhaps I’m a bit of both).
Mia’s life is very regimented, and this is apparent in every aspect. Especially work. She works for a socialite jewellery maker, who seems to have no business sense and asks Daddy for money for the business all the time.
And then everything seems to start going wrong at the same time, and Mia makes a lot of questionable, yet understandable, decisions.
There’s some graphic sex scenes (not a problem for me, but fair warning, as some of my fellow readers on The Pigeonhole didn’t appreciate them), and scenes where Mia struggles with her mental health, culminating in suicidal thoughts.
On the outside, Mia is all business and appears to be emotionally detached. On the inside, it’s clearly a maelstrom of feelings which are mainly caused by a terrible childhood and a stupid husband (I couldn’t think of a more appropriate word, and he is stupid).
I’ve read a couple of Dawn’s books now, and I should stop being so surprised at how thoughtful, emotional and funny they are. I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I’m no cat lady (dogs all the way - but I do like cats too, so perhaps I’m a bit of both).

Awix (3310 KP) rated Catwoman (2004) in Movies
Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Feb 15, 2018)
Kitty Litter
Wretched misfire of a superhero film proving that DC were quite capable of making bad movies before Zack Snyder was even on the premises. Attempt at a story of feminist empowerment ends up coupled to repeated spectacle of Halle Berry bending over in a leather bra while wearing jeans with holes in the bum cheeks. Dowdy wallflower discovers corruption, is flushed into harbour, given mouth-to-mouth by passing magic cat, wakes up with feline powers (including ability to stick to walls, unlike any cat I've ever seen).
It's not just that the story is poorly told, it's poorly conceived: around the same time Catwoman came out, Spider-Man was saving New York from a nuclear disaster while the X-Men were stopping psionic genocide. What case is Catwoman dealing with? Someone is trying to sell some dodgy make-up. Not just a really shoddy film, but an offensively patronising one, too.
It's not just that the story is poorly told, it's poorly conceived: around the same time Catwoman came out, Spider-Man was saving New York from a nuclear disaster while the X-Men were stopping psionic genocide. What case is Catwoman dealing with? Someone is trying to sell some dodgy make-up. Not just a really shoddy film, but an offensively patronising one, too.

Cyn Armistead (14 KP) rated Tails of Wonder and Imagination in Books
Mar 1, 2018
I finished it, but I didn't read every story. I couldn't. This is not a collection for cat-lovers, and I am an unabashed ailurophile. I appreciated the introductions, as the helped me avoid some stories, and I regret reading others—most particularly "Not Waving" by Michael Marshall Smith. It was a very well-written story, showing first-hand knowledge of bulimia and the way it can twist those who have it and those who love them. I was nauseated, though, and hated the twist even though I knew how it would end.
I strongly recommend that people who seek out every cat-related collection avoid this tome. If, however, you simply enjoy good writing, go for it. Datlow has, as always, selected fine pieces, every one. I didn't find one piece that rang false. I would have chosen a darker title, as I found less of wonder than the macabre, but what do I know?
I strongly recommend that people who seek out every cat-related collection avoid this tome. If, however, you simply enjoy good writing, go for it. Datlow has, as always, selected fine pieces, every one. I didn't find one piece that rang false. I would have chosen a darker title, as I found less of wonder than the macabre, but what do I know?