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Weirdly, I'm torn with this book.

It pulled me in from early on but some of the shit these kids--15 years old!--were doing was very off-putting. They acted a lot older and whether they were entitled little shits or not, I didn't agree with a lot of it or understand how they managed to pull it off; for example Zayd's tattoed body. 15, and pretty much covered in tats? Is that even legal?

As for the Idols, I was genuinely thinking they were starting to like her. And then Miranda and Andrew's question at the beginning of that chapter towards the end had me wondering what could go wrong for that scene in the Prologue to pan out and then I was just fuming for Marnye.

I now want to read book 2 just so I can see Marnye stick it to the entitled little "Bluebloods of Burberry Prep". I want to watch them burn!