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Ruggles of Red Gap (1935)
Ruggles of Red Gap (1935)
1935 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Charles Laughton plays an English butler whose British lord loses him in a poker game to a cowboy from Red Gap, Washington. Ruggles is the butler, a manservant, and he’s forced to move to America, and this cowboy doesn’t [Heaton goes into cowboy twang] feel comfortable having a manservant because it’s ‘Merica and every man is his own man and we have freedom. He tries to help Ruggles become a free man and Ruggles’ family’s whole tradition was being menservants to people. He finds it very hard to embrace American freedom. It has really funny, terrific, and moving performances, and not very many people watch it — or have even seen it or heard of it. I make my boys watch it every Thanksgiving. I’m like, “Boys, it’s that tiiiime!” and they’re like, “Noooooooo, not Ruggles.” but I think they’ll come to appreciate it."

Lords of Chaos (2018)
Lords of Chaos (2018)
2018 | Drama
The music (0 more)
Pretty much everything else (0 more)
Based on the truth, lies and what actually happened.
I don't pretend to be a massive fan of black metal but I know who Mayhem and Bazurm are and I know of Norwegian Black Metal so when I saw this film advertised I was very interested. The story of Norweigan black metal is that of murder, suicide, arson, corpse desecration, possible cannibalism and a massive middle finger to normal society so I was expecting pure shocking filth. Unfortunately I was left very disappointed. The film focuses on Euronimus, founder and guitarist of the band Mayhem and tells his story and his relationships particularly that with lead singer Dead and Buzurm founder and one time Mayhem bassist Varg Vikennes. Its shot very well and looks good and the soundtrack is great. Theres one particularly nasty murder scene but other than that its a mess. It just doesn't know what tone to take and makes Euronimus and Vikennes look stupid. One minute they're intimidating the next they look like idiots. So when events happen you just don't really care what happens to them. Varg Vikennes has been likened to the Norwegian Charles Manson and should be the focus of this film but instead is portrayed as a bumbling fanboy rather than the pure psychopath he is. The only character that I really clicked with and cared about was Dead and his arc was really good. Basically this film is a missed opportunity to tell a story that should be genuinely shocking. Black Metal was suppose to repulse conventional society but this film repulses in another way.
Murder Mystery (2019)
Murder Mystery (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Mystery
A Sandler-ized "Clue" Mystery, Mixed With Rom/Com
Murder Mystery is a 2019 comedy/mystery directed by Kyle Newacheck and written by James Vanderbilt. It was produced by Happy Madison Productions, Endgame Entertainment, Vinson Films, Denver & Delilah Films, Tower Hill Entertainment and Mythology Entertainment and distributed by Netflix. The film stars Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Luke Evans, Gemma Arterton, and Terrence Stamp.

New York police officer, Nick Spits (Adam Sandler) lies about booking a trip to Europe after their 15th anniversary dinner. His wife Audrey (Jennifer Aniston), a hairdresser, thinks they will never visit Europe as he promised at their wedding. Nick scrambles to put together a less than ideal vacation honeymoon when on the plane Audrey meets billionaire Charles Cavendish (Luke Evans) who invites them to join him on his family yacht. As they explore the yacht they meet several eccentric and unusual people who they learn have all gathered to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Charles' former fiancee and his elderly uncle Malcolm Quince (Terrence Stamp). After Quince announces that everyone invited have been cutoff from his money and only his new wife Suzi (Shiori Kutsuna) will receive his inheritance, the lights go out and he is killed with his own dagger before he can sign his new will. Now everyone is a suspect, in this murder mystery.

This movie was great, lots of laughs and had you guessing, who did it. I really enjoy watching mystery/thriller movies and trying to see if I can figure out who the killer is before the reveal and I like how this movie kept me guessing. Of course it doesn't take itself as serious as an actual murder mystery and also pokes fun of some of the cliches and tropes, I had a good time watching it. It reminded me both of the movie The Orient Express and Clue. I give this movie a 6/10.
Killing Beauties
Killing Beauties
Pete Langman | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Killing Beauties is about the female spies (She-Intelligencers - isn’t it funny how they could make even that sound like an insult 🤔) who worked for the exiled Charles Stuart during Cromwells reign. Charles Stuart himself sends two female spies back to England to turn Cromwell’s Secretary of State, John Thurloe, into their accomplice using their feminine wiles and training. This is actually based on the true story of two female spies - not something that any of us are usually taught in history lessons at school (perhaps due to their methods!). This is a story with heaps of subterfuge and betrayal, and women who are determined to do the best job they can for their King and their secret society. It was quite amusing in places, which was a little light relief in an otherwise tense story. There’s loads of great historical detail too - think sights, smells and sounds.

It’s a really fun book - fast-paced and with a feeling of danger. I loved it!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising the book, and for Pete Langdon for commenting along with us readers!
Island of Lost Souls (1933)
Island of Lost Souls (1933)
1933 | Classics, Horror, Sci-Fi
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Yeah, and The Island of Lost Souls is amazing, from 1932 with Charles Laughton as Dr. Moreau. That movie is amazing. That movie’s dark. For anyone who hasn’t seen it, the extras — I mean, even now you watch like, this is really disturbing. The extras are supposed to be the half-man/half-animal people. You can tell they got really bizarre-looking extras before they did the makeup, and everybody looks like they’re deformed and f—ed up. Again, Lugosi plays the leader of the beast men. He’s not in it a lot, but of course he has the line that everybody remembers about the House of Pain: “He who breaks the law goes back to the House of Pain.” He’s in the movie for five minutes and steals the movie. Charles Laughton is incredible. But it’s demented again. The basic premise is a crazy one. They have the beast men and they’re being operated on and just screaming. It’s like, “This is not fun.” You have little kids running out of the theater in tears, or adults. It’s amazing. Still amazing. The cinematography’s amazing. Everything about it is just incredible."

Alice I Have Been
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why I picked up this book, I cannot be totally sure, as I've never been particularly fond of the Alice in Wonderland story. Still, there was something about hearing a fictional account of the "real" Alice's life that caught my fancy and I wanted to hear her tale, not Lewis Carroll's. Since I didn't know a thing about Alice Liddell or much about Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll's real name), everything was new to me. Yes, there is speculation and events have been changed to fit into the story, it is fiction after all, but there is a lot of truth in there too.

Broken up into three sections, the first deals with young Alice and her relationship with Mr. Dodgson and her older sister, Ina, who's her competition. At times this section is very uncomfortable, which it should be since it deals with a pedophiliac relationship, and sometimes slow. My attention was either fully captured or the opposite. Whether that had to do with the subject, the writing or myself, I'm unsure. Suffice it to say, I was happy when this part ended so I could move on to the rest of Alice's life. Sections two and three were better as far as being less perturbing, but they also had less detail and jumped around more. I understand it'd be a long book if it detailed everything, but there was a drastic change in structure from part one to part two. Even with that said, I did find these two parts more interesting and the ending was beautifully written.

While reading the book, I had to remind myself that this is a fiction, not biography, because at times it felt completely real, so that made it a harder read for me. The book is well-written and presented, some parts excelled, others didn't, but the story didn't have me in it's grip either. I don't believe it's the fault of the author, at least not entirely, but more than likely due to how the book affected me. The author does clarify events she exaggerated, tweaked or didn't change at all, and how she incorporated them into the book, which I appreciate. Overall, can I say I enjoyed the book as a whole? No, but I don't regret reading it either.
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
1955 | Drama, Mystery
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I was twenty years old when I first saw it. It terrified me then, and still does.
 The preacher, played by Robert Mitchum, is the most frightening
 psychopath I’ve ever seen depicted. This is the only film directed by Charles Laughton, and its haunting, over-the-top storytelling is reminiscent of Laughton’s own character portrayals. The poetic, expressionistic images are by Stanley Cortez, a true American master who I fortunately came to know many years before his death. Stanley photographed, among others, The Magnificent Ambersons and The Three Faces of Eve, in which his lighting is equally unique. The disturbing orchestral score is by Walter Schumann, who also wrote the Dragnet theme and whose music underlines and drives the horror the way Bernard Herrmann’s does in Psycho. This is one of James Agee’s rare screenplays—another was The African Queen—and it captures America in the Depression as
 well as did his book, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, with photographs by Walker Evans. The film’s story is an American equivalent of the Brothers Grimm."

The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
The Brief (Charles Holborne #1)
Simon Michael | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An exciting legal thriller
Sapere books just seem to keep publishing books that I really enjoy reading. This is another one. Again, a book that I wouldn’t normally read - although I don’t think I can keep saying that about thrillers, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately! This is a very good one though.

Charles Holborne wasn’t born as a Holborne, he was originally Charlie Horowitz. After a successful war for him, he left the RAF and went to Cambridge, which for a Jew from the East End at that time was both unusual and remarkable. He becomes a barrister, which is again unusual, and changes his surname due to the prejudice of those in chambers. He’s very good at his job, and specialises in criminal cases. Not everyone appreciates his success, and he soon runs in to some serious problems.

This book just seemed to speed by for me. It was interesting, fast-paced and the second half was rather exciting. We even get to meet the Krays (there’s some historical crimes and criminals to help the reader get some sort of context)!

Charlie Holborne is a really likeable character, and I’d be very interested to read more books in this series.
Thanks to Sapere Books for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Quiz in TV

Apr 21, 2020  
2020 | Drama
Very entertaining
I've grown up watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire although I have to admit the detail behind the Charles Ingram cheating scandal passed me by. I knew of it but that was it, so I found this show to be not only entertaining but informative too.

As far as tv dramas go, this is very entertaining. The 3 episodes are just enough to tell the story without being overly long and the whole scandal itself is an intriguing tale. I never knew the origins of the show or the real detail behind the scandal (like the brother being involved), so I found this to be fascinating and it was very well made. There's a great cast in this too, Matthew Macfayden is wonderful as the almost dim witted Ingram and he's ably supported by the rest of the cast. The star of the show though is definitely Michael Sheen as Chris Tarrant. He's an absolute hoot and looks like he's having so much fun. It's just a shame that he isn't in this more, although understandable considering the story isnt about him.

Overall this is a very entertaining retelling of a true story and whilst the outcome is rather frustrating (as in real life), it's a lot of fun and has a great nostalgic feel.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Decent acting (0 more)
Dull plot (3 more)
Contrived tropes
Extremely poor ending to the franchise
Villains aren't threatening in the slightest
Blame Game: The Movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
I've just come back from watching Dark Phoenix, and boy, was I let down! This certainly wasn't the way X-Men should end!

After the brilliant Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix falls very short of the mark in terms of plot, character development, and action.

The plot revolves around the X-Men going to space to rescue some astronauts, and Jean Grey getting caught in what we are led to believe is a solar flare, giving her unimaginable power. What follows is basically a gigantic blame game, where Jean blames Charles Xavier for hiding her past, Beast blaming Charles for Raven's death (due to Jean losing control, accidently killing Raven, who blames herself for it,) Magneto blaming Jean for the same thing, etc etc, all the while, Jean gets angry sometimes and destroys stuff.

Then some random aliens (the D'Bari) show up who want to use Jean for her powers, and these guys are supposed to be the villains of the film, however, they are the least threatening villains to come out in a long time, and there's no big finale to their demise at the end, they are literally disintegrated by Jean/Phoenix.

The biggest problem with Dark Phoenix is that there really isn't much in the way of story here, and it certainly doesn't add to the X-Men universe much at all. Even after Jean 'dies' no one grieves or mourns for her, we simply see Charles and Magneto playing chess, then the film ends.

The only positives I can really give are that the acting was decent enough, especially from James McAvoy, and there were a couple of good action scenes, but overall, this will end up being another highly forgettable film, and a very disappointing end to the X-Men franchise.