Charles Sheeler
Charles Sheeler was the stark poet of the machine age. Photographer of the Ford Motor Company and...
Charles Sheeler: Fashion, Photography, and Sculptural Form
Philadelphia native Charles Sheeler (1883-1965) is recognized as one of the founding figures of...

Celebrity: How Entertainers Took Over The World and Why We Need an Exit Strategy
These days, entertainers no longer just entertain: they advocate dubious 'religions', work for the...

Shooting Straight: Guns, Gays, God, and George Clooney
Despite many wanting him to fail, Piers Morgan took over from US TV legend Larry King at CNN in 2010...

Work! Consume! Die!: I am Actually Almost Completely Insane Now
Brace yourself, Frankie's back, and he's more outspoken and brilliantly inappropriate than ever....