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Marriage Story (2019)
Marriage Story (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
I enjoyed Marriage Story, for as much as one can enjoy that type of situation. It was frustrating and heartbreaking, and had some funny spots thrown in. It was a raw story of a family going through a divorce. (Granted, it was a family that had access to money for bulldog legal teams, so it was both, "easy," and ugly.) Adam Driver was great in his role as Charlie.
The Key to Death's Door
The Key to Death's Door
Mark Tilbury | 2018 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Key To Death’s Door by Mark Tilbury is a tense, mystery, thriller novel interwoven with supernatural and horror aspects, which reminded me of Stephen King style reads.

When Teenager Lee Hunter and his best friend Charlie Finch go on a fishing trip, Lee drowns only to discover that when he awakes he has travelled back in time about 30 years and is now living the life of another lad called Paul Collins. To his horror, he, his family and his best friend are at the mercy of the evil and sadistic Daryl Finch, Charlie Finch’s father and they are all about to be killed.

After being successfully resuscitated by Charlie, Lee comes back as himself – to the current time period – knowing the horrific truth about Charlie’s father, Daryl, and what he is capable of. With his newfound knowledge Lee sets out to avenge the death’s of the Collins’ family. But where to start? Who is going to believe Lee knows what happened all those years ago, when he wasn’t even born then?

The Key to Death’s Door is a clever story, and raises serious issues of child abuse, wife beating, animal cruelty and murder in such vivid detail, I totally wanted justice for what had happened, and for Daryl Finch to get his comeuppance for his past and present atrocities. There’s no way he could be allowed to get away with what he’s done, surely?

I loved the relationship of best friends Lee and Charlie, they were portrayed realistically for their ages, and their characters were fun to read. They might not always have been able to say what they really meant to each other, but they had each other’s back, and at times their conversations were even quite funny and endearing. Contrast this with the scenes in the Collins’ house, which were utterly brutal and horrifying and you’re in for a thrilling ride with a supernatural twist. I certainly enjoyed The Key to Death’s Door and will look for more of Mark Tilbury’s work from now on.
Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation
Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation
Stuart Gibbs | 2019 | Children, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Charlie Be as Smart as Einstein?
Meet Charlie Thorne. She is highly intelligent, a great athlete – and twelve-years-old. She is attending college, if you can call only showing up on test days to be attending college, just biding her time until she is legally an adult. Until the day the CIA shows up and strong arms her into helping them on a mission of critical importance. It is believed that Albert Einstein developed an equation in the 1930’s that rivals his theory of relativity in importance, but he hid it to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. While people all over the world have been looking for it for decades, the race to find it has heated up, with the fate of the world potentially in the balance. Because Charlie is so smart, they think she can more easily decode the clues that Einstein left behind. Will Charlie be able to follow the clues to find it?

I was excited to dive into a new series from middle grade author Stuart Gibbs. It takes a little time to set up the characters and the story in the first half, but the second half is packed with action. When I got here, it was nearly impossible to put down. The main characters got some nice character growth over the course of the book. The rest of the characters aren’t quite as sharp, but they are developed enough to keep us engaged in the book. This doesn’t have quite as much humor as some of Stuart Gibbs’s other books, although I did laugh some. The more serious tone is reflected in the more serious nature of the story. There isn’t anything that isn’t appropriate for the intended audience, but there is more violence off the page than in his previous books. Only the most sensitive kids will be bothered by what happens here, however. The ending of this book will leave you ready for Charlie’s next adventure. I know I’m anxious for it.
Ash (Hive Trilogy, #1)
Jaymin Eve | 2015
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
136 of 230
Ash ( Hive Trilogy book 1)
By Jaymin Eve and Leia Stone

Are you an Ash?
*Increased stamina
*Lack of appetite
*Anger outbursts
*Insatiable thirst
*Beauty & Strength
Call the hotline if these symptoms come on suddenly!

Turns out Charlie Bennet was all of those things except the last. Don’t let the name fool you, Charlie was all woman and she wanted nothing to do with the ash … until the day she found out she was one.
It all started when infected bats bit a small group of humans and created what are now called vampires. Then, the male vampires knocked up some female humans and the result was a gorgeous race of all male ash. Superhuman freaks that had looks to kill.
Charlie is the first female ash, aka unicorn of the Hive – the gated compound in Portland that the humans have designated to isolate vampires and ash from society.
Problem? The Hive is full and only a select few will be allowed to live there. To live at all, really. If Charlie wants to earn the right to become a citizen of the Hive, she will have to survive the culling – a series of fights to the death. And guess what? Just because she’s a girl doesn’t mean she’ll get special treatment.
Good thing there’s Ryder, the mysterious lead ash enforcer, who seems to always have her back. But when secrets bubble to the surface, it will take more than one guy to save her.

I really liked this! It was a different take on vampires and their origins and I thought it was so clever. The characters were likeable and you had that will they won’t they attraction between the main characters. If I had one thing that slightly drove me crazy was being told how hot it sexy they were every 4 or so pages yes we get that they are beautiful, sexy and hot guys please stop telling me 😂. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing where they take this storyline.
Dating Princeton Charming
Dating Princeton Charming
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dating Princeton Charming continues with the story of Charlie and Spencer. It is now Christmas break and Charlie has gone home to be with her family. Her mom isn't doing too well and even though she has lost her job, she knows she is where she needs to be. When Spencer shows up at her door, she is not only shocked, but also very excited to see him. Things are great with the just the two of them together, but will they be able to maintain this happiness once they are back on campus?

Thank you to Frankie Love and C.M. Seabrook for the opportunity to read and review this book.

For me, I didn't enjoy this book as much as I did the first one, Kissing Princeton Charming. I still can't wait to see where this series is going to go.

When the scholarship girl gets with the man on campus who has a building named after his family, there seems to be nothing but chaos. From threatening notes, to bricks being thrown, and fights between just about everyone, life shouldn't be this hectic. It would be so much easier on everyone if Charlie and Spencer weren't together, but since they've had a taste of each other, they can't let the other go. Will their relationship be able to last with such a difference between the two, or will they have to let each other go?
Swift Edge
Swift Edge
Laura DiSilverio | 2011 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This Book Swiftly Had me on the Edge of My Seat
PI Charlette “Charlie” Swift has a new client. Dara Peterson needs Charlie to track down her ice skating partner, Dmitri Fane, before the Olympic trials start in just a few days. With her new business partner, Gigi Goldman, semi-helping, Charlie begins investigating. She quickly gets attacked and finds someone left for dead on the ice. What has happened to Dmitri?

I read the first book in this series years ago, and I kept meaning to go back and read this one. I’m so glad I did. This book is as much fun as I remember the first being. The plot is fast paced with plenty of action and a page turning climax. What Gigi doesn’t know about the PI business she makes up for in enthusiasm, and her antics add some great laughs. Yet none of the characters come across as caricatures; there is a depth to all of them. Mostly, we only see glimpses of that depth, but it is enough to make them seem real. The book skirts around the edges of the cozy genre with just a touch more violence and language than a traditional cozy, but as long as you expect that, you’ll be fine. I really did enjoy this book, and it won’t be as long before I go back to visit these characters again.
I've been anxiously awaiting the release of this book since the second one came out last August. I love this series! The tension starts at the very beginning and follows through the entire book, to the last page. I love the characters (Charlie is my hero) and I was furious about what happened at the end (in a good way. I have to read the next book now!).

I will say I wished I'd read the other two again before reading this one. I didn't forget too much, but there were a few little things were I was thinking "Okay I remember something about that, but no details." I would certainly recommend reading them closer together than one year.

If you liked the first two Charlie Madigan books, you'll love this one. Lots of loose ends were tied up, doors were opened, and secrets were revealed. I loved it!

Content/Recommendation: Some language, no sex. Ages 17+
Heart of the Matter
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Does anyone have the "perfect" marriage? Everyone looking at Tessa and Nick think so.
Nick is a pediatric surgeon and Tessa has recently quit her teaching job to be a stay-at-home mom. They have two children, Frank and Ruby. They are out for their anniversary dinner when Nick get an emergency phone call. A little boy has fallen into a fire.

Valerie, is the mother to that little boy, Charlie. He was at his very first sleep over when this terrible accident happened.

Nick does his best to make sure that Charlie and Valerie are taken care of. He is a wonderful doctor.

You never realize how small your town is until something like this, brings the whole community into your business.

Even though Tessa and Valerie have never met, their worlds collide in more than one way when this accident occurs.

This book makes you examine your relationships and find out how strong your love really is!
Charlie Harris is helping put together a display about the various teen detectives for the Athena Public Library. Since he’s a fan of the little known Veronica Thane series, he’s hoping to highlight it. He’s delighted to learn that the author lives nearby and is willing to make a rare appearance during that time. But news that she will be there brings out some obsessed fans, and a murder quickly follows. Can Charlie figure out what happened?

As a fan of teen detectives myself, I found this book a lot of fun. The mystery was strong with a few elements from the teen detective genre thrown in for good measure, which added to the plot. We didn’t see quite as much of the supporting cast as usual, but the new characters more than made up for it, and Diesel, Charlie’s cat, is as charming as ever.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Athena College Library has a new director, and Oscar Reilly seems determined to drive all the staff away. The heads of the library’s departments hate him and Charlie’s friend Melba is ready to quit. In fact, Charlie’s issue, that Oscar is claiming allergies as a reason that Charlie can’t bring his cat Diesel to work anymore, seems minor. It’s not terribly surprising when Oscar turns up dead, but who actually killed him?

Those who like this series will love this installment. The characters are as delightful as ever, and we get some advancement on series plot threads. The murder is set up well with good suspects and motives that Charlie has to work his way through until we reach the logical solution. This is my favorite to date in the series.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in hopes I would review it.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.