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Morgan Sheppard (931 KP) created a post
Apr 1, 2021

Kaggyhiggs (9 KP) rated Fairy Tail in TV
Jul 5, 2018

Yann Gonzalez recommended Allures (1961) in Movies (curated)

Domonique (0 KP) rated An American Marriage in Books
May 12, 2018
This was so good! I can't believe I finished it so quickly; I didn't want it to end. The story of Roy and Celestial was not a typical one, even though a black man being incarcerated for something he didn't do has happened too many times to count. But I enjoyed listening to the story told from each of their viewpoints and really understanding how Roy's situation affected not only himself and Celestial, but everyone around them, including their friend Andre. Part of me wanted them to end up together and the other part understood why they couldn't, but I'm glad that they both made peace with the situation, with each other and were able to move on and live their lives.

Greg Kirkpatrick (52 KP) rated Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails in Music
Sep 6, 2017
Production (3 more)
Song Writing
A self-fulfilling prophecy (1 more)
Not nearly safe for work
The Downward Spiral is one of the last great works of art produced in the 20th century.
Moving beyond the abrasive noise of the Broken/Fixed era while making callbacks to the dark pop music of Pretty Hate Machine and showcasing the ambient music that would eventually win Trent Reznor an Oscar; standout tracks on the The Downward Spiral are as varied as the scorching Mr Self-Destruct, the groove of Heresy and Closer or the celestial beauty of A Warm Place and the title track.
The album also features an ambition and aesthetic that still informs Nine Inch Nails over twenty years later.
Moving beyond the abrasive noise of the Broken/Fixed era while making callbacks to the dark pop music of Pretty Hate Machine and showcasing the ambient music that would eventually win Trent Reznor an Oscar; standout tracks on the The Downward Spiral are as varied as the scorching Mr Self-Destruct, the groove of Heresy and Closer or the celestial beauty of A Warm Place and the title track.
The album also features an ambition and aesthetic that still informs Nine Inch Nails over twenty years later.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated An American Marriage in Books
May 10, 2018
Roy and Celestial have been married for almost two years when their relationship takes a hit no one could ever anticipate. As they are in rural Louisiana visiting Roy's family, he is wrongly accused of a crime he didn't commit. Sentenced to twelve years in a Louisiana prison, the time they have spent married will be much shorter than the time they are about to spend apart. Will they both be able to survive the predicament they are in? With Celestial in Atlanta trying to continue to live her life and Roy in Louisiana, writing letters back and forth and having sporadic visits, will their marriage survive?
Thank you to NetGalley and Algonquin Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I enjoyed this book from start to finish. One of the best books I have read so far this year. This has also been selected as an Oprah Book Club Selection.
Can you imagine what you would do if one night you and your husband were asleep in a hotel bed, enjoying some time away from home visiting family. When all of a sudden, your door is ripped open and you both are snatched out of bed. Your husband is being charged for a crime he couldn't have committed. An earlier act of kindness, now turned into something it is not. Then he is tried for the crime and convicted and has to spend twelve years behind bars. How will your marriage survive this? Are you going to pick up the life you have built in one state to move to another and be closer to him, even though you can only see him once a week? Will you continue to live your life and make that journey? Or will you leave him to his own devices in jail, there is nothing more you can do for him and the wait is just too much to bear? What would you do?
Celestial, has not had an easy life. On the outside, her life looks pretty incredible, with parents who had made something for themselves and live in a wealthy part of Atlanta. Roy, though he didn't come from much, had graduated from college and proven himself in the professional world. This is the type of couple you always would think, nothing like this could happen to them. But things like this happen every day. Hundreds of men and women are in prison now for crimes they did not commit.
A heart breaking and compelling story about love, marriage, and life and how we all try our best to survive it one day at a time.
Thank you to NetGalley and Algonquin Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I enjoyed this book from start to finish. One of the best books I have read so far this year. This has also been selected as an Oprah Book Club Selection.
Can you imagine what you would do if one night you and your husband were asleep in a hotel bed, enjoying some time away from home visiting family. When all of a sudden, your door is ripped open and you both are snatched out of bed. Your husband is being charged for a crime he couldn't have committed. An earlier act of kindness, now turned into something it is not. Then he is tried for the crime and convicted and has to spend twelve years behind bars. How will your marriage survive this? Are you going to pick up the life you have built in one state to move to another and be closer to him, even though you can only see him once a week? Will you continue to live your life and make that journey? Or will you leave him to his own devices in jail, there is nothing more you can do for him and the wait is just too much to bear? What would you do?
Celestial, has not had an easy life. On the outside, her life looks pretty incredible, with parents who had made something for themselves and live in a wealthy part of Atlanta. Roy, though he didn't come from much, had graduated from college and proven himself in the professional world. This is the type of couple you always would think, nothing like this could happen to them. But things like this happen every day. Hundreds of men and women are in prison now for crimes they did not commit.
A heart breaking and compelling story about love, marriage, and life and how we all try our best to survive it one day at a time.

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated An American Marriage in Books
May 25, 2018
I'm not even sure where to start with this book. The entire time I was reading, I had to keep going back and re-reading sentences because the words were so beautiful. I wanted to savor Tayari Jones' writing and not forget one word. I found myself reading out loud so I could hear her words.
If this book was found in the poetry section of my local bookstore, I would believe it.
“Marriage is like grafting a limb onto a tree trunk,” Celestial reflects. “You have the limb, freshly sliced, dripping sap, and smelling of springtime, and then you have the mother tree stripped of her protective bark, gouged and ready to receive this new addition. ... In my marriage, I never determined which of us was rootstock and which the grafted branch.”
And the story is just the cherry on top of the words. Celestial and Roy, barely out of the newlywed phase when Roy is sent to prison. It's a heartbreaking story, of separation, as well as togetherness, between this married couple, but in a grander scheme a critique on America and unequal treatment of its citizens. I didn't particularly like any of the characters, but I felt for them, probably more than I've ever felt for any character in a novel. I felt for them in my soul.
It's not a activism story. It's a love story. About the American dream and how just like a spouse, your country can fail you - no matter how hard you work for your dreams.
It's poignant, and thoughtful, and written like a painting. I am so glad I read this book. For several different reasons. And I'm excited to read what Tayari Jones paints next.
If this book was found in the poetry section of my local bookstore, I would believe it.
“Marriage is like grafting a limb onto a tree trunk,” Celestial reflects. “You have the limb, freshly sliced, dripping sap, and smelling of springtime, and then you have the mother tree stripped of her protective bark, gouged and ready to receive this new addition. ... In my marriage, I never determined which of us was rootstock and which the grafted branch.”
And the story is just the cherry on top of the words. Celestial and Roy, barely out of the newlywed phase when Roy is sent to prison. It's a heartbreaking story, of separation, as well as togetherness, between this married couple, but in a grander scheme a critique on America and unequal treatment of its citizens. I didn't particularly like any of the characters, but I felt for them, probably more than I've ever felt for any character in a novel. I felt for them in my soul.
It's not a activism story. It's a love story. About the American dream and how just like a spouse, your country can fail you - no matter how hard you work for your dreams.
It's poignant, and thoughtful, and written like a painting. I am so glad I read this book. For several different reasons. And I'm excited to read what Tayari Jones paints next.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated The Pilgrim's Progress in Books
Mar 9, 2018
Join Christian on his journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. He’ll encounter many dangers and trials as he tries to stay on the straight and narrow path. And then in the second half of the book, follow his wife Christiana’s journey.
I was obsessed with this story in other forms as a kid, and it was interesting to read the original many years later as an adult. Christian’s journey is book, with many powerful lessons and morals that still apply today. Even when the characters start to sermonize as they walk along, it is interesting. The second half isn’t as engaging, however, and feels like it suffers the fate of the sequel. There are still some good moments here, but overall the first part is better. Bunyan never tries to hide his allegory. This translation into modern English is very readable while still maintaining the voice of an author from the 1600’s.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
I was obsessed with this story in other forms as a kid, and it was interesting to read the original many years later as an adult. Christian’s journey is book, with many powerful lessons and morals that still apply today. Even when the characters start to sermonize as they walk along, it is interesting. The second half isn’t as engaging, however, and feels like it suffers the fate of the sequel. There are still some good moments here, but overall the first part is better. Bunyan never tries to hide his allegory. This translation into modern English is very readable while still maintaining the voice of an author from the 1600’s.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Captain America: Brave New World (2025) in Movies
Feb 22, 2025
Previously subtitled New World Order until it was renamed as Brave New World, this is - in many ways - more of a sequel to the oft-forgotten Edward Norton starring "The Incredible Hulk" than it is to any of the previous Captain America films.
It may help to have seen Disney Plus's "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" beforehand, or even have a quick recap of the same - whilst I had watched that series when it was released, I had forgotten some (but not all) of what proved to be salient plot points for this.
Anyway, here Anthony Mackie is now the new Captain America whereas Harrison Ford is now-president Thaddeus Ross, consumed with guilt over his estrangement from his daughter Betty after the events of The Incredible Hulk, and still convinced he did the right thing in creating the Sokovia Accords that tore the Avengers apart (see: Captain America: Civil War).
This movie also - finally! - acknowledges the events of The Eternals, in particular with the body of a half-born Celestial in the ocean providing the impetus for the plot.
It may help to have seen Disney Plus's "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" beforehand, or even have a quick recap of the same - whilst I had watched that series when it was released, I had forgotten some (but not all) of what proved to be salient plot points for this.
Anyway, here Anthony Mackie is now the new Captain America whereas Harrison Ford is now-president Thaddeus Ross, consumed with guilt over his estrangement from his daughter Betty after the events of The Incredible Hulk, and still convinced he did the right thing in creating the Sokovia Accords that tore the Avengers apart (see: Captain America: Civil War).
This movie also - finally! - acknowledges the events of The Eternals, in particular with the body of a half-born Celestial in the ocean providing the impetus for the plot.

Mothergamer (1549 KP) rated Okami HD in Video Games
Apr 3, 2019
Okami is one of my personal favorite games. When it came out on the PS2 I played it often. When I saw that Okami HD was available for PS4, I got it immediately. I was thrilled to play one of my favorite games again. This was also a game I chose to stream on my Twitch channel. The things I loved about Okami were still here in the HD remastered version. The art style was as beautiful as ever and the music was great. The story and the characters that I remembered brought a smile to my face. Playing as the white wolf god Amaterasu with her little Poncle pal Issun was so much fun. Exploring everywhere is half the fun because each area is so different from the next.
Amaterasu exploring.
The story is very much about helping nature as Amaterasu is a god and referred to as the mother of all. The goal is to find her celestial brush techniques and use them on your adventure as needed. For example a technique called Bloom, has you putting the celestial brush on a dead tree and when you do it, there is a beautiful cutscene that shows the tree blooming with cherry blossoms. When you do it with the guardian trees, an even prettier cutscene happens that rids the land of the curse and everything blooms and there are cute animals too.
Using the celestial brush to use the bloom technique.
Since Amaterasu is a god, she needs praise in order to level up her skills and health. There are several ways to do this. One way is by feeding the animals throughout the lands. You can buy food for the animals from the merchants in the towns. When you feed the animals the food they like you earn praise. The biggest one of course is healing all the guardian trees and healing the trees throughout the different areas. You can also do all the side quests and help the people you meet and you earn praise from helping them. When you have enough praise for various things such as increasing your ink pots or your health, you can upgrade them with all the praise you have earned.
There are also digging mini games where Amaterasu uses her digging abilities and celestial brush skills to help people find things. The digging mini game can be a little frustrating because it does not give you a lot of time and you have to look for blossoms with timer orbs and use bloom on them to add extra time. When you use your brush skills, the timer is still counting down so you have to be as fast as you can. If you run out of time, you have to start over again. This is why it can be a little frustrating, but the game is still fun.
The digging mini game in action. Be fast!
There are all kinds of demons to fight and you earn experience points, yen, and extra ink when you beat them. For the story there are several boss demons you need to fight. There are different strategies for each boss and you need to use your celestial brush skills in order to defeat them. This is where the art style of Okami really shines as no two bosses are alike and using the skills is a creative way to handle them. However, I did have a huge issue with the final boss fight. It was over the top and ridiculous. While I understand that it was meant to be a challenge, this fight had everything but the kitchen sink. There were at least five different things I had to avoid, dodge, or not get crushed under. This also caused frustration with my streaming because from the beginning Okami had been very stream friendly and everyone was enjoying it. When I got to the final boss however, it blocked the scenes. If it was just the cutscenes I could understand that, but it blocked the entire final boss fight and the closing credits. I get that they want to avoid spoilers too, but at this point if a person is watching the streaming and people have been watching since the beginning, there is no point in blocking the final scenes. I know I am fairly new to streaming and currently I am streaming from my PS4 until I get the equipment I need, but this was definitely incredibly infuriating. I did finish the game, but I felt I had to apologize to my viewers for this happening and I did. Luckily, they were all very supportive and understanding about the whole thing.
One of the boss battles in Okami.
In spite of that frustration I did enjoy the game. Okami is still a game that is dear to my heart because of the story, the art style, the characters, and wonderful music. It is fun to play and overall I did enjoy streaming it because I got to share a game I loved with everyone. It is a game that celebrates friendship, love, and doing your best to be kind and help others which is something I talk about often. A game that is not only fun to play, but offers such a wonderful story with those ideals is a pretty fantastic thing. After the game is done, you can play a new game plus with all the items and upgrades you have earned. You can also get any side quests you missed. Okami was so much fun to play again and I'm happy that we got to go on that adventure together. Thanks for reading, everyone. See you at the next adventure!
Amaterasu exploring.
The story is very much about helping nature as Amaterasu is a god and referred to as the mother of all. The goal is to find her celestial brush techniques and use them on your adventure as needed. For example a technique called Bloom, has you putting the celestial brush on a dead tree and when you do it, there is a beautiful cutscene that shows the tree blooming with cherry blossoms. When you do it with the guardian trees, an even prettier cutscene happens that rids the land of the curse and everything blooms and there are cute animals too.
Using the celestial brush to use the bloom technique.
Since Amaterasu is a god, she needs praise in order to level up her skills and health. There are several ways to do this. One way is by feeding the animals throughout the lands. You can buy food for the animals from the merchants in the towns. When you feed the animals the food they like you earn praise. The biggest one of course is healing all the guardian trees and healing the trees throughout the different areas. You can also do all the side quests and help the people you meet and you earn praise from helping them. When you have enough praise for various things such as increasing your ink pots or your health, you can upgrade them with all the praise you have earned.
There are also digging mini games where Amaterasu uses her digging abilities and celestial brush skills to help people find things. The digging mini game can be a little frustrating because it does not give you a lot of time and you have to look for blossoms with timer orbs and use bloom on them to add extra time. When you use your brush skills, the timer is still counting down so you have to be as fast as you can. If you run out of time, you have to start over again. This is why it can be a little frustrating, but the game is still fun.
The digging mini game in action. Be fast!
There are all kinds of demons to fight and you earn experience points, yen, and extra ink when you beat them. For the story there are several boss demons you need to fight. There are different strategies for each boss and you need to use your celestial brush skills in order to defeat them. This is where the art style of Okami really shines as no two bosses are alike and using the skills is a creative way to handle them. However, I did have a huge issue with the final boss fight. It was over the top and ridiculous. While I understand that it was meant to be a challenge, this fight had everything but the kitchen sink. There were at least five different things I had to avoid, dodge, or not get crushed under. This also caused frustration with my streaming because from the beginning Okami had been very stream friendly and everyone was enjoying it. When I got to the final boss however, it blocked the scenes. If it was just the cutscenes I could understand that, but it blocked the entire final boss fight and the closing credits. I get that they want to avoid spoilers too, but at this point if a person is watching the streaming and people have been watching since the beginning, there is no point in blocking the final scenes. I know I am fairly new to streaming and currently I am streaming from my PS4 until I get the equipment I need, but this was definitely incredibly infuriating. I did finish the game, but I felt I had to apologize to my viewers for this happening and I did. Luckily, they were all very supportive and understanding about the whole thing.
One of the boss battles in Okami.
In spite of that frustration I did enjoy the game. Okami is still a game that is dear to my heart because of the story, the art style, the characters, and wonderful music. It is fun to play and overall I did enjoy streaming it because I got to share a game I loved with everyone. It is a game that celebrates friendship, love, and doing your best to be kind and help others which is something I talk about often. A game that is not only fun to play, but offers such a wonderful story with those ideals is a pretty fantastic thing. After the game is done, you can play a new game plus with all the items and upgrades you have earned. You can also get any side quests you missed. Okami was so much fun to play again and I'm happy that we got to go on that adventure together. Thanks for reading, everyone. See you at the next adventure!