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I really enjoy Steve Harvey as a comedian, but this book just didn't do it for me. Maybe the book would have been helpful when I was still dating but now that I am in a relationship the advise seemed obvious. Even if I was still dating I think most of his advise is common knowledge on how to conduct yourself as a lady but I guess some people need help in that area. The first chapter was the most helpful for me. After that I just read to finish the book. I really wouldn't recommend this book to anyone I know,but it could be helpful to some single women out there.
Do you LOVE learning about the world around you? Well, then I have the book for you. The Future of Buildings, Transportation, and Power by Roger Duncan and Michael E. Webber was so interesting to read. I enjoyed the chapter layouts and how each subject flowed neatly into the next; plus, I liked how at the end of each chapter they did a little summary. Roger Duncan and Michael E. Webber’s explanation of things like the future of AI and graphene (a new building material) were some of my favorites to learn about; although there were many more I enjoyed reading about as well
This book primarily focused on films set on the border of California and Mexico, specifically in Los Angeles and San Diego. Again, it was interesting to see how films document or change real life in their creations. Immigrants who want to get into the industry are often type casted and not given many opportunities to do much else. Some of the films discussed touched on that subject. This book focused less on the crossing of borders than what happens after. Fojas wanted to inform her readers about the struggles immigrants continuously have to deal with even after they get across the border. The chapter that was most interesting to me would have to be chapter four because it made me think more about how films mirror the issues going on today more than I had expected.
The Girl on the Train
The Girl on the Train
Paula Hawkins | 2016 | Mystery, Thriller
7.6 (173 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved the book it it kept me hooked for the entirety.

I loved the way you saw the story from everyone's point of view. Each chapter opened a new door on the memories that Rachel couldn't quite remember, even if the chapter wasn't hers.

Throughout you hope that things didn't end the way they do.

The only bad bit I found was the ending due to the suspense throughout once you worked out the killer it had a bit of a drag. It also had such a dull end which is a shame as a whole the book is fantastic and kept me gripped. This is my personal opinion on the ending as I have spoken to others who loved it so maybe it's like marmite: you either love it or hate it.

Still minus the end it's a five star thriller.
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
Claire North | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, it took me away from where I was at the time and completely sucked me into Harry's ever changing, disturbed and exciting life. Harry is such an excellent and interesting character! I found it so difficult to choose whether I even like Harry, he's a good guy, he's a bad guy and he's everything in between too.

This book is such an interesting take on normal time travel reads, it throws everything on its head.
The beginning of the book is slow to take off, you have to wait until around chapter 30 for things to finally start building and from there the book gets tenser, funnier and intriguing with every word.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a heavy and though provoking read.
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands Book 3
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands Book 3
Alwyn Hamilton | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was great! This is the concluding volume of the Rebel of the Sands trilogy, and it wrapped things up perfectly. I especially liked how she handled character deaths; each one got a short little chapter told in a legendary story kind of way, switching to a third person narrator instead of the first person viewpoint of Amani. The last chapter, telling us what came after the events of the book, was told in the same manner, and I really liked how it tied the book together.

There's so little I can say about this book without spoiling the previous two! We learn even more about the Djinni in this book, and some of the creation myths of Amani's people. We get a little more into the politics of other countries, and even a bit of their magic. And ohhhh there are stories to be told there, if Hamilton wants to continue in this world. I'd love to see a prequel based on Sam, and his country could do an entire sequel trilogy!

I think one of my favorite scenes was Amani using her control of sand to sail their ship across the desert. It's just an amazing visual.

This was one of the best concluding books to a trilogy that I have read in a long time. Fantastic book.

You can find all my reviews at
This book is part of a series by Blythe Camenson that explores different careers centered on a theme. This volume focuses on water related careers and covers the spectrum from aquatic scientists to the Navy, fishing, cruise staff, water safety and rescue, and water sports.

The book tackles each of these items in a series of chapters. Each chapter talks about what the job entails, training needed, salaries, and employment figures. It then concludes with an interview with someone who is currently employed in the field that touches on their background, their job, and what they do and don't like about it.

The book is interesting and covers a range of things that anyone considering a new career would find interesting. However, it does have its shortcomings. At 150 pages, including an appendix of professional associations, the book just barely wets your appetite for more. Each chapter only focuses on one or two jobs and basically lists the others. This means the book isn't one stop shopping, but it does give you a general idea whether you might want to look for further information on the jobs listed.

Additionally, the book was published in the last decade, so some of the information, like salaries, is already out of date. The book focuses on the US, so if you live elsewhere, you'll need to look into local standards, and all the addresses given won't do you any good.
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Ellen DeGeneres | 2013 | Biography
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As part of Pride Month, I'm spotlighting books by or about GLBTQIA+ people. Ellen is one of the most prominent lesbians here in the US, between coming out on a sitcom, having her own daytime talk show, and her judging stint on American Idol. This is her third book, but the first one I've read. If the other two are like this one, I need to read them!

Seriously...I'm Kidding is a really funny book. It reads a little bit like an ADHD squirrel, but that's part of its charm. I read the print version, but this is one book I might have to get the audio version of, mostly because of the one chapter she wrote specifically for the audio version:

"Anyway, since you have the benefit of being able to hear this, I thought I would include some bonus material of me making strange noises. For those of you who are reading this the old-fashioned way and can't hear me, I've printed the noises below and I encourage you to use your imagination to think of what they might sound like coming out of my mouth.

Gooooood Morning
(more strange noises listed)"

The book covers a lot of ground, from producing her show to judging on American Idol to coming out as lesbian to hosting dinner parties. It also varies wildly chapter to chapter, from brief short stories (less than a page) to haiku, to coloring book pages of odd things like toasters, to prose, wandering chapters that are an interesting look at Ellen's thought process.

I really enjoyed this book, and it's definitely worth reading because it's just FUN.

You can find all my reviews at
Extinction Of All Children (Extinction Of All Children #1)
Extinction Of All Children (Extinction Of All Children #1)
L.J. Epps | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gripping (0 more)
Didn't realise it was part of a series (0 more)
I loved this book but didn't realise it was part of a series. I like to have a few books in the series so I can go straight onto the next book if I was as gripped as I was with this book.
I wouldn't normally read this genre but it sounded similar to the hunger games and I really enjoyed those films.
The book gripped me from the first chapter and it got better and better and I couldn't put this down. There were a few mistakes and a few lines that didn't make sense when read as a word was missing but it didn't affect the book at all.
This book made me really invest in the main character. I agreed with her at all stages in the book and I was so invested in her to succeed. I like a book where I am 'in' the book and actually feel like I am part of it.
In my opinion this book is aimed at late teenagers - early teens.
I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
I received a complimentary copy of the book from the author via Voracious Readers Only.
The Dark Net
The Dark Net
Jamie Bartlett | 2016 | Biography
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those who don’t know, the dark net is hidden seedier internet just below the regular surface internet. In this work of non-fiction, Bartlett explores the dark net’s various elusive and somewhat criminal goings-on; often going out of his way in the name of research.

The book kicks off with a dramatic introduction, talking about the Assassination Market. The assassination market is basically an online list of names and dates. Participants bet on what date an individual on the list will die. If a bet is correctly “guessed”, the winner walks away with all the winnings. Unfortunately, this was the shortest chapter and had the least amount of research made evident.

The drama continues in the following chapter which is about trolling, however this chapter read like a history book, and didn’t live up to the precedent set in the introduction. Shortly afterward though, Bartlett goes on to talk about one-man political parties, who set up several accounts on several sites to get their propaganda trending.

Later on Bartlett journeys into the strange real world community of Calafou. Here he meets cypherpunks and explains the crypto-currency Bitcoin to the reader. This unfortunately was another rather drab chapter.

The shortest chapter following the introduction was entitled “Three clicks”, which was named so when the author tried to find out how long it would take him to find child porn using free software known as “The Onion Router” and the “Hidden Wiki”. (Of course the author reported it to the police.)

There’s also a chapter on pro-anorexia and pro-self-harm sites.

And when I said the author often went out of his way in the name of research, I wasn’t kidding! The author went on the online “Silk Road” to purchase a very small amount of marijuana! And later still Bartlett is in the actual bedroom of a webcam star as she performs a rude show with 3 other women!

Reading a book on the dark net is the closest I’m ever going to get to actually using the dark net, so I wanted a lot from this book. I learned that the dark net would be pretty easy to navigate if I really wanted to use it. That said there was nothing in the book that would entice me to do anything that might involve covering my tracks.

So although there were a couple of chapters that were unnecessarily long, the other chapters definitely made up for it! Aside from the lack of detail on the Assassination Market, the remainder of the book appears well researched, with a lot of face to face and online meetings between the author and the people in the know.