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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) rated A Man Derailed: An Autobiography on Depression in Books
Jun 7, 2018
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).
As a sufferer of depression, this book definitely caught my attention. This synopsis for this book definitely drew me in, or perhaps I'm just nosy and want to know what it's like for others, lol. Either way, I was very impressed with this book.
A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes is one man's battle with depression due to a major life event. Holmes describes his battle with depression and his ups and downs. He also discusses what helped him get through his depression.
I just want to say that the title, A Man Derailed, is fantastic for this book. I definitely feel that this is a great title for the book due to what happens. I won't go into much more as I don't want to give anything away, but by the end of chapter 1, you will see why this title fits perfectly.
Being as this is an autobiography about one man's struggle with depression, I think the cover is well suited. I like how one side of Holmes' face is all black and the other is decorated in clown make-up. Having depression is like that. On one side, you feel like you're falling into a black abyss. On the other hand, you have to put on a facade to the world as mental health is still a very taboo subject, unfortunately.
Paul Holmes sets up the setting and world building of his book very well. Throughout the book, I felt I was seeing everything happen through his eyes as well as living it with him.
I'm not really a fan of autobiographies as most of the time, the pacing of the book is way too slow for my liking. However, A Man Derailed wasn't like that. The pacing of this book was spot on, and I found myself wanting to know more and more about what Mr. Holmes said or did.
I very much enjoyed how well written this book was. I loved how Holmes was able to inject humour into his book as well, so it wasn't all doom and gloom. A lot of the times, I was actually laughing out loud. I also found myself agreeing with everything Holmes had written. There is quite a bit of swearing, so if you're not big into swear words, be warned. However, I don't mind swearing as I think it totally fit in with the theme of this book. The only problem I found was that there were a lot of punctuation and grammar mistakes. However, this is because I'm a grammar nazi. It didn't really bother me, nor did it take away from the book.
I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ that have/had depression, that know someone with depression, or those who want to have more insight into what it's like having depression.
I'd give A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes a 4.5 out of 5.
As a sufferer of depression, this book definitely caught my attention. This synopsis for this book definitely drew me in, or perhaps I'm just nosy and want to know what it's like for others, lol. Either way, I was very impressed with this book.
A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes is one man's battle with depression due to a major life event. Holmes describes his battle with depression and his ups and downs. He also discusses what helped him get through his depression.
I just want to say that the title, A Man Derailed, is fantastic for this book. I definitely feel that this is a great title for the book due to what happens. I won't go into much more as I don't want to give anything away, but by the end of chapter 1, you will see why this title fits perfectly.
Being as this is an autobiography about one man's struggle with depression, I think the cover is well suited. I like how one side of Holmes' face is all black and the other is decorated in clown make-up. Having depression is like that. On one side, you feel like you're falling into a black abyss. On the other hand, you have to put on a facade to the world as mental health is still a very taboo subject, unfortunately.
Paul Holmes sets up the setting and world building of his book very well. Throughout the book, I felt I was seeing everything happen through his eyes as well as living it with him.
I'm not really a fan of autobiographies as most of the time, the pacing of the book is way too slow for my liking. However, A Man Derailed wasn't like that. The pacing of this book was spot on, and I found myself wanting to know more and more about what Mr. Holmes said or did.
I very much enjoyed how well written this book was. I loved how Holmes was able to inject humour into his book as well, so it wasn't all doom and gloom. A lot of the times, I was actually laughing out loud. I also found myself agreeing with everything Holmes had written. There is quite a bit of swearing, so if you're not big into swear words, be warned. However, I don't mind swearing as I think it totally fit in with the theme of this book. The only problem I found was that there were a lot of punctuation and grammar mistakes. However, this is because I'm a grammar nazi. It didn't really bother me, nor did it take away from the book.
I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ that have/had depression, that know someone with depression, or those who want to have more insight into what it's like having depression.
I'd give A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes a 4.5 out of 5.

Debbiereadsbook (1318 KP) rated Searching For A Soul To Love (Manx Cat Guardians #4) in Books
Sep 26, 2018
love love LOVED this one!
I was gifted my copy of this book from the author, that I write a review was not required.
This is book 4 in the Manx Cat Guardian series, and you really SHOULD, at the very least, read book three, Where It All Began before this one. It has a direct impact on this one. Book two, When Past and Present Collide, would be helpful to know what happens to Stuart, but not as necessary as book 3.
Aadan goes to the Isle of Man to help Joe deal with his ex. His cat, Max, comes with. The minute Max lands on the island where it all began, the island that was once his home, things start happening: to Max, to Aadan, and to Greg, who works with Martin (book one) and Stuart (book 2) Can Max finally bring peace to his charges: to Olafr and Magnus, the two souls he has carried for a millennia and to Aadan and Greg?
After reading book two, I was waiting for this one, Aadan and Greg have a poweful reaction in that book and it flows over into this one. It bubbles and simmers along for a huge chunk of the book, and it's not til over 90% do they FINALLY come together! Aadan was fighting the attraction, the pull of Greg a scary thing, but once he decides to go with it?? Interruption after interruption keep them from being together! While incredibly frustrating, for them and us, I think it was right and proper it took them so long.
Greg now carries the soul of Magnus, and he feels everything that Magnus did on the fateful night in the nightmares that plague him. I said in my review for Where It All Began, that it would have been too much to hear from Magnus in THAT book. But here, Magnus has his voice, and while I stand by what I said, because it's truly painful reading, when Magnus calls to his beloved to finally end his torment, it is NECESSARY that he has his voice here. And you do need to hear what he has to say.
Max in utterly smitten (it's the best word I can find!) with Princess, and at the end of this book, he's left with an impossible choice! I could not call which way he will go, and hopefully I won't have to wait too long to find out.
Aadan's younger brother, Nick plays a part here, and his story is laid out. That could be quite explosive, given how Nick reacts to Brody, Aadan's friend!
I loved the final chapter, with both Magnus and Olafr having a say and them finally, after such a long time apart, coming together forever. OH!! Loved the little twist about when the souls were both in Max.
The author's skill continues to grow, and it shows in each and every book.
Aside from having to wait so bloody long for the main event, and for the choice Max in left with, I loved this book, so...
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
This is book 4 in the Manx Cat Guardian series, and you really SHOULD, at the very least, read book three, Where It All Began before this one. It has a direct impact on this one. Book two, When Past and Present Collide, would be helpful to know what happens to Stuart, but not as necessary as book 3.
Aadan goes to the Isle of Man to help Joe deal with his ex. His cat, Max, comes with. The minute Max lands on the island where it all began, the island that was once his home, things start happening: to Max, to Aadan, and to Greg, who works with Martin (book one) and Stuart (book 2) Can Max finally bring peace to his charges: to Olafr and Magnus, the two souls he has carried for a millennia and to Aadan and Greg?
After reading book two, I was waiting for this one, Aadan and Greg have a poweful reaction in that book and it flows over into this one. It bubbles and simmers along for a huge chunk of the book, and it's not til over 90% do they FINALLY come together! Aadan was fighting the attraction, the pull of Greg a scary thing, but once he decides to go with it?? Interruption after interruption keep them from being together! While incredibly frustrating, for them and us, I think it was right and proper it took them so long.
Greg now carries the soul of Magnus, and he feels everything that Magnus did on the fateful night in the nightmares that plague him. I said in my review for Where It All Began, that it would have been too much to hear from Magnus in THAT book. But here, Magnus has his voice, and while I stand by what I said, because it's truly painful reading, when Magnus calls to his beloved to finally end his torment, it is NECESSARY that he has his voice here. And you do need to hear what he has to say.
Max in utterly smitten (it's the best word I can find!) with Princess, and at the end of this book, he's left with an impossible choice! I could not call which way he will go, and hopefully I won't have to wait too long to find out.
Aadan's younger brother, Nick plays a part here, and his story is laid out. That could be quite explosive, given how Nick reacts to Brody, Aadan's friend!
I loved the final chapter, with both Magnus and Olafr having a say and them finally, after such a long time apart, coming together forever. OH!! Loved the little twist about when the souls were both in Max.
The author's skill continues to grow, and it shows in each and every book.
Aside from having to wait so bloody long for the main event, and for the choice Max in left with, I loved this book, so...
5 full and shiny stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Blood Magic (The Blood Journals, #1) in Books
Apr 27, 2018
Books should capture you from the first page, right? They should cause you to want to read more and not be able to put it down. They should also have important interesting things happening in every scene.
This is the problem with Blood Magic. The very first chapter was interesting: beyond interesting. It felt like I'd opened up to the middle. It threw me into the story with no explanation, no development, and no mental preparation. Because I didn't know the character I was reading about, it felt out of place and I just didn't care. The excitement was gone: it could have been dramatic if it was in Chapter 7, but it wasn't, it was in Chapter 1. The pacing felt off.
Same with the romance between the two main characters: It was way too smooth, way to fast, and there was no chemistry. They kissed a lot, but there was no chemistry, because there wasn't enough time for the tension between them to build.
I felt like the story didn't really get started until halfway through the book. I kept wondering "what's the point of all this?" See, stuff was happening, but there was no real plot. A plot is the main point of the story, and events link together to form it. Blood Magic had lots of events, but they didn't start connecting until late, and by that time I was tired of lots of kissing and cutting and looking at each other with go-go eyes.
On the good side, I did like the female protagonist, Silla. Her personality and her character were fun, her responses and reactions were plausible. The blood magic she performs was intriguing, as all magic is to me, and I enjoyed reading about it (however gruesome cutting yourself to use your blood for magic potions is).
However I am terribly disappointed. I expected much more from a Randomhouse book. The concept of Blood Magic had so much potential… but I feel disappointed and annoyed after hitting the halfway point. And the thing about reading is, why read something disappointing when I could read something that will please me? So I'm moving on.
This is the problem with Blood Magic. The very first chapter was interesting: beyond interesting. It felt like I'd opened up to the middle. It threw me into the story with no explanation, no development, and no mental preparation. Because I didn't know the character I was reading about, it felt out of place and I just didn't care. The excitement was gone: it could have been dramatic if it was in Chapter 7, but it wasn't, it was in Chapter 1. The pacing felt off.
Same with the romance between the two main characters: It was way too smooth, way to fast, and there was no chemistry. They kissed a lot, but there was no chemistry, because there wasn't enough time for the tension between them to build.
I felt like the story didn't really get started until halfway through the book. I kept wondering "what's the point of all this?" See, stuff was happening, but there was no real plot. A plot is the main point of the story, and events link together to form it. Blood Magic had lots of events, but they didn't start connecting until late, and by that time I was tired of lots of kissing and cutting and looking at each other with go-go eyes.
On the good side, I did like the female protagonist, Silla. Her personality and her character were fun, her responses and reactions were plausible. The blood magic she performs was intriguing, as all magic is to me, and I enjoyed reading about it (however gruesome cutting yourself to use your blood for magic potions is).
However I am terribly disappointed. I expected much more from a Randomhouse book. The concept of Blood Magic had so much potential… but I feel disappointed and annoyed after hitting the halfway point. And the thing about reading is, why read something disappointing when I could read something that will please me? So I'm moving on.

Clinical Manual of Psychopharmacology in the Medically Ill
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graveyardgremlin (7194 KP) rated What's a Ghoul to Do? (Ghost Hunter Mystery, #1) in Books
Feb 15, 2019
I was really excited to read this book because I love the Psychic Eye Mysteries Victoria Laurie also writes. I'm not a picky reader, but I'm sorry, this didn't quite do it for me and I ended up very disappointed.
I was hoping they'd be different from the P. E. Mysteries, but still have similar elements of style. Even though I like romance, this book was supposed to be a mystery, hence A Ghost Hunter Mystery on the cover, but the mystery is thrown in around the rather awkwardly written romance between M. J. and Steven. I did think the first chapter was good because I thought M. J. would be different than Abby and more antisocial and a bit cranky (at least that's what I got from the first chapter), but then she ended up giggling throughout the whole book (seriously). What I like about the P. E. Mysteries are that they are fresh, fun, very well written, and the characters are (for the most part) believable. Not to mention, I got extremely tired of reading Steven's choppy English ('what do you say...?', 'Yes, that too', etc.), which made the dialogue even choppier and flatter than it already was, not to mention irritating as all get out. I don't know why V. L. couldn't have made him more fluent in English, especially since he was so well educated, it would only have been a small tweak in the plot. But I've noticed Ms. Laurie has a bit of a redundancy problem in her books, even if I do love Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye, which has the 'liar, liar, pants on fire' repetition, where when someone lies, Abby's 'inborn lie detector' goes off with that chant.
Overall, the dialogue was choppy, the plot and mystery were subpar, the characters were clichés and unbelievable (Doc was a nice addition though), and the whole book badly needed editing. I would not recommend this, although I'm sure many (as seen in the numerous four and five star ratings) would like this as it's not completely horrible; it's just not very fresh even if the subject is interesting. I haven't quite made up my mind if I'll pick up the next in the series.
I was hoping they'd be different from the P. E. Mysteries, but still have similar elements of style. Even though I like romance, this book was supposed to be a mystery, hence A Ghost Hunter Mystery on the cover, but the mystery is thrown in around the rather awkwardly written romance between M. J. and Steven. I did think the first chapter was good because I thought M. J. would be different than Abby and more antisocial and a bit cranky (at least that's what I got from the first chapter), but then she ended up giggling throughout the whole book (seriously). What I like about the P. E. Mysteries are that they are fresh, fun, very well written, and the characters are (for the most part) believable. Not to mention, I got extremely tired of reading Steven's choppy English ('what do you say...?', 'Yes, that too', etc.), which made the dialogue even choppier and flatter than it already was, not to mention irritating as all get out. I don't know why V. L. couldn't have made him more fluent in English, especially since he was so well educated, it would only have been a small tweak in the plot. But I've noticed Ms. Laurie has a bit of a redundancy problem in her books, even if I do love Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye, which has the 'liar, liar, pants on fire' repetition, where when someone lies, Abby's 'inborn lie detector' goes off with that chant.
Overall, the dialogue was choppy, the plot and mystery were subpar, the characters were clichés and unbelievable (Doc was a nice addition though), and the whole book badly needed editing. I would not recommend this, although I'm sure many (as seen in the numerous four and five star ratings) would like this as it's not completely horrible; it's just not very fresh even if the subject is interesting. I haven't quite made up my mind if I'll pick up the next in the series.

Database Systems: A Pragmatic Approach: 2016
Elvis C. Foster and Shripad Godbole
Learn the concepts, principles, design, implementation, and management issues of databases. You will...

Kristina (502 KP) rated Furthermore (Furthermore, #1) in Books
Dec 7, 2020
"I don't hate it, I don't love it. I don't like the writing style, I don't dislike the writing style. I'm not sure if I like it, but I can't seem to stop reading it. I'm very confused. Also, this book is giving me huge 'Alice in Wonderland' vibes!"
As you can see from the update I have copied and pasted, I wasn't quite sure what to think of Furthermore. In fact, I felt a bit like Alice, lost and confused, a bit stiff in what I like to read. I'm not certain if I should give Furthermore 3 stars or 4 stars; then again, I also wonder if I should give it 2 stars. I have never, in all my life, been so confounded. Even now, after having finished it and trying to come up with a review three days later, I'm left speechless. It wasn't "edge of your seat" exciting or "page turning" mysterious, but there's just something about the story that makes me refuse to say I didn't like it - even if I'm not quite sure I did. The story as a whole was pretty entertaining, though there moments I felt just as confused as Alice was and I didn't quite appreciate that (of course, that was most likely Tahereh's point). I would promise myself to stop at the next chapter, because as I read it, I wanted to stop. Yet, when the next chapter would come, I found myself unable to quit. I suppose you could say the magic of Furthermore wrapped itself around me and compelled me to finish the book.
Because I have never had such a reaction to a book before - and because I was actually excited at the prospect that there may be another book, what with the way this one ended - I think I'm going to give it a 3.5 rating. Because of my doubt, uncertainty, and unwillingness to decide if I truly liked it or not, I can't give it 4 stars. So, there you have it. Do what you can with the mess that lives inside my brain whenever I try to figure Furthermore out.
As you can see from the update I have copied and pasted, I wasn't quite sure what to think of Furthermore. In fact, I felt a bit like Alice, lost and confused, a bit stiff in what I like to read. I'm not certain if I should give Furthermore 3 stars or 4 stars; then again, I also wonder if I should give it 2 stars. I have never, in all my life, been so confounded. Even now, after having finished it and trying to come up with a review three days later, I'm left speechless. It wasn't "edge of your seat" exciting or "page turning" mysterious, but there's just something about the story that makes me refuse to say I didn't like it - even if I'm not quite sure I did. The story as a whole was pretty entertaining, though there moments I felt just as confused as Alice was and I didn't quite appreciate that (of course, that was most likely Tahereh's point). I would promise myself to stop at the next chapter, because as I read it, I wanted to stop. Yet, when the next chapter would come, I found myself unable to quit. I suppose you could say the magic of Furthermore wrapped itself around me and compelled me to finish the book.
Because I have never had such a reaction to a book before - and because I was actually excited at the prospect that there may be another book, what with the way this one ended - I think I'm going to give it a 3.5 rating. Because of my doubt, uncertainty, and unwillingness to decide if I truly liked it or not, I can't give it 4 stars. So, there you have it. Do what you can with the mess that lives inside my brain whenever I try to figure Furthermore out.

Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated Natsume's Book of Friends, Volume 1 in Books
Jun 24, 2019
Several of my friends are into manga and so I have an extensive to-read list compiled, yet I found this on a whim instead. As Midorikawa mentions in the little asides throughout this book, it is an episodic manga. This made it a nice quick read to pick up on impulse, and not too much of an investment.
As it is episodic, there is no singe plot to really summarise. The main gist is Takashi Natsume seeing strange creatures - yokai - that nobody else can. After inheriting his deceased grandmother's strange notebook, he discovers that she had the same ability. Due to being such an outcast amidst her village, though, she takes her frustrations out on the yokai. Natsume's Book of Friends - the book Takashi inherited - is basically a collection of contracts signed by various yokai pledging their 'devotion' to her. Owning this book gives Takashi complete power over them, and naturally many of the yokai are eager to take it. Instead, Takashi sets out to return the names of all the yokai. He is accompanied by one yokai who he accidentally freed from a shrine, Nyanko Sensei - who, after being trapped inside a ceramic cat, usually takes the form of a cat. Takashi likes to remind him of this frequently (and Sensei is definitely not amused).
The episodes can each be read as a standalone, though they do connect in some ways. Takashi slowly begins to understand what he's doing, and the relationship between him and Nyanko Sensei develops somewhat. While most of Takashi's interactions are with yokai, there is one particular chapter in this novel where he meets another human who he can relate to. There is also a touching chapter - the final in the novel - where Takashi helps a yokai to meet the human that saved her in her past life.
The art is lovely and the relationship between Sensei and Takashi is really amusing. There isn't a huge amount of character development or depth due to the episodic nature of the novel, but Takashi is likeable and kind. I would definitely recommend it for a quick/light read, and I may have a look for the rest of the series. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
As it is episodic, there is no singe plot to really summarise. The main gist is Takashi Natsume seeing strange creatures - yokai - that nobody else can. After inheriting his deceased grandmother's strange notebook, he discovers that she had the same ability. Due to being such an outcast amidst her village, though, she takes her frustrations out on the yokai. Natsume's Book of Friends - the book Takashi inherited - is basically a collection of contracts signed by various yokai pledging their 'devotion' to her. Owning this book gives Takashi complete power over them, and naturally many of the yokai are eager to take it. Instead, Takashi sets out to return the names of all the yokai. He is accompanied by one yokai who he accidentally freed from a shrine, Nyanko Sensei - who, after being trapped inside a ceramic cat, usually takes the form of a cat. Takashi likes to remind him of this frequently (and Sensei is definitely not amused).
The episodes can each be read as a standalone, though they do connect in some ways. Takashi slowly begins to understand what he's doing, and the relationship between him and Nyanko Sensei develops somewhat. While most of Takashi's interactions are with yokai, there is one particular chapter in this novel where he meets another human who he can relate to. There is also a touching chapter - the final in the novel - where Takashi helps a yokai to meet the human that saved her in her past life.
The art is lovely and the relationship between Sensei and Takashi is really amusing. There isn't a huge amount of character development or depth due to the episodic nature of the novel, but Takashi is likeable and kind. I would definitely recommend it for a quick/light read, and I may have a look for the rest of the series. 3.5 out of 5 stars.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated The Red Storm (Sleeper #2) in Books
Sep 24, 2020
This time, we have a similar vibe as to the first part, all the story is still set during World War II, but this story has different goals. The protagonist of this novel is still Will, but in this book, we have a second person, adding to the story. I really liked Rose’s story, I think it is really sinister and very intriguing, and I really liked reading about her. This novel keeps some of the earlier characters, but at the same time, it adds a very wide variety of new characters. I think it is really needed because the mortality rate is very high in this book. Will is still my favourite, even though his assassin skills keep improving, his near-death experiences are even more extreme, he still has this charm about him and whatever he does. This book always keeps me on the edge.
I really liked the way J.D turned the narrative of this book. We still have the same historical war feeling, but at the same time, this novel has a lot of futuristic aspects. I like it, but it makes me wonder, what is going to happen in the next book because at the moment I prefer that historical feeling over lasers and fancy spaceships… There is already plenty of those kinds of books.
The plot of this book never stays still, Will keeps running and the action never stops. Every chapter has something new, unexpected turns and twists didn’t allow me to get comfortable with a particular scenario, and that’s what kept me glued to this book. I am pretty sure that the reader could understand what is going on without reading the first part, but to fully understand Will’s and other character’s backgrounds, I would recommend reading the first book as well.
The writing style didn’t change much, it is still very well researched, detailed but at the same time easy and pleasant to read. The chapters are pretty short and fly pretty fast. I really liked that the author chose different settings for the book, I liked reading about different countries and it’s people. The ending is concluding this part very nicely but at the same time left me very curious and intrigued by the upcoming books.
So, to conclude, if you like spy stories, filled with action, great characters and incredible adventures, you have to read this book! I really hope that one day the movies will be made because these books are perfect for the big screen. This is one of my favourite series, and I can’t wait to read the next Enjoy!
I really liked the way J.D turned the narrative of this book. We still have the same historical war feeling, but at the same time, this novel has a lot of futuristic aspects. I like it, but it makes me wonder, what is going to happen in the next book because at the moment I prefer that historical feeling over lasers and fancy spaceships… There is already plenty of those kinds of books.
The plot of this book never stays still, Will keeps running and the action never stops. Every chapter has something new, unexpected turns and twists didn’t allow me to get comfortable with a particular scenario, and that’s what kept me glued to this book. I am pretty sure that the reader could understand what is going on without reading the first part, but to fully understand Will’s and other character’s backgrounds, I would recommend reading the first book as well.
The writing style didn’t change much, it is still very well researched, detailed but at the same time easy and pleasant to read. The chapters are pretty short and fly pretty fast. I really liked that the author chose different settings for the book, I liked reading about different countries and it’s people. The ending is concluding this part very nicely but at the same time left me very curious and intrigued by the upcoming books.
So, to conclude, if you like spy stories, filled with action, great characters and incredible adventures, you have to read this book! I really hope that one day the movies will be made because these books are perfect for the big screen. This is one of my favourite series, and I can’t wait to read the next Enjoy!