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Ross (3284 KP) rated Gone in Seconds in Books
Jun 23, 2020
It isn't often I will say this, and especially not during lockdown because I have really struggled with reading, but this is truly a page-turner. Many is the evening I ended up reading just one more chapter etc etc etc.
The pacing is superb, letting the story and character interactions and conflicts unfold organically. The reader is kept guessing almost throughout the whole book - some suspicions will be true, but so many will be surprises.
Excellently written crime fiction which develops well beyond the abduction of a baby.

Briannabrown1019 (799 KP) rated The Cabin in Books
Oct 14, 2020

The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels, Vol 2: The Borrowed Bracelet
Michael McMichaels just HAD to one-up that Harriet Simpson! He couldn't let her show and tell...

Integrating the Expressive Arts into Counseling Practice: Theory-Based Interventions
Suzanne Degges-White and Nancy L. Davis
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EU Energy Law: Volume 10: Insider Trading and Market Manipulation in the European Wholesale Energy Markets - Remit
John Ratliff and Roberto Grasso
Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Wholesale Energy...

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Tower of Living and Dying in Books
Aug 14, 2018
The follow-up to the epic Court of Broken Knives seamlessly the story.
This time the focus of the action stays in the same place for large chunks of the book (7 parts I think), rather than chapters jumping around from one to another. This allowed a slightly greater focus on the plot than in the first book, but the difficulty with that is keeping the momentum on both parallel stories. This wasn't an issue here, as the narrative flows so smoothly that even when the PoV is a character you care less about, the writing is still a joy to read.
Most of the action follows "King" Marith's plight to rule over all of Irlast's kingdoms, using all the evil creatures and tricks he has to hand, regardless of the cost in human lives. Here the story is told by splitting between Tobias, Landra, Marith and Thalia's points of view, so you get a real feel for what is going on and the impacts of events.
The rest of the book stays in Sorlost, the capital of the Empire, still reeling from the assassination attempt and with political intrigue aplenty. These were my less favourite parts of the book but were still enjoyable, compelling and vital. Again, the PoV is split between characters in these sections, giving more of a feel of the general populace than was present in the first book.
Again Smith Spark's lyrical narrative takes centre stage here, but at no point does it detract from the story and somehow acts to accentuate the grittiness of the action unfolding and adds so much emotion.
For me, this book took the grimdark quotient up several notches from the first instalment, as chapter after chapter sees bad things done by utter shit-bags, and they get away with it.
Characters develop aplenty here, Thalia starts to wake up to the reality of what she has married into and while torn about doing the right thing, seems resigned to her fate. Marith becomes the anti-Rand al'Thor as he tries to do everything himself and explores his powers, but he has a great time doing it. Finally we see great powerful war leaders celebrating the successful campaign by getting absolutely shit-faced and high and spewing everywhere (rather than sulky debriefs and mourning the loss of life). Tobias, so clever, cunning and powerful in the first book, here takes a back seat and almost becomes comic relief - his attempts to end Marith's tyrannical reign just go so badly. And everything is starting to go wrong for Orhan, the Lord of Sorlost, who looked to have manoeuvred himself into real power in the city.
A real page-turner and frankly an awesome story told exceptionally well.

Deborah (162 KP) rated Bosworth Field and the Wars of the Roses in Books
Dec 21, 2018
Rowse's chapter on Shakespeare must be at least as long, if not longer, than his chapter on Bosworth. The fact that he obviously sincerely believes that one can gain a credible understanding of history from Shakespeare cycle of plays was almost enough to make me drop the book in astonishment! How can one take him seriously?!
He is also ready to give every credit to the supposed work of More. Even here he falls down by claiming that the bodies of the 'princes in the tower' were discovered in the exact place More said! If you read this work you'll find that the opposite is true - they are in the exact place More said they were NOT! The fact that there isn't a shred of evidence that anyone killed the two princes is evidently a small matter to Rowse. He mentions the great turncoat, Sir William Stanley (at this point step-uncle to Henry Tudor) being executed s a result of the Perkin Warbeck debacle, but fails to mention that Sir William is imputed to have said that if Warbeck really was Richard of York, he would not fight against him. Of course he doesn't mention this - he has to keep reminding us that EVERYONE believed Richard III guilty! Really, a credible historian should not pick and choose their facts - something Alison Weir is also very fond of doing.
Another point is that he is quite happy to accept that Katherine of Valois really did marry Owen Tudor, but cannot countenance the much more credible suggestion that Edward IV was married to Eleanor Butler (nee Talbot), who is not even mentioned. He harps on about the morality and piety of the Lancastrians (despite the Beauforts being conceived in double adultery - further hypocrisy) but when Richard III founds a chantry or offers some concession to a religious house that Rowse concludes it much be down to his uneasy concience.
So, overall, not a book I can recommend in the least. He may try to convince us that his unbending traditionalist view is 'sensible' and 'common sense' but anyone with a little knowledge of the subject will see it as laughably absurd and highly prejudiced.

Swift 2 by Example
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Ross (3284 KP) Jun 23, 2020