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Ghost stories (1 more)
Only a few stories (0 more)
This collection of tales will transport you to a time when staircases creaked in old manor houses, and a candle could be blown out by a gust of wind, or by a passing ghost. Penned by some of the greatest Victorian novelists and masters of the ghost story genre, these stories come alive alongside exquisitely eerie art in this special illustrated edition.

Since this is a short story collection, I will list the stories with a short synopsis and what I liked and disliked about them.

"Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad" by M.R. James
A professor decides to go on vacation to work on his golf game while doing a little side work in the town's archaeology, but when he digs up an old whistle and blows into it, he instantly regrets what the whistle brings.
Liked: the buildup to the climax was done masterfully, and the superstition that was used as the premise of the story
Disliked: that the ending is never explained

"The Old Nurse's Story" by Elizabeth Gaskell
When a governess and her ward are taken to a haunted house, they found out that everyone has to pay for their misdeeds.
Liked: the perfect example of what Victorian ghost stories were
Disliked: Nothing; I really enjoyed this one

"The Signalman" by Charles Dickens
A railroad signalman tells a co-worker that he is seeing a ghost that warns him of future accidents, but his co-worker can't tell if he's telling the truth or losing his mind.
Liked: an excellent ghost story; I wish it were an entire novel
Disliked: nothing

"The Body-Snatcher" by Robert Louis Stevenson
When a medical student realizes that the 'donated' bodies are murder victims, he's not so sure he can live with the consequences.
Liked: the ending wasn't predictable
Disliked: at the start, there's a little confusion among who is who

" The Captain of the Pole-Star" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A group of whalers are stuck in the middle of the ocean because of ice burgs, but the ice is the least of their problems when they begin to hear and see supernatural things out on the ice.
Liked: the plot of the story was really good
Disliked: the run-on sentences, some of the accents were hard to decipher, and the ending wasn't explained

"The Phantom Coach" by Amelia B. Edwards
A young man loses his way while on a hunt, but soon finds help with an old man that is convinced the supernatural is real, and when he senses the young man does not, he puts him up against forces from the other side.
Liked: the story never lulled, and the descriptions of the undead were amazing
Disliked: nothing, I thought the story was really good

"The Screaming Skull" by F. Marion Crawford
When the friend of a family finds a skull in the latter's home, he begins to question whether or not the husband murdered his wife.
Liked: I love that this story is actually based off an urban legend
Disliked: the way the author kept breaking away from the story to talk to the audience; it caused the flow of the story to stop

Overall, the Victorian-era authors knew how to write a ghost story. I absolutely loved this collection of short stories. I highly recommend this book to people who love a good 'ol fashioned ghost story (not the gory ones we have today).
Stoker (2013)
Stoker (2013)
2013 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Chan-wook Park, the director of Oldboy and Thirst brings audiences his unique visual style and unsettling themes in his first English speaking film.

After the death of the family's patriarch, his surviving wife and teenage daughter handle the grief in very different ways. Wife Evelyn cries at the funeral, then doesn't seem to be too morose after the appearance of her former brother-in-law, Charles. Daughter India thinks about times her and her father had together when she was a child. They seemed to have much more of a bond in hanging with one another hunting small game. Evelyn seems jealous of their relationship until brother Charlie arrives in her gazes full time.

Charlie just seems a bit to nice and proper and trying to fit in with his new female friends. Something not quite right about him. This is also noticed by the family's live in housekeeper and an aunt that drops by the house sometime after the funeral. Mysteriously, both women go missing sometime after.

India has her own issues at school dealing herself with bullies and an aggressive boy who tries to rape her. She deals with them herself, and with help from others. She seems very pleased with herself and remembers fondly what she has done.

Events then become very disturbing, family members start to show their true feelings for each and motives are explained and revealed for a memorable and unique third act.

Director Park's visual style of interesting camera angles, memorable images and close up photography here as well; however, muted compared to his usual over-the-top style of his Asian films. Disturbing images followed by exterior shots or interesting camera transitional moments are one I love to see if film and there are several of them in this piece.

The unraveling of the mystery and of the character motivations and the continually changing family dynamic are certainly the most interesting aspect of the story. Not sure if I completely understand some of the subtle thematic elements or how they relate to the overall message the film is trying to convey, but that is not a negative.

The ending is shocking and unexpected and not sure if I understand that either, but it ties the story up and makes the audience wonder what will happen to the characters after the credits roll.

Mia Wasikowska stood out to me as very good in this film. Her nuanced and emotional roller coaster of a character was done with conviction. You may remember her from the Alice in Wonderland Tim Burton reboots; however, she is much more wicked this time around.

Not sure if everyone would enjoy as it may seem boring or confusing to some. I did read several 1 and 3 star reviews along with many 9 and 10 star reviews which seem to be the type of movie I am watching lately. Those types of movies are divisive and I like to see which side I am on.

Watch for yourself and tell me what you think.

Pushing Daisies  - Season 1
Pushing Daisies - Season 1
2007 | Comedy, Crime, Romance
9.4 (7 Ratings)
Favourite TV Series
This has to be one of my all time favourite television series. The story follows Ned, a man who can bring the dead back to life. But only for a minute. Any longer and something else has to die in their place. If he touches thelay person/thing again, they will die again. Forever.

This is all well for the private investigator, Emerson Cod who accidently discovered Ned's abilities. The two of them solve crime and split the earnings between them.

However, one day Emerson and Ned are given the task to find out who murdered a woman on a cruise. The women just so happens to be Ned's childhood sweetheart Charlotte Charles. Can he keep her alive for only a minute? Or will he succumb to his selfish want of needed company and love.

The series appears to be light hearted and playful. However, this contrasts with the darkness of what is actually happening. Two men solving murder mysteries.

It is humorous and playful, often using metaphors and quirky language in the characters dialogue. Overall, it is a refreshing watch compared to other television series. I highly reccomend if you like lighthearted romance, murder mysteries with laugh out loud humour.
The Keeping (Law of the Lycans, #3)
The Keeping (Law of the Lycans, #3)
Nicky Charles | 2010 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Keeping (Law of the Lycans #3) by Nicky Charles
The Keeping is one of the main laws of the Lycans. They can't tell anyone about their existence, or dire circumstances will follow. The photograph Ryne took of Kane comes into play in this book. Billionaire 'Greyson' has the photo, and makes a discovery. To follow up on this, he makes sure his lawyer, Aldrich, hires Melody to find Ryne and get an interview. You don't know Greyson's reasons for this until the end of the book, so you are kept in tenterhooks. Melody and Ryne have an explosive time together, but the line between 'yes' and 'no' is blurred in this story, so consider yourself warned. On a positive note, we catch up with Elise and Kane, so that's good.

This is an intricate tale, with plenty of mystery left to the end. Smoothly written, and with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, The Keeping is another jewel in the crown of The Law of the Lycans series. This book will definitely keep your interest, whether it is the mystery side, or the sexy times ;) Absolutely recommended by me.

* Verified Purchase ~ April 2013 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
Anna-Marie Crowhurst | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A bit of feminism in post Puritan England!
Ursula Flight's story takes us from her birth during the time of Charles II, all through her early years and her life as a married woman. She comes from an affluent family, is taught to read, write, speak classic and modern languages, and she loves the idea of writing plays and the theatre (although she has never been). She marries at a very young age, just after her beloved father dies, and her husband couldn't be more different to her own father and family. He is dull, Puritanical (in the true sense of the word), ugly and controlling. Ursula wants more from her life than sewing and bible study (which she shouldn't be reading either - it's not the done thing for a woman to be able to read). And she sets about getting it after she arrives in London.
I loved this book: a bit of feminism set in the latter half of the 1600s. Ursula grabs hold of life and makes it what she wants (partly it's thrust upon her, but she makes the best of it). It's very funny in places and also incredibly moving. A really well-rounded, excellent book, frankly!
Murder Mystery (2019)
Murder Mystery (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Mystery
Who Knew High School Latin Would Come In Handy?
Does anyone remember the movie "Manhattan Murder Mystery," the Woody Allen movie where Woody Allen and Dane Keaton play a older married couple who try to solve the murder of their neighbor in an homage to Rear Window? "Murder Mystery" is a Happy Madison production that pays homage to Agatha Christie and Blake Edwards and several Hitchcock films. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston play Nick and Nora (I mean Audrey) Spitz, a NYPD Sergeant and hairdresser, celebrating 15 years of marriage. In an attempt to save his failing marriage, Nick buys the trip to Europe he promised Audrey at their wedding. On the plane to France, they meet a rich debonair rake Charles Cavendish who invites them to his family yacht. During an elaborate ceremony, the family patriarch is murdered and the sole heir seemingly commits suicide. Nick and Audrey become the prime suspects and as bodies of the other family members start to pile up while being questioned by the couple the list of suspects shrinks.
The movie has some light moments to balance the thrills. But overall for a movie that is fond of pointing out that cliches of the genre are fictitious it contains many of those cliches.