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The Change (Unbounded, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 76%

I know, I should gave finished it after slogging through 3/4 of the book but it appears that what I was reading wasn't sinking in. I just read a bit at the end of the last chapter and I was like, "When did that happen?"

I have struggled with it from the beginning. I'm currently into my paranormal books again and this was a freebie on Amazon. I was hoping it would be like the last book I read,

 but it's nothing like it.

I like my kick arse heroines with brooding love interests and I found our heroine in this to be too whiny and selfish. The wanting her family to know she's still alive despite knowing how dangerous it could be for them all. I normally don't get too bothered by character personalities and decisions by jeez, Erin did my head in.
The Girl Who Lived Twice
The Girl Who Lived Twice
David Lagercrantz | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't quite let go of the Millennium series and Stieg Larsson's Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist, despite the fact that the late author no writes the books. This novel, however, is timely, covering the topic of Russian trolls and their impact on social media and politics. We get short snippets in each chapter told from the point of view of a variety of characters, so the story moves fairly quickly. Lagercrantz lacks Larrson's meticulous detail and his exploration into the character's psyches, as well as the true intense reporter that shined in Larrson; the trade-off: the books do seem to move at a somewhat quicker pace.

Still, Lisbeth and Blomkvist just don't seem the same as they were in Larrson's world, and I miss my old friends. There's also a lot of focus on Everest in this book--it's plot-related, but it gets to be a bit much. More Lisbeth and Mikael, less mountain, please. It makes the story more complicated than it needed to be, perhaps. Still, there's plenty to keep us entertained, including more from Lisbeth and her sister's dark past.

Overall, a fairly engaging read, but lacking that special flavor and special Lisbeth/Mikael zest that Larrson always brought to the series. 3.5 stars.
Gilt Hollow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so SO new to reading mystery/suspense books. I like to feel warm and fuzzy rather than creeped out and paranoid. But I AM trying to branch out more...and while Gilt Hollow IS an excellent story and talks a lot about forgiveness...there was not a lot of faith woven into the story in my opinion.

The writing was smooth and flowed nicely. And even though most of the book itself has little action, it was never dull or slow. Always something new to uncover, always one more piece falling into place right where it needed to be.

Although I can not relate directly to the circumstances surrounding Willow and Ashton, I can relate to the panic attacks (thankfully mine have gotten MUCH better in recent months) and to miscommunication. How many arguments, how much confusion, could we save by communicating efficiently?

As the story begins to take shape we start wondering "who done it?" and as I kept reading I really didn't know how it was going to end. I read this one super fast because it just sucks you in and page after page, chapter after just NEED to know more!

The characters possessed age appropriate personalities due to the circumstances they landed in. And while the kisses (and yes...closets are involved...those are ranked among my favorite!) emit a good dose of passion, I believe the author kept it clean and appropriate for Young Adults.

If you haven't read mystery/suspense books yet but are wanting to get your feet wet in the genre, I do recommend Gilt Hollow. There are moments of pure creepiness and some gory descriptions...just as a heads up, but all in all a VERY well written book.

I received a complimentary copy of Gilt Hollow from the publishers. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Life is too short to read books I don't like. This is a book that I got for free from Barnes & Noble and didn't even make it half way through. I was going to try and push through, but every time I went to read it, I got a feeling of dread in my bones. So, I decided that I would put it down and read something else. There are too many good books out there to spend time on one that does not interest me, and causes me mental strife.


The Bjorklunds are a Norwegian family and have been dreaming of life in America for years now. And the time has come to make those dreams a reality. The prologue begins in 1877 with the family discussing plans to start saving and send two of their sons and their families to America. When Chapter One begins, it is a different year which is not mentioned, and I was extremely confused. In the prologue Roald's wife's name is Anna, and then all of a sudden it's Chapter One and Ingeborg is introduced. I had to flip back and forth a few times trying to make sense of everything. It turns out that Anna died and Roald remarried a few years later to Ingeborg. However, my main reason for disliking this book is Roald. He treats his wife with contempt and obviously withholds any affections he has towards her. I get a bad taste in my mouth every time I think about the way Roald treats Ingeborg. I understand a lot of it is cultural and the era. But I do not enjoy it. He rules his house with an iron fist. Ingeborg is afraid to even let a sigh out accidentally for fear of her husband.

I read a couple other reviews and found that the book does not have a happy ending. This was one of the determaning factors I used when I decided to set it down. I did not want to push through a book I did not enjoy to have it leaving me feeling miserable. I may pick this back up in the future, but it is being shelved for now. I have not given up on Lauraine Snelling either. This was the first book I have read by her and am interested to see what other books she writes.

Bethany House Publishers
The Neverending Story
The Neverending Story
Michael Ende | 1979 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Neverending Story by Michael Ende is hands down one of the most physically beautiful books I have ever read. The illustrations at the beginning of each chapter are gorgeous, and the different colored words depending on what world you're reading about is beautiful. The edition shown above is the one I read and own. It was published in 1983, so I don't know what other editions look like.

I loved all the fantastical creatures introduced in the world of Fantastica. It is like walking into the imagination of a child, which is the point. I love the story of strength, courage, and knowing who you are.

My only regret with this book is having not read it as a child. I enjoyed it immensely but would have so much more if I were younger.

Overall, I give The Neverending Story by Michael Ende 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend this book to anyone, especially children.
Fifty-Fifty (Eddie Flynn #5)
Fifty-Fifty (Eddie Flynn #5)
Steve Cavanagh | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is most definitely one of my reads of 2020 and one that I can't recommend highly enough and although this is number 5 in the series, it can most certainly be read as a standalone - so what are you waiting for ... go buy it now!

With fantastic characters that you are drawn to and care about, an original and brilliant plot with twists and turns that keep you guessing, fast paced and so enthralling and riveting that you just have to read one more chapter and then one more and then ..... you get the idea 😊

I have read number 4 in the series "Thirteen" which was absolutely brilliant and one of my reads of 2018 and one of the best books I have ever read! I thought it couldn't be topped but "Fifty-Fifty" comes very, very close.

Thank you to Orion Publishing Group and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1)
Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1)
Linda Kage | 2013
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first NA book in about a year, after growing disenchanted with the genre, and I have to admit I loved it!

4.5 stars!

I think it's my recent obsession with escort/sex-worker stories with tons of romance in them.

It was a perfect mood to be in when I read this story of Mason and Reese. She was quirky and within the first chapter had won me over with her thoughts of Mason. Mason sounded hot and grew on me quickly the more I read of him. He also broke mine and Reese's heart several times in the story.

He more or less despised himself for what he was doing and it was that that hurt to read. There were some powerful scenes between these two and when they finally, FINALLY!, got together I was so happy for them.

I look forward to reading other books by this author.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 stars.

Erm...where to start?

Well, when I bought this I didn't realise it was about classical music, the synopsis was very vague but I guess the "prestigious Guarneri music prize" should have given it away. Classical is not my favourite genre of music so hearing them talking about all these famous pieces of music and composers just flew right over my head. I wasn't even tempted to listen, unlike in some other books I've read.

Then the romance. I can't say I felt it. It was two, maybe three, maybe even four, dates where they spent probably 24 hours together in total and they're in love all of a sudden. Nah, I didn't buy it.

The best bit for me was probably the chapter before the end where Carmen stands up to her controlling mother and her actions.

It was an easy read since it isn't very descriptive but it didn't do it for me.

Janeeny (200 KP) rated The Black Death in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
The Black Death
The Black Death
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was actually my reading roulette for July, but I was a bit behind on Julys books so it got bumped to Augusts reads.

I bought this book when it was first released as it interested me, gradually my interest waned and it’s now been sitting on my shelf for seven years.

The Black Death is a non-fiction account of a little village in Suffolk during the plague years. Each chapter starts with a factual account of what was going on in the rest of the world regarding the spread of the disease then it launches into the story of this little village.

Hatcher has taken factual records and accounts and added a little poetic licence to create an engaging story that really involves you in the day to day life. He does take great pains to reiterate how poor the records were for that time and how much of a liberty he was taking, but I feel it’s unnecessary.
Very concise and to the point. (2 more)
The exercises at the end of each chapter are an absolute gift for new and aspiring writers (and I'd imagine even experienced ones). Each one is actionable and aims towards publishing successfully.
Essential for any authors that want to be self-published (especially on Amazon), as the author is writing from their own experiences.
The only reason I even knew this book existed was because I stumbled upon the authors YouTube channel.

From watching his videos, I understood the level and tone of the advice he would be giving in his books, and I've gotta say, the guy is an absolute gift to the writing community.

Even if you don't buy any of his books, there is so much to learn from him for free on his YouTube channel: from plotting to selling, this guy pretty much has it all.

Saying that, I still 100% recommend buying his Write Faster, Write Smarter book series, because I can't stress enough how amazing his targeted exercises are.

For this specific book in the series, he explains how to effectively sell books to targeted audiences. This can sound a bit controversial, as if you were simply copying an idea and trying to cash in on it. BUT THAT'S NOT IT AT All. Chris Fox himself shuts down the idea of copying hit books quite early on. What this book will do, is explain to you how to use popular tropes to your advantage.

If you're not really sure about this book from my review, check out its page on Amazon and read the first few pages. Better yet, check out Chris Fox's YouTube channel and get a feel for what this guy is like, because at the end of the day we all absorb information differently and find certain things useful that others simply don't.

Anyways, I hope that this helped someone find the tools that they need in order to do Storytelling some justice.

Peace out,