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This is 40 (2012)
This is 40 (2012)
2012 | Comedy
5.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The last time we saw Pete and Debbie in the movie “Knocked Up”, they were just reconciling after a short separation. Pete found Debbie too controlling and regularly escaped the house leading Debbie to believe he was having an affair when really he was in a fantasy baseball draft. Five years later, Pete is no longer a band promoter but trying to keep his own record label afloat, while Debbie owns and manages a clothing boutique.

To the casual observer, Pete and Debbie, played with great chemistry by Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann, live an idyllic life with a nice house, two daughters and promising businesses. But a closer look finds Pete would rather play Scrabble on his iPad while on the toilet than spend time playing with his daughters. Most would never guess Debbie is a stress smoker since she goes to great lengths to hide her habit. Stressing over turning 40 isn’t helping her quit and neither is trying to figure out which of her employees is stealing from her. Is it the sexpot Desi, played easily by Megan Fox, or is it the strange Jodi, played with eerie weirdness by Charlyne Yi? As for Pete’s business, his stubborn antipathy towards popular music is driving his record label towards bankruptcy. But that’s not all that’s troubling Pete and Debbie. Both have daddy issues and neither know how quite to handle their over-emotional 14 year old daughter.

Sound like a hodge-podge of dilemmas? It certainly is. What started out as an amusing tale of turning 40 quickly devolved into a manic mess of pointing fingers, curse words, teenage angst and mental breakdowns. At one point in the film, Debbie’s dad, played by John Lithgow, looked utterly confused and I could empathize. If this movie had a storyline, it got lost along with any sympathy for Pete or Pete’s dad played by Albert Brooks. You know it’s bad when you start hoping the 8 year old daughter, Charlotte, says something funny again to break the tension.

With this strong cast of actors, including director Judd Apatow’s daughters Maude and Iris who played Pete and Debbie’s daughters, Sadie and Charlotte, there was no issue with the performances. Maybe some of the story was trimmed away in the editing room, but with a run time of 134 minutes, one would think some semblance of a storyline could have been left. Sure, there was plenty to laugh at, especially with bit parts played by Jason Segal, Melissa McCarthy and Chris O’Dowd.

I really wanted to like this movie. Judd Apatow, Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann sounded like the perfect trio to make a funny movie. Alas, the funny stuff is in the trailers. Save yourself some dough and wait for the DVD, where some of the storyline may make it in the deleted scenes.
Matching Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant #3)
Matching Bloodlines (The Princeton Allegiant #3)
Deborah Garland | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MATCHING BLOODLINES is the third book in The Princeton Allegiant series, and trust me when I say this series just keeps on getting better and better! Although I would say you "could" read this as a standalone, the better question would be "why?"

At the end of the last book, Francisco (and us) found out that Sophia was alive and also got a location. The start of this book takes us to that location. Poor Francisco. That's all I'm saying. And what the hell is Loren thinking? He's got his mate so he should have some idea of what it is he's saying!!!

I am sincerely loving this world. It gets more amazing with every book. Francisco really shines in this, showing the reader just how caring (and possessive) a vampire can be about his mate. Charlotte has a hard choice to make. Well, hard for her, at any rate. The attraction between them is off the charts and I loved every moment of it. Sophia is playing a game and I really don't like her. Just saying!

If I could do half stars, this would definitely be a 4 1/2, but I can't so it's not. Do NOT let that put you off though. I sincerely recommend this book and the series, and I really can't wait to continue. But who is next? Is it Reese or Victor? Either way, I'm ready and waiting.

A fantastic story and highly recommended by me.
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
The Princess and the Frog (2009)
2009 | Animation, Comedy, Family
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘭𝘰𝘨. Offers wonderful animation and some really good voice work - but predictably so. As in... every chuckle or vividly crafted frame fits precisely in line with such a monotonous, hackneyed formula so not only are none of this film's assets particularly inspired or interesting, but they're all mostly forgotten as soon as that exhausting Ne-Yo song plays during the end credits. Not to mention knowing the exact beats this is going to take before it takes them makes it sadly *so* laborious to get through. Not that convention in these things is bad on its own, I mean these same directors made Moana which I enjoyed a ton despite its familiarity - but I found that one to be better than this one in every conceivable way: charm, storytelling, animation, etc. even if neither of them feel particularly well paced (the *only* thing this does better is that the lead is [[[slightly]]] more developed here). Doesn't help that the songs - I realize I'm in the minority to report - are only alright at best. Though admittedly that one's probably a me thing, since I've never really been a huge jazz guy. The cute little frogs are funny, and I loved the silly Jim Cummings firefly + wide-eyed Charlotte + lanky Keith David villain - but I'm sorry, at a certain point early on I just started waiting for this to be over.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Bone Music in Books

Jun 6, 2019  
Bone Music
Bone Music
Christopher Rice | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bone Music’s story by Christopher Rice is not a classical melody, but more like hard rock. The scenes are riveting and realistic enough that there is an element of believability, alternating between a thriller and the fringes of science fiction.

This consuming read has the heroine trying to overcome her tragic past by rebuilding her life and overcoming her trust issues. The intensity begins from page one when a husband and wife team of serial killers abducts a nine-month-old baby after brutally killing its mother. They raised Trina, hoping to include her in their viciousness, grooming her to follow in their footsteps. Luckily for her, at the age of seven, the FBI raided their hideout.

Yet, throughout her life Trina had to be under the suspicion of some who felt that she was complicit in the murders, labelled as “The Burning Girl.” She attempts to bury her past by changing her name to Charlotte Rowe, and baring her soul to psychologist, Dylan “Cole,” who was pretending to help, but actually had his own agenda. He gives her a supposed calming pill, which is actually an experimental drug. It transforms her adrenaline when triggered by a sense of fear, allowing her to have super strength. Now able to gain back her confidence with a life ruled less by fear, she decides to use her extraordinary ability to fight evil, a serial killer known as the Mask Maker, with the help of the pharmaceutical company that makes the drug.
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Good Lord! How much sex and violence is acceptable for a UK-15 film?
I recognise that it’s a “thing” that I get into periodic ‘ruts’ of ranting about particular aspects of cinema. But it’s not spoilers in trailers this time! No, the most recent rut I’ve been in is concerned with the correctness or otherwise of the BBFC’s rating of UK 15-certificate films, which seems to have been the rating of every cinema film I’ve seen recently! In my view both “Phantom Thread” and “Lady Bird” should both have firmly been 12A’s to attract a broader teenage audience. But here’s a case on the other side of the balance.

“Red Sparrow”, the latest film from “Hunger Games” director Francis Lawrence, has Jennifer Lawrence (“Joy“, “mother!“) as Dominika Egorova, a Russian ballerina, who after a horrific accident (cringe) is forced to serve the State in order to keep her mother (Joely Richardson, “101 Dalmations”) in their Bolshoi-funded apartment and with the necessary medical treatment. She is sent to a spy “whore school”, ruled over by “matron” (Charlotte Rampling), to learn how to use sexual and psychological means to ‘get in the pants’ (and therefore the minds) of foreign targets.

Always elegant. Charlotte Rampling back on our screens as “Matron”.
And she turns out to be very good and – without nepotism of course, given that her creepy uncle Egorov ( Matthias Schoenaerts, “Far From The Madding Crowd“) is high up in the special services – she is sent on a mission to Budapest to try to uncover a high profile mole, who’s CIA handler is Nate Nash (Joel Edgerton, “The Great Gatsby“, “Black Mass“). Supervising Egorov’s operation are his two line managers General Korchnoi (Jeremy Irons, “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice“) and Zakharov (Ciarán Hinds, “Harry Potter”). Sucked into a web of intrigue, Dominika needs to use all her skills and charms to complete her mission… which equates to keeping herself and her mother alive.

Now on the tarmac, Joel really wans’t looking forward to his Ryanair flight.
This is an extremely uneven film. In places it is quite brilliant, particularly the twist in the ending which leaves you thinking (like “Life“) that the film is actually better than it was. In fact – subject to a couple of severe reservations discussed below – the script by Justin Haythe (“A Cure for Wellness“) and based on a book by Jason Matthews, is quite sharp. But – man – in its direction the film seriously takes its time. In my book, a film needs to have a pretty good reason to extend its stay past 2 hours, and this outstays its welcome by an extra 20 minutes. Many of the scenes are protracted – leisurely walks across streets etc. – for no particularly good reason.

Pwoaahh – look at those. (I’m referring of course to Joel Edgerton’s buns in those speedos).
And so to those major reservations: the sex and the violence.

I’m no prude when it comes to sex, but some of the scenes in the ‘whore school’ left me feeling like this was less about a “Times Up” initiative of empowering women and more about providing an array of sordid titillation on the screen that just help entrench mysoginistic views about women. (Did anyone else hear Kenneth Williams saying “Oooooh, matron” to Charlotte Rampling’s character?) There were men and women attending this training camp, but did we see – later in the film – any of the men subjecting themselves to sexual humiliation or subjugation in the field: no, we did not. I love a really good erotic film… but this just left me feeling dirty and used.

Who wants to go to the f***ing party? No one seems to have remembered to bring a bottle.
And then there’s the violence. I’m definitely not a fan of the sort of violent-porn of the “Saw” type of films, but heavens – if there was a reason to make this an 18 certificate it was the violence involved. Violent rape, a vicious revenge attack, extreme torture, skinning alive: was there nothing in here that the censors thought, “hang on a minute, perhaps I don’t want a 15 year old seeing this”. I have seldom seen and heard more flinching and whimpering from women in a cinema audience than during this film. If you are adversely affected by screen violence, this is really one best to avoid.

“The Cold War hasn’t ended – it has splintered into thousands of dangerous pieces” intones the matron. Similarly, this film has potential but splinters into many pieces, some good but far more sharp and dangerous. With similarities in tone and content to “Atomic Blonde“, there’s a good ‘post cold war’ spy film in here trying to get out. Unfortunately, it never quite gets both legs over the wall.
The Room on Rue Amélie
The Room on Rue Amélie
Kristin Harmel | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For those that know me, truly know me, know that one of my favorite genres to read, is historical fiction. More specifically, the WWII era. So, when I was browsing books at B&N one day, I came across this book. First, let me say, the cover is enough to hook me! It’s gorgeous. Second, once my dad surprised me with it, I devoured it. Or, rather, it devoured me and kept me hooked til the end.

This book is not full of fluff and rhyme. Yes, there is a bit of romance woven in, but the author is taking the reader on a journey of self discovery. The reader is on a journey with the characters, feeling the heartache of the war, the pain, and sacrifice that went with running from the Nazi’s and helping with the escape efforts of the pilots.

Each page turn, Harmel gives something more to the reader. She intricately weaves a story that you become a part of. Ruby, Charlotte and Thomas all make their way into the reader’s heart. The depth of emotions is felt wholly, the detail to the history is vivid and clear.

Harmel’s THE ROOM ON RUE AMELIE is a novel that all historical fiction lovers should grab. It will consume you and keep you until the last page is turned. If I could give this book a thousand stars I would. But, alas, I can give it 5 stars. This is a book that I won’t forget and will be sharing with my friends many times over.

*This book was purchased by myself. All opinions, negative or positive, are my own.*
The Food of Love
Amanda Prowse | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary recommends this emotional family tale as a 5 star read.
This is the first Amanda Prowse book I have read. My first impression is that Amanda Prowse is an exceptional novelist who has deeply researched this storyline. In this heart-wrenching novel we are introduced to Freya and Lockie and their two daughters, Charlotte and Lexi and taken on an emotional rollercoaster of a journey with them as they are plunged into a nightmare situation.

What starts out as a perfectly ordinary family living a happy domestic life soon is rocked to the core. No-one understands. No-one has the answers. No-one knows what to do. Mistakes are made. The one thing you can feel from the first page to the last is the love the characters have between them.

This is a MUST READ novel which tells the story of how an eating disorder can invade any family. It is about the importance of love and honesty within the family. It is about sticking together to get through whatever crisis is in front of us.

I knew nothing about anorexia before and whilst I understand it may not be factually perfect – everyone’s experience is different - but it is a novel not a self-help book.

Once I started to read this book I couldn’t put it down, even after finishing it a few days ago, I still find myself thinking about the characters and what happens next. I highly recommend this novel to everyone.

Thanks to Amanda Prowse, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this novel prior to publication.
Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever
Joshilyn Jackson | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent domestic Thriller
This was my first Joshilyn Jackson read I can see why she is popular, this was a very well written book with some great multi layered characters in it. My understanding is Jackson is generally a more contemporary women’s fiction writer; so this turn at the domestic thriller is a bit of a change and I hope she keeps with it as it’s refreshing to get a really well written complicated protagonist in this genre.

I started off pretty unsure if I was going to get into it as we are in the world of American middle class suburban housewives and for me that generally is a big fat yawner of a world. I was getting ready to get the big old eye-rolls out but it wasn’t necessary just as I thought I knew where the book was going it went somewhere else and then proceeded to just get better and better.

Amy Whey is living in suburbia with her husband, step daughter and new baby. She has her neighbourhood best friend Charlotte (but I do wonder who the hell really abbreviates that to Char!?!) all in all very nice and normal life until the mysterious Angelica Roux moves into the neighbourhood and starts to pry into the past. As we learn more about Amy I went through constant shifts in my feelings to the character, meanwhile Roux is a full on hardcore manipulative bad ass and the constant back and forth is pretty tense.

A very compelling page turner of a thriller.

My thanks to the author, publisher Bloomsbury and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Apr 13, 2021  
Visit my blog to listen to the awesome playlist for the women's fiction novel DIRE'S CLUB by Kimberly Packard, and enter the giveaway to win one of five copies of the book!

Dying isn't just hard on the ones left behind, the regret of unfinished lives weighs heavily on the terminally ill. That's where Dire's Club steps in, a specialty travel agency that takes a small group of dying people on one final adventure-so they can be free of guilt, be more than a diagnosis, and find a way to confront life ... and death.

Life Coach Charlotte Claybrooke built a successful second career guiding people out of grief, but the impending tenth anniversary of her own heart-wrenching tragedy sets her on a journey to find life among the dying.

Staring death in the face was Jimmy Dire's business. He met it with a warm hug, a kind word, and a smile. Dire's Club gave the terminally ill one final, bucket-list adventure before passing on, but dying was expensive. The bills, like Jimmy's lies, were piling up. It's only a matter of time before he's forced to face a different type of death.

A rock god, a telenovela star, a grandmother living her life-long dream, and a young tech genius round out this group of strangers facing death together. But when tragedy strikes, their bond is shattered. Lies and fraud surface, forcing the dying to come together to save someone's life.

Everybody dies. The lucky ones have fun doing it.
Truth Be Told (Morecambe Bay Trilogy #3)
Truth Be Told (Morecambe Bay Trilogy #3)
Paul J. Teague | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was the last book in the Morcambe Bay trilogy. As the last book ended in the middle of the action, the third book continued straight on. When I started the book I couldn't see how it was going to go on for a whole book. We were already in quite a fair bit so I thought I may get bored and the book was just going to drag on but I was pleasantly surprised when it didn't.
This book was definitely more action packed than the last two. I was reading it as if I was watching an action film. I couldn't put the book down I really wanted to see what happened and how they got out of all this. The last fee scenes in the docks I could really see in my minds eye. I felt like I was actually there watching the drama unfold.
Charlotte grew in this book as well as she really had to trust her gut instinct and also other people. She had to put a lot of trust in other people.
I had a whole scenario in my head on how the book was going to end and I was am so glad I was incorrect. I couldn't of been more wrong. For minute towards the end I was worried I was not going to enjoy the ending but I did.
The author has another book in the Morcambe series. Again it has some of the same characters and as much as I enjoyed reading the initial book I decided to take a break and reading something else.