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Grace is back in California wrapping up things to move to England when she gets involved in a movie based on her life. But the production seems strange, even to an outsider. Meanwhile, someone is trying to kill Peter back in England. It was great to get a new chapter in the life of these characters after several years off. Doesn't quite live up to the earlier books, but I hardly cared.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Lee Ann (116 KP) rated Opal in Books

Mar 13, 2018  
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2015 | Children
8.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read books 1 and 2 with an air of "hmmm, it's okay, but not really doing much for me.." I read it because Daemon amused me. Then I got to book 3.

At first, I felt pretty much the same.. it's an okay read, but nothing major.

Then I hit the final chapter

What the ever-loving fuck just happened?

For a heart-sinking moment I thought it was the last book of a trilogy... then I realised book 4 was waiting in the wings... holy mother of god... this series just got good.

Sean Farrell (9 KP) rated NOS4A2 in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
Joe Hill | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved this book. Expertly switches between being suspenseful, funny, moving, and downright scary. Packed with little inside references to other books that somehow only serve to make it feel more special, and I was highly amused by the little trick the author frequently used with chapter titles. The lead is highly likeable, the circumstances she is thrust to a perfect blend of frightening and awe-inspiring, and the villain is easily one of the most memorable in years. Anyone with even a passing interest in true works of horror should not miss this epic book.
Force of Nature
Force of Nature
Jane Harper | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gripping and dry
What I love about Jane Harper's books is the biggest character is always the landscape the story takes place in. Force of nature is set in one of Australia's cold and dark national parks, rugged and unforgiving and so the atmosphere is set. Take office politics up a notch to a brutal level and add intriguing and constant suspense and you will find it difficult to not read just another chapter. If you like crime novels Harper's and human and most importantly believable. Won't get a better thriller/crime novel this year
Between you and me
Between you and me
Lisa Hall | 2020
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Had two point of views, alternating with each chapter (1 more)
Has a very good ending that I was not expecting
Contains spoilers, click to show
From reading this book, I found this book to be a very good read. This was one of them books where I didnt want to put it down and was hoping it was going to have a good ending which it very much did to me. So many emotions went through me when reading this book. I felt so sad for Sal and the situation that they was in.

I reccomend this book to everyone

Devendra Banhart recommended MOMO in Books (curated)

(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"It's that rare feat, a tremendous philosophical insight presented in a way that anyone, at any age can grasp! Wow. Of all my childhood books, The Giving Tree and Hope for the Flowers really did change my early world, but after reading Momo in my thirties, I thought, ‘Ahhhhhh this is the one book I wish I had read as a kid! Then re-read at every subsequent chapter of my life.’ Yes, this sounds cliche but I truly think this is essential reading for—here goes—children of all ages!"


David McK (3248 KP) rated Tower Lord in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Tower Lord
Tower Lord
Anthony Ryan | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
the second book in Anthony Ryans 'Raven's Shadow' series (after [b:Blood Song Raven's Shadow 1|13569581|Blood Song (Raven's Shadow, #1)|Anthony Ryan||19148922], this is a departure fromt he first in that it takes chapter about to follow different but interconnected characters.

Lord Vaelin Al Sorna is still the principal protaganist of the tale, which - like the previous - is broken down into different subsections, each prefaced by an account from one character in particular (who only really appears to do so).

Again, like the previous, there's probably enough material in here for a couple of books but, unlike that other novel, this focuses more on world-building than on action/adventure. Also leaves a couple of plot-threads hanging wide open for the inevitable sequel!
There was something bugging me about this book almost from the word go. It wasn't until I was nearly finishing it that I realised what it was - pacing. The story telling would switch between the POV of Sonea, Lorkin, Cery and Dannyl, but this would switch three or four times a chapter, and wouldn't necessarily be rotated in the same order each chapter. As the book progressed, these characters storylines in the most part separated out with plots rarely overlapping. Canavan is great at suspense, but because of the structure, the page turning aspect got lost, because the momentum got lost. I've seen a few reviews on here comparing the story was boring, I would definitely disagree with this assumption, the story and plotting was good, but the structure let it down as the momentum was all over the place. It came together by the end, and I really do hope it stays together for the next two books.
A Beautiful Mess (Beautiful Mess, #1)
T.K. Leigh | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a bit slow in the beginning chapters but from around chapter 3, i was hooked. there are a lot of different parts to this story, a love story combined with conspiracy, mystery and suspense. the story contains lots of twists and turns and definitely will keep you hooked. the characters were very easy to connect with and you were able to feel all there emotions. the secondary characters also play important roles within the book which only adds to the story. would definitely recommend but remember to have all the books in the set first.

Emma (519 KP) rated Little Bee in Books

May 14, 2019  
Little Bee
Little Bee
Chris Cleave | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Had a very captivating story line (0 more)
I have recently been in a reading slump and have had to give up on three books that I just couldn't finish. Until I found Little Bee, the story captivated me from the first chapter. Instead of being told from a generic point of view it is told from two separate people's points of view. Which I loved. The two stories come together very nicely at the end through many ups and downs. Little Bee humbled me with her story and I can't wait to read more by this author.