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Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Millie Bobby brown (3 more)
King Ghidorah
Charles dance
Keep this short review no spoliers wow all I can say about this movie the ultimate Monster mash up. as a fan of the Japanese Godzilla movies too see some favourite monsters especially king Ghidorah on the big screen bring on king Kong
Hobson's Choice (1983)
Hobson's Choice (1983)
1983 | Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’ve never been a huge fan of David Lean’s epics and think the modest British films he did in the 1940s are superior. I also wouldn’t have thought he had a glimmer of humor, but this film is witty, and the actors (even Charles Laughton) have been directed with insight."

The Astonishing Life of August March
The Astonishing Life of August March
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The blurb says this book is “Candide by way of John Irving, with a hint of Charles Dickens.” I'm not totally sure, but you can find out what I thought of this fun debut novel in my #bookreview on my blog here.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror, Romance
Good female characters (2 more)
Great mix of the original and the new
Good and gory!!
This was a cracking film! I thought it would be a cheese-fest, and to some degree it is. I loved how the zombie storyline was merged with the original novel, and I, probably annoyingly, kept telling my husband when they had lifted dialogue from the book. I liked that touch very much. And there are some absolutely cracking actors in this film! I was very surprised to see Charles Dance (and also rather pleased. He could talk to/ at me all day!).
Charles (Learning to Love #1)
Charles (Learning to Love #1)
Con Riley | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
deep and complex emotions involved, but I loved it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Once upon a time, there was a reader much like yourself. She read for pleasure, but also had fallen down the slippery slope of reading to review, so every book she read needed a review written. Fun, but hard work sometimes, especially when said reader found herself in a book funk of EPIC proportions, and that almost every book she read, was dumped.

Then THIS book landed in her queue to read and review. There had been lots of books dumped this past week, and there weren't many review books in her queue, but this one was asked for ages ago, and so she wanted to read it. So on a quiet evening at work, she jumped in.

And she was pulled back into the small Cornish village that this book is set, the same one that feature in the HIS series, and she was pulled deeper and deeper and she did not stop reading! Well, she did, but only because she was at work! Going home, and she finished this book, staying up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past her bedtime, and she loved it!

She loved Charles. Charles is the third son of an Earl, but he just wants to use his degree to help children who might slip through the net, much like he did. His undiagnosed dyslexia meant he did not get the help he needed as a child, and he doesn't want that for another child. He sees the world differently and wants to help. Applying for the teachers job for a group of 4/5 year olds is his dream job. But the head doesn't think Charles is qualified enough but offers Charles a different sort of job. To bring a smile to his friend's face again.

The reader loved Hugo too. Even though Hugo isn't given a voice, the reader heard him good and well when he speaks. When he touches Charles, when Charles touches him. Hugo was HEARD. Hugo's calling is questioned but his faith is not. He needs to make a decision about fully committing to the church, but he also needs to heal first. Charles helps him to heal, inside and out.

The reader loved that Hugo doesn't hold Charles' history against him. Loved the fact that Hugo almost embraced it. The reader was made to cry. Charles has a deep soul, and he wears his emotions on his face and Hugo sees Charles, really SEES him.

The reader loved that Kier and Mitch, from His Haven. Charles and Kier are best friends. Loved that Kier saw Charles too, just in a different way to Hugo. The reader loved that Charles and his brother George got on soooooooooo much better towards the end of the book than the beginning!

The reader found this a very emotional book. Whether that was because of Charles, or Hugo or them both together, she wasn't quite sure, but she loved that it was. There are deep and complex emotions in this book, and it made the reader slow her reading down, to fully appreciate them.

And the epilogue?? Oh, the reader bawled her heart out at that, she really did!

So, all in all, the reader LOVED this book! The reader wants more of this author!

And the reader lived happily ever after, because lots of this author's books are now settled on her kindle!

The end, with 5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Joey Santiago recommended Marquee Moon by Television in Music (curated)

Marquee Moon by Television
Marquee Moon by Television
1977 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I got this when we were already started, it was when I raided the album closet of Elektra. It's one of the albums where it was, "Yeah, I gotta have this one". Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd traded off rhythm and lead, it'd be like their version of 'Dueling Banjos'! They took turns and there's all these different elements to it. That probably seeped in to [his and Black Francis' playing] on 'Monkey Gone To Heaven' through osmosis. We didn't mean it and it was just lucky. We just figure stuff out. Charles [Michael Kittridge Thompson IV, aka Black Francis] just leaves me alone when I'm doing my guitars. He would say "'Pixify' it", it's when the Pixies really become the Pixies. I'm just quoting him! It's kind of true in a little way. Of course it would be, that's the job, that's a lead guitarist's job, and Charles' job is to make Pixies songs and all that stuff. The guitar happens to be front and centre of the mix. They would even say it, "Now it's Joey's turn", and Charles would say: "Ah, now it's the Pixies.""

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third novel in Sean Thomas Russell's <i>Charles Hayden</i> series (after [b:Under Enemy Colours] and [b:A Battle Won|7977384|A Battle Won (Charles Hayden, #2)|S. Thomas Russell||12314972]) which, I have to say, I did not enjoy as much as either of the previous two.

A large reason for that, perhaps, is that I spent roughly about the first half of the book trying to remember what had happened previously, particularly in relation to Hayden's private life! As such, I wouldn't recommend this as the first novel to read in the series: although it is (eventually) cleared up over the course of the events, having some clear idea of just why the characters are acting the way they are/even who they are does help immeasurably.

While it largely alternates between events at home and on the sea, this novel can also be split into several distinct sections: the first section dealing with Hayden (aboard his ship <i>Themis</i>) blockade of France, and his attempts to get back to England with news of vital import, the next section with shipwreck and recovery in France and the final section with the battle of 'The Glorious First of June'.

And yes, some of that has been covered before (and, IMO, better) in CS Forester's famous <i>Hornblower</i> series.
Luke (Learning to Love #3)
Luke (Learning to Love #3)
Con Riley | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Whatever happens, no matter how bad it gets, the sun ALWAYS rises.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Learning To Love series and can be read as a stand alone. I have read book 1, Charles but somehow missed book 2, Sol and now I want to go back and read it! Because I loved Charles, and I'm gutted to missed Sol, not because I NEED to, just because I want to.

Luke is the head master at Glynn Harber and is doing his best to save the school. His friends-with-benefits comes to school to talk about his career path. But Luke needs to end it, and tells Nathan no more casual. Nathan agrees. But Nathan is hiding a lot of pain, and it takes a glance at a business card for everything to come tumbling down around his ears.

I loved Charles, I really did but Luke?? oh my days! Luke broke my heart, he really did. But equally, so did Nathan.

Luke loves Nathan, but he can't do the no strings anymore. Its clear from the start that it was never gonna happen, a clean break, hell, ANY sort of break was not happening, but Luke tries. Its also clear that even though he agrees to the no casual with Luke, that Nathan loves him too, HAS loved him for a long time.

And it's this that broke me. Both men loved each other, even if they didn't admit it to themselves, and were perfect for each other. But neither had been fully truthful with the other, even after their very long friendship/relationship. And when it all comes out, from both Luke and Nathan? Oh I cried, I really did.

And I gotta say, had Nathan been given a voice, I think that would have been too much pain in a single book, I really do. Because, as with Charles, only Luke is given a voice. Ordinarily, I would have said I wanted to hear from Nathan, and at points, I really did. Ordinarily, I would have possibly knocked a mark off for the single point of view. But Nathan delivers some serious romance to Luke in this book, when he talks about what he likes about Luke and I can't take that star off, I really can't.

And then Riley delivers the most devastatingly emotional line, when Luke takes to kids leaving school to the top of the tor. (I'm paraphrasing, cos I didn't highlight it! and I'm getting emotional writing the damn review!)

Whatever happens, no matter how bad it gets, the sun ALWAYS rises.

And THEN?? That bloody epilogue!! OH!!

So now I need Sol, and Riley with have systematically destroyed me, in 3 books. But then, Austin is next and you get glimspes of him here, and he gonna break me too, I just know it!

I can't give it any less than:

5 full and shiny stars
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
1968 | Action, Drama, Western

"Once Upon a Time in the West would come on the million-dollar movie. We had that once a week, I think, when everything was deployed on television. I had a [inaudible] television and I watched Once Upon a Time in the West, and I was blown away by the power in the stillness and silence of Charles Bronson as Harmonica, and I just thought the culmination of Morricone’s score with Leone’s gorgeous style, and then the showdown between Henry Fonda, who is outstanding as a bad guy, and Bronson was one of the most powerful moments I’ve ever experienced in cinema, and it really made a big impact."


Joe Swanberg recommended Crumb (1994) in Movies (curated)

Crumb (1994)
Crumb (1994)
1994 | Documentary
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s in my top five list of best films ever made. I just think it’s perfect. It’s an amazing portrait of an artist, an amazing portrait of a family, Crumb is an incredible central character. I feel like whenever I watch that movie — I sort of watch it every couple years — I start talking like him afterwards. I mean he really infects me in a way that totally changes the way that I look at the world. All great artists have that sort of ability. When I read some of my favorite novelists after I put down one of their books, I’m thinking in their words. I’m seeing the world through their eyes and it’s the same with Crumb. I’m a big fan of his comics, but that film does such an amazing job putting you kind of in his headspace. It also looks amazing, it’s shot on film, Zwigoff does an incredible job framing Crumb’s world, and the Jazz music. it’s just great, I just think it’s great. I think the movie’s a pleasure to watch. I mean, his brother Charles is f—ing incredible, man. Like, the idea that this family produced not one great artist, three great artists. And that Crumb was actually the one who was political enough and sophisticated enough and just barely enough of a people person that his art got seen. But, you know, Charles and Matt also were like really pushing the boundaries of the stuff and also hugely influential on Crumb’s stuff. You don’t get Robert without Charles. You just never sort of have access to those stories the way that this documentary has access to that family. It’s a lot to think about, the artwork that we end up getting as a culture, you know, often times is less about what’s better, and more about how savvy the artist is and how able they are to kind of be in the right place at the right time so that there’s an audience for the work."
