Toast Hash Roast Mash: Real Food for Every Time of Day
Dan Doherty's first book, Duck & Waffle: Recipes and Stories, was featured in 'Best Cookbooks of the...

Indian Spa: Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Beauty
Kim Inglis and Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
Wellness in mind and body as well as spiritual wellness is becoming an essential awareness in...

The Western Herbal Tradition: 2000 Years of Medicinal Plant Knowledge
Graeme Tobyn, Alison Denham, Midge Whitelegg and Sheila Kingsbury
The Western Herbal Tradition is a comprehensive exploration of 27 plants that are central to the...

Think Better, Live Better Study Guide: A Victorious Life Begins in Your Mind: Study guide
Based on Joel Osteen's book Think Better, Live Better, this study guide expands on his message about...

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated The City of Tears (The Burning Chambers #2) in Books
Jan 19, 2021

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated The Vampire's Redemption (Undead in Brown County, #3) in Books
Sep 6, 2019
I did remember that I was Team Michael out of him and Alex but with the introduction of another lover in this, I wanted to throw my computer. Two men isn't enough in her life? She gets a third? I'm still Team Michael because he's done his best to redeem himself after the terrible crimes he committed before he was sentenced to be held on the property by Sarah's dad.
The ending has left me eager to see what happen next with Sarah and the three men in her life and I'm off to start book 4 in the series.

Cesar Millan's Lessons from the Pack: Ten Inspiring Ways Dogs Enrich Our Lives
From his roster of celebrity clients to his reality television series, Cesar Millan is America's...

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Walker ( Matefinder: Next Generation 2) in Books
Nov 6, 2023
Walker ( Matefinder: Next Generation 2)
By Leia Stone
With humans and werewolves on the brink of war, Anya finds herself right in the middle. When she has a terrifying vision, which her Shaman mentor says will come to pass, she stops at nothing to try and save everyone. Armed with new responsibilities, Anya is stalked by the Skin Walker who wants nothing more than to see her dead. But when her mate, Gavin, starts acting weird and closes down their mate bond, she’s afraid she will lose everything.
Really enjoyed this I thought it was a fitting end to a series I absolutely love! I did burst out laughing at a line in chapter 4 I think it was which wouldn’t have mat normally but it is 3am 😆.
Really enjoyed this book and series.

Steph (468 KP) rated Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women in Books
Jul 9, 2018
The book is told through a mixture of psychology research and stories told by real women. The mix of facts and anecdotes was perfect. You got the knowledge and science behind beauty sickness. But you also heard the voices of women tell their own tales in a very human and relatable way.
What is absolutely terrifying and shows how beauty sick our culture really is, is that while reading this book, I often felt like I should be engaging in the negative behaviors that were discussed. For example, hearing about how people use special software to edit their photos before posting on social media made me consider doing that before posting my next photos!
But this book also changed the way I think of myself and my body in a positive way. I thought I knew about the negative effects of the media on body image, especially as a psychologist myself. I was unprepared for how little I actually knew, especially when it came to misconceptions about our bodies and how we treat them. I read the chapter on shame and started crying, because I related to so much of it. I didn't realize that I was trying to motivate myself to lose weight by shaming myself into feeling bad about my weight and what I was eating until I read this book. Beauty Sick has changed the way I think about myself and given me new strategies for cultivating a positive self-image and loving my body.
I loved that the section on what we can do about beauty sickness was so extensive. It really opened my eyes to how I think about and treat my body as well as what I can do differently to improve my self-image. I've always hated exercising. I never realized that the reason I hated it was probably because I always thought the point was to lose weight. Exercising felt like a punishment to me- something I had to do so I could shave off a few pounds. I never thought about viewing through a "look what I can do!" lens or to think about what I might have fun doing instead of what I *should* be doing.
I read this book ravenously- staying up late to read just one more chapter and sneaking pages in at work to devour its content. I needed to hear both how beauty sick our culture is and what I can do about it. I think every woman would personally benefit from reading this book. I hope its message becomes widespread and that we can make positive changes in our culture to decrease beauty sickness. In the meantime, we can make changes in our own lives and in the lives of the women we love by reading this book and applying it to ourselves and the people we love.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Summary Book
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