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Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated NOS4A2 in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
Joe Hill | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I read this novel as my BookBum Club book for January! Check out <a href="">The BookBum Club on Goodreads!</a></i>

A darkly disturbing thrill ride of a book! I was expecting it to spook me out a little more than it did, but it was super enjoyable even still.

I’ve never read a Joe Hill book before this one, but now I know I want to read more of his work. I don’t think there’s any denying that his writing style really sucks you into the story and he’s a genius as describing things. How can one man come up with so many different Christmas similes? I also loved how this book was set up, where sometimes the end of sentence in a paragraph wouldn’t end because the title of the next paragraph completed the sentence. I thought this was a really unique aspect of the novel, as well as several illustrations dotted throughout.

One thing I really loved about this novel was the characters. I’ve seen some less that glowing reviews whinging about Vic, and while I can understand some people’s frustration at how frustrating she was, I think the whole point of her character to be frustrating. I personally found her troubled but sweet. Lou was equally sweet, a nice human being through-and-through, but at the end of the day, I don’t think he brought an awful lot to the story.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, of course, was Charlie Manx. What a genuinely terrifying character. I’ve read through several books with horrifying characters (Annie Wilkes springs to mind immediately) and Charlie Manx is definitely up there with the worst of them. What made him so chilling, for me, was how I imagined his voice. Every sentence of his speech was lifted at the end by an exclamation mark! He was always so cheery! Always so sinister! And then, of course, we have Bing Partridge who may just be the most repulsive character I’ve ever read about.

I loved the story of this novel, but I’m not going to explain what happened because this novel needs to be experienced, not told, in order to reach its full potential. My only issue was I though maybe 700 pages was a bit long. Chapter after chapter was a new dip and dive in this roller-coaster of a story, but sometimes it just felt like stalling time.

Another thing that disappointed me about this book, and this is what brought it down to 4 stars, is that I was expecting this to be scarier than it turned out to be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s seriously sinister and has some really creepy moments, but I wanted to get to “I can’t sleep” scared. Though saying that, when I was driving home in the dark one day, an old classic black British car (we have a lot of old car conventions around where I live) pulled up behind me and followed me nearly all the way home and I did get the heebie-geebies (don’t worry, I didn’t break the speed limit though).

Overall, this novel is well worth the read if you’re into dark, sinister novels filled with the really weird and the really wonderful. I’m so happy I’ve finally read this novel and have been opened up to the world of Joe Hill’s writing. I will definitely be reading more of his stuff.
Glass (Crank, #2)
Glass (Crank, #2)
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

After reading Crank by Ellen Hopkins, I knew I had to read the sequel. It just had to be done. I enjoyed this book a lot, not as much as the first book in the series, but it was still good.

Glass begins where Crank left off. Now Kristina has a baby to take care off. Kristina believes she can control the monster now that she has Hunter to take care of. Little does she know it's not as easy as that. Will Kristina finally give up the monster for good this time to become a good mother?

The title of this sequel to Crank is a great one. Glass is one of the many slang names for the drug Meth. I love the way Hopkins continues to use a slang name for Meth.

Again, I do like the cover to this book. I do prefer the first cover as I loved the black and white simplicity of it. However, the purple cover with the title written in Meth looks good too.

As with the first book in this series, the world building is perfect. It's so easy to lose yourself in Kristina's world. The scenes for each chapter are so easy to imagine.

The pacing of this book is a bit slower than the first one. However, the pacing is still very good. I didn't devour this book like I did Crank, but I still loved it. I don't know why, but Glass just read a bit slower.

Like with the first book in the series, there isn't that much dialogue between characters. However, I loved the internal dialogue Kristina has with herself. It makes Kristina come across as more real and vulnerable. There is swearing in this book so if that bothers you, you don't want to read this book.

I still think Kristina is a fabulous character, and Hopkins does a fantastic job of portraying her like a proper Meth addict that came from a great home life. Kristina is a very well written character, and I really, really loved learning more about her. I was a bit saddened that Chase wasn't really in the second book as I loved him in the first. We do get to meet Trey though who I didn't really like, not because he wasn't written very well, but because of the way he treated Kristina. Brad was definitely one of my favourite characters.

This book is also written in verse like the first one. I like this because it makes the story more interesting to me. Plus, I like it when a book has a short chapter. Long chapters in books really annoy me for some reason.

Glass is a fantastic book and continues from the first book rather smoothly. The pacing is not as fast as the first book, but it's still a great sequel. I've now started on the third and final book in the series.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ due to the bad language and the themes.

I'd give Glass (Crank #2) by Ellen Hopkins a 4.5 out of 5.
I anticipated that this book, like most psychology books designed for the General Public, would involve summarizing a lot of research I already knew in the way that was interesting and possibly related to my life. What I didn't expect was Renee's voice and passion to reach through the pages and make me feel how beauty sickness has affected me and others on a deeper level. I was sickened by the negative way women talk about and view their own bodies. I related to the shame people felt about their body’s and the focus on appearance over health. I was inspired by the interventions that helped people improve their body image.

The book is told through a mixture of psychology research and stories told by real women. The mix of facts and anecdotes was perfect. You got the knowledge and science behind beauty sickness. But you also heard the voices of women tell their own tales in a very human and relatable way.

What is absolutely terrifying and shows how beauty sick our culture really is, is that while reading this book, I often felt like I should be engaging in the negative behaviors that were discussed. For example, hearing about how people use special software to edit their photos before posting on social media made me consider doing that before posting my next photos!

But this book also changed the way I think of myself and my body in a positive way. I thought I knew about the negative effects of the media on body image, especially as a psychologist myself. I was unprepared for how little I actually knew, especially when it came to misconceptions about our bodies and how we treat them. I read the chapter on shame and started crying, because I related to so much of it. I didn't realize that I was trying to motivate myself to lose weight by shaming myself into feeling bad about my weight and what I was eating until I read this book. Beauty Sick has changed the way I think about myself and given me new strategies for cultivating a positive self-image and loving my body.

I loved that the section on what we can do about beauty sickness was so extensive. It really opened my eyes to how I think about and treat my body as well as what I can do differently to improve my self-image. I've always hated exercising. I never realized that the reason I hated it was probably because I always thought the point was to lose weight. Exercising felt like a punishment to me- something I had to do so I could shave off a few pounds. I never thought about viewing through a "look what I can do!" lens or to think about what I might have fun doing instead of what I *should* be doing.

I read this book ravenously- staying up late to read just one more chapter and sneaking pages in at work to devour its content. I needed to hear both how beauty sick our culture is and what I can do about it. I think every woman would personally benefit from reading this book. I hope its message becomes widespread and that we can make positive changes in our culture to decrease beauty sickness. In the meantime, we can make changes in our own lives and in the lives of the women we love by reading this book and applying it to ourselves and the people we love.
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (87 Ratings)
Book Rating
The prologue (0 more)
Dull, confusing, uninteresting and derivative (0 more)
I've been reviewing books online for nearly a year now... and in that time I have finished every book I have started and more-or-less enjoyed every book and given positive reviews.

But this book has put an end to that. As a fan of writers such as Joe Abercrombie who cite this series and George R R Martin as a big influence, I thought I should give this a read. After all, with so many plaudits and a hit television show it couldn't be that bad, could it.

Unfortunately it could. I liked the prologue - that was interesting to read and had some good writing and interesting characters in it. The one star is purely for this part of the book. Treat it as a short story and ignore the rest of the weighty tome and you won't go far wrong.

From this point forward nothing works. I can see that Martin was trying to inject a bit of reality and grit into fantasy, though it could be argues it had not exactly been all sunlight, dancing elves and heroes with rippling muscles for several decades so I don't see it as the massive change in direction it has been touted as in some quarters.

What we have is a succession of dreary, uninteresting characters taking part in a series of dull and stilted conversations attempting to create some sort of dramatic tension simply by existing. And then quite often there will be sex, not for any reason other than it seems this is what Martin thinks makes characters interesting. And the sex scenes are really, really awful. They read as if an over-excited 15 year old boy has written them.

The structure - where each chapter is told from the point of view of a different character - probably sounded really good on paper. But the end result is almost impossible to read as there is no continuity between sections that are dealing with the same characters, So for the first half of every chapter the reader is trying to get to grips with the new main character while also working out which kingdom they are in and how they related to the many, many other characters. It's just plain too confusing and exhausting as an actual narrative device.

And the characters themselves... I was expecting Martin to try everything possible to avoid any of the usual tropes, but no. Accepted there are no magicians, elves or pure-hearted swashbuckling heroes. But what is left is just the usual supporting cast - the bastard half brother with a grudge, the scheming dwarf, the wronged heir to the throne... there is absolutely nothing new or inventive in any of the characters.

What this book reminded me of most was the Harry Potter series. Completely derivative, averagely written and heavily marketed fantasy stories eagerly consumed by people who don't actually read fantasy. To those who do read fantasy this is such a poor relation to the other fine works that have been published in the last 30 years it's not even worth considering.

If you have never read this, don't bother. Instead do yourself a favour and pick up something that actually has something to say and contains some truly interesting characters and worlds. Joe Abercrombie or Mark Lawrence, for example.
Ronaldo: Rudi&#039;s Birthday Extravaganza
Ronaldo: Rudi's Birthday Extravaganza
Maxine Sylvester | 2017 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was that once again Ronaldo puts his friendship with Rudi first. (0 more)
What I did not like about this book was actually similar to my complaint about the previous book. This time there is entire chapter about Ronaldo breaking wind. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The book Ronaldo: Rudis Birthday Extravaganza by Maxine Sylvester followed perfectly in the footsteps of the previous book in the Ronaldo series. It comes right after Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher that I previously gave a 4 out of 4. This is another wonderful Ronaldo book although it was not quite what I expected from the title. For some reason, I was expecting the entire book to take place at Rudi's birthday party but that was not the case.

The book opens to Ronaldo looking at his options for Rudi's birthday present. Then Rudi's mother shows up asking Ronaldo for his help. Rudi needs to go the doctor for an injured hoof but he is afraid of needles and is refusing to go. Ronaldo agrees to go along so that he can support and comfort Rudi. On the way home Ronaldo ends up helping his favorite baker with her shopping bags. After learning that her hip is hurt Ronaldo offers to deliver her cakes to the bakery for her.

On the news Ronaldo lears of Vixen's Workshop and his parents agree to let him go. Rudi wants to go as well but can't because his father just lost his job. Ronaldo takes his earnings from the cake deliveries and tries to pay for Rudi to got to the Workshop himself, unfortunately there is no room. Little dose Ronaldo know Rudi's father got a job with the baker and also tried to get Rudi into the Workshop but was unable to do so as well. At his party Rudi got a wonderful suprise by meeting Vixen and discovering he was going to be able to go to the Workshop anyway.

What I liked best was that once again Ronaldo puts his friendship with Rudi first. He offers his own money that he worked hard for to ty to do something that meant a lot to his friend and that is not all he did Rudi. This book also teaches about honesty as well as the value of friendship. What I did not like about this book was actually similar to my complaint about the previous book. This time there is entire chapter about Ronaldo breaking wind. Again I do understand the usefulness of it in this book as a consequence of Ronaldo being greedy with suckers and cake. I just could do without it.

Target readers for this book is the exact same as the previous one. Elementary students, probably around second grade could handle this book without a problem. Chapters are short and words such as "apprentice" are explained within the story for readers who might not be familiar with them. I rate this book 4 out of 4. It is a great children's book with a wonderful story line. There are even a few nice surprises along the way. I look forward to my own children being old enough to enjoy the Ronaldo books.

Becs (244 KP) rated Stars Like Fate in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Stars Like Fate
Stars Like Fate
Brie Farmer | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highlights: I loved the cover design, it helped give an idea of what Nyole looked like. I wish there were pictures of the other characters, like as a gallery at the back of the book. It was nice of the author to put a character list and their pronunciation at the beginning of the book. It helped tremendously!!

Style: Casual to light

Point of View: Third person

Difficulty reading: First couple of chapters were difficult to get into but after the fifth chapter, I couldn’t put the book down! It has it’s fast-paced moments that has you flipping through pages and it has its slower moments that take a bit more effort to get into. A very fun read!

Promise: The book promised a fantasy, adventure packed book and it delivered it on a silver platter. The characters are mythical, the countries are mythical, and magic is involved – leading to the fantasy aspect of things. Nyole and Saphryis both go on a long and heartbreaking journey to gain Saphryis her memories and power back – leading to the adventure aspect of things.

Quality: An all-around great book. If you like World of Warcraft, you’ll like this book. It touches on the mythical creatures in a way that resembles characters in World of Warcraft.

Insights: I loved the fact that it was a fantasy young adult book. These types of books are one of my favorite genres. When I first got the book, I read the synopsis and instantly thought of World of Warcraft. Reading, I had a difficult time with the first five chapters. It wasn’t that they were bad, it was more along the lines of they lacked in the background and the flow seemed like it was all over the place. Once I hit chapter six though, I couldn’t put the book down. The background and plot leveled out so it was a much easier read. As I was coming down to the last couple of chapters, I realized I didn’t want it to end. I wanted it to continue on into an everlasting void of Stars Like Fate because fate is simply ineffable.

Ah-Ha Moment: When Nyole finally realized that he was related to King Aryon. I would also become furious if I was related to someone as cruel as King Aryon the murderer.

Favorite Quote: “Fate is unexplainable, Fate is unfair, but Fate will always happen.” – Nyole realizes that if he never would have met Saphryis, then he would have never known what was coming in the future. But with meeting her, he realizes what is coming and has a faint idea what Saphryis will mean to him.

“ ‘I need you to live, Saphryis. I need you around,’ Nyole murmured before adding a selfish wish. ‘I want you beside me.’ ” – I feel this is the moment that Nyole falls just a bit in love with Saphryis. Which is good, because I ship them 110%.

What will you gain: A love for a new and upcoming author with an imaginative world that you can just step right into. Plus an awesome book worth a re-read!

Aesthetics: Cover design was really nice, character list was great, nice size book – not too heavy and not to thin, font and size was good – didn’t strain the eyes, there were a few grammatical errors – but are barely noticeable, third-person point of view, a riveting action fantasy book that will keep you on your toes.

“Fate is simply ineffable.”
The Disappointing Mr. Whicher...or is it the Wandering Ms. Summerscale? No, I've got it! The Bloated Book of Everything Victorian!

I was looking forward to reading, what I thought was, a true crime book with a bit of a look into Mr. Whicher's professional life too. What I got instead was four, possibly more, books in a 304 page book. These four parts consist of the murder of Saville Kent, Mr. Jonathan Whicher himself, an analysis of detective fiction (especially Poe, Dickens, and Collins), the origin of words and phrases in the detection field, many murder/crime stories of the day, other oddly inserted facts and history, etc., etc.

Now, Ms. Summerscale is a fine writer (and researcher for that matter), but it seems as if she wrote for herself instead of us, the readers. While her odd bits and pieces of history are interesting (usually), they are not essential to the plot (or what I thought was the main story), and I found myself glazing quite a bit. Whenever she rhapsodized poetic about Poe, Dickens or any of the other writers of the early detection mystery, it had the overall feel of a research paper and usually didn't have much to do with the murder in the least. The author wandered off way too many times to her own fancy and whenever she went back to the supposed case, it felt as if she had forgotten that she was supposed to be writing about the murder. This left the plotting of the book oddly pieced together and me discombobulated. Where was the editor? Out to lunch? Or did the author disregard what the editor(s) advised her to do? Who knows, but all this extraneous information was just filler and added nothing to the book. I cannot believe this actually won anything. Another quibble was that she also had a bit of a problem with her 'sensationalistic' chapter endings; they just didn't go (or flow) with the whole book.

My biggest problem with the whole book is there isn't much on the murder, which you would think there would be by the cover, synopsis, praise, and marketing. Only a little speculation is spared on a few other suspects; no why might they have done it, how the family may have felt - I wish there had been more focused on the murder and less on everything else. That's why I picked up the book, I wanted to know about the crime and consequences, not on the way of Victorian life or how it influenced writers, there are other books for that (which are listed in the notes and select bibliography in the back I might add). Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the subject content, but the overall construction of the book with all the un-necessary passages left me dissatisfied and grumpy.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
2009 | Action, Drama, Family
The sixth instalment in the internationally loved wizarding franchise has been perhaps one of the most awaited films of the decade; even more so considering the gruelling year fans have had to wait since it was decided to push the film back 12 months.

David Yates is once again at the helm, which after the fifth film is somewhat of a surprise to many critics. With rumours speculating the return of Alfonso Cuaron as director, I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking perhaps we could get things back on track.

Alas, it was not to be. After two disappointing instalments, a third would be disastrous, though unfortunately, it seems to be the case here. Yates’ films just refuse to hit the spot, delving into unnecessary storylines that really don’t progress the film further. Take for example the climatic finale of the book atop the astronomy tower; well it’s been cut, replaced with an hour or so of non-stop snogging… ridiculous? I have words much stronger than that to describe it, but yes, ridiculous can do for now.

It would be silly to expect things to be perfect, but a little cohesion would have been welcome; to people who have not read the books, these films are starting to get incomprehensible and even to those that have, it still isn’t an enjoyable experience. Remember the chapter where The Burrow blows up? No? Well that’s because there isn’t one, but it’s been added, for explosions sake.

The Dursleys are cut, Dobby – cut, Dumbledore’s funeral – cut, Kreacher – cut, Bill and Fleur – cut, in fact most of the important things from the book; have been cut.

Happily, there is a rather small pot of gold at the end of this murky rainbow. The acting from most is absolutely excellent, Daniel Radcliffe has grown into his role brilliantly and Michael Gambon seems to finally have chosen the right moods for Dumbledore and his character. Newcomer Jim Broadbent is superb in his role as potions master Horace Slughorn and Alan Rickman is as usual glorious and fully able to spread his wings in the larger role he has been given in this film. On the negative side, Bonnie Wright as Ginny Weasley hasn’t developed into her role well, with her acting still being stilted; unfortunate, as her part is much larger in this film than the others.

Unfortunately, just like the previous two films, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince really hasn’t hit the spot, it seems the larger books of the boy wizards saga have in reality stumped their respective directors, ending up as a complete mess. It certainly has its moments, though at 153 minutes it should have; but it seems the best film from the 8 has been made slightly too prematurely. Film number 7, come on down!