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Twist ma and turns (1 more)
Paige Turner
Predict ability (0 more)
Tory and Darcy just turned eighteen, freeing them from the foster system they have been on since their parents death when they were infants. However, being free isn’t always easy. Though the system was not easy or even allowed them to find real homes or families, the twins had each other. Now that we are being told they are from another secret world, the Fae World, and are royalty, they must learn about the parents, their world they never knew and a magic they never knew to gain their inheritance they only could have dreamt for. The only problem? Four Celestial Heirs who don’t want them to have their throne back.

This book as a page turned and left me wanting more. It the first in the series and I and already se to devoid book two. The writing style is interesting and can keep you on your toes but I feel the characters are easy to predict as times. But they are you log adults so that might by why in this case. It is still an excellent read.
A Succession of Swords (The Chronicles of Serenity #1)
A Succession of Swords (The Chronicles of Serenity #1)
A D Bollen | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

When it's time for Philla and Deminious to move on, they must choose their successors. Their daughter will be queen and they have 3 sons to choose from whom all have good qualities and would rule well. It's a hard choice but they make it. After the wedding, they ascend to the celestial plain. All is well; they are happy. What could possibly go wrong?

This is a good story and I did enjoy it. There just seemed to be a lot going on. There were sections where it was one part of the story, then the next paragraph was with somebody and something completely different, and it took a couple of sentences to catch up with what was happening. It was a bit of a shame as it did take away from the story as the flow that should have been there wasn't.

I did enjoy the story when I was able to decipher what was what and I would recommend it. You may just need some patience.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Torn ( Selfish Myths book 2)
Torn ( Selfish Myths book 2)
Natalia jaster | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
164 of 230
Torn ( Selfish Myths book 2)
By Natalia Jaster

Breaking her heart is the key to my power—or my downfall.

For centuries, I've reigned as the God of Anger. Now I’m an exiled rebel. Banished from my immortal world and jilted by the love I can't forget, I prowl the human realm with a shattered soul.

That’s when I meet her.

For the life of me, I can't understand why I’m so drawn to this starry-eyed misfit called Merry. She's an outcast like me, but she’s different from anyone I’ve ever known.

And she's hiding just as many forbidden secrets as I am.

As a revolution simmers between celestial renegades and ancient rulers, I discover that Merry’s the key to my retribution. According to a dangerous legend, she alone can help me resurrect my power, reclaim my place among the magical elite—and mend my broken heart.

The price: I have to break hers in return.

This is such a unique series. I don’t think ive read anything like it before. This is following Angers story after Love becomes mortal and it’s just written in a way that’s magical reading it. I really love how these myths/gods/goddesses we know as emotions love a life of their own. The only thing that stopped it being 5 stars was in places it was possibly a bit long winded ( but only a bit).
Touch (Selfish Myths #1)
Touch (Selfish Myths #1)
Natalia Jester | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
177 of 250
Touch ( selfish Myths book 1)
By Natalia Jester

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

A mortal outcast, a mythical goddess, and a forbidden desire that defies the laws of magic.

They say I'm a celestial bad girl. But they're wrong--I'm far worse.

My name is Love. I spend my immortal years hunting within a frosted forest, matching human hearts with each mischievous strike of my arrow.

But in all my centuries, I've never known desire--until now.

He's a mortal. And the longer I'm with him, the more I crave his touch.

Yet binding myself to this human is forbidden. Without a doubt, it's fatal.

When I discover that he possesses abilities beyond his knowledge--a force strong enough to eradicate my kind--I have to make a choice.

One, destroy him before he destroys my race.

Or two, contain his magic by sealing his heart with someone else's.

This was a strange read but strange in a good way I think. It was a sweet story of love finding love for herself. I loved the interaction with the other emotional gods they certainly all have a story. I just can’t put my finger on what was so odd about the book I’m certainly interested in reading more by this author. For now this would be 3 stars for me.
A Bright Celestial Sea by Chani Lynn Feener
A Bright Celestial Sea by Chani Lynn Feener
Chani Lynn Feener | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A BRIGHT CELESTIAL SEA is a standalone that could easily be the first in a series.

Pryor and Castor, plus others in their crew, are sent to a World Ship to find a missing royal. It's not that easy though, and things become complicated when other things are found to be missing too. Throw in an Emperor-in-waiting and you've got one helluva story.

Half of the mystery is easy to see - it doesn't hide at all, except from Wystan and the others. But still, as the reader, it is all there for you as we are in Pryor's mind for the most part. The other part though - was brilliantly set up, with only a few clues as I neared the end. I won't say anything else but I loved it!

The world-building is second to none. The worlds and ships, plus the different hierarchies, are simple and clean to see. I didn't feel like the story lagged in any places; it definitely kept my attention from beginning to end.

This author is new-to-me but I will absolutely be keeping an eye out for future publications - especially if this does become a series. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aliens on Holiday
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Aliens On Holiday</i> is Gillian Bradshaw’s second novel for children involving extraterrestrial beings. Following on from the first book <i>Alien in the Garden</i>, Alex Marsh is reunited with his celestial friend, Shakespeare. It has been two years since fourteen-year-old Alex found himself involved with aliens, yet he is still glad to see Shakespeare and is determined to help him out with whatever his purpose on planet Earth is. However, this could put both Alex and his family in grave danger.

With the ruse of going on a family holiday to the south of France, Shakespeare tags along with the Marshes in the disguise of Alex’s cousin, whilst he takes part in an undercover operation for the police of the United Worlds. Despite trying not to get Alex too involved with his mission, Alex still ends up in a precarious situation involving both notorious drug dealers as well as treacherous aliens.

<i>Aliens on Holiday </i>is both funny and exciting, as the characters have to deal with communication difficulties whilst trying to save the world. Bradshaw has been very imaginative when creating her aliens and has thought up concepts that are unique and interesting to the child-like minds of the readers.

Although written for younger people, readers need to be mature enough to understand about drugs and drug culture. Despite being written for entertainment purposes, <i>Aliens on Holiday </i>does contain some very serious issues.

To get the most out of this book it would help to have read <i>Alien in the Garden </i>(I had not) as it would create a clearer understanding of Alex and Shakespeare’s relationship. Having said that, Aliens on Holiday contains enough information to comprehend and appreciate the storyline.

Overall, <i>Aliens on Holiday </i>is the perfect work of fiction for the child or young teenager interested in action, science and aliens.
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)
Alison Goodman | 2008 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Both books are extremely long, but Eon and Eona are one of the best dragon books I've read - out of the few I've read so far.

Eon does start out pretty slow. It takes awhile for something to happen, and there's a political struggle for a good chunk in the middle - a complete (and perhaps unnecessary at times) possibility as to why the book was extremely long in the first place.

Eona, as Eon at the time, was an extremely annoying character. It takes her AGES to connect all the dots and she's extremely desperate to fit in. It's almost as though she hates being a female, even though she gets points for being a sword-wielding, kick-butt, no-nonsense character.

Eona, on the other hand, is longer than Eon. After the events of Eon, the Empire of Celestial Dragons are in chaos, and Eona and her allies are on the run.

Eon has now stopped with her disguise, but I don't like her any better than I liked Eona puttering around like a boy. In Eon, Eona was just desperate to fit in and make herself seem worthy. In the sequel, Eona just argues FAR too much with Kygo.

Eona, however long, definitely makes up for the many dull moments in the first book. It's much more engrossing and action-packed, bringing a fantastic end to two very long books.

<b>Eon</b> - Full Review
Blog: <a href=""></a>;
Goodreads: <a href=""></a>;

<b>Eona</b> - Full Review
Blog: <a href=""></a>;
Goodreads: <a href=""></a>;

Merged review:

The entire idea behind Eon, according to the Alison Goodman's note at the very last page of the book, was inspired by the cultures and histories of China and Japan. Of course I would be completely excited because I'm Chinese myself and dragons are wonderfully majestic and mystic creatures. I had to read it!

I also had to read it because I would then have the opportunity to not only debate with the only guy in book club (who actually recommended the book to me in the first place... are you happy?), but I would also get to throw a book at said guy. Actually, it would be throwing the book first, run away, and then maybe debate about it. But one can't debate when one runs away.

In reality, I did get the chance to smack him with Eon. He then "abused" me with his scarf throughout Lit class. One day, I plan to steal that scarf and hide it.

I don't intend to ever give it back either.

Eon is a fabulous idea. And I mean, phenomenal. The best dragon book I've ever read despite the flaws and not so phenomenal things, even though the amount of dragon books I've read in the past is relatively small. Goodman has certainly done a fantastic job with the world building of the Empire of Celestial Dragons and the dragons itself – a brief history of the Dragoneyes and the Dragons are compressed at the very beginning of the book (it was a bit confusing to me) and the rest is filled in throughout the process of the book.

I have to say I'm impressed. Quite impressed compared to my latest reads (Okay, they're not shabby, but I wasn't overly excited about them either).

The beginning of the book lacked a bit of what would have made the book so much better. All Eon and the other Dragoneye candidates do is train, train, train. Eon is made fun of by everyone – including his Swordmaster! – because he's not like the others, etc. Basically, life is all about that misery for Eon and the book follows the same pattern over and over again: train, disdain, train, disdain, train, disdain.

Oh, and it doesn't help he's really a girl, though approximately 99.9% of the people don't know (they do know he's crippled). I'm pretty confused as to what gender to use in this particular review. That, however, does not mean I'm a sexist. All I can say to this entire ordeal is the mere fact that it seems Eon is trying too hard to hide her true self. Not a problem with me because of the time period Goodman sets Eon in. But with the amount of Sun drugs she takes later in the book – I think those so called Sun drugs are simply crack – in an attempt to connect with the Mirror Dragon, it's really obvious Eon is desperate enough to fit in and prove herself worthy of being a part of the Dragoneye council.

It's not until the anticipation of finding out who the new Rat Dragoneye apprentice will be does the book become interesting. The majority of the rest becomes more of a political struggle among the Dragoneye council and the Empire of Celestial Dragons as Eon continues her training as the one and only Mirror Dragoneye since the last 500 years, with the pressure of the Emperor's supporters resting on her shoulders.

Quite a burden to bear. Plus, the middle seemed to drag a bit (read: political struggle). It even got to the point where I actually thought Eon would be better off if the story had been split into two books and the series into a trilogy instead of duology.

It didn't help with Eon as a character either. She is, by far, one of the most annoying characters I've ever met. Here's a bit of a sidenote: There aren't many Asians as main characters. They're usually the peeps on the sidelines, and even that rarely happens. When they ARE main characters, they're usually a sword-wielding, kick-butt, no-nonsense type of character (or they seem to be annoyingly stereotyped and I hate it, so I don't even bother reading it in the first place). And while Goodman does incorporate all of that in Eon's character (the kick-butt, not the stereotype), it was still very annoying to see Eon puttering about and taking forever to connect the dots (read: desperate to fit in).

The ending gets better – much better – than the beginning and the middle (read: beginning = training + disdain, middle = political struggle + desperation). The fantastic ending probably made up for the hiccups earlier throughout and possibly changed my mind about wanting to split the book in half. Eon is a semi-phenomenal ending to a phenomenal idea in a not so phenomenal first book in a duology, and I've yet to decide whether I should give the sequel a whirl to see if it improves compared to Eon.
<blockquote>Friendship is not something that can be forced.</blockquote>
(Except for one of my friends. According to him, he forced his way into us being friends. *sigh*)
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>
145 of 230
A Terrible Fall of Angels ( Zaniel Havelock book 1)
By Laurell K Hamilton

Angels walk among us, but so do other unearthly beings in this brand-new series by the international bestselling author of the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series.

Meet Detective Zaniel Havelock, a man with the special ability to communicate directly with angels.

A former trained Angel speaker, he devoted his life to serving both the celestial beings and his fellow humans with his gift, but a terrible betrayal compelled him to leave that life behind. Now he's a cop who is still working on the side of angels. But where there are angels, there are also demons.

There's no question that there's evil at work when he's called in to examine the murder scene of a college student - but is it just the evil that one human being can do to another, or is it something more? When demonic possession is a possibility, even angelic protection can only go so far.

Now the race is on to stop a killer before he finds his next victim, as Zaniel is forced to confront his own very personal demons, and the past he never truly left behind.

I can’t be the only one that gets super anxious when an author you have read for years and invested so much of your time and money into their books write a whole new series? Yes I’m one of those fans that are die hard LKH but I’m also one who will be honest if I dislike a book she’s wrote and I’ve had my wars with Anita! And I’m one of those craving a new Merry! So when this came out it’s actually sat on my tbr for a while.

I started this with fresh eyes and a positive attitude and at first it was a bit strange and I struggled to settle in but once I had I absolutely loved it! I like Havoc I like the supporting characters and I actually really like how she has started building these characters and their personalities. A few times I’ve worried and questioned whether she will get to wrapped up in the relationship stuff like she has with Anita but somehow it fits in the style she’s gone for here. I love Angels and Demons so the story and the information she’s tried to pack in I actually really enjoyed. I’m really looking forward to seeing where this series can go as it’s new and fresh from LKH and that can only be a positive thing!!
Eona: The Last Dragoneye (Eon, #2)
Eona: The Last Dragoneye (Eon, #2)
Alison Goodman | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Apparently when Eona and Co. are on the run, things get mighty interesting and there's almost never a dull moment. There's the ten dead Dragoneyes, an entire army of Sethon's supposed minions (who knows if they're actually loyal to the dude, anyways?), and a supposed-to-be emperor by the name of Kygo who's also on the run from being brutally murdered as well.

Goodman starts out the whopping 600-paged book with a "primary" source from Teacher Prahn, quickly summarizing the events at the imperial palace in the ending of Eon, and it's helpful for those who haven't the first book in a long while (unless you have a fantastic memory, which I sometimes have. Epiphany!). The second and last book to the duology starts out shortly after those events, with Eona and her friends on the run from Sethon and the hunt for Kygo. Goodman brings us outside of the imperial palace and into other parts of the Empire of Celestial Dragons, places that were briefly mentioned in book one and now play a bigger role in book two.

I personally disliked Eona back when she was Eon, and I don't like her any better as a girl either. Back as Eon, Eona just seemed to desperate to fit in and trying to prove herself worthy – those sun drug scenes? The worst of Eon. I even vowed to DNF this book if Eona decided to run around with the sun drug again; it was that bad.

In a way, I do like Eona: she's not desperate, she's <s>Taylor Swift</s> fearless (all those odds stacked against her!) – she's a lot better when compared to Eon, when she trying to fully disguise herself as a guy and being a slinky. Eona just argues a lot with Kygo when she finally finds him, and I mean a huge emphasis on "argues a lot." I'm pretty sure if I get a dollar for every time they argued, I could actually pay my rent. Though compared to the <s>lovely</s> love triangle with Ido (thank you, so-called prophecy), I fully ship Kygo and Eona, even though Eona seems very mopey when it comes to whether or not Kygo truly loves her.
<blockquote>"What if I said you could have either me or my power? Which one would you choose?"</blockquote>
Eona certainly makes up for the many dull moments in pacing from its predecessor, where the beginning is a little interesting, the middle is extremely draggy and the decent ending is very fast and rapid. The pacing in the final book of Goodman's Eon duology is much better and engrossing, bringing us a fantastic end to two very long books.
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Review originally posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>
Missionary (2014)
Missionary (2014)
2014 | Drama, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Directed by Anthony DiBlasi (whom is no stranger to the horror genre) ‘Missionary’ stars Dawn Olivieri (Heroes, True Blood, House Of Lies, CSI, How I Met Your Mother, Stargate Atlantis, The Vampire Diaries, Entourage, American Hustle) as Katherine, a young single mother recently separated from her husband Ian portrayed by actor Kip Pardue (Remember The Titans, Driven, The Rules Of Attraction, Hostel: Part 3, Mad Men, House) who is struggling to work full time, go to school, and raise their son Kesley (Conner Christie). One afternoon while helping Kelsey practice before tryouts for the junior high football team they are visited buy two Mormon missionaries. One of the two, Elder Kevin Brock (Mitch Ryan) offers to help Kelsey practice thereby ‘bending the rules’ regarding Mormons and sports under the guise of hoping to convert Katherine and Kelsey to the Mormon faith. In reality, Kevin and Katherine become infatuated with each other despite their 10 year age difference and begin an affair which also seriously compromises what Katherine likes to refer to as ‘the rules in the Mormon handbook’. While Katherine sees this as only a ‘temporary’ yet passionate sexual relationship, Kevin becomes more and more obsessed not only with Katherine but becoming a father figure to her young son Kelsey and based upon ‘his interpretation’ of Mormon doctrine believes that Katherine and Kesley are the family he’s been seeking since he joined the Mormon and that they will become his ‘celestial family’. Eventually, Katherine decides that the relationship is not good for either of them and instead choose to reconcile with her husband Ian and attempts to quietly end her relationship with Kevin. Now obsessed and bordering on psychotic, Kevin begins to stalk Katherine and her son determined to make them his ‘family’ at any cost.


For a film that follows the blueprint for the classic slasher/stalker, I have to give it a great deal of credit.

The introduction of the ‘Mormon Component’ was an original idea that to the best of my knowledge no one had dared to utilize in a movie. Probably out of fear that it might anger the leadership and followers of the Mormon faith. This film did an exceptional job though of creating a ‘distance’ between the antagonist and the other characters in the movie who were Mormons so even those who are not familiar with the religion almost instantly know that Kevin is not a legitimate follower of the faith and that his actions are NOT those of an everyday follower of that faith. The casting of Dawn Olivieri, Connor Christie, and Kip Pardue as the Kingsmen family were spot on. They were truly believable as a struggling family that was going through rough times and trying to work through their difficulties only to be thwarted by a most unlikely circumstance in the form of a crazed stalker-type who twists his religious beliefs into justifying his violent and evil actions.


On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, I’d give this film 3 stars. The film may not win any awards with the exception being an excellent job on the part of the actors and crew. The film does follow a blueprint of sorts as mentioned earlier for a slasher/stalker film and combined with original components definitely deserves a place in the scary movie section. Definitely NOT one for the kids as the film contains violence, gore, and some partial nudity. I would include it in a movie marathon on a Friday or Saturday night with a group of friends and some popcorn.