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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Secrets and Scents in Books

Mar 1, 2023 (Updated Mar 1, 2023)  
Secrets and Scents
Secrets and Scents
Lyn Perry | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unexpected Surprise in the Storeroom
Best friends Kelli and Jo are thrilled that the opening day for their new book and candle shop, Reading Makes Scents, is finally here. However, the celebration hits a bad note before it can even get started when Kelli finds a stranger unconscious in their storage area. Who is he? Why was he attacked? Does it have anything to do with the prophecy they found weeks before in their building?

While I normally skip paranormal themed stories, I made an exception here, and I’m glad I did. It does employ a narrative technique I dislike (early multi-chapter flashbacks), bet there is a good story here. I got quite caught up in it near the end, in fact. The story is a bit different from what I normally read, but it worked well. The paranormal elements are light, and they are a fun addition to the story. I loved Kelli, Jo, and their love interests. The rest of the cast are fun as well, and the town where the action takes place was delightful. The book is on the short side, so keep that in mind. As a bonus, there’s a recipe at the end. If you are looking for something light and fun, this book is for you.

Merissa (12374 KP) rated Hunted (Dark Reflections #2) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Hunted (Dark Reflections #2)
Hunted (Dark Reflections #2)
Dean Murray | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bound took you into the alternate reality of Sanctuary's shifters. Hunted shows you Adri's story where her father and sister didn't die.

The best thing about these books is that you see and recognise characters from the Reflections series. Some parts may change but some, like in Adri's case, her core remains the same. The worst thing about these books is that I recognise a name and can't help but think about what sort of character they were in the 'other' reality. I say the worst thing but this is in no way a bad thing as it keeps the story fresh and very entertaining.

This book kept me turning the pages, unwilling to put it down until I had read 'just one more chapter'. You would think that I should know by now not to start one of Dean's books in the evening as it always ends up with me going to bed late!

Good luck to Adri with her training and I can't wait for her and Alec to meet in this reality. Highly recommended to Dean Murray/Eldon Murphy fans.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 10, 2016

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Stellarlune in Books

Dec 19, 2022 (Updated Dec 19, 2022)  
Shannon Messenger | 2022 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sophie’s Next Chapter is One Fans Will Love
Sophie Foster has just learned that her friend Keefe has run away to the Forbidden Cities in order to hide from the changes that are being forced on him. As much as Sophie wants to try to find him, she decides that her best course of action might be to find a way to stop the next step in the plans for Keefe. Meanwhile, her friends have a less than positive reaction to the action she just took against their enemy, the Neverseen. Will this drive a wedge in her circle of friends?

If that teaser doesn’t make sense to you, then this book isn’t for you – yet. You really need to read these books in order. Heck, I wish I’d had time to reread the last one before I dove into this one. Fans will be thrilled with what we get, however. I only felt the pacing slowed down a couple of times, which is saying something for a 700 page book. We definitely got some advancement on the overall story as well. Meanwhile, the characters continue to mature, and I loved how that lead to some natural progressions in relationships. Sophie’s world continues to be fun as well. Naturally, there’s a cliffhanger, which means I’m already anxious for the next book.
The Last Holiday [Audiobook]
The Last Holiday [Audiobook]
Amy Sheppard | 2023 | Crime, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I have listened to/read by Amy Sheppard and, overall, I wasn't disappointed.

The story centres around a group of friends on a camping holiday to celebrate one of the groups daughters 18th birthday. It becomes pretty clear early on that the group is full of secrets and angst that ends up having deadly consequences.

The narrator did a great job but due to the amount of characters with each chapter being from a different point of view, I did find it difficult to keep track of which character I was with. You wouldn't have this problem with a physical book but dipping in and out of an audiobook (as I tend to do), made this a tad confusing and did reduce my enjoyment just a little but not by much.

The characters were an interesting and eclectic bunch most of which I found not particularly likeable so didn't have a lot of sympathy with what befell them but I loved the twists and turns that I didn't see coming which kept me listening intently until the whole story was revealed.

Overall, a good audiobook but I think I would have enjoyed it more had I read the physical book but I must thank Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to and share my thoughts of The Last Holiday.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Kaleidoscope in Books

May 11, 2024 (Updated May 11, 2024)  
Dorothy Gilman | 2002 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once Again, a Kaleidoscope of Stories Lacking Focus
As with the first book featuring Madame Karitska, we get several stories that weave in and out of each other. Sometimes, they touch. Sometimes they only take up a chapter. Madame Karitska winds up in the possession of some diamonds when she runs into an old friend on a train. She helps a wife whose husband is interested in a nearby commune. A man who is deathly ill comes to her for help. She even helps a government official who is afraid some home grown terrorists might be at work.

Fans of the first book will be happy to hear that the format of the plot didn’t change much. Sadly, for me, that means it didn’t work as well as I would have liked. The way the stories wander around and in and out of each other without any clear beginning or climax frustrates me. One of them ends very anticlimactically. On the other hand, I do enjoy the charming characters and I liked spending time with them again. As with the author’s Mrs. Pollifax series, the characters haven’t really aged even thought it was roundly 25 years between books and both take place in their present. As a fan of the author, I’m not sorry I read this book, but I won’t be reading this series again any time soon.
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
fantastic start to a new series
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

We met Tate and Clay properly in their book, Feat of Clay, in the Men of London series. This is the first in their own spin off series. It would probably help for you to read that book before this one. It will give you a better understanding of what both Tate and Clay went through before this book. That book for me is a brilliant 5 star read.

As is this one!

Granted, this is a much lighter read, with some very funny laugh out loud moments, particularly between Tate and the club owner, Relio. The fact that he is Clay's ex brings out the green eyed monster in Tate and he knows it, but he can't help himself!

The dead customer of Relio's club is why he called Clay, along with Tate, to partake of their investigations business. Clearly, the people involved were hiding something, they just need to figure out what.

Enter, if you will, Fetish Alley. Relio's club is at the end of the alley that caters to all things fetish. Some you'll have heard of, some not. A collection of shops selling all manner of naughty things await those who enter. But there is still a possible murder to solve, and Tate and Clay need to get to the bottom of it.

I loved the little one or two liners at the beginning of each chapter, which look like text messages between Tate and Clay. They proper made me chuckle! Loved the "old man" digs that Clay gets since he turns 40 during the course of the book. LOVED the pop up by Draven, Jax and Dare from the other books in the Men of London series.

And I absolutely need more of Tomas and Relio! I've no idea what happened between them here, but clearly SOMETHING did. And THEIR book (please let them have their own book, PLEASE!) is gonna be fun!

Considering where the book is set around, I didn't find it as explicit as some of Ms Mac Nicol's book but it IS sexy and hot. The fact that Tate and Clay are a well established couple makes a huge difference. Yes, there are sex scenes, but mostly you got shut down at the good bits! Loved that though!

A fantastic new series, I look forward to following what happens next, both in the Alley, the club and with Tate and Clay.

5 stars, that are still speckled with paint!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Tomi Adeyemi | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zelie is a protagonist in this book, but this novel is told from multiple perspectives. I absolutely loved Zelie. I loved her personality, her ambition, and bravery. Her relationship with Amari (princess of Orisha) was very amusing and intriguing to read. I loved their little girly fights. I found Inan (Prince of Orisha) very annoying, but at the same time absolutely absorbing. I really liked reading Inan’s parts in this book, his constant inner fight was a very pleasant way of distraction. Adeyemi chose her characters really well and done an amazing job in developing them. The multiple perspectives allowed the reader to have an insight into different people’s feelings, thoughts and views of the situations, which always gives me more pleasure while reading. All the characters had their individual personalities, which shined through in this book. My least favorite was, of course, the King, he was cruel, idiotic and generally a bastard. 🙂

I adored the narrative of this book. I found it very original, exceptionally written and I think it just sucks you in with all the adventures, journeys, magic and complex relationships. There are so many African cultural nuances, which absolutely mesmerized me, I love learning about different cultures. The setting of this book continuously changes, as the group travels through Orisha, and I really enjoyed the details and the way the author described the places. This novel has so many important topics incorporated, one of them being unnecessary death, and it did leave me upset and sad during those parts. 😦

Tomi Adeyemi is an incredible writer and I loved her writing style in this book. The chapters are a very decent length and the pages just fly by. Every chapter has plenty of action, and my interest was continuously kindled. In this book, the author used different language for the spells, and I would’ve loved the translation for them in the book, I just like to know what things mean. I really loved the way this novel ended, and it still haunts me, I can’t wait for another book!

There are plenty of fabulous things about this novel, that I could write and write, but I will leave it for you to figure out, all I can say, this book is absolutely magical! It has so much to offer! The characters are impeccably crafted and the plot takes you to amazing places and unforgettable adventures, where you can experience courage, love, romance, loss, and deceit. It is an absolute must read and it is a summer read for Jimmy Fallon, so it has to be good, right? 😉 I hope you will get the chance to read it and to enjoy as much as I did 🙂
How to Save a Life
Sara Zarr | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I won this book off of Facebook or Twitter; I forget which. I had totally forgot about this book, I'm ashamed to admit, until I was tidying up my bookshelf and came across it again. I'm glad I came across it again as it's definitely become one of my favourite reads of 2012.

Jill's dad has only recently died, and already it seems like her mother wants to replace him with a new baby. Enter Mandy. Mandy is a pregnant teen. She wants to give her baby up for adoption, and Robin, Jill's mother, seems like the perfect person to adopt her baby. Will Mandy and her baby help fill the whole in Robin and Jill's heart? Will Mandy feel loved? What if Mandy decides to keep her baby? Told from both Jill's and Mandy's point of view, this book will tug at your heart strings.

I don't really get the title to this book. Maybe there's some kind of hidden message behind the title, and I'm missing it, but I really don't understand why this book is called How to Save a Life. Perhaps it's to let the reader know that this book will be very emotional.

The cover suits the book especially when it comes to the character of Mandy. Once you read the book, you'll definitely think this cover suits the book. I won't say too much due to spoilers, but just take my word that it does indeed suit the book.

There's really not much to the setting of the book. It mostly takes place at Jill's house in Denver and a few other little places like Jill's school or restaurants. However, the setting of this book is done rather well, and it sounds like Denver!! I mean, I've never been, but it's what I'd imagine it to be.

The pacing was brilliant! It was so hard to put this book down. I was hooked beyond belief. At no point does the pacing slow down enough to become boring. Each chapter is interesting!!

The dialogue was perfect. The two main characters are teens, and I felt their language was appropriate for teen girls. There were a couple of words I didn't understand, but I think this was just down to me not knowing the what the word meant as others probably know what it means. However, this didn't take away from the story in the slightest. There are a few swear words, but not too many.

I loved the characters in this book!! Mandy was my favourite character. It felt as if Mandy's mother had brainwashed her into thinking all sorts of things, so Mandy comes off as being a bit socially inept. She's definitely a bit weird because of it, but that's what I loved about her. She has this sort of innocence and naivety that is both sweet and charming. I also loved Jill. She starts off with a "screw the world" attitude, but it's obvious she's only acting that way because of what she's been through. Jill is actually quite a sweet girl. As for Dylan and Ravi, I also loved them both. Dylan is very caring and comes across as the type that's nice to everyone no matter what. Ravi came across as the geeky but sexy sweet guy.

This book had me laughing and crying (quite literally). It also had me worried and made me feel secure. It plays up to most of the human emotions. It's just a bit hard to explain unless you read it, which I suggest you do ASAP! This book is an emotional rollercoaster. It's one of those books you just have to read!! It will also have you thinking about it long after you've finished reading it.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+. It's such an amazing book! I can't sing it's praises loud enough!! Please read it and let me know what you think. You won't regret reading it.
The Geek Who Came From The Cold: Surviving the Post - USSR Era on a Hollywood Diet
The Geek Who Came From The Cold: Surviving the Post - USSR Era on a Hollywood Diet
Leon Kaminsky | 2019 | Biography, Education, Film & TV, History & Politics, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was that the informative quality of the book was wonderful and the author clearly did his research (I even wondered at times if the book was based on the author’s own childhood). (0 more)
What I did not like was the fact that the book ends fairly abruptly. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Readers should not be fooled by the title The Geek Who Came From The Cold: Surviving The Post-USSR Era On A Hollywood Diet by Leon Kaminsky has nothing to do with food or dieting at all. The “Hollywood Diet” mentioned in the title is movies, mainly those from the US. A little bit of knowledge about Russia and their policies would be helpful when reading this book but is not required.

Leon is a young boy growing up in Russia at the end of the 1900s. He has a nervous problem (possibly anxiety) and has a hard time at school and with other people in general. Leon quickly falls in love with movies, specifically those from Hollywood after seeing them for the first time. Like so many other people who are not exactly social for one reason or another, he trades social interaction for watching films. His love for movies over the years borders on the edge of obsession as he knows not only actors and directors but also the Russian’s who voice over the tapes to translate them. His daily and weekly schedule revolves around what movies are being played on TV or at the theaters.

He takes readers through the difficulty of obtaining some of the popular movies that can be found just about anywhere here in the United States. This difficulty is not only because of how much Russia censored movies from just about anywhere but because the titles are often changed as well. Leon shares his excitement and the challenges he faced to get his first VCR play and to transport his VHS collection when his family moved. He even talks about when owning a VCR was illegal in Russia and when people would give anything to have one, including offering to trade a boat for a VCR.

What I liked best was that the informative quality of the book was wonderful and the author clearly did his research (I even wondered at times if the book was based on the author’s own childhood). I appreciated the human qualities of the book, such as the struggles Leon faces at school. New facts about Russia was presented to the readers in a way that prevented anything from feeling too overly informative. What I did not like was the fact that the book ends fairly abruptly. I would have liked to see at least one chapter about after the family’s move to Germany. There were also multiple sections where it would begin on one topic and end on another, seemingly unrelated topic.

Movie fans will enjoy this book but it is recommended that they be somewhat familiar with movies from the 1980s (I think was the time period of most movies mentioned in the book, I myself am far from a movie buff at all) and newer. High school students may not be able to fully appreciate the cinematic history in this book and may feel more like a history book to them. It should also be noted as VHS tapes are already a thing of the past (I am holding on to a few to show my children in the future) upcoming generations may not know what the book is talking about without asking their parents or google. Finally, I give this book a rating of 3 out of 4. This book is very informative about a topic not many people are probably aware of. Sadly this gives it a very narrow target audience. The way the book is written makes it feel like it is an autobiography about a movie lover growing up where movies are largely controlled. The plot of the book is frequently lost through during all the movie talk.
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld, #6; Witches #2)
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld, #6; Witches #2)
Terry Pratchett | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am giving this book a 3.5 stars, so I will explain why later on in the review. Again, as always, there will most likely be spoilers, so read at your own peril.

This was my very first Terry Pratchett book! My friend Grace let me borrow her copy of the book and said I would probably like it because Macbeth is one of my all-time favorite Shakespearean plays!

I enjoyed this book. Don't let the 3.5 star review throw you.

I liked how the plot moved along fairly quickly and everything was interconnected. That was something I don't really see too often in novels, so it was great to experience that. I am wondering how all of the other twenty-seven or so books will connect together, but I can't say that I will be reading them too soon. I have far too many other books I need to read right now, but maybe next year!

The characters were pretty fun as well. I loved the three witches, they were so fun and snippy! All the sarcasm and arguments made them even more lovable, and we all know that I love me a good witch character. I think I loved Margat the most out of the three witches because she was so "modern"' as opposed to Nanny and Granny. Nanny, however, is such a spitfire and I love how violent she can get in her temper.

I do have to say, however, that the story line did get kinda convoluted at times which is one of the reasons I am giving it a lower rating. The timeline, while it was supposed to go a bit wonky, had me all turned around at times.

I also wasn't a big fan of there not being any chapter breaks. While there were some line breaks to show the shift in the narrator, it wasn't enough to really show breaks in what was happening in the story. I am not saying that this is always a bad thing, not having chapter breaks, but I, personally, appreciate them.

The world was very well built, though the rules of the world were not fully explained. I loved all of the little footnotes and interjections from the narrator. They made the time pass so much more quickly.

Overall, it was a pretty good book. It took some getting used to the writing style and the world itself, but I enjoyed it. I am excited to see what comes next in the series!